Guide to voter ID laws.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Roy Zimmerman with Sandy Riccardi: The Wedding of Church and State:
Thom: The Good, the Bad and The Very, Very Ugly.
Ed: Democrats Rebound in Senate Races For 2012
Mark Fiore: Why do they hate us?
President Obama on Letterman.
Young Turks: Rush Limbaugh blames “Feminazis” for his small penis.
Thom and Pap: GOP says “lazy people shouldn’t vote.
Obama v. Romney in Patriot Games:
Ann Telnaes: Testing your free speech limits.
White House: West Wing Week.
- Homer votes for Mitt:
- Sam Seder: “Poor me…I inherited nothing!”
- Ann Telnaes: Romney offers his opinion on the 47%.
- Young Turks: GOP Abandoning Mitt Romney.
- Mitt taken out of context.
- SlateTV: Romney on the ropes
- Sam Seder: “Poor me, I’m not Latino.”
- Obama ad features Mitt Romney!
- SNL on 47%
- Jon: The 47% meltdown.
- SlateTV: Ann Romney damage control.
- Maddow: Paul Ryan has trouble at the AARP.
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: The 47%
- Sam Seder: Paul Ryan at the AARP.
- Thom: Does Mitt think he’s Jesus?
- Liberal Viewer: SNL predicts Romney 47 Percent Scandal
- Sam Seder: Mitt’s tax return.
- Jon: Romney Magic:
- Young Turks: Mitt Romney flip-flop videos
- Maddow: Mitt plays tax games with 2011 return.
- Sam Seder: Ann Romney to GOP, “STFU!”
- Umm…Booooo!
- SlateTV: Tim Pawlenty quits Mitt.
- Obama (and his anger translator) on the 47%
- Thom: Romneyhood!
- Tweety: Romney Wobbles
- Lawrence O’Donnell: ‘equestrian’ Ann Romney to critics, ‘Stop it. This is hard!’
- Young Turks: Ann lashes out
- Mitt Romeny: Outside the circle.
- Maddow: Big name Republicans thinking past Mitt.
- Leaked! Missing footage from Mitt’s explanatory remarks.
- Conan’s new Romney attack ad: Barack Obama doesn’t exist.
- Paul Ryan repeatedly gets booed at AARP speech
Ann Telnaes: Justice Scalia vents.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Jon: Jesus’ wife.
Sarah Silverman does a Voter ID PSA:
Sam Seder: Florida makes it almost impossible to register to vote.
Young Turks: ON that Sarah Silverman video.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.