Join us tonight as we close out 2014 and toast in the new year at this week’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening for friendly conversation at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 177 chapters of Living Liberally, including fifteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
DeBlasio blinks.
De Blasio calls emergency summit with cop unions
Or, if the sage RR is to believed, there are five police unions scrambling desperately to avoid being PATCO’d by DeBlasio.
Josh Marshall labeled this a ‘Must Read’:
I get the reason behind civil disobedience, etc, but civil disobedience is normally undertaken at the risk of arrest. I think even the cops respect that… you want to make your point, you get carried to the paddy wagon. Point taken, with all due respect. But when that risk is taken away by a political decision not to arrest, the cops see a slippery slope to anarchy.
Perhaps, just perhaps, being instructed to stand down and merely watch as a protest march devolved into violence in which two of their own were assaulted and injured, and then hearing DeBlasio publicly refer to those injuries as ‘alleged’, may have angered NYPD’s force.
Or perhaps repeated insinuations on Goldy’s Twitter feed are correct, and it’s all because DeBlasio married a black woman.
More institutional racism and classism from ‘Bob’ the smug and sloppy solipsist?
Perhaps, just perhaps.
NEWS FLASH: American Achiever of 2014…, Sarah Palin!
Republican Rep. Grimm resigns. No word yet on whether or not the rumor is true that he will be hosting a new show on Fox News with fellow felon and Fox News contributor, Bernard Kerik.
Across the wire, Bob and other Republicans demand that De Blasio get on his knees and apologize to the NYPD.
“it’s all because DeBlasio married a black woman”
To even hint at such would be race-baiting. In fact, any discussion about Republicans and race is race-baiting.
And in other news, Republican House Whip Scalise likes to hob-nob with fellow White Supremacists.
No matter what you think about the protesters and the protests and the Cops, we all should agree that this was the right decision.
@2 what is your point? That every protester should have been arrested or just the unruly ones, which I would have thought that the unruly would have been arressted. What do you mean by cops had to stand down to the protesters?
Please correlate that with the protests of the WBC. Should the cops have arrested those protesters? Did cops stand down with them?
I know you like to avoid talking about it – probabaly because correlating the two probably discredits everything you say.
…through December 22, MSNBC lost 17% of its primetime news demo viewers, clocking a worst-since-2005 169,000 of them.
How YLB would post about this:
Fox News is down 4%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Bob you are not against protests and protesters, just ones that protest against Cops. Right? And regardless if there is any possible valid reason to protest against them.
Or do you only like your type of protesters – like the Bundy crowd?
@6 do you equate the demise of MSNBC with the popularity of Conservatives? Maybe, just maybe, people are fed up with all news lately, because it is so partisan, and that the conservative crowd is too stupid to turn it off, so they continue to watch Faux News, while liberals are just moving on.
@ 8
There may be multiple factors.
I probably would equate the loss of MSNBC viewers with the loss of white voters supporting the Democrats in the 2014 election season.
That’s the most charitable way I can put it. If, as you insinuate, the conservative crowd is filled with stupid people, maybe another way of putting it is that MSNBC’s liberal viewers were too smart to buy into the shit MSNBC spent months trying to sell them.
@ 8
I only see one thing that could boost MSNBC. That one thing is Keith Olbermann.
We’ll see Tim Russert back on MTP before we’ll see Keith Olberman back on MSNBC.
Unless GE first cleans house.
@9 you are right Bob, Fox News is great. And conservatives are more informed and smarter. Hope that is blissfull for you.
Why haven’t you answered the other questions?
@10 I Like Luke Russert a lot better than Tim. He has more passion than his father did.
And I haven’t deserted MSNBC yet. Although I should have, last night Michael Steel sat in for Chris Matherws, so I didn’t have to see that train wreck. And for the record Chris Mathews bloviates too.
I could never trade intillectual discussion and debate for the bullshit of Fox News. Benghazi, IRS, and evertyhing else, meahwhile they have no solutions to anything. They whine as if there are all these problems, but have their heads in the sand on everything that is a problem with no solutions. Just hate and more hate. And Bob thinks that a few protests against cops is bad. But all the hate on Fox news isn’t a problem, very innocent.
@ 13
I am sure that MSNBC takes great comfort in the knowledge that people like you remain part of their core audience.
I know my side does.
NEWS FLASH: American Achiever of 2014…, Sarah Palin!…..palin.html
Republican Rep. Grimm resigns. No word yet on whether or not the rumor is true that he will be hosting a new show on Fox News with fellow felon and Fox News contributor, Bernard Kerik.…..ael-grimm/
Across the wire, Bob and other Republicans demand that De Blasio get on his knees and apologize to the NYPD.…..-apologize
“it’s all because DeBlasio married a black woman”
To even hint at such would be race-baiting. In fact, any discussion about Republicans and race is race-baiting.
