Oops. Rick Perry is Indicted on two Felony Counts:
- CNN: Gov. Rick Perry indicted by Texas Grand Jury.
- AP: Texas’ Rick Perry indicted for abuse of power
- Steve Kornacki with James Moore: Rick Perry’s indictment and Perry’s response.
- Young Turks: Texas Governor Rick Perry (R-Oops) is indicted by Grand Jury on two felony counts.
- Rick Perry charged with abuse of power.
- Maddow: Texas Gov. Rick Perry indicted on 2 felony counts
- James Rustad: “The Rick Perry Song”
Mental Floss: 30 Weird Sports Injuries.
Puppet Nation: Obama calls Shrub:
The Wingnut Border Meme:
- Matt Binder: James “Pimp” O’Keefe pretends to be Osama bin Laden.
- Young Turks: FAUX entertainer claims personal knowledge that ISIS has crossed U.S. border
John Oliver (with Sarah Silverman) on payday loans.
Farron Cousins: Ted Nugent, the draft dodging dixieland dumbass, says something.
The Flaccid Neocons Twitch A Bit:
- Young Turks: War Mongering Wingnuts attack Obama for showing constraint.
- Mark Fiore: John McCain’s “Bomb It”!
- José Díaz-Balart: G.O.P. Nutjobbers fearmonger over Obama’s Iraq actions
- Sharpton w/ Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-7): John “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran” wants more bombing.
Pap and David Pakman: Which state has the worst voter suppression?.
White House: West Wing Week.
RJ Eskow with Nancy Altman: WTF?!? Social Security Trustees report a growing surplus.
David Pakman: Congressman against minimum wage hike complains he hasn’t received a raise.
G.I. Cop:
- Ferguson SWAT shoot tear gas at Al Jazeera news crew
- WaPo’s Wesley Lowery’s pre-arrest video
- Chris Hayes: The militarization of local police
- David Pakman: Unarmed black teen gunned down by police.
- Michael Eric Dyson: 18 Yr Old Michael Brown murdered by St. Louis, MO Police.
- CNN: Ferguson police harass journalists.
- David Pakman: New eyewitness to unarmed teen Michael Brown killing emerges
- Chris Hayes: Reporter describes setting up for broadcast then being shot at by Ferguson police
- Young Turks: Rage is the right response to police killings
- Maddow reminds Ferguson protesters what it took in Bunkerville to make cops “back off”
- Young Turks: Smear campaign follows release of name of unarmed-black-kid-shooting cop.
- Jonathan Mann: The Ferguson Army Song:
- Matt Binder: Police kill unarmed teen in Missouri
- James Rustad: “A song for Michael Brown”
- Young Turks: Unarmed black teen killed by police in St. Louis
- David Pakman: Anonymous takes down Ferguson’s police web site
- Young Turks: LAPD kills unarmed mentally disabled man and racially insults him
- Thom: Another unarmed black teen killed by the police
- David Pakman: Police kill a black man in walmart for carrying BB gun sold in store
- Matt Binder: Police shoot and kill black man in Walmart.
- Sharpton: The summer of police killing unarmed blacks
- Young Turks: In 2009, Ferguson police beat an innocent man and then charged him for bleeding on them.
Jimmy Dore speaks with Ron Paul about his son.
ACLU sues Fife over pot ban.
Imps for Impeachment:
- Sharpton: Despite denials, G.O.P. candidates run on impeachment.
- Jimmy Dore gets a call from John Boehner about impeachment.
- Ed: Mike Huckabee talks impeachment
Alex Wagner: Paul bearers—has the Libertarian movement finally arrived?
Puppet Nation: Ebola media coverage formula.
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) “There are certain shows on Fox I can’t watch, because they’re totally not fair and totally not balanced.”.
Young Turks: Reality check—why almost no scientists are Republicans:
FAUX & FIENDS are totally befuddled by Obama’s vacation plans.
Corporations are Peoples, Too:
- Young Turks: How people become superPACS to buy politicians.
- Pap: The corporate death grip on America.
- David Pakman: Comcast spends $110K on dinner to honor sitting FCC Commissioner?!?
- Young Turks: If corporations are people, why not become a corporation for the corporate privileges?
- Farron Cousins: Charles Koch’s plan to destroy the economy.
Young Turks: GOP Governor hilariously battles satanists.
Alex Wagner: Romney’s favorite “Jimmy Johns” sub shop accused of wage theft.
David Pakman: White students are no longer the majority in public schools.
The Quitter Babbles:
- Farron Cousins: Sarah Palin is is just as stupid as you would think.
- Michael Brooks: This IDIOT was John McCain’s CHOICE for a running mate.
- David Pakman: Sarah Palin attempts to use words. Fails.
- Young Turks: The embarassing Sarah.
- Sarah Palin explains fast food wages from another viewpoint
- Epic Rap Battles: Sarah Palin VS Lady Gaga
- Hitler finds out about The Sarah Palin Channel
- Puppet Nation: Botched prison executions…THANKS OBAMA!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.