Vice News: Exposing the NSA’s mass surveillance of Americans
Electile Dysfunction, 2024:
- Burnt Raisin Toast: AI Трамп demands devotion (& hates Lawrence O’Donnell)
- The Daily Show: Did Трамп already violate his gag order & was Biden’s uncle eaten by cannibals?
- Chris Hayes: Ted Cruz podcast payments raising “serious” ethical, legal questions
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Quintessential Трамп Speech in Under 2 Minutes ♬
- Hitler Rants Parodies: Hitler phones Biden
- Burnt Raisin Toast: AI Трамп scorches “conservative” “morals”
- The Other Brother: ♫ America’s Blunder ♬
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп Couldn’t Pass the Background Check ♬
- NowThis: This Pastor is not a fan of the Трамп Bible
John Oliver: UFOs
The Dozy Dotard and Other Criminals, Liars, and Traitors:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп and FAUX News can’t believe the injustice & no crowds show up for trial
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп Adult “Love” Toys on Sale in New York ♬
- The Other Brother: ♫ Wish I Was in Bedminster ♬
- Jabari Jones: AI Трамп—Odor in the court!
- Daily Show: Mike Johnson’s “courage” on Ukraine aid bill & Tennessee arms its teachers
- Rachel Maddow: Murder, coup, bribery—Трамп team stands by extreme hypotheticals in Supreme Court immunity case
- Desi Lydic FAUXsplains Трамп’s “torturous” trial
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ The Dotard gets bad news ♬
- Robert Reich: Are Presidents above the law?
- Jabari Jones: AI Трамп—You snooze, you lose!
- Patrick Fitzgerald: ♫ How Great Thou FArt ♬
- Chris Hayes: Meadows, Giuliani and other Трамп allies indicted over Arizona 2020 election
- BobLevin’s Videos:Трамп court-room sketches, with captions:
- Joy Reid: Will Supreme Court derail “presidential immunity” trial to Трамп’s benefit?
- Tommy Campbell: Mike Lindell hosts fail filled Las Vegas conference
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard delivered his own opening statement
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Exposed! The Buried Трамп Headlines ♬
- The Other Brother: ♫ Lie Junior Lie ♬
- Ari Melber: Facing trial and jail fears, Трамп’s lawyers lob defenses
- The Other Brother: ♫ There’s a Trial Here Today ♬
- Liberal Redneck: Feller named Pecker talks at Трамп trial
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ What’s Next for Трамп? Going from Bad to Worse ♬
- ScaredKetchup: AI Republicans cure Трамп’s flatulence—NEW MAGA-mercial, Трамп trial fail, Трамп Show 47
- Alex Wagner: Right-wing media feedback loop leaves Трамп with warped understanding of his legal situation
- Jabari Jones: AI Трамп—Nightmares & truths
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Rich and Miserable—The Paradox of Трамп ♬
- Parody Project: Immunity:
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard responds to David Pecker’s testimony
- Patrick Fitzgerald: ♫ Movin’ Right Along ♬
- Burnt Raisin Toast: AI Dotard—MEGA MAGA MAROON
- Jabari Jones: Jerkin Tudix
- Ari Melber: Trump trial starts with smoking gun. Breaking down DA’s criminal receipts
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Jesse Watters is Paid OVER $20 an Hour! Seriously? ♬
- Jimmy Kimmel: MANY people say Трамп FARTS in court and privately stews over Jimmy
- Jon slams media for breathless Трамп trial coverage
- Ari Melber’s breakdown of Трамп’s “license to kill” or “coup” SCOTUS case
- LegalEagle: How did they choose a jury for a President?
- Tommy Campbell: David Pecker issued tabloid to help Трамп, McConnell reads Karen McDougal data sheet
- Founders Sing: ♫ Don Snoreleone ♬:
- Jabari Jones: AI Трамп—Happy Birthday Melania!
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Trump’s Thoughts in Court ♬
- Alex Wagner: Трамп used National Enquirer to smear his opponents, court testimony confirms
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard says only cowards fart in court
- Alex Wagner: Трамп World rocked by Arizona fake elector indictments as Трамп’s legal peril snowballs
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Трамп—The cantaloupe is rotting in court (ALONE) ♬
- MSNBC: Justice Jackson raises a red flag on the idea of a president with no legal liability
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп milks gag order for every drop & MyPillow Mike loves Jimmy’s wedding gift
- The Daily Show: Трамп pleads total immunity to SCOTUS while claiming to be an Everyman
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Examining the shocking Трамп evidence revealed in trial
- Rocky Mountain Mike: ♫ Rocky Mountain Mike ♬:
- Jabari Jones: AI Трамп—Discounting Melania
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп’s defense stumbles out of the gate with interruptions to opening statement
- Christopher Titus: Трамп’s Pecker troubles
- J-L Cauvin: The Dotard wishes Melanie Трамп a happy birthday
- Bruce W. Nelson: ♫ Jesse Watters, Fox’s Pet Weasel ♬
- Chris Hayes: Supreme Court conservative justices “openly colluding” with Трамп on immunity
- The Other Brother: ♫ Everyone Knows ♬
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The National Enquirer guy needs a name change.
Wednesday night flipped over to FS2 and an Aussie Rules match between AFL clubs Essendon and Carlton was on. Usually the coverage starts with the opening bounce, but this one showed tge National Anthems, wasn’t just the Australian, but also New Zealand, and the Aboriginal flag was also flying. Turns out, it was the ANZAC Day match as it was honoring the Australian and New Zealand troops who stormed the beaches at Gallipoli in what is now known as Türkiye. It’s now grown into their Veterans Day. Also at the match, an Indigenous elder performed one of their ceremonies , about 1000 Indigenous Australians fought in WWI, including Galipololi.
Would not say this means they were better than how Vietnam Vets were treated here. Australia also had troops in Vietnam, suffered from Agent Orange, PTSD, and some of the same abuses ours were when they got home. More have recently been invited to ANZAC Day festivities.
Will still be going to the 2 Line opening tomorrow, but still wished it was the full line opening. Unfortunately the contractor made some mistakes on the Mercer Island and Mt Baker/Rainier Valley segments that delayed that opening until next year.
“You people are fascists! You are Hitler! You are rabid dogs!”
When everyone is Hitler, no one is Hitler.
The irony of calling others Hitler while engaging in anti-Semitic behavior is lost on these self-entitled asswipes.
Speaking of Hitler:
The Hill
Columbia protest leader: ‘Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists’
How proud you liberals must be of the upcoming next generation of leaders.
There’s nothing anti-Semitic about protesting a genocide.
It’s actually kinda the opposite.
Khymani James does not attend Emory.
A thing can be different from another thing. Peacefully protesting a state sanctioned genocide is not the same as issuing death threats to Jews.
Sometimes the behavior of others can be disruptive, frightening, and frustrating all at the same time.
An enlightened society should honor a response to that behavior which fosters heightened awareness, education, and peaceful interventions.
As opposed to dragging the offenders to the nearest gravel pit and shooting them in the head.
In desperation for re-election, my corrupt, incomptent, senile fossil of a president has decided to let black people kill themselves for a little while longer:
Menthol cigarette ban delayed due to “immense” feedback, Biden administration says
In other news, the Biden administration has announced that it will provide free handgun ammunition to all inner-city neighborhoods in major swing-state cities, in an effort to maintain his current advantage among black voters in those cities.
