Washington Senators for Washington:
Young Turks: Republican’s War on Math.
Maddow: End of campaign bluster.
White House: West Wing Week.
Willard (and Friends):
- Liberal Viewer: Should Mr. Burns endorse Mitt Romney?
- SlateTV: Chrysler refutes Ohio Romney ad
- Young Paul Ryan.
- Ann Telnaes: Romney’s change.
- Mitt Romney is autistic:
SlateTV: Why don’t we get rid of the electoral college.
Schoolhouse Rock: Election Rock, with conspiracy theories.
Young Turks: debate audience laugh at Michele Bachmann.
Cock-block the Vote.
Roy Zimmerman: I’m in:
Politics of Disaster:
- Ann Telnaes: Romney’s all wet..
- Sam Seder: Occupy Sandy….
- Young Turks: Mitt v. Climate change.
- Sam Seder: Mitt Romney implies hurricane Sandy recovery just like cleaning up HS football celebration
- SlateTV: Chris Christie can’t stop praising Obama.
- Mark Fiore: The Emergency Private Sector Alert System.
- Sam Seder: FEMA + Romney Administration = Disaster
- Stephen: Hurricane Sandy nightmare
Political Kombat ’12: Obama vs Romney.
Maddow: States with weird election laws.
Thom with the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Jon: Dystopian hellscape that Is Ohio.
Liberal Viewer: Romney stung by repeating a FAUX News lie in debate.
Letterman: VP Joe does the top-10 on voting early.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Da Perfessa… Ya missed the Bill Maher racist comment of the week on Real Slime…
Misogynist and racist… that’s the progressive way of life!
What? No Paul Begala Perfessa?
You’re slipping dude!
Or how did Da Perfessa miss Alex Wagner on Larry O’Donnell’s miserable show where they didn’t talk about 98 people dying and over $30 Billion in damages due to hurricane sandy or the unemployment rate went up again, but Alex sez…
How come that was missed?
Someone call the Fire Department to hose this place down. The insane loon is peeing all over the comment threads again.
Or why didn’t Da Perfessa place stories about non-union electricians from Alabama and Georgia rushing to NJ to help with storm damage only to be turned away by NJ union pukes from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers [IBEW]? People are without electricity and union pukes are worried about union membership before they can assist and restore power. That’s gonna play well for Obummer… Wait a minute… that’s why Da Perfessa skipped over those stories…
Union thuggery… always in the way of helping the poor and downtrodden in a crisis!
Yes, some SENILE crusty Wabbit appeared and it needs a real bath!
Facts… scaring sense into SENILE old lawyers since the mid 2000s!
Benghazi Scandal? What Benghazi Scandal?
Now that Mitt Romney is being given access to national security briefings and is in the loop, he’s gone strangely quiet on the entire l’affaire Benghazi.
Why? Because the Benghazi outpost wasn’t a diplomatic mission, it was a CIA station, and the person responsible for protecting it wasn’t Secretary of State Hillary Clinton but CIA director, former general, and conservative hero David Petraeus.
If there was a failure, it was Petraeus’ failure, not Clinton’s or Obama’s. And if there’s political blowback it will land on Petraeus, not Clinton or Obama. Romney and his conservative supporters don’t want to talk about that. The White House doesn’t want to talk about the CIA’s activities in Libya. (In the vice presidential debate Paul Ryan made an issue of Al Qaeda moving into Libya after Gadhafi’s ouster and rhetorically asked why the administration didn’t do anything about it; it turns out the CIA was already on the case.)
What’s more, there was no “standdown,” as rightwingers have claimed.
“At every level in the chain of command, from the senior officers in Libya to the most senior officials in Washington, everyone was fully engaged in trying to provide whatever help they could. There was no second guessing those decisions being made on the ground, by people at every US organization that could play a role in assisting those in danger. There were no orders to anybody to stand down in providing support.”
That comes from Director Petraeus.
The Wall Street Journal broke the story Friday. According to WSJ only 7 of the 30 people working at Benghazi were State Department employees. The rest were CIA operatives.
Time magazine, after laying out a timeline that shows security forces began responding to the situation within minutes, says,
“The timeline is a useful reminder of … how hazardous it is for anyone to be assigning blame before all the facts come out. One wonders whether John McCain would like to take back his assertion on Face the Nation last Sunday that Obama’s handling of Benghazi was ‘the worst cover-up or incompetence I have ever observed in my life.'”
Based on what the WSJ has revealed it appears Sen. McCain may have to do just that.
And Da Perfessa missed this prominent voter roll removing story! Hillsborough County… land of Obummer removing Navy personnel from their voting rolls… Yes, the fewer the number of Romney voters the better they will be for Obummer…
@8 Well whaddya know! The Florida GOP’s voter purge scooped up some military folks! What a damn shame. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen here in Washington because we don’t allow Rethugs
to keep American citizens from voting in their own country here.
This isn’t the first time Florida Republicans have kept military personnel from voting.
This one has to be a libtard…
Public masturbation and crack snorting…
The comments are hilarious. Now if Da Perfessa placed this on the Friday Night Comics we’d have a laugh attack!
Checking Intrade, Romney futures have dropped -1.8% since yesterday. Looks like the start of a correction.
@11 She looks like a Republican to me. The vacant look in her eyes is a dead giveaway. Only Republicans have that empty-skull appearance.
As an addendum, this comment below the story makes perfect sense: “Anyone else think we need drug testing as part of qualifications to vote?”
Nope… otherwise this would have been all over left wrong blogs!
Now why did Da Perfessa let this one slip by?
71:3 Really?
David Broken-Alexrod to the Washington Post.
Now that’s an interesting progressive analogy!
Florida, poll by Mason-Dixon for two major newspapers:
On likeability and approval, Obama has sunk underwater, while Romney has begun to soar. Romney’s favorability has ascended to a +19, 53/34, while Obama’s has sunk to a -7, 42/49. Obama’s job approval is -11 at 43/54, with independents rating it 43/55. Even women put his job approval under water, 47/50.
