Jerry Cornfield summarizes the likely trajectory of ESSB 6239, the same-sex marriage bill.
A vote should come this afternoon…watch it live on TVW.
There is something you can do before the debate and vote begins…call or email your Representatives encouraging them to support passage. Even if your Rep. already supports the legislation, a show of support is important—you can probably imagine the type of campaign opponents are undertaking right now.
You can very quickly find contact information for your Representatives here.
Update: As expected…it passed.
Gay marriage may be a good way to preserve wealth. When a person leaves a vast estate to his or her spouse, it passes tax-free! That is, no estate taxes will be due until the second spouse passes away.
For instance, a very wealthy gay man marries his significant other. Unfortunately, he passes away. His estate passes totally tax-free to his new spouse. It’s great!
Anything we can do to keep the government’s hands off the accumulated wealth of individuals is good. Gay marriage may turn into a significant estate planning tool!
I don’t think my Reps need any encouragement from me, nor did my Senator.
I live in the 43rd.
One Rep. is all for it, the other Rep. is Jan Angel, no point in bothering to contact her as she’s a brainless do nothing and opposed to it.
It passed.
Civil marriage is about simple legal rights. It’s about citizenship, inheritance, custody, taxes and all sort of boring technical legal stuff. If your church is against gay marriage, bacon, working on the Sabbath, using electricity, gambling, alcohol, or drinking caffeine (I’m looking at your Mitt Romney) great, then don’t do it…just don’t do it. But I’M not in your religion. I CAN eat bacon, gamble, drink alcohol, or have a gay marriage. Live free or die! Don’t treat on me! Respect MY RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. My church DOES allow gay marriage. So YOU trying to ban it is violating MY freedom of religion.
Here’s the roll Call
Who’s on the short list to primary Chris Hurst, Steve Kirby, & and Mark Miloscia? Fuck ’em. Let’s mount an effort to cut them of from getting any help from the WA Dems. Even if it fails it wont fail to scare the fuck out of them.
Big up to Republicans Glenn Anderson and Maureen Walsh who voted yes. Walsh isn’t just a Republican, she an Eastern Washington (Walla Walla) Republican.
just wondering when the legislature will finally get to something important… know, like the budget and stuff….
politicians in general sure like their headlines, but for fucks sake..
gay marriage, abortion, etc are all nice for big headlines, but pale in the big picture arena compared to shit like budgets, wars, etc….
Don’t know much about how the legislative process works, do you Isam? If you don’t see it on the floor, nothings happening, right?
@7 – If you think that the legislature is ready to vote on the budget and is just waiting for the gay marriage traffic to clear, you’re a moron. And if you think they haven’t been working on the budget because it takes all 147 legislators–and all their staff– to write a gay marriage bill, you’re a super moron–or maybe a conservative. In too many cases, there’s not a nickel’s worth of difference.
#9 FTW!
its all about getting some headlines so the lemmings can look at the pretty lights….
so now that the gay marriage thing is thankfully done and over with, can we please get some shit done down in oly?
slam dunk beotch, ftw.
on a side note, IKB is rockin out to some old school Malfunkshun and Green River…fuck, it sure would be nice to have some decent music again – the garbage being released over the last 10-12 years is shitty enough to make one want to vomit.
“Giving someone else equal rights does not infringe or take away rights from you.
It just makes it illegal to enforce your prejudice and hate.
It’s that simple.”