I saw on a previous thread that the dumbfuck Nazi coward was whining about being called a Nazi and a traitor. It’s true that the dumbfuck Nazi coward isn’t a member of Germany’s 20th century fascist political party. But it’s quite true that the dumbfuck Nazi coward is a member of America’s 21st century fascist party which is currently trying to end our democracy. So why not call the POS fascist traitor to our nation a fucking Nazi?
I believe the dumbfuck Nazi coward should be honored to be so recognized.
As opposed to dragging the offenders to the nearest gravel pit and shooting them in the head.
There’s something to be said for dragging a POS dumbfuck Nazi coward to a gravel pit and shooting him in the head. It puts an end to his fucking treason.
Of course, to have that option, liberals must arm.
Without having ever once mentioned any Trump Rapes, defamation judgements, bankruptcies, or looming criminal convictions, President Joe Biden has once again deftly outmaneuvered his feeble opponent.
When he isn’t nodding off in court from senile dementia Trump is forced to fill his time cringe-pleading with The President to debate him like a has-been Ben Shapiro.
Kristi, you killing that poor widdle doggie hurts my chances with suburban women.
Your out of the fucking running.
I must say. I feel happy for Corey. He got lucky for once and got away before you could do a number on his balls.
Shorter Unserious Twat @ 10
“People I don’t like are trying to end our democracy.
Also, people I don’t like shouldn’t be allowed to vote.”
Gallup has Biden’s approval rating at 38.7%. No president since Gallup started keeping track has had an approval rating that low at this point in the term.
Gonna be some fun DNC convention. Even Bill Maher is now saying the convention could dump Biden and become a free-for-all.
#CrookedHillary smiles and bides her time.
“Can we skip to the good part?” Kristi Noem née Arnold, age 9 watching Old Yeller
As if we didn’t already have enough great news this week, on Friday we learned that when Trump fired Ronna McDaniel and installed his daughter-in-law to take over the RNC, Lara Trump shut down all 40 of the GOP voter turnout operations in 10 key battleground states and fired 60 RNC staffers responsible for overseeing swing state turnout.
#BLM dude gets six years for J6 efforts.
@ 17
As if we didn’t already have enough great news this week, on Friday we learned…
The rest of the world learned it contemporaneously, QoS McHillbilly:
Welcome to late April.
You have options.
Oh no, even Bill ‘I’m a house N-:;er’ Maher.
That show now gets about 1/2 million viewers an episode and no one’s making clips of Real Time go viral on the Twitter, the TikTok or the Facebook.
Maybe check in on what Pat Sajack thinks. I saw this bit on Leno. Judy Justice said there may be a brokered convention.
@4 “When everyone is Hitler, no one is Hitler.”
Not everyone. Just those who are against democracy and talk about killing their ideological opponents. While that alone doesn’t make someone a “fascist” (Stalin and Mao did it, too), engaging in Hitler-like behavior will draw Hitler comparisons.
If the shoe fits, wear it. If people don’t want to be called little Nazis, they should stop talking and acting like little Nazis, and leave the tiki torches on the store shelves for people having beach parties.
Get used to this. This is the first one of 2024 but banks who went long on bonds are going to get fucked by Bidenomics.
Fulton Bank, N.A. of Lancaster, Pennsylvania Assumes Substantially All Deposits of Republic First Bank, Philadelphia
To save other banks currently teetering on the edge, interest rates need to fall, and quickly. The problem is, inflation is actually worsening, not receding.
Bidenflation touches all. Yesterday it touched a swing state.
Not for long.
The Washington Generals got one over the Globetrotters in ‘71
Say wasn’t the guy who started the fire, and the one who shot at cops, and the one who shot up a police station at BLM right wing militia?
The current RCP polling average has my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president up by 0.4% in Pennsylvania. It’s instructive to compare this to the most recent two election cycles (also from RCP):
Uh oh.
When reported at the time, la Civitas and Lara Trump omitted any mention of the 40 local offices in battleground states being closed (and hundreds of state level personnel being reassigned or terminated) and described the RNC national staff terminations as “reducing redundancies”.
Now we know the truth.
And we also know that the Village Idiot can’t format hyperlinks correctly.
Anyway, best of luck winning swing states without a ground game or turnout operations.
@5 He’s not one of ours, he’s an outlier. That and other incendiary behavior (he’s also said he hates white people) got him banned from campus (so it’s hard to see how he can be a campus protest leader at this point), and should get him invited to leave the protests. It’s unclear whether he’s still a student, because Columbia won’t comment on his student status.
By the way, this behavior probably will fuck up his ambition to be elected to Congress someday.
I’m sure nobody here would approve of, endorse, or defend his conduct, so don’t try to paint him as one of us. That’s dishonest. If we agree on anything, despite our other differences, it’s that this guy has serious loose screws and belongs in a psychiatric ward.
@ 24
The Washington Generals got one over the Globetrotters in ‘71
I’m surprised you didn’t refer to Dodgeball or The Replacements instead.
If you wanted to be taken seriously, Hops, you would have replied that the #BLM groups the asshole was previously affiliated with him cast him off in 2020 after he was arrested in Provo for being an asshole while fucking up a right-leaning demonstration.
But no. You chose basketball’s version of WWC instead.
As if Bill Maher is some stalwart oracle of moderate sensibility.
@6 “There’s nothing anti-Semitic about protesting a genocide.”
The Israel Lobby is trying to paint it as such in order to discredit the growing mass protests against what’s happening in Gaza.
And politicians of both parties are trying to paint it as such to give cover to cops violently suppressing peaceful assembly and free speech.
On the 550 to Bellevue, last stop on Downtown Seattle, crush load. Thought I would be the only one. Rt550 is on life support if the contractor on the Western section did a better job, the 550 would be eliminated. 2 Line starter segment opens at 11.
@ 27
It’s unclear whether he’s still a student, because Columbia won’t comment on his student status.
If he was not a registered student Columbia would have no trouble saying so.
He’s a fucking student. About to be suspended, or worse, but very clearly a fucking student at fucking Columbia.
He’s not one of ours, he’s an outlier.
Of course he’s one of yours. Until people looked into his social media behavior he was a Columbia protest leader
Own it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Construction workers on the western segment are working at least 6 days a week, just saw them.
That’s dishonest.
How can you be just now figuring this out?
The Village Idiot lies all the time.
We bust him.
He changes the subject and adopts a new commenting alias and lies some more. It never ends. It never will end.
There’s just not much real intellectual value in pointing out and debunking whenever the Village Idiot lies at this point. We should all be comfortable assuming everything is a lie and just move directly to mocking and ridicule. At least that’s fun and entertaining.
“I want to start by wishing my wife Melania a very happy birthday. It would be nice to be with her but I’m at a courthouse for a rigged trial.” It was also super nice to be not with her after she had Baron. No one wants to see the flabby belly and a crying infant. Gross. And she wasn’t in any condition to give me a tit job. I mean Stormy has a horse face but what a rack. No one would say know to that. Karen was the classy one. Stormy the slutty dirty role player.
@7 The first problem with the Dumbfuck’s link @5 is it isn’t to The Hill at all; it takes you to a Yahoo News republication of an
op-edrant in a partisan U.K. newspaper that performs the same function in that country as Fox News does in ours, i.e. is a mouthpiece for a rightwing political party.I can’t figure out where your reference to Emory comes from, because Emory isn’t mentioned in either Dumbfuck’s post or the article he linked to.
@ 30
“There’s nothing anti-Semitic about protesting a genocide.”