Overall, Romney 51, Obama 45.
Jesus H., look at those internals. Obama 7 points under water in favorability.
This sums up Bloomberg’s “call for Obummer“. It’s now becoming more worthless by the hour. The next Ray Nagin?
Mr Irrelevant.
Somehow libtards acting as libtards isn’t news to Da Perfessa.
Yet nary a negative word while Obummer is preznit over helping during this Sandy crisis. Just play up da photo op while middle America suffers. Cements the slobbering libtard head up de Obummer ASS media moniker even more.
Remember Mel Gibson’s Thunderdome movie and the “gas shortages”? Think Tina Turner! Who’s gonna be da hero? Not Obummer! Campaign Clueless!
Not Bloomberg! He’s more worried about a marathon or saturated fats or sixteen ounce sodas! Well he did cancel the marathon under intense pressure!
@17 Kap’n Kornflake – Making Dick Morris look smart by comparison
Hey dingle berry, I was going to ask you today if you would man up and accept a Rmoney size wager of $10,000 if I gave you 5:1.
But I’m not going to because I realize that in your pitifully small heart you’ve come to accept and realize that the next president of the USA is going to be the same president – Barack Hussein Obama.
After nearly 4 years of obstruction, lies, and mountains of money aimed at defeating the president, we’re going to win on Tuesday regardless.
Fact is Bob,we’re just so much better than your side. It really sucks to be you, doesn’t it?
@ 21
Fact is Bob,we’re just so much better than your side.
It’s comments like this that are why those on “my side” will take particular pleasure in “your side’s” agony Tuesday night.
One thing you seem to have forgotten, or perhaps never have understood, is that it’s not about sides. It’s about what is better for the country.
Feel free to wallow in your self-held belief that you are just so much fucking better than those people you are having to drag to the polls, not to mention the people who tell you they don’t support your candidate(s).
It’s clearly what you’re about. An awfully pitiful perspective to have, MBS. Delusions of grandeur about what you think you are.
Have fun in Denver.
Trip down memory lane:
No word, yet, on whether Obama will actually shed a tear Tuesday night.
Gotta love Joe BiteME
Then there’s historical revisionism from Obummer…
Confusion abounds as the campaign wraps up!
Union Thugs are really worried about a ROmney win. More Friday news missed by Da Perfessa and his Friday Night Comics Page!
@ 24 President Obama is up 67% to 33% on Intrade today.
Hat, rabbit:
Obama opens strategic oil reserve to alleviate Hurricane Sandy shortage
@17 Yep, Romney is soaring:
“Three days until Election Day, President Barack Obama maintains his lead in the key battleground state of Ohio …, according to new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls.
In Ohio, Obama holds a six-point advantage over Romney among likely voters, 51 percent to 45 percent, which is unchanged from last month’s poll in the Buckeye State.
“And in Florida, the president gets support from 49 percent of likely voters, while his GOP challenger gets 47 percent. Those numbers are virtually identical to the ones from October, when it was Obama 48 percent, Romney 47 percent.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Florida is close enough that GOPers probably can suppress and steal enough votes to “win” there, but Ohio looks like a different story. And Cereal Bob doesn’t get that Romney needs both Florida and Ohio.
Speaking of soaring, one thing that is soaring is the Romney ad managers’ flights of fancy.
The Romney camp is running a Virginia ad featuring a woman who claims Obamacare put her restaurant out of business.
But locals say Bill’s BBQ went under because of high prices, bad food, lousy service, crappy decor, and health code violations. Its competitors are doing just fine.
Who, really, wants hamburgers with rocks in them?
The Romney bunch project an air of desperation.
@21 “One thing you seem to have forgotten, or perhaps never have understood, is that it’s not about sides. It’s about what is better for the country.”
You mean like this?
@26 So? What’s your point? Is there one? Would you prefer he didn’t?
Voter Fraud! Look, Voter Fraud! Was it people on welfare with Gucci bags? Nope, just your run of the mill right winger who infiltrated the clerks office to mark up ballots for Republican candidates.
Nate Silver Update
“There were 22 polls of swing states published on Friday. President Obama led in 19 of them, two showed a tie and just one, a Mason-Dixon poll of Florida, showed Mitt Romney ahead.”
Silver has downgraded Romney’s odds of winning to just 16.3%, a decline of 9.3% from Oct. 26. Silver’s polling aggregation gives the popular vote to Obama, 50.6% to 48.4%.
The polls are “powerful evidence against the idea that the race is a ‘tossup.’ A tossup race isn’t likely to produce 19 leads for one candidate and one for the other.” — Nate Silver
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Remember, Silver is a statistician, not a pollster or pundit. He doesn’t create the numbers, he merely crunches them. The fair and honest interpretation of these poll numbers is that something is wrong with Mitt Romney’s campaign, not that something is wrong with Nate Silver.
What a load of crap. I’m looking forward to your feeling “The Pain” you so often talk about.
Project much, do you?
Grow a spine yet, Bob? No, I didn’t think so, you fucking coward.
@20 partisan lemmings like Mikecubscout always think in terms of “my side” vs “your side”/
they dont give a fuck about the country – and appear unable to think on their own.
@33 This illustrates why we need observers at ballot-counting even in Democratic counties.
Every county hires temporary election workers. These workers either apply for the job or are hired from lists supplied by both political parties (in which case they apply to the party). They’re paid slightly more than minimum wage. There usually are no background checks. In short, the people who count ballots are often the kind of folks you might find waiting in line outside a Labor Ready office.
The professional election workers who staff elections offices are supposed to supervise the temps, but they can’t watch everyone all the time. Like any other employer, they depend to a substantial degree on the workers following the instructions they’re given in training and doing the job right without having someone hovering over them.
The Clackamas case is just one brainless numbskull going rogue. I’m sure she acted alone and on her own initiative. A loose cannon in the temporary worker pool.
