Mental Floss: Misconceptions about pets.
Sam Seder: Tommy Chong smokes FAUX News.
Executive Action:
- Obama speaks on immigration action:
- Annotated: Boehner’s message before the President’s immigration speech
- Young Turks: Self-righteous FAUX hosts OUTRAGED when Obama quotes the Bible.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: How John Lennon affected our immigration laws.
- Sam Seder with Greisa Martinez: Obama’s historic move on immigration.
- Ann Telnaes: The emperor Obama has no clothes.
- Young Turks: Republican extremist practically begs for violence over Obama’s action
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Obama takes action on immigration, Republicans go crazy
- Chris Hayes: Nutbag Republican suggests Obama could face jail time over immigration actions.
- David Pakman: Many Republicans used executive action on immigration, only Obama should be impeached
- Young Turks: Obama goes it alone on immigration reform.
- Thom: Latinos threaten GOP with “Political Hell”
- Young Turks: Wingdings explain how Obama’s immigration policy is just like Hitler.
Matt Binder: The KKK does some “rebranding”.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Why the 2014 election spells disaster for Republicans in 2016.
Stephen: Assholes for Freedom.
Sam Seder and Dahlia Lithwick: What’s ruining the Supreme Court.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News politicizes ISIS beheading.
WaPo: Sentenced to death without all the evidence.
David Pakman: Libertarian “champion” Rand Paul helps kill NSA reform bill.
Lawmaker asks about a moat for the White House.
Sam Seder: Bill-O-The-Clown kicks off the 2014 War On Christmas Season for FAUX News.
Political Keystone:
- Mark Fiore: Sustainable Keystone XL.
- Ann Telnaes: Keystone XL pipeline isn’t about jobs.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: The Politics behind the Keystone XL rejection
- Jon pokes Dems for cynical Keystone ploy
- Thom: Politifact left the house without their pants.
Olbermann: Bill-O the Clown is BACK as Worst Person in the World!
Sam Seder: The funniest public service ad ever.
Puppet Nation: U.S. News of the Week:
White House: West Wing Week.
Lewis Black breaks down FAUX News’ relationship with Black Friday.
David Pakman: Court rejects challenge to contraception rules.
Stephen does Jon.
Chris Hayes: More deceptive FAUX News propaganda.
Neutrality Confusion:
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz’s worst nightmare is Al Franken explaining the internet.
- Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz is absolutely clueless on Net Neutrality.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Mental Floss: 62 last name meanings.
Maddow: What we want and who we elected to do it.
Jon: Who is Jonathan Gruber?
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
One of the arguments that Keystone supporters have been making lately is that it will free up rail capacity. BNSF is working on that right now. 55 miles of new double track on the main line in North Dakota this year. Also, although no specifics yet, BNSF will spend $6 billion on capital improvements next year, once again leading the industry, but all their owner wanted in the purchase, was a reasonable return on investment.
A little more of the story on BNSF improvements in North Dakota.
One thing that a pipeline cannot do for Bakken Oil, is the spot market. Pipelines probably don’t reverse the flow easily.
Meanwhile in real news, one of Obummer’s big NW bundlers is in big trouble. Yet Da Perfessa couldn’t find room in the Friday Night Comix for this truth!
PuddyCommentary: The first paragraph is oh so true. Paragraph Seven suns it up! rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin, NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit, empty tea bag with the puffed chafed butt, clueless carl, worser, racist OWS vomit covered deadtoad, and other HA DUMMOCRETIN low lifes would be trumpeting that fact all over this blog!
@ 3 SchizoPoodle
The difference being, the Liberal folks are more than happy to prosecute the weirdos and criminals that do occasionally pop up within the ranks. The Conservatives almost always close ranks and shelter their criminals while using every resource in their arsenal to protect and promote the individual as being some sort of martyr for the cause. Mitt Romney and George W. Bush are proof of that.
You democrats must be thrilled that Sound Transit is directing its lobbying teams in Olympia to obtain limitless scores of billions of dollars of additional sales tax, car tab tax, and property tax authority. After all . . . Boeing wants light rail to its Everett assembly plants.
The bill will be sponsored by Jessyn Farrell. She is the democrats’ Sarah Palin — a brunette with a decent ass who mouths the party line. TCC groomed that bitch, and she’ll drop to her knees and do what she’s in Olympia for: providing regressive tax authority.