Agreed. The anti-Semitism starts with “From the river to the sea…” chants, and continues with threats to Jewish students for nothing more than being Jewish students. It continues with elevating people who think no Zionists should be allowed to live to leadership roles in the protest.
And in its final phase the most cowardly among you @ 27 deny association with those leading the charge against your Jewish classmates.
Hey, when it started Hitler just wanted to be an artist. Things just kind of snowballed a bit from there.
At Mercer Island, bus has a problem, more people bound for Bellevue, no room. Train would have done it better. Next year for Mercer Island station.
@9 “In desperation for re-election, my corrupt, incomptent, senile fossil of a president has decided to let black people kill themselves for a little while longer”
Yeah, but you gotta give him credit for trying to regulate a much bigger agency of premature death, and the leading cause of deaths among young people, particularly black youths: Guns.
P.S., I don’t see Republicans trying to save black people from menthol cigarettes, either. Or guns. Especially not from guns.
Compare and contrast from the same dumbfuck
So you were aware that you were full of shit?
Well played. Own goal. Try the bucket full of confetti gag next time.
@8 “As opposed to dragging the offenders to the nearest gravel pit and shooting them in the head.”
Like the GOP governor did to the dog?
I heard Brian Sicknick was hit on the head very lightly, too.
@ 41
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, even The Even Bigger Fucking Moron understood the reference. Only you had to ask about it.
@14 I don’t see anything in #10 suggesting you and your fellow fascist sympathizers shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Our approach all along has been, and still is, to outvote you and your ilk.
I won’t join in calling you a Nazi, and I think #11 is over the top, but I’m on board with calling you a “dumbfuck,” because you clearly are one despite the alleged MD degree.
That’s demonstrated by the fact you keep getting your ass handed to you every day but keep coming back for more, without discernable improvement in your intellectual and moral functioning.
The anti-Semitism starts with “From the river to the sea…” chants, and continues with threats to Jewish students for nothing more than being Jewish students…
Awwww.. look at it babble the always wrong wing narrative of the day..
Jewish and Palestinian students address arrests, fear for safety
Several students who had been arrested by New York City police gathered outside the Columbia president’s residence a couple of blocks from the main campus on Tuesday afternoon. Police stood to the side as students took turns reading prepared remarks and responding to reporters’ questions.
Many of the arrested students are Jewish, and three Barnard students refuted the idea they were any less Jewish for protesting against Israel. “We have continually had to defend our religious identities, even when there’s a long tradition behind them,” said student Sarah Borus, who also said she lost her housing after being arrested.
Marianne Hirsch, an English professor at Columbia who is also Jewish and teaches Holocaust studies, said the arrests of students and constant police presence “creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.”
“This is not what the university is about,” she said. “This amplifies divisions among students, amongst Jewish students.”
Next thing you know kreepshit will be babblin’ about “pro-Hamas” LE.. or.. “problematic jews”.. whatever.. yawwwn.
@15 Trump’s was even lower.
So, given two unpopular candidates, if voters reject the least popular of the two, your candidate loses.
@18 What’s his connection to BLM? Or is “BLM” your new adjective for black people in general, to replace the no-longer-socially-acceptable “n” word, with the same intended connotation?
kreepshit babbled the other day that student outrage over the carnage in Vietnam elected Nixon..
Heh.. Like the southern strategy and the blowback from the civil rights legislation never existed..
Well, tricky Dick would seal that deal at Kent State where National Guardsman killed 4 students..
3 of which were Jewish.. yep.. Nixon was a notorious anti-semite.
Didja all know that fascists Cotton and Hee Hawley want the National Guard to shut the students the F up?
We’re back to that?
Say…isn’t Likud the current majority party and has been for a couple decades?
Wild. Openly calling for genocide since 1977.
The anti-Semitism starts with “From the river to the sea…”
And so does the Likud Party Platform:
The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable… therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty. —Likud Party Platform, 1977
His brother James Sullivan is a right-wing activist with ties to the Proud Boys.
>> Family get to gethers must have been intense.
@20 The best possible outcome for Noem is that it turns out she lied about it to create a metaphor, and there was no dog or gravel pit.
If so, that was a massive miscalculation. I’ve been around hunters and sportsmen enough to know they love their dogs like they love their wives, and would never stand for anyone mistreating a dog. In action movies of the sort that attract that kind of audience in places like South Dakota, a scene like this gets a big cheer.
I’m pretty sure, in fact I’m 100% sure, that their governor shooting a dog merely for being too puppy is not going to go over well there or anywhere. I’m guessing Noem’s political career ends with her current term.
Opening is late. Speeches at Downtown Bellevue taking forever.
I’m sure nobody here would approve of, endorse, or defend his conduct, so don’t try to paint him as one of us. That’s dishonest.
teh kreepshit of widbee will do anything.. anything.. for another tax cut and to forestall an IRS audit.
2024 is kreepshit’s “Waterloo”.. heh.
@23 I wonder how many swing voters will be swayed by big banks stuck with underwater bonds as their #1 issue.
Try harder?
First case: the Village Idiot pulls the usual false equivalency Whuddubout bullshit about “Hitler” at 4. See that?
Can you see that there at 4? That takes place at Emory University in Atlanta (which is not Columbia University in New York).
Second case: immediately following that, at 5 the Village Idiot brings up a Columbia University incident involving an individual in New York threatening “Zionists”, cleverly (and yes, big surprise, dishonestly) linking the two with the phrase “Speaking of Hitler”.
See that? See that there at 5?
The one has nothing to do with the other. The Village Idiot attempt to link the two is just another tedious lie. These obvious lies should not require such painstaking explanation.
@26 It’s hard to believe they’re so stupid as to think they don’t need a ground game, so it’s got to be something else. Like no money left after paying Trump’s legal bills. And when it comes to spending priorities, he’d probably rather stay out of jail than be elected. All we know for sure is he and his family are now in control of where the money goes. The donors know that, too, and are heading for the exits.
@32 You can argue he’s one of ours in the same sense ours can argue you’re a Nazi.
Arguing somethingPulling shit out of your ass doesn’t make ittruefine dining.These are all things that did not happen at Emory leading up to when police wrestled a tenured Economics professor to the ground, pinned her arms behind her back, and arrested her.
There may be a plausible criminal case supporting her arrest for “resisting” although it’s likely to fail for the usual circular reasoning.
But she was not being arrested for anti-Semitism nor for threatening any Jewish students.
The Village Idiot comes here to lie.
@34 I’m not just now figuring it out. I’m rubbing his face in it.
@37 “The anti-Semitism starts with ‘From the river to the sea…’ chants, and continues with threats to Jewish students for nothing more than being Jewish students.”
“River to the sea” is anti-Zionist, not antisemitic. Threats to Jews for nothing more than being Jewish is antisemitic independent of student status.
You might want to read this before you rant about “those leading the charge,” before you get too unmoored from reality.
Otherwise, you’ll be accused of lying again. Which, of course, you are.
The other day kreepshit quoted the Florida Dem Congressman Moskowitz and his objections to the protesters making jewish students feel “uncomfortable”..
I believe Moskowitz is a thorn in the side to lowlifes like Chisum Gym and Farmer Jim so I don’t want to slam the guy too hard..
But it’s understandable why he’s said what he said:
The freshman Democrat has proven to be a reliable defender of Israel in Congress.
Washington’s most powerful pro-Israel lobby is endorsing U.S. Rep. Jared Moskowitz for re-election.
Moskowitz received around 260 personal donations in Q1 collected largely through the Democratic fundraising platform, ActBlue, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
AIPAC and DMFI suck BIGLY.. Israel is turning Gaza into a charnel house.