But, human nature being what it is, rabbits need to watch you humans so you don’t get out of control like this Clackamas woman did. That’s what I’ll be doing on Tuesday. I’m part of the Democratic Party’s lawyer-observer corps. We’re there simply to make sure citizens entitled to vote are allowed to vote, and to ensure an honest and accurate count of the ballots. May the best candidates win, however the chips fall.
@37 “they dont give a fuck about the country – and appear unable to think on their own”
A perfectly apt description of the sheep who keep the otherwise moribund Republican Party in business.
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
@ 35
“Silver is a statistician, not a pollster or pundit. He doesn’t create the numbers, he merely crunches them.”
Actually, he does more than ‘crunching numbers’, if by that you mean what Darryl does.
Silver decides which polls to assign heavier weight in his analysis and which polls to assign lesser weight.
So, he inserts his own opinion (and, possibly, bias) in doing so. The only relative weighting Darryl does, if I understand correctly, is based on the number of respondents in the polls, which introduces no bias.
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
As we get closer to Nov 6th, Nate Silver’s numbers seem to be approaching the numbers Darryl has been going with all summer. Funny about that ….
Gov. Chris Christie acting like an American for a day was a little too much for Romney. It didn’t follow the “Party before Country” creed of today’s GOP.
“If Romney wins, it won’t be forgotten,” the adviser said.
So in a “Party First” snit, they throw the GOP’s best hope for 2016 under the bus.
@ 27
And Cereal Bob doesn’t get that Romney needs both Florida and Ohio.
You’re right, I don’t, because Romney doesn’t need OH.
If Romney takes PA, he doesn’t need OH. Look at the Pittsburgh Tribune Review (Susquehanna) poll of PA Senate – it’s a 1 point difference.
Highly likely that the presidential race is closing to about that gap or possibly even less as well. It’s why Clinton is making four – count ’em, four – stops in PA tomorrow.
If Romney takes WI and a couple of other battlegrounds, those votes replace OH and he doesn’t need OH in that scenario, either.
You really should stop saying Romney needs OH. He’d love to have it, sure. But it’s not necessary for him to win, and your statement is therefore false, RR. We’ve been through this before.
@41 Keep telling yourself the poll stats are cooked, Bob. In the home stretch, it’s all you’ve got left.
@45 “If Romney takes PA, he doesn’t need OH.”
If Romney takes California, he doesn’t need either Ohio or Pennsylvania.
Nice gaffe, Barack.
Romney’s already turned it into a 30 second ad.
Obama campaign explains voting as ‘revenge’ remark
What a vicious, small POS Obama has become in the past couple of weeks.
So now Cereal Bob pins his last and final hopes on polling in a Pennsylvania Senate race.
“What a vicious, small POS Obama has become in the past couple of weeks.”
You just can’t stop projecting, can you? It’s a Psych 101 thing, Bob. Doctor Steve can help you with that, but first you’d have to grow a spine. But that’s not gonna ever happen, is it?
@ 49
Susquehanna releases its final PA presidential poll tomorrow, RR.
There’s a reason Clinton is barnstorming the state tomorrow. There’s a reason Romney will be in PA tomorrow.
There’s been substantial movement in PA in the past several days.
What was one of the early clues? Poll results in a swing congressional district race there.
The last three days will be fun.
Look at @48…we have bob doing what he does best…broadcast the Romney talking point of the day.
In its death throes, the Romney campaign is latching onto anything…in this case, Obama’s quip, “Don’t ‘boo’, vote! Voting is the best revenge!”
OOOOOh…ahhhh…that’ll turn things around!
Pathetic, the scent of flop sweat.
That was then, this is now.
“In 2008, at his last stop in Cleveland, a Democrat stronghold, Obama attracted 80,000 people. This morning, at his last 2012 stop in that same city, Obama could only attract 4,000.”
Er, Bob, if Romney doesn’t win WI, he does need Ohio, because realistically he won’t run the table on the other tossup states.
(If Romney loses OH and WI, he could lose NH and get to a 269-269 tie; but losing OH and WI would mean he can’t afford to lose VA, CO, NV, or IA, because any those states would put Obama over 270.)
I’ve gone over this in my previous comments, Bob. Mitt isn’t going to win PA — we both know that. He’s got a shot in VA, CO, and IA and maybe WI but NV looks out of reach and that means he has to win OH or lose the election.
Of course, if Mitt loses FL, where polls show a virtual tie, it’s over for him.
@53 Bob’s rationalizations just keep coming nonstop. It’s Hail Mary time for Bob and his ilk.
If Romney takes CA he doesn’t need OH either
… unless Obama takes TX.
Grasping at straws …
If Romney loses Florida he’d not only have to win Ohio and Wisconsin but also every other battleground state. In this scenario, losing even little New Hampshire would mean loss of the election.
@56 LOL! This is what Bob’s arguments have come to: Fantasy.
Sure, bob, whatever.
*eye roll*
Lookee here…
Susquehanna is the ONLY pollster to have shown Romney leading in Pennsylvania ALL YEAR…twice, polling for the state Republican party in early October, and on its own in February.
I honestly don’t give a fuck what Susquehanna has to say tomorrow, bob, but I’m sure you do.
You’re smelling floppy, sweatboy.
Bob’s electoral vote map should be named “Fantasia.” Oops, Disney’s already copyrighted that one.
Oh, bob, I almost feel sorry for you…and not about the election, I won’t go out and say it’s in the bag. No, I pity you because of your cluelessness, your mean-spirited worship of wealth and your insistence on 40yd line ball spiking, when we all see through the transparent bullshit you spew….and how your desperate grasping leads you to embarrassing yourself, over and over…
@59 Let me make my own election prediction: I predict Bob will disappear from these threads on Wednesday morning.
@ 59
There was a HA thread – May, or thereabouts – that had to do with PA poll weighting, voter registration in that state, voter turnout.
Pollsters who weight according to voter registration in the state will skew far to the D + side. Franklin & Marshall weighted their last poll in PA as D +13.