@5 “a brunette with a decent ass”
Congratulations! You’ve passed the troll test! Only a real Republican would post a comment like this. I’ll bet that’s your criteria for hiring and promoting female employees, too. Until your fat ugly frat-boy ass gets sued for sexual harassment.
Okay, so, we’re coming up on a grand jury announcement from Ferguson. Here’s what going to happen. There’s a chance they may indict Wilson, but not much of one, and it would much more likely be manslaughter than murder, and more likely involuntary than voluntary manslaughter. But the reason they probably won’t indict him is Missouri’s felony stop law. Wilson wasn’t limited to self-defense; he could use deadly force to stop a fleeing felon, and assaulting a cop is a felony. So, if there was a shoving match at the squad car, and then Wilson said “you’re under arrest” and Brown tried to leave, as he obviously did, Wilson could legally shoot him to prevent his escape. Which is exactly what Wilson’s lawyers will tell a jury he did, and the grand jury may see it that way, too. You need 9 of the 12 grand jurors’ votes to indict, and with the prosecutor going, “here’s the evidence, you figure it out,” I don’t think you’ve got them. So Wilson probably walks, and everyone in a position of authority in Missouri thinks so, too, which is why the governor is calling up the National Guard and the FBI is sending in 100 extra FBI agents. Remember, it is NOT about self-defense, it’s the felony stop law that will sink any prosecution of this cop.
Funniest comment so far this morning…
Yeah right, that’s why your libtard DUMMOCRETIN led msm hasn’t covered the story. Reminds Puddy of that creep Jeffrey Epstein… Did you know about this OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad?… Did the US evening news cover this?
NOPE! So your “claim” is specious and vacuous like your nenderthal cranial orifice!
Meanwhile on Obummer amnesty flip-flop… Glenn Kessler delivers an upside down Pinocchio! http://www.westernjournalism.c.....flip-flop/
@6…You tell’em Rabbit, we Dems would never tolerate sexual harassment!
Can I ask a reasonable question? Too bad, I’m going to.
How did a conversation with Tommy Chong get on the subject of Johnathan Gruber and why would the “Shut up and sing” network think professional stoner/commedian Chong would have insight on the “scandal.”
“Our guest tonight is famed Anthroplogist Jane Goddall, Ms. Goodall, do you think the casting of Jack Black in the most recent King Kong Movie was a good choice and how do you feel about Furgeson MO?”
@ 7
You keep writing Brown was ‘fleeing’. You did so above and in that link you posted in responsse to something I wrote a week or so ago.
At one point – after being shot while his hand was on Wilson’s gun – Brown did start running away. Something happened to cause him to reverse course. It wasn’t because he was dodging gunfire.
The remaining bullets struck him as he was facing Wilson, and the blood trail on the street demonstrated that as the remaining bullets were being fired, Brown was approaching Wilson, not fleeing. What could not be determined was Brown’s velocity at that time.
Brown wasn’t fleeing when he was shot. He was either in hand-to-hand combat with a police officer, or was converging at unknown speed upon the officer.
Which pretty much makes your ‘fleeing felon’ line irrelevant.
Democrats are typically more cautious when they refer to their colleagues. Hence, Harry Reid’s cautious tone in describing Kirsten Gillibrand, while in her presence, as the ‘hottest member’ of the Senate. Very respectful and causes no one to check out her curves the next time she is seen. Uh, no one except Daniel Inouye, who found her to be pleasingly ‘chubby’, probably in a more-cushion-for-the-pushin’ way, seeing as he squeezed her waist as he said it.
Similarly, Obama’s reference to Kamala Harris as ‘by far the best looking attorney general in this country’ caused no one to wonder how good she might look from behind, or perhaps on her knees.
Republicans are such pigs. I mean, it’s so demeaning to a woman to refer to her as ‘sweetie’.
God, I miss Olbermann. Bet so does MSNBC.
LMAO!!! Dr. Bob Galt’s got a thing about his political opposites being “on their knees”..
Too sick, the fantasies of klownservatives.
President Obama’s newest immigration policy will be a net positive for the economy:
Klownservatives shrug of course. They’ve been lining their pockets with undocumented immigrant cheap labor for as long as there’s been a country.
@15…I totally agree. If you need me I’ll be in the Oval office with my cigars.
@ 15
YLB, that is a totally inaccurate characterization.
I fantasize plenty, as well, about good-looking women whose political opinions are aligned with my own.