The Trumps believe that party turnout operations are a waste. They really do.
Now without bothering to interrogate that belief, one thing for sure is true as regards those operations is that in some cases (Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania) even if strictly limited to presidential battleground states, there are important down-ballot races that will be decided by partisan turnout.
But money is also an issue. With party donations lagging and so much money being diverted towards criminal defense expenses, Republicans cannot afford to run a “Yes and also” strategy. They have to fund a giant expensive nominating convention that meets Trump level expectations. They have lots of down-ballot primary contests still ahead. And under their current House leadership dynamics, many essentially “safe” incumbents will still expect to be recipients of party spending merely as a condition of loyalty to all the lying, rape, corruption, insurrection, and selling of classified defense secrets. They have to make cuts where they can while struggling to hold together a party coalition built on threats, lies, and betrayal. That presumably means a lot of Republicans challenging in swing states and districts are on their own this year.
If I thought it would help, I could have shot a dog.
@42 There’s a video of her arrest here, and it doesn’t show anybody getting “hit on the head,” lightly or otherwise.
You can interpret what you saw in two ways: Either she was arrested for obstructing, i.e. getting too close to an arrest in progress; or they were just arresting everybody present.
But I don’t see anything in that video that would constitute an assault on a cop, and the video captures the entire incident.
@43 So what you’re saying is I thought “dog,” and you thought “einsatzgruppen.”
We think differently.
In 2020, Biden beat Trump in Arizona by about 11,000 votes.
I’m sure all the new registrations are never-Trump Republicans. Right?
@ 65
But I don’t see anything in that video that would constitute an assault on a cop…
When the dude ran over the Dancing Grannies in the Waukesha Xmas parade, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you saw that he was a white guy. Remember that?
You see what you need to see in order to keep your line of bullshit alive. Earlier this morning you saw that the asshole who talked about killing Zionists was not part of your group. Because it looks bad that he is part of your group.
Well thank goodness honest observers can all easily agree that she was not arrested for threatening Jewish students.
The Village Idiot comes here to lie.
Katie Hobbs defeated Kari Lake by more than 17,000 votes.
Katie Hobbs is a Democrat.
Turnout matters.
And Dobbs is on the ballot in Arizona in 2024.
@67 Kari Lake lost in Arizona because 30,000 registered Republican voters voted for her Democratic opponent.
Candidates matter more than party registration.
@ 70
Turnout matters.
And Dobbs is on the ballot in Arizona in 2024.
And Arizona is a southern border state.
@68 In other words, you don’t see a cop getting assaulted in that video, either. And you’re palpably disappointed.
@72 So is South Dakota, according to its dog-shooting governor.
International pressure (and mass protests are part of that pressure) is having an effect:
The secondary explosions in strike # 3 are a beautiful thing.
IDF destroys Hamas rockets launch pads that fired at soldiers in Gaza Strip
According to the Palestinian Information Ministry in Gaza, the third strike resulted in the deaths of nine Palestinian children, whose ages ranged from 16-34.
@ 75
International pressure (and mass protests are part of that pressure) is having an effect:
Yes. Quite the effect, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You know that Israel is mere days from the Rafah invasion, right?
Doctor Dumbfuck strikes me as someone who might blow his fingers off playing with firecrackers.
I saw plenty of airstrikes. Never considered them a “beautiful thing,” or war a fine spectator sport, as he does. And if I never see or hear another explosion in my life, I’ll be very happy with that.
Doctor Dumbfuck and I think differently.
@77 You know that Babylon Bee is satire, right?
Jewish senator schools Netanyahu on antisemitism.
Damn shame then that the GOP ditched out on border security and as a consequence can’t afford to talk about it anymore.
If only we could possibly understand how the “senile” old man keeps outmaneuvering “the masters of the universe” like Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Mike What’s-his-name. It’s a real mystery.
Strong post.
Really crowded on the 2 line today, will drop off on Monday.
From the linked article @ 75 in which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims that this time, pinky swear, Lucy won’t pull the football away:
There is no workable proposal. There is no agreement. There will never be with Hamas.
Finish them.. Egypt and Jordan will even help.
@ 80
Jewish senator schools Netanyahu on antisemitism.
Afterward, Bernie and Bibi compared old war wounds. Bibi showed the hole from the bullet he took during the raid, and Bernie showed the shiv wound in the back he received in 2015 from the DNC after #CrookedHillary infused all that cash.
Dueling Justice
Exhibit A:
U.S. District Judge Leonard Strand, overseeing the Iowa case where a Vietnamese immigrant ballot harvested from the Vietnamese community by ‘translating’ the English only ballot (mandated by IA law) and making non English speakers vote for her Republican candidate husband sentenced her to 4 months plus 4 home confinement. She was convicted of 52 counts each one punishable by up to five years.
Exhibit B:
Tarant County DA has filed for appeal on the vacating of Crystal Mason’s five year sentence. Y’all remember Crystal. She’s the parolee who was literally told by a poll worker that she was eligible to vote and given a single provisional ballot.
Having learned nothing from its J6 experience, Washington D.C. authorities double down on stupid.
D.C. police rejected GWU’s plea to sweep out university protesters
Asked for comment, DC councilmember Trayvon
responded that the protests are not a police problem until at least three Jews are dead.
Let it be written that every killing by every cop is just a single bad apple that should never be thought to spoil the bunch, while every protest by and on behalf of marginalized people must be flawlessly perfect, or all participants deserve the brutality the police exist to deliver to them.
@ 87
Let it be written that…
You forgot Nazis. Every single individual who thinks differently than you do is by definition a Nazi. Especially Jews.
“Shorter Unserious Twat @ 10”
The only good fascist is a dead fascist.
Is that short enough for a dumbfuck Nazi coward such as yourself?
You’re a fucking fascist.
Catch my drift?
The accompanying photo is captioned:
Protesters at George Washington University dance on H Street, extending the encampment off campus Friday night.
Good God! Behold the carnage!
Not even the “Safety Dance”.
Chuck Wexler, the executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, which advises law enforcement agencies on best practices.. said the university should demonstrate to police “a compelling reason” for them to intervene, and D.C. police appeared to be taking a wait-and-see approach.
“If these are peaceful demonstrators and MPD says, ‘Look, we’ll stand by. We’re not leaving, we’re simply saying at this moment we don’t see a compelling need to come in,’ then that’s okay,” he said.
Must be one or two sufficiently well educated and credentialed administrators at GWU that they could put pen to paper and come up with evidence of “a compelling reason”.
Like, when isn’t wearing a $250 designer keffiyeh while doing a shitty Dead-Head twirl “a compelling reason” to beat the shit out of children?
The actual dog she dragged to the gravel pit and shot in the head:
It goes without saying that Donald Trump should not be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office ever again.
But of course I’ll vote for him in November.
Hey guys. Kyle Dropp here, President of Morning Consult.
You know, from time to time people ask us, who are the people who respond to your online, opt-in polls?
What kind of people are they?
Well that’s a great question. They’re just regular folks like you and me.
For example meet Candace and Jeremy.
I don’t know about any logarithms all I know is that the comments were deleted after posting. I think HA’s Maoist’s gods deleted the comments and blocking my comments…..censorship.
If not, why don’t they release the moderation or explain why they find my comments objectionable unlike some of the other comments made here.
All the issues talked about here can be summed up in one, well two, words – heterosexual apes.