All that weighting gave Obama a 4 point lead over Romney.
In 2008, PA voter turnout was D +7.
I won’t do the math for you, but I will ask you why, in a perfect storm year (2008) for Dems that results in a D +7 turnout, a pollster would choose to weight D + 13, if that pollster expects to get results that accurately reflect turnout in a much, much more competitive year.
Go ahead, roll your eyes, guffaw, do whatever you like. It’s probably easier than trying to return a reasoned response.
@ 61
40yd line ball spiking
It’s what you guys have been doing all along. My side hasn’t even had the ball.
I was thinking about 9PM Tuesday.
@63 Sorry, Bob, but all the polling now is of likely voters.
P.S., this is the “reasoned response” you asked for.
@65 Merely a technical detail.
How does one reason with gibberish?
You’re the dimwit who keeps insisting on ‘reweighting’ and ‘oversampling’ as excuses to counter the inescapable fact that all these polls show Obama ahead.
They’re all wrong, and you’re right, right?
bob, you can’t insist on ‘reasoned responses’ to your FUD, when you’ve been for months a relentless poster of the most transparently dishonest bullshit…now you’re a wronged victim who no one will talk to reasonably.
Boo fucking hoo.
More faux victim…right-wingers are so good at this.
Maybe bob would honor ‘Drinking Liberally’ with his presence Tuesday night – I’ve never made it myself, but I’d make a point of it if bob were to show.
@ 66
I wasn’t speaking of whether they were likely or not. I was speaking of whether a poll weighting of D +13 was representative.
You clearly are not following. Maybe you should tell me how Romney MUST WIN Ohio again. That will help your credibility.
Gotta give him credit, Roger, he’s snide and sneering and preening, even to the bitter end.
@ 70
It’s hard enough when it’s 10 to 1 against me online. You think I want a 25 to 1 in-person experience?
It won’t be THIS Tuesday. Gotta date with MSNBC, laptop, fireplace, and 1999 Spottswoode. Oh, and the wife.
Seems that Christie is telling Rupert to ‘fuck off’. Maybe he expects Rupert will be behind bars when he runs against Hillary in 2016.
@64 “My side hasn’t even had the ball.”
The closest thing to reality you’ve said in the last month, if you’re strictly referring to what the polls show as a probable outcome.
But in terms of the larger picture, even this isn’t true, Bob. The big-picture truth is this election should have been a Romney cakewalk but he blew it by making one tactical mistake after another.
I detailed these mistakes in my comments last night, drawing on reports in Newsweek magazine. The Romney campaign’s missteps are legion — from Clint Eastwood’s goofy performance at Mitt’s coronation ball to Mitt’s jumping the gun on Benghazi and then getting chewed out by a debate moderator for misstating easily-verifiable facts about what Obama said and when he said it. The R’s threw away this election, Bob.
I realize that makes Obama’s now all-but-certain re-election an especially bitter pill for guys like you to swallow, but you have no one to blame except your own team.
After all, Obama didn’t exactly un an uplifting campaign of the sort that inspires voters, and he served Mitt a meatball in the first debate that even Whiffin’ Mitt could hit out of the park. Trouble is, a free run doesn’t win a 2-1 game. If you can’t hit the harder pitches at least once in a while, you’ll still lose. But then, if you can’t hit, you’re not World Series material.
At bottom, that’s the GOP’s real problem. Mitt just isn’t president material. As I said sometime ago, if he can’t beat a black Kenyan communist with a forged birth certificate who pals around with terrorists, maybe politics isn’t his game and he should try something else.
if romney wins, what do you see the country like in 4 years? The economy? Our place in the world?
@ 76
Obama wins – GDP growth 2% 2013, maybe 2.5% 2014.
Romney wins – GDP growth 2.5% 2013, 3.5% 2014.
One reason for the difference: In a second Obama administration, he doesn’t have to hold back on this:
Obama Administration Sits on Key Regulations
Federal agencies are sitting on a pile of major health, environmental, and financial regulations that lobbyists, congressional staffers, and former administration officials say are being held back to avoid providing ammunition to Mitt Romney and other Republican critics.
Either case – Obamacare stays. Major changes to it if Romney is elected, particularly if the House makes gains and Senate flips, because there are vulnerable Dem senators up for re-election in 2014.
Our place in the world? Who cares? We were supposed to be loved with Obama in office and that didn’t happen. We’ve got a presidential Nobel before he did anything, and what he did was ramp up Afghanistan and quadruple drone strikes. We’re hated now. We’ll be hated under Romney. As long as we’re handing out the cash, nothing more will come of it.
“Silver decides which polls to assign heavier weight in his analysis and which polls to assign lesser weight.
So, he inserts his own opinion (and, possibly, bias) in doing so. “
No he doesn’t. He weighs polls according to their past performance, as assessed statistically. There are, of course, a set of rules that must be defined to do the performance analysis, but his poll weighting scheme is certainly not subjective. A lousy pollster that has a left-leaning “house effect” will be down-weighted the same as an identically lousy pollster with a right-leaning “house effect”.
“The only relative weighting Darryl does, if I understand correctly, is based on the number of respondents in the polls, which introduces no bias.”
I don’t weight polls (except for a rectangular distribution that defines “current polls” when there is at least one current poll or that defines “older polls” when there is no current poll).
My philosophy is a bit different from Nate Silver’s. Silver throws in all kinds factors into his “nowcast”, based on their contribution to predicting outcomes of past elections. His is a complex and, effectively, proprietary model.
My philosophy is one of parsimony. I minimize the number of assumptions required. I publish sufficient details of my methods that anyone with a bit of programming experience can replicate what I do and get the same result. Finally, I use a pure etiologic model, treating each response to each poll as a Bernoulli trial without qualification.
It turns out, my analyses did better than Silver’s in 2008. We’ll see what happens for 2012 soon enough.
Have you guys seen this?