It’s a very bipartisan dreamscape.
HA klownservatives believe the lesson of the 2014 election is that people don’t want the Affordable Care Act or amnesty for undocumented immigrants…
Too funny this news for the village idiot troll who was slobbering all over the place on the ACA..
Too funny that right wing pundits like Krauthammer and George Will support amnesty..
Oh really Bobby???
Nice to see you’re still getting good use out of your Obama kneepads,
I guess this time it’s Obama wearing kneepads in front of his donors instead of the other way around.
will be on his knees for Obama.
These are your fantasies Bob.. Along with your credulousness over klownservative crap like “unskewed polls”?? I’d thank you for your service to the progressive cause but my stomach is turning right now.
Come up with better material.. Until that time, you are ignored.
“Conservatives complain”
Yeah, they do that a lot, although I think it’s actually called whining.
“he’s a big-money Democratic donor and liberal political activist”
Yeah, but was he wearing a panda costume? Because it’d take something like that or a chicken suit to take him into deviant wingnut territory.
“Tommy Chong smokes FAUX News”
In the early 1960s, before Cheech Marin came along, Tommy Chong used to play in Tacoma bands. He was nobody to mess with back then, either.
Doctor Bob, he of the brown horde versus right-wing militias wetdreams sez, “You keep writing Brown was ‘fleeing’.”
No shit?
Witness Michael Brady stated that Wilson “start walking briskly while firing on Brown as he fled”.
Witness Tiffany Mitchell said, “After the shot, the kid just breaks away. The cop follows him, kept shooting”
Witness Emanuel Freeman, that Wilson “fired twice at Brown while he was running away”
The construction worker says as Brown is being shot down, “He had his f**n hands up.”
Pretty damned harsh for jay-walking. But looking at all the KKK that Anonymous is outing, what with the “Ghoul Squad” and all that, I suppose it all makes some sense.
@ 24
I can wait for either the trial if he’s indicted, or the grand jury report (which I think I read would be released if no indictment is handed down) if he’s not.
You know, Steve, Dorian Johnson was right there next to Brown and he’s said a lot – MSNBC and elsewhere – about what he saw. Why didn’t you quote him?
Another epic fail. That’s gotta really suck for you guys. Perhaps we should review some old troll comments on the subject. You know, see who got it right. Heh.
@12 “Fleeing” is a legal term that describes leaving a crime scene. A “fleeing felon” is someone a Missouri police officer is, by law, entitled to shoot.
@24 I used the term “fleeing” to describe a legal status, not a physical act, in my post above. Thus, I was not commenting in that post on the conflict between civilian witnesses and police as to what Brown was doing when he was shot. Doctor Bob committed the common layman’s mistake of assuming the vernacular definition of the word when it wasn’t being used that way.
@ 27
One does not flee TOWARD an assailant. I understood the directionality of the term, RR. ‘Objection’ is a legal term as well. Doesn’t mean its definition isn’t obvious to lay persons.
RR, did you intend @7 to suggest that Brown assaulted Wilson, making Brown a felon and thereby insulating Wilson from an allegation of unlawful behavior? Did Brown’s actions at/in the police vehicle constitute a felony? If not, what prior action made Brown a felon?
“Why didn’t you quote him?”
Whatever. It supports other witness accounts. I couldn’t help but notice that every racist website in the country is enamored with the young man. Such language! I hope you don’t talk that way too. Heh. I liked the theory that the Black Panthers are behind it all.
“Johnson said Wilson was the aggressor, ordering the two to get out of the street and confronting them again when they said they were near Johnson’s apartment. Johnson said Wilson, still in his cruiser, grabbed Brown by the neck and, as Brown tried to pull away, threatened to shoot. Then he fired. Brown fled as Wilson shot multiple times, including, Johnson said, appearing to strike Brown in the back before he turned to surrender and was shot again.”
But back to the illegal immigrant brown horde, has anyone ever seen the euphoria of what (u)SP’s Warren Peterson called a “tsunami” election victory evaporate so damned fast?
@ 31
Euphoria is fleeting, Steve.
What is not fleeting is this:
The GOP will field majorities in 68 out of 98 state legislative chambers (as well as Nebraska’s unicameral “nonpartisan” legislature). They will have control of house, senate and the governor’s mansion in 24 states (as opposed to 7 for the Democrats).
