Russ Feingold hits Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on student loans.
Conan and Sen. Franken: Humor in politics.
Obama to Congress: Louisiana may need more funding.
Thom: Tribal rights & the Dakota access pipeline.
What the polls do to us.
Clinton Makes History:
- Stephen: Is Hillary healthy enough to serve?
- Kimmel: Clinton prepares to debate Drumpf.
- Conan: Al Franken on Hillary:
- Clinton calls out Drumpf’s racism
- Stephen: Sen. Kaine remembers that call from Clinton.
- Kimmel: Clinton tries to read Drumpf quotes with a straight face.
- Conan: Proof that Hillary is healthy.
- Kimmel: Hillary on the State Dept. release of her emails.
- Stephen: Hillary’s emails…are they a thing?
- Kimmel: #picklegate part 1
- Kimmel: #picklegate part 2. The Alex Jones investigation
- Farron Cousins: Senate Republicans are secretly supporting Hillary Clinton
Farron Cousins: Alt Right—Just another name for mainstream Republican.
The Other Washington episode 6.5: Paid sick leave.
Thom: The secret list of those who have voted twice.
Colbert: Real Tim Kaine reacts to fake Tim Kaine.
Run The Jewels: “Nobody Speak”.
White House: West Wing Week.
The 2016 White Nationalist- Drumpf-Fest:
- Young Turks: “Undercover voters” are skewing polls against Drumpf.
- David Pakman: Drumpf’s epic flip-flop
- Liberal Viewer: FAUX News credits ACLU for Drumpf flip-flop
- Farron Cousins: Drumpf calls Hillary a bigot.
- Stephen: Drumpf’s Town Hall–The Softening
- Young Turks: Eric “dumber than Donald” Drumpf blames stagnant wages on refugees
- Rachel Maddow: Donald Drumpf loses public pushing fringe priorities
- Priorities USA: Watching
- David Pakman: Former IRS Chief says no reason Drumpf cannot release taxes.
- Young Turks: What happened to Drumpf financial and Drumpf mortgage?
- Jimmy Dore: Drumpf & other super rich white douchebags wish they were minorities
- PsychoSuperMom: The Very Model Of A Modern Alt Right Hate Filled Site:
- Drumpf: The music video
- The Moscowian Candidate
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Drumpf’s flip-flop on immigration
- Young Turks: crowd boos Drumpf’s flip flop
- Stephen: Rents at Drumpf Tower have skyrocketed
- Sen. Al Franken with Conan: Most terrifying election of our lifetime.
- Jimmy Dore: 12-YO Drumpf campaign office head shares why he’s making America great again
- Rachel Maddow: Racist-right finds new prominence via Donald Drumpf.
- Young Turks: CNN panel laughs at Katrina Pierson’s Trump Defense
- Thom and Pap: The Drumpfster fire is out of control.
- James Corden: Drumpf’s Dr. lied about some of his credentials.
- Young Turks: How Drumpf funnels campaign donations into his pocket
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Drumpf in Austin
- Drumpf’s health blowback.
- Drumpf’s violence
- Priorities USA: Pledge.
- Farron Cousins: Michele Bachmann (!!!) is advising Drumpf on foreign policy issues
- David Pakman: Unhinged Republican blames Obama for creating Donald Drumpf
- Michael Brooks: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on trans bathroom commercials
- Young Turks: Donald Drumpf ruins Ann Coulter’s book launch party.
- Stephen: Google “Donald Drumpf Rudy Giuliani Drag Queen Motorboat”
- That was one extremely moving apology Mr. Drumpf
- Young Turks: The crazy Alex Jones that Drumpf loves
- Farron Cousins: Heartbroken Ann Coulter lashes out at Donald Drumpf.
- Jimmy Dore:Drumpf tweets shredded by TYT’s John Iadarola
- The Breitbart Candidate:
- Young Turks: Trump to black voters, “what the hell do you have to lose?”
Bassem Youssef: The ISIS Hunter.
David Pakman: The FAUX sex scandal explodes.
Young Turks: Gov. Paul LePage leaves homophobic meltdown voicemail.
America’s worst idea.
Pres. Obama celebrates 100 years of National Parks.
Thom: Voter suppression and the mathematical proof.
Young Turks: Andrea Tantaros, “Faux News a sex-fueled, Playboy mansion-like cult
Tim Kaine jams with Jon Batiste and Stay Human.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.