Is my laughing at misinformed, hateful fundigelicals as they spew lies about Obama morally equivalent to the righties laughing at racist caricatures of black people celebrating ‘Obamaphones’?
These are real fundigelicals in their own words, after all.
@75. My partner has a theory that romeny doesn’t really want to win so he keeps f’in up so he will get close but not win.
From Politico:
Chris Christie Praise For Obama Frustrated Romney Campaign
“If Romney wins, it won’t be forgotten,” the adviser said. “If Romney loses, it doesn’t matter.”
@80 It’s certainly true there’s a phenomenon known to psychologists of people who keep sabotaging themselves because they’re afraid of success.
My predictions. It’s sort of a rochaart test. We all see what we want to see:
if romney wins and the dems barely hold the senate, the cons keep the house…
romney will be saber rattling and starting ever war he can justify.
Conservative supreme court judges get rid of row vs wade, social protections and continue to strengthen the rights of corporations. Gays will be have a miserable four years so the social conservatives will feel they are getting something as the fiscal conservatives destroy the middle class.
Cons continue the war on workers.
I expect the economy to do really well for the rich, and the middle class and the poor to continue to loose ground significantly. There will be a flood of legislation go through, now that the cons don’t have to be as obstructionist.
Destruction of regulations will further erode working conditions for employees. Obamacare will be gutted, so we end up with the worst of both words. Expensive and no substantive care. the federal government won’t fight for worker protections like minimum wage or equal pay.
@33 – Of course, mandatory voter ID’s would have prevented that incidence of voting fraud.
Oh, wait….
Chris Rock is awesome.
Chris Rock’s Message For White Voters
@ 86
I thought Stevie Wonder was awesome. Guess not so much, anymore. Although I also once heard ‘Cleveland Rocks’ and I’m beginning to doubt the wisdom of that, as well:
Few knew about Stevie Wonder appearance for President Barack Obama at Cleveland State University on Saturday
Fewer than 200 people showed up to watch Wonder perform a handful of his hits at the early voting event in support of President Barack Obama.
Most of the people had learned of the event just hours before the 9:30 a.m. start time. Some just happened to be in the area and followed the live music.
When I was 15 (mid-70s) I attended an outdoor George Benson concert and Stevie Wonder showed up for a couple of songs. It’s my single best memory of all the music events I’ve ever attended.
Seriously, you bring in a guy like this and you don’t publicize it beforehand? Hard to believe it was an oversight by the Obama Chicago machine.
Seems like it was a last-minute PR stunt by Team Obama. If so, I wonder what’s behind that sense of desperation they’re feeling………
Vote for Romney or you’re FIRED!
Fuck that shit. Vote for Obama and send those corporate fucktards a message.
“I wonder what’s behind that sense of desperation they’re feeling………”
Love the projection. Oh, and I see that you’re in the psycho-dot stage of “The Pain”. Love that too.
So, FEMA’s out of water.
Maybe they could have thought to ask Air Force One to stock up on bottled water before it brought The One into town for his photo op with Christie.
They’ll have more water again on Monday.
Gee. It was just yesterday that I was criticized by HA libbies for suggesting that the NYC Marathon bottled water would be better used by people who needed it.
Is there a bottled water shortage in the tri-state area? No.
But what do I know.
“But what do I know.”
Very little.
Ohio SoS, an asshole named Husted, is working tirelessly to steal the election, this time making last minute changes to how provisional ballots are handled, apparently in contradiction of Ohio law and court orders.
Roger, can you take care of this, please?
Complaineth much Steve? I remember when Cory Booker told the truth about Obummer and the Obummer Wall Street attacks they threw him under the bus. No potential 2nd term cabinet post for you Cory.
So pox on your house Steve. BTW maybe you should answer Goldy’s Sunday morning Mormon attack before going to the church or your leftist buds tear you a new one with their non-pithy commentary by the time you return!
Ahhh yes, one last blatant attempt to sway voters…
Lessee here…
Wrong… That was Tina Fey… HA libtards can’t fathom truth just things said on NBC. So they constantly repeat them here. Libtardism is a mental disorder. From Snopes, Sarah’s real words…
Lessee here… per the DoL-BLS… 2008 unemployment was 5.8%.
Lessee here… FY 2008 deficit was $455 Billion per the CBO.
David Letterman show Friday Night… Another misplaced link on the Friday Night Comics…
I believe it was Caribou Barbie who said, “As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border.”
Tina Fey can’t hold a candle to the real batshit crazy stuff that came out of that grifter’s mouth.
Apparently the Obummer attempts at throwing Hillary under de bus for Benghazi are backfiring with Bill Clinton’s former aides…
Facts, always ignored by HA libtards!
The case against Nate Silver and his state poll analysis…
And you are a geographical moron dunceman. The border between Russia and the US is less than 2.5 miles between the two islands. Puddy sees you chose not to read Snopes
otherwise you wouldn’t make that comment… wait… you are HA’s dunceman, so Puddy strikes that above comment… you are stooooooooooooopid enough to write that!Notice how Obummer isn’t bringing GM bailout into his last minute appeals? Maybe because the truth is finally being told…
Apparently Obummer is NOT a friend of the middle class when the middle class is in a meteorological crisis. Obummer won’t answer questions about their misery.
And the lemmings walk of the cliff voting for Obummer again!
Scabs and scumbags… That’s all union thugs have left when non-union people arrive to help restore power to old people?
Facts… leave HA libtards with exploded heads!
Wow more Benghazi news dunceman will scoff at…
What is the important takeaway from Benghazi and Hurricane Sandy.
Obummer was in the Situation Room during Hurricane Sandy. You can see the official whitey house pictures. Look them up on whitehouse.gov. Obummer went to bed during the attack that led to the death of Ambassador Stevens! Sadly there are no whitey house pictures proving Obummer’s three point commentary he’s told various news outlets about Benghazi. There’s no paper trail produced by this sadministration. Can’t find nuthin on whitehouse.gov.