And there’s this, which might not last at least two years but we’ll take it, anyway:
Following the midterm election that some have termed a Republican wave, the majority of Americans want the Republicans in Congress — rather than President Barack Obama — to have more influence over the direction the country takes in the coming year. This is a switch from early 2012 when a slim plurality, 46%, wanted Obama to prevail in steering the nation.
Republicans’ 17-percentage-point edge over Obama on this measure exceeds what they earned after the 2010 midterm, when Americans favored Republicans by an eight-point margin (49% to 41%). It also eclipses the nine-point advantage Republicans had over Bill Clinton following the 1994 midterm in which Republicans captured the majority of both houses.
If you want to claim some sort of hollow and frankly rather pathetic victory because after two weeks those who oppose you are no longer celebrating and are getting serious about the work to be done, go right ahead, Steve.
Bob is too funny:
Bob this is a Republican writing this.. The whole article spells nothing but doom for the teabag addled right. Sux to be a klownservative klinging to their krackpot ideology.
YLB @ 33
I could post a piece by a Dem predicting doom for the Democrat party if they don’t repudiate The One. Little point in doing so, because the HA response is quite predictable.
The pendulum has swung right, and sometime it will swing back.
We’ll see what happens in 2016.
Again from right winger Chris Ladd’s article:
Bob, you’ve made a complete ass of yourself babbling about “ass-poundings”, “kneepads” and “unskewed” polls..
It’s a lock for a repeat in 2016.. See you then.
Again because this article too good:
And neither are HA klownservative trolls fantasizing about “unskewed” polls (polls that reflect their fantasies, not reality) and right wing SCOTUS politicians in robes pulling crap from their asses.
@29 “RR, did you intend @7 to suggest that Brown assaulted Wilson, making Brown a felon and thereby insulating Wilson from an allegation of unlawful behavior? Did Brown’s actions at/in the police vehicle constitute a felony? If not, what prior action made Brown a felon?”
I understand this to be the police version of what happened. Brown’s actions would constitute a felony if he assaulted Wilson at/in the police vehicle (but not the other way around). The only thing I’m suggesting is the grand jury won’t indict Wilson if they conclude this is what happened.
Breaking News! Seattle Times Endorses Obama On Immigration!
The GOP’s stubborn resistance to immigration reform is so stupid and counterproductive even the Seattle Times editorial board can’t get on board with it.
In an editorial published today, the Seattle Times said, “PRESIDENT Obama is right to take action on the broken U.S. immigration system. The nation can no longer wait for a do-nothing Congress to do nothing yet again,” and called the GOP response “needlessly melodramatic.”
The Seattle Times said Obama’s executive action is only a “stopgap” and Congress needs to “do more” by enacting “comprehensive immigration reform.” The editorial goes on to say “Obama had to act” and “[t]he need for immigration reform should weigh heavily on Boehner, incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the rest of Congress. … They should stop complaining and get to work.”
“getting serious about the work to be done”
LMFAO! Judging by recent performance, “serious work” for Republicans is stoking fear and loathing in their rabid base, suppressing the right to vote of the elderly, minorities and the young, militarizing our borders, cities and towns, taking health care away from millions, privatizing our schools, prisons, post offices, roads, national parks and forests and anything else they get their greedy hands on in order to strip for profit, reward corporations which ship our jobs overseas, use imminent domain to allow a Canadian corporation soil our nation with dripping oil from border to border in exchange for less than 50 jobs, more unfinanced war in the Middle-East, further destruction of the working middle class, stifling the hopes and dreams of the poor, restricting abortion rights and closing women’s health clinics, allowing Wall Street to run wild, and yet more tax cuts for the rich.
Wow 324 pages of new ObummerCare rules. Now Obummer’s HHS will automatically enroll you in a lower cost program in 2016? Who knew?
First we learned from Obummer “If you thought you like your plan, you can’t really keep your plan after all” Oopsie, sorry for being misled by me, Obummer.
Then we learned from Gruber in 2014 – If you liked your plan, that’s really because you were too economically stupid to know what we really know what’s good for you, but you’ll really like what you can pick now on the web site because we fooled the CBO and SCOTUS with convoluted and tortured language.
Then we just learned yesterday from the latest HHS paper dump that – You’re still really too stupid to correctly choose your own insurance plan, so we will tell you what to correctly like because you’ll really like what we choose for you, because hey, we’re the Obummer sadministration.