I here body parts make good beef broth stock
@84 Herewith is a case study in a non-responsive, irrelevant, and off-topic response. It’s what Doctor Dumbfuck resorts to when he doesn’t have a valid response, or there isn’t one.
@85 “… and given a single provisional ballot” which wasn’t counted.
She didn’t get 5 years in prison for that; she got 5 years prison for voting while black.
Meanwhile, in Florida’s The Villages, at least four individuals who knowingly and intentionally voted for Trump twice, in Florida and in their previous home states, got probation and community service. All of these intentional vote cheaters were white.
It’s transparently obvious that the white Republicans who run TexAss made a public show of pillorying Crystal Mason in order to scare black voters away from polling places.
Here he is, Tarant County DA Phil Sorrels, who bills himself as a “conservative Republican [who] knows that illegal immigration is not just a problem on the border …. Joe Biden’s reckless policies have allowed human and drug trafficking to go unchecked. Sorrells will aggressively prosecute criminal conduct by illegal aliens and will make every effort to detain them until they are deported.”
Yeah, I’m not surprising he’s contesting Crystal Mason’s exoneration. Apparently Tarant County is so crime-free (and immigrant-free) he has nothing better to do with his time.
@99. Why isn’t the Tarant County DA going after the people who buy illegal drugs?
Wait, I mean why isn’t the Tarant County DA going after the people who buy illegals? No, that’s not quite it.
What I mean is, why isn’t the Tarant County DA going after the people who hire illegals? The economically driven illegals wouldn’t come here if Americans were not paying them.
Never mind. I know why.
He really should have brought him inside by making him the running mate when he had the chance:
Not actually that smart though.
When one group is marginalized and hated, every group is hated. Including white heterosexual old men. When one person isn’t safe, nobody is safe. When one person is mistreated then every person can be a victim.
Finish Them!
Heterosexual apes. Again that’s where the problems lay.
Such as Finish Them
@86 How many Jews have been killed on campuses by protesters so far?
But I’m not saying there haven’t been violent hate crimes because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
@92 Obviously a propaganda photo taken by liberal activists that intentionally hides the dog’s teeth.
I think she just likes to shoot animals for the thrill of the kill. After the dog and goat, the chickens will be next.
@101 He must have some internal polling showing who RFK Jr. is sucking votes away from.
I’m seeing growing indications in news reports that at least some university administrators are lying to justify crackdowns on peaceful protests. For example, this CNN report:
So here you have a university lying about who’s chanting “kill the Jews” to justify having police to break up a peaceful protest.
Apparently Kristi Noem’s strong belief in “right to life” doesn’t extend to God’s other creatures. Facing criticism from fellow conservatives, Noem responded by announcing her farm also “put down three horses a few weeks ago.”
Man, it’s dangerous to be a critter of any sort on her property. If you’re a pregnant woman carrying a dying fetus in her state, your life isn’t worth shit, either.
Evidence is accumulating that administrators, not protesters, are the aggressors:
The way to stop fentanyl trafficking is by putting police
on the borderin jail.
One result of DeSantis’s Martha Vineyard’s stunt is the migrants may now qualify for crime victim visas, which will protect them from deportation and allow them to get work permits.
Just because the U.S. has lax gun laws doesn’t mean everybody else does. Courts in the Turks and Caicos Islands, a Bahamas tourist destination, will throw your ass in jail for bringing a gun or ammo into their country.
They’re not fooling around. The U.S. Embassy in Nassau issued the following travel alert warning,
Inside Edition reported,
Doesn’t matter whether it was intentional or accidental, or whether you knew it was there; if they find it, your ass is grass, so better check your luggage before you leave U.S. jurisdiction. I don’t understand why anyone is carrying ammo in their luggage in the first place.
Fuck around, find out.
Lucked into being first st one of the doors for the first train out of South Bellevue. Glad I wasn’t at the Ribbon Cutting.
Four years ago today Donald J Trump took to Twitter and threatened to cut federal funding for blue states because they had the unmitigated gall to lightly criticize his response to the exploding pandemic.
It’s worth noting that no matter how bad you think the Administrations response to the pandemic was, it was actually worse. Refusing to purchase ventilators, trying to fake the infection numbers, allowing super spreader events in yahoo counties and Red States…
Are you better off today than you were four years ago?
@114 “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”
Yes! I no longer worry about getting Covid, and I’m a lot richer. I’m four years older, though, and that sucks.
Sure, Jan. Name a time and place.
115)On the last part, nobody lives forever.
@117 I don’t think anybody wants to. I sure don’t want to be here when the sun becomes a red giant.
118)Also in the immediate term, outliving everyone you know. Seen a few movies with that premise. Saw a clip from Age of Adelaine in my social media feeds, romantic fantasy with Blake Lively and Harrison Ford. She was cursed with being forever 29 because of an accident. Was afraid of being studied(escaped one attempted abduction), that may have had longevity, but not really living. I am one, that even after reading the spoilers, still tends to watch it anyway. To see if whoever wrote the spoiler article was right.
“Under a National Security Memorandum (NSM) issued by President Joe Biden in February, Blinken must report to Congress by May 8 whether he finds credible Israel’s assurances that its use of U.S. weapons does not violate U.S. or international law.”
“USAID also provided input to the memo. “The killing of nearly 32,000 people, of which the GOI (Government of Israel) itself assesses roughly two-thirds are civilian, may well amount to a violation of the international humanitarian law requirement,”
Four of seven bureaus so far have delivered assessment memos concluding that Israel’s current and ongoing use of U.S. supplied weapons is in direct violation of international treaties that bind the U.S.
As the GOI now prepares a major escalation of their war on Gaza, and as their war threatens to rapidly expand into Lebanon and into Yemen, would even a temporary suspension of U.S. assistance either provoke intensified violations of U.S. and international law or place Israel’s civilian population at immediately heightened risk?
I think the answer to those two key questions can be “no” provided that the temporary suspension of U.S. military assistance is carefully targeted to exclude purely defensive systems and components, such as Israel’s rocket defense systems.
And given the manifest conclusion that the GOI is currently and routinely employing U.S. assistance in ways that violate our laws and treaties, a suspension of that assistance sooner rather than later is in our interest, Israel’s own interest, and the region’s interest. Delaying that eventuality to a point in the future when Israel’s war has burst its borders, drawn in regional state actors, further drawn in additional non-state actors, and exposed vastly expanded civilian populations to death and displacement by that expanded conflict, could very easily commit the United States to a course of action that we can neither justify under our own laws nor sustain.
Israel should be stopped in its efforts to expand and intensify its current war in Gaza. It is almost certainly in the U.S. national interest to do so now rather than waiting any longer.
There are more than 600,000 children currently living as refugees in Rafah.
According to the GOI’s own estimates of the casualty impacts of their war so far, 2 out of every 3 persons killed in all IDF operations in Gaza are civilian non-combatants.
I see it’s not just Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit who claims to be appalled at the language used by the Columbia student asshole who wants to kill Zionists.
Your protestations that the non-binary dude is not one of you are false. He is a leader of your movement at Columbia. Here is how the Columbia Spectator describes him:
Dude’s a protest organizer and calls a press conference, and yet you claim he doesn’t speak for you? Up until now you’ve helped him speak for you.
The only ones discriminated against, harassed, and oppressed are Jewish student at Columbia.
He’s one of yours. Time to own it.
@ 122
According to the GOI’s own estimates of the casualty impacts of their war so far, 2 out of every 3 persons killed in all IDF operations in Gaza are civilian non-combatants.
