Join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening for friendly conversation (sometimes it gets a little harsh, but we stop short of torture) at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Shelton chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 177 chapters of Living Liberally, including fifteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Maybe ‘Bobbybarfball’ and puddyfuckwad would like to tell the class how this is ok?
@1. That certainly gives the appearance that the process was rigged. That prosecutor should be fired.
Who says Republicans don’t like Public Pensions. But you know blame it on the Liberals.
Mind boggling why people don’t uprise against terrorist acts in Muslim nations. I think it goes to show you how effective terrorism is and that it is unstoppable, so long as there are radical religious idiots. I don’t think any of this would be happening if people were more secular.
@2 “That prosecutor” did exactly what St. Louis County’s white voters elected him to do, and will re-elect him to do again.
@3 They like THEIR public pensions. They don’t want the rest of us to get one.
Yesterday, the New York Times ran a piece (I linked to it in the 12/15 open thread) about why age 25 – 54 males are dropping out of the American workforce in droves. Lousy low-paying jobs is at the heart of it. For decades, Republicans have done everything they could to demonize workers, push down wages, and make working disagreeable. Now they’re shocked — SHOCKED! I tell you! — that Americans don’t want to work. Well, I have a word of advice for them. To paraphrase a line from “Field of Dreams”: Pay them, and they’ll come. It’s not working that people object to. They’re objecting to working for free.
Just look at what employers demand of workers today. They want them to be on call 24/7 without promising them any work; to work odd shifts, split shifts, rotating shifts, weekend and holiday shifts; to work at shifting locations; to spend $4 a gallon for gas to get to work; to arrange daycare with no advance notice; and to do all this for $7.25 an hour. For 15, 20, or 25 hours a week of work. And then they act put out, and claim people don’t want to work anymore, when they can’t find people willing to take that deal.
When you talk about raising the minimum wage, the comeback you invariably get from employers and their conservative supporters goes something like this: A higher minimum wage will destroy jobs because low-wage workers aren’t “worth” more. What they don’t explain is why, if workers are “worth” so little nowadays, corporations are making record profits and the rich are getting richer than ever before.
What all of this bullshit boils down to is the age-old story of a few people wanting to get rich and live the high life off the labor and sweat of others. It was slavery then, and it’s slavery now, and this is the 21st century so guess what people aren’t willing to be slaves anymore.
The San Jose Police Department has suspended a cop for making threats on social media against people protesting police brutality to
“use my God given and law appointed right and duty to kill you” and saying “he would be off-duty at the movies with his gun if anyone ‘feels they can’t breathe or their lives matter.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s time to revoke his law-appointed rights and duties. He’s plainly unfit for duty. That’s something he should take up with whatever god he believes in.
@2 Of course it was rigged. Any lawyer knows some witnesses are more reliable than others. This one just got off a spaceship. Letting her testify arguably was malpractice. It inarguably also was sabotage.
This is going to backfire, though. Whether Darren Wilson goes to jail is really beside the point. The corrupt grand jury process will hasten the end of the racist system in St. Louis County that has oppressed blacks for generations. All McCulloch did was shine a light on it.
“A higher minimum wage will destroy jobs because low-wage workers aren’t “worth” more.”
What gets their goat as well, and they certainly do have goats, is that they can’t off-shore the service sector jobs. If they could, they’d ship burger flipping overseas, even at $7.25/Hour. And speaking of burgers, just look at Burger King, fleeing the country to avoid what little taxes they pay.
Look at how Republicans are eager to betray party principles of the past such as imminent domain to give away a swath of our nation, from border to border, to a goddamn foreign fucking corporation. And what do Americans get out of it? Less than fifty permanent jobs.
It’s past time to quit pretending that these people are Americans. They pay allegiance to no nation.
Hi Rabbit- I know you’re not particularly optimistic by nature, but I sure hope you are right.
One of the most-needed police reforms is to stop the revolving-door rehiring of bad cops who’ve been fired by other police departments.
For example, the cop who shot a 12-year-old kid with a toy gun a couple weeks ago had been forced out of a police department that considered him mentally unsuitable for police work, but amazingly, he quickly got another police job. And then killed a kid.
Missouri requires cops to have a state license, but state occupational licensing boards (including ours here in Washington) are largely a joke, not only for cops but for all occupations; they just don’t take away licenses for anything short of mass murder.
As far as I know, there’s no national database that tracks cops who’ve been disciplined or terminated, so there’s nothing to prevent a problem cop from being hired by another police agency. And with nearly 18,000 police departments in the U.S., it’s easy for a fired cop to get back into law enforcement.