Meanwhile Sally Libtard Kohn is explaining how the slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN media writes about black “mobs” and white “disruptive behavior”!
Oh my this libtard is a real moron!
Wow… Chuck Todd get’s nourishment from Obummer conversations…
First there was a thrill up Chris Matthews leg now nourishment from talking to Obummer. Those NBC people are weird DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddy went into the time machine and looked up how HA DUMMOCRETINS predicted Republican massacre due to Ted Cruz and the shutdown last fall 2013. Ted Cruz… About 2,140 results (0.20 seconds)
Republican shutdown… About 2,260 results (0.55 seconds)
Sad how HA DUMMOCRETINS were so wrong for so long.
Betcha y’all didn’t know Republicans won 50% of the Asian vote and more than 38% of the Hispanic vote November 4th. Where was this ANALysis in the slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm?
Geez right wing writer Chris Ladd called it pretty good klownservative BUTThole..
See comments 33 and 35 dumbass..
Why would Puddy want to reread your useless crapola absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin? Remember absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin, your side lost BIG TIME! Here is what a delusional lying DUMMOCRETIN claimed after predicting DUMMOCRETINS would keep the Senate – Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz…
Yeah, that’s why DUMMOCRETINS didn’t go to the polls to vote. If you remember absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin DUMMOCRETIN causes failed to defeat Cory Gardner in Colorado and Thom Tillis wasting millions of $$$$$$. If the 2014 elections repudiatd the Republican Party, what did it do to the DUMMOCRETIN Party by not voting for them when Obummer’s policies were front and center.
What a lying sack of smelly horsesASS manure you are absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin. Puddy never wrote that so why does the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin propogate another of the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin’s lies?
Another look at me moment from the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin dancing on Mike Webb’s grave again!
46 and 47.. The IDIOT is SO FRIGHTENED of reading the excellent analysis of a Republican writer….
The WORST voter turnout SINCE 1942 when the country was fighting the big one and he wonders why the numbers for asians and hispanics were so high for Republicans???
The WORST turnout of all was in TexASS!!! Wow what a Republican wave that was!
..goes the head of an insane idiot troll.
Too fuckin’ bad! If you don’t like it complain to the moderators..
See if they’re in the mood to take your orders.
Once again absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin can’t fathom DUMMOCRETINS stayed home! Yes they stayed home and your side lost!
2016 will take care of 2016. That’s the future. Remember this 2013 commentary absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin? No? Not on your puny reading list?
So what happened absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin? Republicans took the senate, increased their number of seats in the house, took more state legislatures and more governorships. Yes those New Republic prognostications were EPIC FAYLES eh absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin? Kind of reminds Puddy of Tom Delay indictment and conviction… Oopsie… Overturned… Awww
Predicting the future is what DUMMOCRETINS like the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin loves to perform. That worked real well for Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz, snake oil salesman… Review her prognostications – “We’re going to hold the Senate tomorrow night.” “superior ground game”, The president really is our best asset”, “I’ll stack up our surrogates against Republican surrogates any day”, “voters across the country will reject their brand of Republican tea party extremism”. Yeah right! Betting the future!
How about Nancy Pelosi, the most unpopular Congressional person in America…
Review her prognostications – “All of the prognostications are predicated on false, ancient, old, stale assumptions. We’re in a whole new world of communications now.” “Fear is a motivator, and we are not fear-mongers. The Democrats are messengers of hope, and that’s what we will continue to be.”, “Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate.” Enter Professor Jonathan Gruber… “Americans are too stupid…” Yes that message of hope really chimed well when DUMMOCRETINS stayed home eh absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin? They were too stupid to vote for DUMMOCRETINS. Puddy says no… they realized DUMMOCRETIN policies for the last 6 years are EPIC FAYLES!
Keep using that lone voice absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin! That’s all you have. Keep hoping for that better outcome in 2016. As always… the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin has nuthin!
As always when presented with FACTS the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin provides continuous EPIC FAYLES! 207/208 and counting.
It sux being the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin! It really does!
FACTS, not orders you moron!
Excellent analysis… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
rerun uses Puddy’s sux to be you
rerun is the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin!
@46 “Yeah, that’s why DUMMOCRETINS didn’t go to the polls to vote.”
For once you’re right (maybe the first time in history). Democrats didn’t vote. Lowest turnout since 1942. Minimum wage and gun safety laws were passed, and “personhood” amendments were rejected, by REPUBLICAN voters. The GOP can’t sell its bullshit agenda to its own voters.
