Liberal Viewer: Fox News lies about Libya attack response?
Thom: Right Wingers and the poll truthers.
Jonathan Mann: The Romney Shake It Up Song:
Thom and Pap: Koch front group seeks revenge against Florida Justices.
- Ann Telnaes: Romney shapes up for the debate
- Jonathan Mann: Romney fires Big Bird:
- Mitt’s debate: Mostly fiction.
- Kay and Peele Luther on Obama’s first debate performance.
- Jimmy Fallon joins the debate
- Obama: Mitt was fact checked by his OWN CAMPAIGN! (via TalkingPointsMemo.)
- Young Turks: Advice for Obama’s next debate.
- Ann Telnaes: No mention of the 47% in first debate.
- MockitTV: Obama and Romney make America great again
- Young Turks: Why did Obama lose the first debate?
- Big Bird responds.
- Thom: Hey, Media, how can Romney lie all night and be “the winner?”
- Sam Seder and Ari Berman: Mitt lies his way to a debate victory.
- Mitt Romney: Protect big oil, fire Big Bird
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Debate!
- Tweety and Louis Black: The day after the Denver debate
- Conan: Mr. Romney and Mr. Bird.
- The great Mitt Romney cheating conspiracy theory (multiple videos).
- Maddow: History favors the challenger in first debates
- Young Turks: Did Mitt cheat?
- Sam Seder: No mention on 47% in the debate.
- Stephen praises FAUX News for something important.
- Martin Bashir: The two faces of Mitt Romney and John Sununu’s ugly remarks
- Young Turks: Breaking down the debate.
- Health care: Out of luck.
- Ed and Pap: Republicans full of “Dog Hope” after debate
- Tweety unloads over Obama’s performance (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Nobody won!
- Young Turks: Some lies during the debate.
- Jon: The Debate (via Political Wire).
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA):Evolution, Big Bang ‘Lies straight from The Pit Of Hell’
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Romney flip flops on his 47% comment!?!
George Takei: “We’ve got to be actively involved in the electoral process.”.
G.O.P. Voter Suppression:
- Zina Saunders: Daryl Metcalfe Says You Don’t Deserve To Vote!.
- Maddow: US court forces Ohio to reinstate early voting
- Gavin Newsom with Rosario Dawson: Disenfranchised Latino vote is a major problem.
- Sam Seder: PA Judge blocks GOP voter ID law
- Maddow: Mixed messages on voter ID as Pa. slow to obey court
- Mark Fiore: Voting with Right Wing Ralphie.
Steve Martin, home crafts expert, makes an endorsement:
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: Has the GOP/Right Wing Media Jumped the Shark?
- The crackpot Jobs Numbers Truferism movement emerges. (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Maddow: Good jobs news drives right to delusion
- Young Turks: The unemployment rate ‘conspiracy’
- Romney campaign resists FAUX News’ Job Report Truferism (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Sam Seder: The Right Wing freak-out over jobs numbers.
- The politics behind the jobs numbers
Ann Telnaes: The Supremes begin a new term.
Sam Seder: Rick Santorum Rick Santorum wants to kill and eat Big Bird.
Mitt Romney’s Disdain For The Middle Class: He Said It, He Meant It.
Young Turks: Tucker Carlson makes a fool of himself over 2007 Obama speech.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here (via TalkingPointsMemo).