@ 59
“I honestly don’t give a fuck what Susquehanna has to say tomorrow, bob, but I’m sure you do.”
Hey, Lib Sci:
Maybe you should give a fuck about what Susquehanna has to say…
Now, a new poll by Susquehanna Polling and Research shows Mitt Romney leading Barack Obama by four points in the Keystone State, 49-45%.
@ 104
SusquehannaPR @TwitchyTeam. Poll is 3 weeks old, but still being circulated as “new”. Pitt Trib to release latest poll tomorrow.
Anybody looking to take a shot at Breitbart, be my guest. Fuckers.
Libtards get all frothy (like the lady in Starbucks) when we who think right wonder about their left wrong sources, immediately discount TRUTH from Breitbart and others.
Case in point… if Project Veritas, supported by Breitbart was lying about DUMMOCRAPT voting calls; why were Jim Moran’s son and the lady in Texax fired for proffering how to vote multiple times?
Truth is an anathema to libtards!
Lord, do I love it when Puddy proclaims his, and his side’s, adherence to “facts.” Pud, you wouldn’t recognize a fact if it was spewing on your face.
Black Pastor puts God before DUMMOCRAPTS and gets death threats!
Yes that’s the progressive DUMMOCRAPT way. We’ll see how many blacks vote for Obummer. Most of us feel marriage is between a man and a woman, no matter what Al NotSoSharpton and Jesse Hi-Jackson claim!
Waiting for your rebuttal proud leftist.
The bloodletting in the GOP after Romney’s loss should be fascinating to watch. The teabaggers will shriek about how the party cannot continue nominating “moderates” like McCain and Romney for president, but has to start running the craziest motherfucking rightie the party can find. What’s left of the sane wing of the party (I believe the current tally of such GOP’ers is 12) will contend that moving further to the right will cement the party’s irrelevance. I’m thinking the sane wing will lose the argument, the party will move to the right, and I will not see another Republican president in my lifetime.
What’s your point, that there are crazy people out there? I know that, Puddy, and I know they exist on both sides of the partisan aisle. I make no excuses for anyone who makes death threats against anyone. Is your point that Obama should not be elected because he has some crazy supporters? If so, your point is utterly stupid. Your side has far more violent, crazy dumbfucks. That, however, is not a reason to not vote for Romney. The reason to not vote for Romney is that he is a soulless, coreless, unprincipled charlatan, who wants the presidency because his father didn’t get it. He could give a rat’s ass about the country. He cares only about his ego.
Then why don’t you standup, be a man and call your fellow libtards on it? Cause you feel better being mushy on this blog by saying nothing except a special comment now and then.
So what will happen if Obummer loses? Will they blame Broken Axelrod? How about Stephanie Cutter and her special way with word parsing? Or how about Jim Messina throw granny under de bus? Wednesday will be very interesting.
Really? Seems the slobbering libtard media has failed on your account. They haven’t proffered the ‘far more” level you claim. And they hide your kind and it’s violence. OWS vs Tea Party. The evidence is overwhelming against the OWS for violent acts! Did anyone threaten Chris Christie with death? NOPE. But an influential black pastor… YEP!
See ya you little buffoon! Kep DOPE alive!
@64 – Your Side….I thought you don’t take sides with any side?
Republicans are SCUM! SCUM of the earth.
You know proud leftist… Duct tape can’t fix your stooooooooopid but Duct tape can muffle your sounds of stoooooooooopid!
GOP Pervert # 12-4899653476-02
“Eric Bodenweiser a republican candidate in Delaware for the State Senate …, has been arrested and charged with 113 counts of Pedophilia sex charges … Bodenweiser ran as a ‘Family Values Republican candidate and an anti-gay candidate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I won’t laugh out of respect for the victims.
Live from the front (range)
Hey all – another day doing the GOTV in Denver, and it was great!
Thousands of volunteers spanned out across the county collecting mail in ballots and educating our voters about polling locations, rides to polls, and of course volunteer opportunities.
Kap’n Kornflake,
Will you please video yourself watching the returns Tuesday night?
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
And we are hammering it home from sea to shining sea
BTW another interesting inspection of Nate Silver and how he hates Rasmussen…
So Puddy did a quick Google search on Research 2000 and HA Blog use (About 18,300 results (0.09 seconds)). Daily Kooks “fired” Research 2000 but it doesn’t stop leftists here from claiming they are “gospel” pollsters.
Very telling… Nate Silver and Research 2000!
@91 Don’t worry, he’ll lose when union lawyers drag his ass back to federal court. But I mean, really, we all knew Husted would try to suppress votes didn’t we? This is no surprise and our lawyers are ready for him. Unfortunately there’ll be a lot more of this shit before the election is over.
@104 Har! har! har! Here’s what Wikipedia says about Susquehanna:
“The firm specializes in polling services for Republican candidates, trade groups, businesses and lobbying firms in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.”
Har! har! har! See #119 … I wonder if this will be the next pollster to get fired and sued for fraud?! Har! har! har!
@38 Roger – I can only speak to King County Elections but when I was a Temp Elections worker back in 2006-2008 we got paid pretty decently ($15/hr or so). I was hired by answering an advertisement, may have even been on the State unemployment site, and as far as I know none of my fellow workers were hired from lists provided by political parties. Most of the Temp Elections workers had worked there before and many had worked for years. So these people weren’t “the kind of folks you might find waiting in line outside a Labor Ready office.” Most were retirees, housewives picking up extra cash, free lancers, or just happened to be unemployed at election time.
When I worked there it would have been practically impossible for one person to alter ballots or put additional ballots into the system. Everything was supervised closely and counts were made every time ballots were moved from place to place. The only people allowed near ballots with pens (Duplications) worked in pairs and double checked each ballot.
Also to be honest most of the “observers” sat on their butts in the observer area drinking coffee and reading the paper so they were basically useless.
I guess my point is that in a well run elections dept. you can’t get that kind of voting fraud without some kind of systemic corruption, which is what good observers should probably be looking for.