Meanwhile in real news the freakazoids are a lying again… – This petition is three months old now. 153,000 signatures so far. Three months.
So another site creates a petition in support… and in two days it has 161,527 signatures and counting. Only in Two Days! Oopsie… Libtards hate the Duggans because they are white and can AFFORD 19 children! Puddy says more power to them!
Reminds Puddy of the Chik-Fil_A brouhaha! Libtards speak and Real Americans react!
@ 52,
So? Republicans consolidated power IDIOT Wabbit.
Sux to be you!
Remember to a libtard First Amendment rights don’t matter…
Second Amendment rights don’t matter… etc., etc,, etc, Only DUMMOCRETIN approved lock step marching does!
Reminds Puddy of the Thought Police in George Orwell’s 1984. The Thought Police’s job was to uncover and punish thought-crime and thought-criminals. Sounds familiar with certain groups in the “Rainbow Coalition”?
That’s the new DUMMOCRETIN manifesto!
Stocking Stuffer…
@54 What power did they consolidate? The power to repeal Obamacare again? To impeach the black Kenyan Muslim communist? Yawn. Until they’ve got 67 Senate votes, which they’ll never have, they’ve got nuttin’. And neither do you. Double yawn.
The torture abuses by Bush’s CIA were so bad even Obama doesn’t want the American public and the world to know how bad they were.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Leave it to Republicans to make America look like Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia. Nobody else could (or would) do that.
Hey putz, how does it feel to be a water boy for a torture regime?
Wow up to 30,000 Lois Lerner emails were found…
Who knew? Kostinen stone walled Issa!
@60 Wow, she’s almost as prolific as you. And for someone who claims to work in IT you don’t seem to know much about recovering data from disaster recovery tapes. (Hint: First, you have to find the tapes. If all 90,000 IRS employees write 30,000 emails each, that’s 2.7 billion emails stored somewhere on tapes.) You know, puddy, you don’t have to work so hard proving to us you’re a dope. We already know that.
Ummm IDIOT Wabbit,
Wow email math per the IDIOT Wabbit. 30,000 emails per year. Wow… IDIOT Wabbit. Interesting ANALysis! Wrong again IDIOT Wabbit brain. Kostinen claimed in June 2014 there were only the last six months of disaster recovery tapes because the IRS IT Department regularly REUSED the old disaster recovery data tapes for later daily backups! Look up full vs. incremental backups IDIOT Wabbit!
So per Kostinen reckoning, that means only back to December 2013. Not true per Friday! You better stick to your stoooooooooopid prognostications on HA DUMMOCRETINS because you are faulty at IT like you are faulty in many other areas!
Sux to be the very faulty IDIOT Wabbit!
Another rightwing loudmouth is forced to walk back all the stupid shit he’s said over the years. (Clue to the clueless: You don’t have to do this if you don’t talk stupid in the first place.)
@62 You’re a fucking idiot. Do you think anyone in the IRS knows what tapes the agency has or where they are?
Without a doubt, finding these tapes cost the taxpayers money, and listening to them and holding hearings on them will cost the taxpayers more money. How many taxpayer millions will grandstanding GOPers blow on this “investigation”?
Another Benghazi “investigation” in the making!
Oh, and by the way, how’s Kaci Hickox doing? Is she sick yet?
If I were an apologist and water carrier for the kind of jackassery Puddy daily affiliates himself with, I couldn’t walk down the street without a grocery bag with eyeholes over my head.
NOM is broke, no longer raising the money it use to.
Puffy send them your cash, help them out.
R.I.P. Marion Barry. Let’s be honest. You were no Rob Ford.
IDIOT Wabbit HEAD explodes
So you are saying Obummer’s IRS IT is clueless like other departments like HHS and DHS? Please tell us! You stoooooooooooopidly claimed Puddy had no IT clue. Well when Puddy delivers what happens with disaster recovery data tapes IDIOT Wabbit has this reaction…
Real IT departments catalog their tapes IDIOT Wabbit, by day, week and month. They choose their incremental and full backup schedules. The perform full rollup backup routines as needed.
Sux to be the IT no nothing IDIOT Wabbit! You better stick to your stoooooooooopid prognostications on HA DUMMOCRETINS because you are faulty at IT like you are faulty in many other areas!
Sux to be the very faulty IDIOT Wabbit!