QoS McHillbilly takes the numerator from a source deemed not credible by HA libbies and the denominator from a source deemed not credible by anyone familiar with lies told by Hamas, and via these highly questionable figures gins up a fraction that he then attributes to the Netanyahu government.
The quality gap between QoS McHillbilly and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit narrows by the day.
There’s a reason QoS McHillbilly never shares a link to his source.
Holy shit, CNN. There might be hope for you yet.
55% of poll respondents now think Trump I was a success.
61% of poll respondents can feel deep within their bones that they are experiencing a failed presidency as we speak.
This. Is. CNN. It’s also a good look ahead to Trump’s inauguration in January.
Everybody looking forward to a calm, organized, professional DNC convention this summer in Chicago?
To recap @ 125, Trump has a 6-point lead over Biden in the poll CNN just reported.
Trump 49
Biden 43
I really, really hate national polls. The battleground polls are more instructive.
But I enjoy sticking it to you gullible libbies when I get the chance. Especially to QoS McHillbilly, who will now provide all the ammunition needed to mock over his claims of “skewed polls”. So get started, Queen YLB. You love that shit, or at least you used to.
Let’s look a little more into CNN’s poll, shall we?
Joe Biden has failed POC and he has failed the younger generation of voters.
Joe Biden has failed Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
These are the government of Israel’s own estimates of casualty numbers in their war.
These are the estimates of the population in Rafah from the United States Agency for International Aid and Development, which is the U.S. federal government agency funded and authorized by the United States through our Congressional legislature to be the front line U.S. agency in working directly with displaced civilian populations in conflict zones.
I agree with the U.S. State Department that the government of Israel is neither credible nor reliable when it comes to either their estimates of the impacts of their war on Gaza nor on their compliance with the law.
The Village Idiot comes here to lie.
Most of the time the Village Idiot is very bad at it.
As if Trump’s 6-point lead over Biden isn’t bad enough, when the other candidates are added in it gets even worse for my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president:
That’s Trump over Biden by 9.
I don’t believe I’ve ever used that term. I also don’t believe the Village Idiot is capable of providing a rational definition of this term he appears to be dishonestly “quoting” to me
The Village Idiot comes here to lie.
In a CBS News/YouGov poll, 62% of respondents in MI and WI said the economy was good under President Trump. In PA that number was 61%.
Meanwhile, 38%, 42%, and 38% of respondents in those states, respectively, think the economy is good under the leadership of my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president.
@ 128
These are the estimates of the population in Rafah from the United States Agency for International Aid and Development, which is the U.S. federal government agency funded and authorized by the United States through our Congressional legislature …
… and directed by Samantha Power, the woman who once called Hillary Clinton a monster.
Everyone gets their numbers from the same source, which is under the control of Hamas. QoS McHillbilly knows this. He just won’t admit it.
Hyperbolic numbers from an organization led by a woman famously prone to hyperbole.
Good post.
Jpost, today:
IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi approves plans for Rafah op.
All Hamas has to do in order to prevent this is return 33 hostages. Easy-peasy. Unless they’ve already been killed.
Your move, Hamas. But hurry.
ShorterQoS McHillbilly @ 130“I’ve written that the polls are imbalanced or otherwise inaccurate, that they are unrepresentative for various reasons, notably including sampling errors because of the manner of contact with respondents. Too many cell phones, not enough cell phones, too much internet, not enough internet. Whatever I need to take issue with each and every poll that disfavors Biden, and JFC there sure are a lot of them this month.
But I have never used the word skewed to describe the imbalances I allege. Therefore claims against me are intentionally false. Someone bring me a damn handkerchief, and no, not a white one. Not just yet.”
Anybody wonder why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is no longer claiming that Israel will put the lives of the hostages in jeopardy by continuing the effort against Hamas?
A map of the US showing locations of protests on college campuses.
Gee, I can’t imagine why Penn and Harvard lost their leaders and why MIT and Columbia leaders are under the gun, can you?
The Ivy League is a cesspool of anti-Semitism.
Jason Miller and teh kreepshit of widbee:
Separated at birth.. too funee…
Quite predictably a MAGA Village Idiot is now reduced to shrieking that “the WOKE Biden government is controlled by Hamas”.
This kind of MAGA paranoid hyperbole has never persuaded anyone.
The Village Idiot comes here to lie.
The only ones discriminated against, harassed, and oppressed are Jewish student at Columbia.
Including Jewish Voices for Peace?
Oh those are the “problematic or the self-hating Jews”… It’s ok for Columbia University to be “anti-semitic” towards them.
Thus spake teh kreepshit of widbee…
Another quality link. /s
Lies have never persuaded smart people.
The Village Idiot comes here to lie.
So the bonus for kreepshit sucking drumpf’s mushroom to November is not just a tax cut and defenestrating the IRS..
it’s a more thuggish “kick the living shit” future for kreepshit’s “grandkids”…
Roll tape:
Bannon strikes me as one of those pundits who has few or no practical input, unlimited “big ideas”, and is only occasionally right. Of course when he’s right about something he flogs it tirelessly.
This is one of those rare times.
Too late now.
@ 139
Including Jewish Voices for Peace?
No, those assholes are the ones for whom coddling just came to an end, Queen YLB. Loss of coddlement and harassment are not the same.
Ask your fucked kids. They might be able to explain it to you.
An example of the comical lengths that the “Woke Leftist” media will go to in order to preserve the comforting fiction that the GOP is still a functioning, viable counterparty in our democracy, from Meet the Press:
McCONNELL: If you look at the condition of the world right now, it’s actually more dangerous than before WW2
WELKER: And yet the leader of the GOP espouses an “America First” foreign policy, which is the very definition of isolationism
McCONNELL: Well, it’s a family dispute
The Republican Party since Theodore Roosevelt has been a party of global interventionism.
Trump’s faux populism in service to his foreign financers and enablers repudiates a century of Republican policy and would undeniably ruin global trade and as a direct consequence the U.S. economy.
Mitch the Glitch describes this as merely a “family dispute”.
The “Woke Leftist” media greet that description with mute acceptance.
@ 144
WELKER: And yet the leader of the GOP espouses an “America First” foreign policy, which is the very definition of isolationism
America Exclusively is the definition of isolationism. The US has bases all over the world, and outside of the Rand Paul offices no one is really jonesing to close them.
Not paying the pension contributions for Ukrainian government employees while still providing some support for Ukraine is not isolationism. It’s closer to common sense.
Of course this is another lie.
Not paying particular attention to the shockingly dangerous policy aims of the Rapist he intends to vote for makes the poll-sniffing Village Idiot no different from any other mouth breathing, hooting, “BONER GARAGE” MAGA clown 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Don’t get me wrong, I find the Noem bio stuff as disturbing as the next person. That having been said this is the name of a newly opened Woodinville restaurant [Edit: apparently they’re in Queen Anne and Madison Park, too] by Ethan Stowell:
How To Cook A Wolf
We don’t own a rifle but every time we see a coyote within 40′ of the horse turnouts we think about whether we should have one.
Sixties longhair chooses a religion career after realizing the Bible is full of references to “poverty, oppression, and justice.” Decides churches “should address racism and public policy issues that affect the poor.” Result? “Some evangelicals see him as a renegade because they are suspicious of his emphasis on social justice and his past work as a spiritual advisor to former President Obama.” A renegade because he cares about the poor. (N.B., then what does this make Jesus?)
This tells you everything you need to know about fake Christianity, even before getting into the weeds of Christian nationalism and prosperity gospel.