And in other news, Republican House Whip Scalise likes to hob-nob with fellow White Supremacists.…..poke-white
I reposted the above as two comments because my previous attempt to comment was being moderated to death. Probably too many links. Of course, now the links are fucked up.
Sucky site in some ways, Goldy.
Shit klownservatives don’t want to read. part the 3,257.
In which ‘Bob’ the smug and sloppy solipsist finds out why he is an institutional racist and how in the heck that happened…and part the 100,432 of why the puddyfuckwad is totally full of shit.
@ 18
Rujax, you’re a walking billboard for the consequences of an underperforming school.
I’d be happy if there’s never another taxpayer dollar spent on a professional sports stadium. Although those cool Youtube videos of them being blown up to make way for the next one would be missed.
@ 19
What are you going to post next? An Op-Ed by Bob Guccione?
No wonder ‘Bob is the smug and sloppy solipsist he is given all that wisdom and cutting analysis from Faux News:
Boy…that’s a banana bunch of sharp cookies right there.
So ‘Bob the smug and sloppy solipsist can’t read, huh.
That explains a lot.
Don’t have to scratch too deep to get to the racist in a Republican, do ya?
@5 Bob’s point seems to be that cops should be allowed to protest citizen violence against police, but citizens shouldn’t be allowed to protest police violence against citizens.
@21 What does Bob Guccione have to do with Esquire?
@9 “If, as you insinuate, the conservative crowd is filled with stupid people, … ”
No one’s insinuating any such thing. We’ve been saying it outright for years. You and puddynutz are good examples.
From the ‘nets…
– Jesse Jackson truth!
To the empty thought producer @22,
Not a big deal to this idiot when CNN’s black host Don Lemon claimed Malaysia flight 370 went into a blackhole and no problem with that ya moron?
Why is Obummer MIA on the assassination of NYC police?
@22 – that is funny – too funny.
But for all them Fox News people, there might be some truth to it.
I was just about to give Bob the new Ape Award, while the big Ape was gone, but too late, the Big Ape is back.
With a name like Scalise, that says it all, you can’t help but be a bigot. I should know I’m a Italian too, and I probably know these people better than you.
@22 she probably needs her boobs inflated a little more.
@25 thanks for sharing, I think you were explaining with disdain to Bob, but the big Ape probably thinks you were try to teach me on how to read someones warped thinking.
Stop-and-frisk trial: Cop’s secret tape reveals boss ordered him to target blacks males ages 14 to 21
Officer Pedro Serrano secretly taped a conversation with Deputy Inspector Christopher McCormack, who told him to specifically go after young black males for stop-and-frisk and also told him to focus on the Mott Haven section of the Bronx.
Comment: Ever hear that a fish rots from the head? At least the Inspector did not say to go after young black males and either shoot them or choke them until dead.
So the puddyfuckwad is back from sowing his demon seed into as many of Montana’s finest Capra aegagrus hircus as he can find on Cynical’s ranch.
The puddyfuckwad ought to take ‘Bob’ the smug and sloppy solipsist with him next time. The puddyfuckwad can show ‘Bob’ the smug and sloppy solipsist what the klownservative ‘movement’ really is…
@30 Maybe because he isn’t?
So where did you get this meme? Breitbart? Oops, nope …
“Top Republicans Absent From NYPD Funeral”
“The political luminaries who attended the funeral of assassinated New York City policeman Rafael Ramos on Saturday included Vice President Joe Biden, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Also in attendance was former New York governor Mario Cuomo. It’s perhaps interesting to note that all of them are Democrats. According to New York 1, the only big-name Republican attending the ceremony was former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. But other prominent Republicans? Including the possible 2016 presidential hopefuls? There was no sign of them. Some 25,000 police officers from around the country made the trip, but not any of the leading GOPers.”
Puddy must’ve got this bullshit from some other rightwing blog, because it couldn’t have been Breitbart. Maybe he’s just expressing the outrage that CONservatives always mouth whenever a Democratic president takes a vacation. In Hawaii yet! Over Christmas! I wonder how many GOP congressmen and senators spent Christmas break in Hawaii? Or the Caribbean or Mediterranean?
Does anyone know why the GOP boycotts police funerals?
So looks like after finishing the “White Bitch Intimidation Tour” of major shopping malls in the US and celebrating the fabricated birth date (and fabricated birth) of the so-called “Prince of Peace” by continuing to advocate the slaughter of as many followers of Islam as possible, the puddyfuckwad is tanned (pun intended) rested and ready for action on HorsesAss!
So Ol’ Rujax has a question for the erudite Mr. puddyfuckwad:
Would the puddyfuckwad be down with David Duke dating his daughter?
That’s easy, Rog…sucking off Mega-Donors is waaaaay more important.