Regarding Kaci Hickox, Jerry Brown and Andrew Cuomo implemented state ebola quarantines! Butt they are DUMMOCRETINS so they get an ebola pass!
@ 68,
Rob Ford learned how to “do it” from Marion Berry!
We’re always steeling.
@69 “Real IT departments catalog their tapes …”
That is, if they don’t have their budgets eviscerated by Republican congressmen hellbent on making them as nonfunctional as possible.
Damn! I see lots of fear for the future and.. just more hate in that rambling crap @ 50..
You should be afraid..
Read the Chris Ladd article I cited in this thread for the facts.. He’s a Republican by the way.
Better things to do today than read your stinky garbage..
The fiend sounds so tired talking about “facts”.. So weary..
When he was just caught pulling shit from his ass over a tax that John Roberts supposedly “created”..
How long does he think he can run that loser long?
He does this shit every day.. And he refuses to understand the “fact” that Republicans didn’t even show up to vote in as great of numbers as they did in 2010..
Wow.. That bubble is going to pop something bad some day.
Another EPIC FAYLE @ 74. When the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin can’t find an answer on a left wrong site the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin reverts to posts like #74 & #75! Keep betting on the future that is two years out like your fiendish freakazoid friends at The New Republic. They were very wrong about the 2014 elections, eh? Just like Hillary was a shoo-in for president in the 2008 elections back in 2007, eh?
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin. Keep that one Republican around! The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin jumps hates Republicans until the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin finds one he can “pump”!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic creepy cretin!
Really IDIOT Wabbit? really? Budget cuts? That’s be best you can do?
LMAO @ 76 Still too frightened to deal with points that right winger Chris Ladd writes about:
You’re so puffed up with this “wave” that Republicans hardly showed up to vote for. And what are you right wing fiends going to do the next two years??
1) !!!!BENGHAAAAAZIIII!!! !!!!!IRS!!!!! Big job creator there.
2) Put shit on Obama’s desk to be vetoed.
Good luck with that!
You don’t know how to govern. All the wealth in this country is in blue states. If your miserable bullshit views and the past is any indicator, the people aren’t going to put up with the shit you’re going to sell in 2016..
I am so going to enjoy this.
Wow Bill Maher has a soulmate in Jonathan Gruber. Maher thinks Americans are stoooopid. Unfortunately his DUMMOCRETIN audience was too stooooooopid to comprehend Maher was discussing them!
@79 Well, I can think of at least one American who’s stupid, unless you tell us you’re an illegal.
The NFL announced Sunday that Katy Perry will headline the Superbowl halftime show, in case anybody gives a shit.
While we’re on the subject of football, here’s a touchdown pass catch for the ages.
@81 Katy Perry is hugely pro gay, is it’s a movement within the NFL to be more gay?
There isn’t too much brain power at the NFL, they are probably too stupid to realize this. They must just like her music.
Mirror mirror on the wall as the IDIOT Wabbit stares at itself!
While the article was Hillary swill… the comments below are spot on here…;hpid=z12 To HA low IQ cretin goober with the crazed databaze… Two of yours tell the truth, common folk!…
Same things HA DUMMOCRETINS do every day!
Upcoming MSNBC headline:
President Obama disappointed by another Republican
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is stepping down under pressure, the first cabinet-level casualty of the collapse of President Obama’s Democratic majority in the Senate and the struggles of his national security team amid an onslaught of global crises.
The president, who is expected to announce Mr. Hagel’s resignation in a Rose Garden appearance on Monday, made the decision to ask his defense secretary — the sole Republican on his national security team — to step down last Friday after a series of meetings over the past two weeks, senior administration officials said.
The officials described Mr. Obama’s decision to remove Mr. Hagel, 68, as a recognition that the threat from the Islamic State would require a different kind of skills than those that Mr. Hagel was brought on to employ.
Maybe the demonstration by Hagel that he didn’t much about China could have warned the Democrat-controlled Senate, if not Obama and the joint chiefs.
Puddy was saving this for the Monday Open thread. Puddy has a little different take on it.
Butt, as always when Obummer is made to look like the community organizing ASS Obymmer really is. Obummer threw Hagel under the bus then put it into low gear and ran over Hagel with the bus and then ground some gears and backed up and low geared it again and ran over Hagel the second time. It’s amazing how the NY Slimes has these unnamed source conduits in da whitey house!