That’s right. It is another Republican debate.
They say, debate is what catches de-fish, and what a stinkin’ mess we have here.
So go grab some tartar sauce if you prefer, or a bag of Cheetos and play along.
The live stream can be found on CNN or here.
5:15: The topic has been on illegal immigration. Romney parses classes of illegals and who he is concerned about and who not.
5:16: Newt says he doesn’t want to grab a grandmother in a church. He goes for young women now. (Older women while in high school).
5:17: Mitt yells at Romney about calling him “anti-immigrant”. Apparent “anti-immigrant” is a “highly charge epithet”. I can think of worse.
5:21: The debate has turned in to a bickering match between Mitt and Newt.
5:24: Paul is pro-Cuba. Santorum is TOTALLY OUTRAGED by Obama’s policy in Central and South America. Nothing he says connects with anyone.
5:25: Santorum again sounds the alarm bells about Iran and al Qaeda in Cuba.
5:29: Mitt was saying something about unemployment and housing, but I was fading out….
5:31: It back to Mitt and Newt are airing dirty laundry. It is very personal and awkward!
5:33: Newt seems to be losing this Fannie-Freddie argument, but it is hard to tell. Ron Paul: the topic doesn’t interest me at all.
5:36: Santorum wants to shrink Fannie and Freddie until it can be drowned in a bathtub.
5:37: Santorum: “If these guys (Mitt, Newt) don’t quit bickering, I’m going to sent them to their rooms without dinner.”