And yes, this is how you deal with the Bible-thumping “fake news” crowd: You tell them their religion is fake.
Not to provoke or belittle them, although people who misuse the Bible to cloak greed and racism certainly deserve to be belittled; but because it is.
No, those assholes are the ones for whom coddling just came to an end
Oh how anti-semitic of you.. Its true colors are shown.. widbee’s “finest”..
A Seattle Times column today starts out,
I mention it because this story is playing out nearly everywhere. Compassionate homeless, drug use, and bail policies don’t seem to be working. Why? When it comes to the weakest members of society, “give ’em an inch, they’ll take a mile.” So public officials are backing away from this approach and reverting to enforcement. Actually, this isn’t quite true; the problem I see is that there’s always a few who ruin things for everyone else.
Don’t get me wrong, I find the Noem bio stuff as disturbing as the next person.
L.M.A.O… “killer” Kristi killing horsies and widdle doggies “disturbs” kreepshit..
while it cheerleads piles of women and kids’ bodies stacked to the sky in Gaza cuz’ they have funny last names and may not care too much for conditions in their open air prison run by the country that can do no wrong.
Wow. Mary Kay’s “liburlism” rubs off on the degen troll in strange ways.. It’s the slaughtered horsies.. gotta be.. maybe the poor doggie too.
Oh silly me. It’s the woman with a gun.. No way of predicting where she’ll point it and at what, like a kreepshit’s junk.
@119 “outliving everyone you know”
This is a real thing. By the time Pop Rabbit was coming up on his 99th birthday, he had no one to talk to except his offspring; none of his siblings, friends, or work colleagues were still alive. After he went into assisted living, I asked him if he was making new friends there, and he said no, the residents didn’t socialize they weren’t around six months later. Despite the nice surroundings, it was a warehouse for the dying (and just as depressing as that sounds).
So, there’s such a thing as living too long. The young don’t care about you; they’re living their own lives, and you’re just a relic of a bygone time, and in the way. One of the worst things that can happen to a following generation is to be outlived by the parents they expected to inherit from. Just ask King Charles, the poor sap was 75 when he got his crown, and now just a year in, he’s got cancer. I’m not saying he should’ve done to his mother what Kristi Noem did to her dog, but it must have been frustrating to wait, and wait, and wait, and worry Queen Mum might outlive him. William, his son, is in a better position; he’s only 41 and probably will get the crown and castles in his fifties and maybe sooner.
Anyway, I’m digressing. The horse probably hopes to get the five acres and barn by intestate succession, if nothing else, and may even be plotting to hurry things along with a kick to the dumbfuck’s head during a fucking session, so he can go find himself a mare and then live a normal life. In any case, I’m sure the very last thing he wants is present owner to outlive him. That’s a horse’s worst nightmare.
We don’t own a rifle but every time we see a coyote within 40′ of the horse turnouts we think about whether we should have one.
Heh.. Show this one to Mary Kay then..
Oh noes. the poor widdle doggies gettin’ shot!
@120 In Republican World, Palestinian babies are terrorists, and Russians who kill babies are not.
@123 I haven’t helped him do shit and as far as I’m concerned he’s not one of “us.”
In the later stages of the Vietnam anti-war protests, all sorts of fringe groups came in, and tried to claim the stage and microphone in an effort to co-opt the anti-war movement to their own agendas. That didn’t render opposition to the war invalid.
Same with the BLM protests. The fact a few looters and troublemakers exploited them for their own selfish ends didn’t make George Floyd’s murder a civic act, nor validate police brutality against black people.
Khymani James isn’t legitimate. Protesting Israel’s conduct in Gaza is. Like cynical politicians, media, and Israeli propaganda, you latch onto outliers like James to delegitimize legitimate protest. It’s dishonest, and a form of lying.
@125 “55% of poll respondents now think Trump I was a success.”
That’s 5% more than the population with below-average IQ in a country where the media are controlled by rich white conservatives and half the people randomly stopped and questioned on a New York City sidewalk can’t point to Africa on a map.
We’re supposed to be surprised?
@126 However, I think it would be prudent for you to lay in a supply of BBQ sauce in case you have to eat those polls a few months from now.
@133 “All Hamas has to do in order to prevent this is return 33 hostages.”
Last I heard, Israel’s intent was to FINISH THEM. If Hamas hands over all the hostages, there’s nothing to prevent Israel from breaking its word and invading Rafah. If you were Hamas, would you trust their word? On anything?
Of course Hamas should release the hostages. All of them, and now. Shouldn’t have taken them in the first place. But you’re overlooking the possibility that Hamas wants Israel to level Gaza and kill thousands of Palestinian women and children, to rev up the hate against Israel, which maybe had grown stale and quiescent. The Oct. 7 terror attacks, in their scale and savagery, seem to have been calculated to do just that. Because if you’re a terrorist group bent on eradicating the Jewish state, the last thing you want is a live-and-let-live attitude among the population you’re lording over, so you provoke the Israelis into slaughtering your people.
If that’s what your thinking is, why would you put all your bargaining chips into the pot all at once; knowing that however the hand plays out, you’ll have no chips to play the next hand? And in Hamas-Israel relations, there’11 always be a next hand, unless Hamas ceases to exist. And why would Hamas agree to cease to exist?
@134 Winning, or leading in, a poll never elected anybody to anything.
Another flaw of relying on polls is that, even if they’re accurate, they can shift — even dramatically — just days or hours before an election. The phenomenon is popularly referred to as “October surprise.” The fact is, elections are unpredictable, so the best advice is don’t make a fool of yourself by trying to predict an election.
@135 Where did I claim that? I’ve been more accommodating of Israel’s military operations and civilian casualties than any other liberal poster on HA. Because I know what wars are like from a military necessity standpoint.
@136 “The Ivy League is a cesspool of anti-Semitism.”
No, the Ivy League is a hotbed of anti-war activity, and your brain is a cesspool of rightwing slanders, racism, and militarism.
@137 “Jason Miller has tweeted every month since 2019 that Hillary Clinton is running for president. ”
She’d better get going pretty soon, before Biden locks up the last two or three delegates, if she doesn’t want to emerge from the convention with a shutout.
@138 “The Village Idiot comes here to lie.”
I’m not sure. Lying is a volitional act, one that requires intent, and I’m not sure the Dumbfuck is capable of intent. In his case, stupidity is a more plausible explanation. As you, yourself, have repeatedly point out, he’s an idiot; and idiots aren’t capable of lying, they’re just stupid.
@139 quoting Dumbfuck’s comment @123 that, “The only ones discriminated against, harassed, and oppressed are Jewish student at Columbia.”
That, of course, is Dumbfuck’s old friend Shai Davidai.
@143 Wherein Dumbfuck
proclaimsscreeches that being for peace makes young people “assholes.”At this point, it shouldn’t be forgotten he claims to be a one-percenter, which in the eyes of young people makes him … an asshole.
@145 “Not paying the pension contributions for Ukrainian government employees while still providing some support for Ukraine is not isolationism. It’s closer to common sense.”
Not paying for artillery shells while the Russians push the Ukrainians out of their positions isn’t common sense, it’s knifing an ally in the back.
@146 I can be persuaded that Trump is an internationalist, given the evidence he isn’t against foreign alliances, he just wants to replace the ones we have by allying himself with Russia, China, and North Korea.
@147 You do know the difference between a cutesy restaurant name and shooting a pet, don’t you?