And police departments aren’t reticent about hiring other departments’ castoffs, because it saves them training costs. So, they either don’t care that a recruit has had problems in previous employment, or turn a blind eye to a troubled personnel history.
That needs to change. At a minimum, there should be some sort of government-maintained database that can be used by police departments to do employment history checks on applicants for police jobs. But it appears there isn’t.
There also needs to be more public oversight of police hiring practices, because it’s pretty clear now that unsuitable people are being hired and put on the streets with a badge and gun. In other words, police departments aren’t doing a good enough job of screening applicants and weeding out those who may pose a threat to public safety.
There are also huge issues with police culture, but you can’t really address that until you first deal with getting bad cops off the beat and then keeping them out of police work.
@12 Remember the Mississippi civil rights murders? And the Birmingham church bombing? Those were bleak days for civil rights activists and their supporters, but they proved to be turning points in the campaign to change society. De jure segregation is now dead in this country and the KKK is a mere shadow of its former presence in southern life.
I’m cautiously optimistic about what’s going on now. The racist culture of St. Louis County is under siege, and St. Louis County isn’t going to be the same. And the old festering sore of police brutality, which is a nationwide problem, is receiving renewed scrutiny. The changes may not be as extensive or immediate as we’d like to see. But things have gone beyond where the good old boys can return business as usual after the furor dies down. I get a sense that a breaking point has been reached and the public is finally exerting some influence on this issue.
Wait a minute… You mean the racist DUMMOCRETIN system of control of the county manager and prosecutor positions will soon be broken and Republicans can run the county?
Meanwhile over a brewski, why not discuss the long arm of Obummer’s sadministration?
@15 Better to replace St. Louis County’s bad Democrats with good Democrats. Putting Republicans in charge has never solved anything, anywhere. That just makes things even worse.
Filter is on over-drive today. Later.
@15 (continued) In a properly functioning political system, we would have two or more parties competing for votes based on candidates, ideas, and performance. But we don’t have two parties. We have the Democrats and the rebranded KKK. So we make do with what there is.
Speaking of candidates, it looks like Jeb Bush is in the race.
And it looks like Ted Cruz has taken himself out of the race with his latest antics. It’s hard to be a viable candidate for president when your own party leaders think you’re a loose cannon.
I don’t see Jeb getting through the primaries and caucuses. He’s too sane to satisfy the GOP base. The eastern GOP monied establishment, of course, will look for someone who can be sold to general election voters. But their options are severely limited to start with — I suspect Jeb is being recruited to fill the void — and they appear to have lost control of the nominating process. They might get stuck with Perry or Walker or Jindal or even Rick Scott.
The GOP faces another problem in 2016. They have about 20 aspirants who will burn through a lot of the GOP’s money on fighting among themselves for their party’s nomination. Unless Hillary drops out, the Democratic nomination will be essentially uncontested, and the Democrats will be able to concentrate all of their resources on electing Hillary in the general election. And regardless of who the GOP nominee is, she’ll be running against a party and nominee who are already exhausted by the time they get to their convention.
And there’s the electoral vote map. The GOP is making a push to replace winner-takes-all with apportioning electoral votes district-by-district. Because they realize the map is all but impossible for them under the current system. In 2012, with a fresh candidate and a billion dollars to spend, the only state they pried loose from Obama’s 2008 column was Indiana, a red state “gimme” that was a one-off in 2008. In other words, they failed to convert a single state. It doesn’t get better for them in 2016 unless, as I said, they can monkey with the electoral vote counting system.
If they succeed in doing that, of course, the first time it favors a Democratic candidate they’ll try to change it back again.
Some words of advice for anyone thinking of having a dialogue with the Ape – Don’t forget to bring the bananas, at least three bunches. It might be helpful in getting a start.
Good DUMMOCRETINS? Where NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit? They were banished in 2004. Remember the Zell Miller types?
If you mean 60’s DUMMOCRETINS AL Gore Sr types, or do you mean 1990s KKK Robert Byrd types? Really?
Or maybe the flame thrower types of 2014? Burning down de house type?
Hmmm…? A good DUMMOCRETIN is a very rare find. None here on this blog!
The brainless blowhard puddyfuckwad has spoken.
It’ll be HIS WAY or the HIWAY.
Yes, sir…nobody who don’t believe in his mean, nasty, hate-filled Jesus.
Nobody who believes in tolerance will be tolerated.
If John Galt were black (and obsessed with humiliating white women at shopping malls) he would be our own puddyfuckwad.