@119 Har! har! har!
Now puddy and his fellow crazies are going ballistic because Nate Silver, after pointing out that Obama leads in 19 of 20 swing state polls, says if Romney wins the polls must have been wrong!
Silver determined a 16% probability that the pollsters are incompetent. That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of the polling profession.
Interpreting Silver’s remarks another way, he’s saying if the pollsters are competent, Romney’s chances of winning are zero. Maybe that’s what is setting off puddykins and his kindreds.
Ballistic… Facts make SENILE Wabbits ballistic.
We’ll see if Romney’s chances are “nil” eh SENILE WABBIT? The way Silver projects if he claims 90% probability Obummer wins and Obummer loses, Silver is “still correct”. Stoooooooooooopid logic from a leftard!
Strange about SENILE Wabbit… When Minnesota DUMMOCRAPT Kerry Gauthier was identified as a pedophile last August, Puddy didn’t remember any rebuke from the SENILE Wabbit.
Ann Coulter visits a libtard gay restaurant with her boyfriend and she is called gay. Gotta love libtards.
While New Yorkers struggled with Hurricane Sandy… Obummer libtards like Debra Messing act their libtard parts perfectly!
Of course proud leftist vehemently approves!
@126 Do you know what Silver’s politics are? I don’t. He could be a Republican for all I know. He’s a statistics guy. He crunches numbers. He evaluates other people’s math work and tells us if it’s any good, just like a math teacher does. How does that make him a “leftard” (as you call it)?
Look, I’m an opinionated rabbit, so it doesn’t faze me when you call me names. I expect you to. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t. But I don’t see where you come from by trying to pin that label on Silver. It reeks of the “shoot the messenger” mentality of blockheaded wingers like you. If Silver’s wrong we’ll find out Tuesday. If he’s right, you’ve lost nothing, because everybody else here already thinks you’re a loon. You’re in a position of strength on HA because you have no reputation left to lose. Therefore you can spew any nonsense you want to without worrying about what it’ll do to your (non-existent) credibility. You’re in an enviable place, in a way.
State the truth, libtard senator goes ballistic, starts witch hunt. It’s a service you can choose to use or not use. If they are capped in what they can charge is that fee capping going to help their service or hinder it? Yet reading this piece it seems Parkmobile is the bad guy, not the DUMMOCRPAT Illinois Senator Durbin trying to bully Parkmobile into submission
Typical libtard fishrag wrapper WaPo.
@127 Is there some reason you didn’t post it? I’m a liberal propagandist; I don’t work for your side. That story wasn’t my responsibility. If anybody was derelict it was you.
R U THAT STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID SENILE Wabbit? U R making the claim Nate Silver is apolitical with all the screaming and shouting about Nate from FlubScout and greg among others? Silver is a DUMMOCRAPT ya moron! You are daft and SENILE!!!!
Silver is a Daily Kooks regular. Nuff SAID Sucka!
@127 You’ve posted over 36,000 comments on this blog most of which have been unintelligible babbling. Where were you when a real story came along? Were you unable to take enough time out from raving like a lunatic to pick up a minor Democratic scandal and run with it? It isn’t all that often you get one of those, so it’s reasonable to expect you to make the most of such an opportunity. If anyone has been paying you for posting here they should fire your useless butt right now.
Oh Puddy wasn’t derelict. Puddy placed Gauthier front and center. You can review it from ylbuttspigot. He has EVERYTHING Puddy ever wrote on this blog. Butt, he has missed some of Puddy’s links because of the way I bury them on purpose so his “search algorithm” is an EPIC FAYLE many times!
@133 In the first place, I don’t pay any attention to the screaming and shouting coming from the rightwing looney bin. That’s what ear plugs are for. Secondly, just because the denizens of the looniest wingnut blogs on the planet call Silver a (fill in blank) doesn’t it so. In fact, there’s a high probability that if they say something, it isn’t true. If you listen to those nutjobs, you’re the one who’s daft, not me. But then, what can anyone expect from humans?
@135 Well, I can’t answer that, because I scroll past 98.5% of your posts. I have better things to do than read your horseshit. YLB usually does a pretty good job of keeping you on a short leash, so I let him handle you.
Seems more journalists gave to Obummer than Romney!
Nate Silver is called a hero from the left wing loony bin SENILE Wabbit. So you admit you skip FlubScout and greg postings. HAHAHAHAHA!
SENILITY at it’s best. You can’t decipher political commentary anymore!
P R E C I O U S!
Puddy reads everything proffered by the SENILE Wabbit.
Some bring out pity.
Most bring out guffaws for their stooooooooopidity!
@139 What political commentary is worth a piss pot? Why does anyone waste their time on political commentary?
@140 “Puddy reads everything proffered by the SENILE Wabbit.”
That’s your problem, not mine.
So SENILE Wabbit… It’s Nate Silver vs. Michael Barone. We’ll see Wednesday who was right.
Ask your leftist pinhead HA friends. Ask Da Perfessa why he puts out his Friday Night Comics links.
Oh no a WaPo editorial on Benghazi… It’s leaking out slowly before the election and dunceman is quiet!
@144 Darryl is performing a public service by keeping you off the streets.
@145 I posted about this yesterday. You said you read my posts? Apparently you missed that one. The Benghazi “diplomatic mission” was, in fact, a CIA station. David Petraeus was responsible for its security. That’s why Romney isn’t talking about it anymore. Did you miss that?
Whoops! Another case of voter registration fraud is uncovered!
“The Justice Department on Thursday was reviewing a request from Virginia Democratic lawmakers to launch an inquiry into a firm that hired a worker who allegedly destroyed voter registration applications.
“Congressmen Jim Moran, Bobby Scott and Gerry Connolly on Wednesday asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate a Republican-hired firm, Pinpoint, amid allegations of voter fraud.