Did you know that when it rains here, it’s because of racism?
Ahhh poor rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears,
The master of empty thought tried and struck out again with those vacuous posts! No comeback on Don Lemon and back hole disappearances! Seems when confronted with the truth about left wrong commentators, there is nuthin upstairs.
Good job… .NOT.
Obama veto is proof that he is”the tyrant on the throne”, screams Texas TeaBircher.
Poor Roger IDIOT Wabbit,
Trusting left wrong e-rags again? Where is the pronouncement from Obummer or Holder. Remember you clueless turd… Obummer went golfing after a beheading. Oh yeah you old senile clueless turd forgot that!
So sending Joe BiteME is saying something old senile one? Yet Obummer was first on the scene with Henry Gates, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Obummer never sent Joe BiteME to those events! Yet when a black assassinates two cops, Obummer send Joe BiteME.
Senile and defective again!
Don Lemon is ‘left’ like Sarah Palin is ‘smart.’
No answer to @41, huh.
@45 “Obummer went golfing after a beheading.”
I’ll bet you took a piss after the same beheading.
@45 You’ve got a problem with Obama sending his No. 2 to a cop’s funeral, but not to Trayvon Martin’s funeral or Michael Brown’s funeral? So that makes Obama a racist in your eyes, right?
Next, Puddy will tell us that if a white ex-felon who hated cops instead of a black ex-felon who hated cops had assassinated those two cops, Obama would’ve sent an intern.
Maybe Obama sent Biden, instead of attending himself, because they wouldn’t let a black guy in. I mean really, how many black faces do you see in this picture?
I hear police in NYC not policing doing just the basics. I knew this was coming, it is blackmail.
Bob defends these assholes
Roger IDIOT Wabbit…
The master of empty thought is asking for an answer @47. Shocked you ignore “him”.
Wow that Don Lemon comment @46 was so dumb!
IDIOT Wabbit @48,
Puddy not the president. Obummer is! Somehow your IDIOT associations are EPIC FAYLES!
IDIOT Wabbit @49,
A whole post of worthlessless!
Damn the village idiot troll was MIA for a while..
Guess there was an “intervention” at wifey’s folks’ place over the tool’s HA addiction..
An intervention in the form of a rolling pin?
Must be out and about – INTERVENTION FAILS!
Ummm Stupid Solution Steve @ 17…
Ever heard of right clicking the link and saving the link location when you are copying a post due to moderation?
Shocked and amazed!
Ahhh HA’s self induced hero @56 has reappeared! How are those Christmas presented pink panties fitting?
Anyone would have to be a hero to put up with a zero like the village idiot troll – approaching 10 YEARS of klownservative idiocy in these comment threads..
And does the troll fart out a
questionorder?Answer this question first village idiot tool…
The HA self inflicted hero is asking Puddy to do something? And the arschloch postings are something to react to? Sending Puddy to visit the never visited arschloch site?
Still Dancing on Mike Webb’s grave after all these years!
Doesn’t take much to be smarter than “the intimidator” puddyfuckwad.
Writing to one of the dumbest on the planet…
Hey rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears,
Really? Interesting for a black man to step off the reservation!
Sadly rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears skipped over this fact!
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears – another HA IDIOT!
@62 Scalise isn’t necessarily racist if, as he claims, he didn’t know who these people are. It’s very possible he’s just stupid and ignorant. After all, he’s a Republican.
@ 63
Right, ’cause who would ever think that a group that calls itself “European-American Unity and Rights Organization” would have a white-supremacist agenda?
@64 Someone with at least two functioning brain cells, which rules out 95% of GOP congressmen, although most dogs would figure it out.
It’s probably worth mentioning that Rep. Scalise’s issue with David Duke was electability:
But, really, Scalise’s not a racist. ‘Cause, you know, like reaching out to white-supremacists in order to get their votes isn’t a racist thing to do.
Fox News Channel #1 in the ratings for the 13th straight year! Yet, HA DUMMOCRETIN Minions continue to watch the whale manure level lowest rated channel PMSNBC! Why is that?
Motivated to be low information voters!
Watching the #1 channel and Jesse Watters ask people about Abraham Lincoln. Only one person answered Lincoln was a Republican! Every black guessed Lincoln was a DUMMOCRETIN!
@68 that is like asking someone from Alabama where Mississippi is.
And another Gruberism comes to light!
Known back in 2009 and DUMMOCRETINS lied and lied and lied about it!
@70 is all treatment efficient and necessary? Is any treatment wasteful spending? Is it the wastefull spending that that is being denied or is the necessary spending or treatement being denied?
Does an Ape eat Bananas?
The puddyfuckwad has already proved beyond all doubt that it is possible for a Black man to be a real dumbshit.
Breathing is racist, so stop it!