Hey rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears @ 24…
Name a good DUMMOCRETIN! You can’t and that’s why your head exploded, BIG TIME!
You had a chance to name one in # 24. EPIC FAYLE! Instead it’s ad hominem HATE all the time. HATE so much 24x7x365.25 it’s a Psych 101 Thang!
Nobody who believes in progressive tolerance will tolerate anyone else you moron! How many more examples from left wrong sites does Puddy need to provide rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears?
And so it begins!
“obsessed with humiliating white women at shopping malls” – Really rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? Really? Reading comprehension is NOT your strong point. Must be early onset Alzheimer’s Disease, like some Wabbit here!
Again rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, you forgot the commentary context on purpose. The white wimens clutch their pocketbooks close to their body as Puddy passes by in the mall. Then and only then does Puddy comment! If they don’t then Puddy keeps on truckin baby… you gotta keep on truckin…
Butt being the moron rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears demonstrates every day… it’s just another ad hominem attack du jour on Puddy with absolutely no substance, WHATSOEVER!
@25 sounds like the Taliban
Correction – DON’T FEED THE APE. He’s had too many Bananas!
A Republican is someone who’ll pay psychologists $80 million to devise torture techniques but won’t spend $22 million on veteran suicide prevention.
First up for the Republican senate, abandoning yet another of their conservative principles – using imminent domain to give away a swath of America, from border to border, to a foreign corporation.
And what do we get for it? Fewer than fifty permanent jobs.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo, The polls don’t support the DUMMOCRETIN SENATE And it’s not a Fox News Poll! It’s a DUMMOCRETIN Washington Post-ABC News poll. Soooooooooo can’t claim biased questions!
Obummer is still using intelligence to get a person Zubeydah and Mohammed gave up under EIT. This person killed by drone strike two weeks ago. Sooooooooooooo if the intelligence is worthless shred it. Prove it DUMMOCRETINS.
Dr. Mitchell is pizzed at Senate DUMMOCRETINS as they identified him and now him and his family are targets. To DUMMOCRETINS the ends always justifies the means! tells the world KSM told him in the future libtard media would turn on him.
Adherents to the religion of peace, whom hate Israel like many HA DUMMOCRETINS just killed 132 children and 10 of their teachers in Pakistan. Some of the teachers burned to death. Obummer didn’t mention the Taliban at all. Well it’s just an overseas contingency operation!
@33 et al.: Can Pudnutz possibly sink lower than he already has? Yes, by becoming a disgusting apologist for illegal torture.
By a margin of almost 2 to 1 — 59 percent to 31 percent — those interviewed said that they support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying that they produced valuable intelligence.
In general, 58 percent say the torture of suspected terrorists can be justified “often” or “sometimes.”
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooo! HA DUMMOCRETIN thought is REJECTED!
It’s been fascinating to watch the GOP talking points on torture evolve from denying they did it to saying it’s okay to do it. If they believed it was okay, why did they hide it and lie about it?
Sux to be on the short end of American thought as always eh NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit?
Dr. Mitchell still claimed it wasn’t torture NoBalls. Didn’t you comprehend what he said on Megyn Kelly’s show? Also Dr. Mitchell wondered how the Senate DUMMOCRETINS could complain about his overall competence when he created the SERE manual and we waterboard our elite troops! They never talked to him, but they exposed who he was in the report. Way to go Senate DUMMOCRETINS!
Maybe NoBalls because the CIA knew how fickle Congressional DUMMOCRETINS really are! In 2002 they were for it before they were against it.
36, 38 – Betcha the 59% is part of the 2/3rds who believe Iraq attacked us on 9/11/01. Do you know what percentage of Americans think Obama (a) was born in Kenya, and (b) is a Muslim? If you take a poll and 59% say the moon is green cheese, it will still be a rock.
@39 “Dr. Mitchell still claimed it wasn’t torture”
And you, a credulous fool, will take the perpetrator’s word for it.
32. Will the media be trumpeting the land grab or the latest Kardashian escapade?
Will the Seattle Times?
Pud at 36- was public opinion correct when it favored discrimination based on race? The fact that the american public was barraged by fear tactics and false reports of these methods working makes the poll results, in my opinion, worthless.
We executed Japanese soldiers for doing what we have done in WWII.
We’ve become a frightened people, and if we are embracing these methods, its time to stop pretending we are better than we are.
LMAO!!! 83 times? 183 times? Freaking GBS said he didn’t last more than a few seconds which is certainly way more than Sean Hannity “lasted”.
It’s TORTURE ASSHOLE! TORTURE!! Everyone who’s submitted to it voluntarily says it’s TORTURE.