“A Pinpoint employee, Colin Small of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, who was brought on to conduct voter registration drives, faces local criminal charges in Rockingham County, Virginia. He is charged over allegations that he threw eight completed voter registration forms into the trash. He also is charged with obstruction of justice.
“Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli … said he was expanding the investigation to see whether there was an effort to destroy voter registration applications statewide.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why is it that, whenever actual voting fraud is found, there’s a Republican stench nearby?
Hope springs eternal
Is the huge, strident volume of excrement from the Puddybud Organism of late a sign of dementia or desperation?
Neither toadstool@150,
JUST FACTS… something hard for you to understand.
Nope Romney talking about Love of the country… Obummer talks about revenge.
You have become a parody of yourself. That is not, for your information, a compliment. Idiocy is sometimes acquired, sometimes genetic, and sometimes both. From whence comes your idiocy, Puddy?
Still waiting for proud leftist to refute facts. Instead all proud leftist has are ad hominem attacks. Now why is that? Another empty headed leftist? YEP!
My my, puddl sure is proud of his big boy turd in the potty this evening, isn’t he?
The adults can’t get a word in edgewise, what with the foot stamping and howling to come see his big boy work.
OK, puddl, good boy…now go to bed and let the adults talk.
Lord, Pud, give me a “fact” to refute. I will do so. The problem is that you don’t know the difference between facts and ideology. You don’t. Really.
Well lookee here:
Obama drew a crowd of 24,000 in Virginia.
Ryan drew a crowd of 2,000 in Pennsylvania.
Bad news for GOPers: Democrats are set to GAIN in the Senate!
How? By picking up 3 seats (IN, ME, MA) while losing 2 seats (ND, NE).
A new NBC/WSJ polls has Obama winning Ohio and Florida.
It may not be close after all. Obama could win 300+ EVs and Democrats could gain seats in both Senate and House. That would be a decisive repudiation of the Romney/Ryan agenda.
@108 you, your bigoted pastors and the Taliban think alike. Way to go.
This is for puddl and bob…
Check this out…
Professional jackass and manifest dimwit…and puddl hero, of course…Artur Davis, doing his minstrel show for a bunch of white people who love them some Mitt…
Yup, dismissing climate change, making jokes about dead and drowned New Yorkers, that’s FUNNY STUFF!
This summarizes pretty much why I’m voting against romney and for President Obama.
Romney rally in Denver last night.
MBS’s efforts notwithstanding, CO early voting is greater on the GOP side than on the Dem side, and this state will be red on Tuesday.
When all the Ayn Rand “industrial and capitals of industry” throw a fit and plan to leave the country, where do you think they will go that fit’s their ideals?
Where do you think SerCon and puddy should go?
@ 163
Professional jackass and manifest dimwit…and puddl hero, of course…Artur Davis, doing his minstrel show for a bunch of white people who love them some Mitt…
I’m just wondering, since PA is newsworthy today and all….
When Arlen Specter flipped to the Dems from GOP, and appeared with Obama and with Sestak in 2010, was he doing a ‘minstrel show’, too?
If I had used ‘minstrel show’ to describe an African-American individual in derisive terms, how would Doctor Steve have responded to me?
Your mask has slipped, Lib Pinocchio, a little more than you would like. Don’t think your children don’t notice when you use that terminology at home.
I chose the term ‘minstrel show’ to be deliberately provocative, dipshit.
Of course you would think that that was unintended, a reveal of otherwise hidden racism – but you project again.
I chose to be provocative to illustrate the relationship between rich white people – mostly Republicans – and the ‘others’ who either resist or collaborate.
I have long contended that the conservative/Republican philosophy and agenda is to concentrate as much power and influence into as few people as possible – the rest of us be damned. ‘Minstrel show’ is a perfect metaphor for the relationship between rich white republicans and an enabling person of color.
Robert, I have asked you repeatedly to leave references to my children out of your slimy, wheedling posts.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
A madman firing into a crowd wounded 7 people at a Georgia fair last night. The shooter is still at large.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know guns don’t kill people; it’s crazy humans with guns who kill people. There won’t be any problem if crazy humans don’t have guns.
A little-noticed statistical breakdown of Friday’s jobs report reveals the U.S. economy has now recovered ALL the private service sector jobs lost in the Great Recession.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So much for the argument that Obama’s economic policies destroy private sector jobs.
The problem for the Republicans, in an election focused on the respective bases, is that the right-wing base is not large enough to win on its own, and, when revealed in all its venomous insanity, scares the living shit out of everybody else.
Romney rally in PA, livestreamed on C-SPAN.
Go on, watch.
You know you wanna.
Ohio Dem early/absentee voting:
557,177, down 154,911 from 2008
Ohio GOP early/absentee voting:
480,843 up 108,345 from 2008
That’s a difference of 263,256 votes between 2008 and now.
Obama’s OH vote margin in 2008 was 262,224.
So, if Obama’s margin has been eclipsed amongst early voters, and we know that the GOP shows up in force on Election Day, do we really think that enough additional Dems will show up on the same day to preserve Obama’s early voting/absentee lead?
Apparently Darryl and Nate Silver think yes, because that’s what they say the polls tell them.
We’ll see.
@ 172
The problem for the Republicans, in an election focused on the respective bases, is that the right-wing base is not large enough to win on its own, and, when revealed in all its venomous insanity, scares the living shit out of everybody else.
Fortunately (for Romney), there are those pesky independent voters, with whom Romney has a double digit lead over Obama.
I suppose that means Romney has greater crossover appeal than Obama.
FWIW George Will has predicted a Romney blowout, including a win in MN.
The Sunday talk shows next week should be interesting.
Good thing that George Will hasn’t made a coherent statement in over a decade. Glad to see he’s consistent.
Anyone around here still think Obama will take well above 300 EVs?
Absolutely. I think 303 likely, and if we get Florida (less than 50:50 for us), that’s 332.
What do you think Romney’s going to get?
@170 I’d say it’s more than just crazy people that guns need to be kept from
@178 – you only need 270, who cares?