Since they don’t publish a menu on their website, how do you know they’re cooking wolf meat? I’m not saying they aren’t; some people do. But it doesn’t strike me as a recipe for success in the Seattle restaurant business, any more than serving beefsteaks in India would be.
Too late.
Boner Garage is all-in and DTF for Daddy Trump.
His April polls are his favorite porn. And Daddy Trump is his “Hef” with a Florida sex-club mansion filled with porn stars, hookers, classified national security documents, and blow.
@153 TexAsses think it’s more fun to blow them up with tannerite.
Huffington Post rhetorically asks, what are protesters demanding, then offers this list:
(1) “divest from companies linked to Israel or businesses which profit off of its war with Hamas”
This is purely symbolic, because selling a company’s stock to other investors has no impact at all on the company’s finances; but symbolism is psychologically important.
(2) “transparency on ties to Israel”
Apart from school endowment investments, this includes severing academic ties with Israel. “For example, students from Columbia University and New York University are both demanding the end of their schools’ respective Tel Aviv programs.” But this would have no impact on Israel’s government, and would deprive students — particularly Jewish students — of learning opportunities. It also overlooks the fact that Israeli society isn’t monolithic, and there are likely many Israeli academics who oppose their government’s policies, just as there are in our country; so, shouldn’t be support, rather than shun, those academics?
(3) “Denounce genocide, and call for cease-fire”
How hard is it to denounce genocide, or call for a ceasefire? “Student protesters across the country are calling for Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territory and for their colleges to show support for a cease-fire.” The way I see it, these are noble goals, and it’s time for a pause in military operations, but ending occupation without compromising Israel’s security, in the absence of a functional Palestinian government, is tricky and probably more aspirational than realizable right now.
Some of the protesters’ demands may be ineffectual or impractical, but so long as the protests remain peaceful, are an antiwar movement, and object to Israeli oppression of Palestinians, they’re on moral high ground and I can support their broad aims even if I’m not on board with some of their specific goals.
On the other hand, arrests and expulsions of students on fabricated “antisemitism” charges are not morally or intellectually defensible. University administrators groveling to pro-Israel politicians, undercutting academic freedom and free speech in the process, is unhealthy for the universities they lead to say the least. It appears most of those in power have chosen the low road, and that’s going to fuel and energize the protests, and get them more of the very thing they’re trying to suppress.
Noem is now holding up assassinating her dog as an example of her ability to make “hard decisions.” A former FBI agent replied,
Betcha this turns kreepshit into a slobbering Noem fan
While what happened to Cricket was horrific and inexcusable, he will have a place of honor in perpetuity in the Canine Hall of Martyrs. Few dogs have done more for humanity by losing their lives than Cricket ending the menace of Kristi Noem as an elected official.
Well only if kreepshit can hide when Noem holds a gun.
Oh lookee here kreepshit:
“Coddled” conservative Jews who are anti-zionist…
I’m sure you’ll find a “coddled” commie somewhere in that bunch. Teh late unlamented babblin’ butthole wouldn’t hesitate a new yawk second to search teh inter-tubes far and wide for a linky.. prolly find it at the poor old bankrupt gateway idiot’s site.
Those guys think the movement founded by Theodor Herzl was heresy. Yeah, kreepshit just babble the word “assholes” and call it a day. heh..
@172 BDS comes into its own. Israel, by virtue of its apartheid policies and the prosecution of a genocide in Gaza has only itself to blame.
Finish them. And fuck the hostages AND their families
Times of Israel
In a quite lengthy statement today Kristi Noem points out that killing a dog that is a threat to livestock is legal.
The goat was just for fun apparently.
Too f’in funee:
The only thing more shameless is kreepshit fellating drumpf’s mushroom here day in and day out.
for desperate want of a tax..
desperate to avoid an IRS audit..
Elon Musk, deceased age 52, April 28, 2024
152)Also I was thinking that yesterday, something will be missing when LINK gets to Lynwood later this year. No surviving Interurban motormen or conductors. It quit in 39(thank you City of Seattle, rails to rubber was about to eliminate its access to Downtown), so the odds, 85 years later, are against it. Impossible in the case of when the 1 Line gets to Tacoma, and ironically it will enter Tacoma roughly the same route the Puget Sound Electric Railway did, it quit in 1928. When the T-Line opened in 2003, there was 1 surviving Tacoma Streetcar motorman on hand, they went to buses in 1936-38.
As for King Charles, so many in the Tories are out to get PM Sunak, that he could be on his Third PM, and there hasn’t been an election since he became King. Polls are showing that Labour has a chance, and it might not be Shy Tories this time. They got local elections Thursday, might be a surprise, but if it’s bad for the Tories, well Sunak has until January to call the Election. The problems with SNP in Edinburgh, have Labor benefiting, which in a normal year, they need those Scottish seats for a majority. Doubt if even abandoning Brexit would help Sunak, he’s losing support on his right to even more pro-Brexit parties.
178)If it was a Basenji, insanity defense would be an option. Familiar with that breed, my parents raised them.
Elon Musk, deceased age 52, April 28, 2024
Die hard confidence in Tesla Full Self Driving to the end.
Guess TSLA’s AI didn’t care for him.
I’m impressed by AI!
How to succeed in a capitalist society.
(Memo to Doctor Dumbfuck: Before you jump on me, I know it’s from The Onion, dipshit!)
!84. Wow. I knew plagiarism script image generators could be used to do that stuff, like make Will Smith eat pizza but that’s the first time for Political Satire. That guy is sooo going to be hunted down and sent to South Dakota Reeducation camps, if trump gets reelected.
84. Wow. I knew plagiarism script image generators could be used to do that stuff, like make Will Smith eat pizza but that’s the first time for Political Satire. That guy is sooo going to be hunted down and sent to South Dakota Reeducation camps, if trump gets reelected.
Three year old Hillary tweet goes viral.
Hillary Clinton
Don’t vote for anyone you wouldn’t trust with your dog.
8:25 AM · Feb 19, 2021
Three percent of Israelis killed as a result of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack were children.
Forty percent of Palestinians killed as a result of the IDF war on Gaza in reprisal for the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack are children.
190. I can imagine all those dead kids making it very hard for the Arab world to want to negotiate anything with the nation of Israel. Hamas did an excellent job of triggering Israel do something so stupid has to get rid of all of their Goodwill. Cynically I wonder if netanyahu thinks this is a bonus because of his campaign promise that only he can Israel safe. Keep supporting me or the arabs will Destroy you.
Senator Ted Cruz’s effort to include a special funding rider to the FAA budget reauthorization to provide Senators with federal law enforcement escorts through passenger airports has been defeated in the House.
@ 191
Senator Ted Cruz’s effort to include a special funding rider to the FAA budget reauthorization to provide Senators with federal law enforcement escorts through passenger airports has been defeated in the House.
I’m curious, since I hadn’t heard about this before: How did Mark Kelly vote?
@ 188
Three year old Hillary tweet goes viral.
This old Hillary tweet goes viral on an annual basis:
Hillary Clinton
Happy birthday to this future president.
6:03 AM · Oct 26, 2016
I think it was posted the day before Comey notified the FBI that there was #CrookedHillary-associated classified material nestled in amongst the child porn on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
@ 189
Forty percent of Palestinians killed as a result of the IDF war on Gaza in reprisal for the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack are children.
Of that cohort, 70% shaved twice daily and died with a rocket launcher or an AK in their hands.
Duhr, cuz of all them guns and knives and cans o’ bear spray gathered at TSA checkpoints and Cancun departure gates.
Another powerful post from the Village Idiot.