What a flippin’ idiot our village idiot troll!
What “leftist” said this?
Maj. Gen. Thomas Romig, Army judge advocate general, now retired.
“Those people” would have to include the village idiot troll’s beloved Mitchell..
Nice going village idiot troll! Touting a guy who set into motion an ugly detainee abuse machine that according to most reports, Mitchell himself had to protest against..
Boeing Shovels Money To Shareholders
Hey all you capitalists out there! Boeing just raised its dividend by another 25%, that makes 88% in two years! And raised its share buyback authorization by over $7 billion! It’s amazing what you can do for your shareholders when you slash wages and pensions by moving to a “right to work” state!
Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Boeing stock. You don’t think I’d pass up a deal like this do you?
Oh my Puddy sees many heads explode above…
You all can try to shoot the messenger, butt the message stays the same! Sux doesn’t it! Gotta love it when HA DUMMOCRETINS are on the wrong side of the poll. Americans have been watching this EIT drama for the last 8 years when certain Congressional DUMMOCRETINS discussed classified techniques. Why do you think Patrick Leahy is called Leaking Leahy?
First to NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… Dr. Mitchell emphatically stated they went to US Justice for direction when specific questions arose. When questions came up Jose Rodriguez from Justice answered all legality questions. Dr. Mitchell said this on both nights during the Megyn Kelly interview. Dr. Mitchell explodes the slanted Senate DUMMOCRETIN report. Daily whitey house presser Josh Earnest tells Ed Henry to check with the Senate because Josh knows they never interviewed Dr. Mitchell before the report was released. Now because of Senate DUMMOCRETIN fecklessness, Dr. Mitchell fears for his family’s life. To DUMMOCRETINS the ends always justifies the means!
So Puddy asks again as you moronic DUMMOCRETINS skipped by it… Obummer is still using EIT based intelligence to get a person Zubeydah and Mohammed gave up under EIT. This person killed by drone strike two weeks ago. Sooooooooooooo if the gathered intelligence is worthless, shred it. Stop using it. Prove it DUMMOCRETINS. You can disprove it.
Jose Rodriguez told world Sunday je briefed the Congressional leadership in 2002. Nancy Pelosi and others in her DUMMOCRETIN Congressional Cabal were fully briefed in 2002 on the CIA’s EIT Program! Jose was the CIA official who oversaw the EIT program at the time. Now we see Pelosi is in cover her ASS mode again, just like the lying commentary on Jonathan Gruber. When the libtard MSM was forced to acknowledge Pelosi’s 2009 comments praising Gruber because Fox first exposed her lie, her press secretary told another whopper. DUMMOCRETINS will lie and lie and lie if they think they can get away with it! Puddy only allowed two paragraphs because conservatives are held to a tighter copy and paste standard than DUMMOCRETINS.
Exactly as Puddy said it back on December 9th. Just ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot with the crazed databaze for a replay.
Sux doesn’t it. Dr. Mitchell explained what happened and the Senate DUMMOCRETIN report leaves out the pertinent facts and lies about others. Real Americans from the WaPo/ABC News poll think its A-OK to save lives! HA DUMMOCRETINS think it’s A-OK to allow terrorists to do their thang!
Boooooom Shaka Lakka Boooyeah!
Notice what the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is now reaching with these “quotes” from left wrong sites drilled down to “show” they came from other locations. EPIC FAYLE moronic twit! Justice claimed it wasn’t torture. The SERE manual created by Dr. Mitchell is used to train our elite soldiers how to evade the enemy. So we’re torturing our soldiers your idiotic moonbat?
K2 brings up discrimination etc… And that is your “comparison answer”? Another useless canard! Who discriminated K2?… Not Republicans… It was Al Gore Sr, Richard Russell, Robert 3 Sheets The Heart of the Senate Byrd, etc. whom believed in discrimination! How about those released Sony emails. DUMMOCRETINS! Yes it’s always DUMMOCRETINS whom hide their filthy thoughts until exposed!
Yeah those false reports from DUMMOCRETINS. So as asked above why is Obummer still using that information to drone target the bad guys if those “false reports of these methods working” leads directly to the bad guys? Hmmm…?
Puddy hasn’t seen so many heads explode in a long time!
Sux to be on the wrong side again!
Betcha the 59% is part of the 2/3rds who believe Iraq attacked us on 9/11/01.
So IDIOT Wabbit, don’t speculate… Produce. Puddy provides links all the time. You HA DUMMOCRETINS leave conjecture.. easily disproven by link after link from Puddy!