Finally, the permadrizzle returns to Western Washington. The leaves are changing, but it’s still nice out. The best time of the year.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Seth Meyers wants you to vote.
John Oliver: Facebook (overseas).
Vox: Why America needs automatic voter registration.
Samantha Bee: Revenge of the cheerleaders.
The Atlantic: The chimp who thought she was human.
FOD: Non-voters anonymous.
The Dotard Трамп And His Fellow Comedians:
- Stephen: The world unites in laughing at Трамп
- Seth Meyers: Kristen Bell reads Dotard Трамп’s tweets as Gossip Girl
- Stephen: Трамп wants to build a wall… In the Sahara Desert
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп’s insane press conference
- Late Show: The world is laughing at us.
- Bill Maher: New Rule—Church and destroy.
- Stephen: Confusion ensues during Rosenstein’s White House visit
- The Atlantic: The “nightmare” of a Tweeting President
- Daily Show: In the FAUX hole.
- James Corden: Dotard Трамп takes shots at George Washington
- Stephen with Hillary Clinton: She never had to steal documents from Obama’s desk
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп’s awesome new ride
- Seth Meyers: More Трамп chaos
- Stephen: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern explains why the UN laughed at Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Dotard Трамп’s bigly win
- Late Show: Dotard Трамп stand up comedy special
- Trevor: Трамп’s Wild Press Conference feat.
- Stephen with Hillary Clinton: Can a President be subpoenaed or indicted
Trevor: 911 in South Africa.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Stephen with Hillary Clinton: It’s a “fair request” to ask FBI to investigate Kavanaugh allegations
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Supremely Boffed:
- Seth Meyers: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh testify
- Trevor: Kavanaugh touts his virginity to refute allegations of sexual assault
- Jonathan Mann: This woman is our mouth
- Late Show: Exhibit A—Brett Kavanaugh’s 1982 calendar
- Lauren Mayer: My sons never attempted rape in high school:
- Samantha Bee: Sam doesn’t need a show to vent about Brett Kavanaugh
- Jimmy Kimmel on Kavanaugh hearing/a>
- Roll Call: Huge crowds, long lines, tight security—What Capitol Hill was like on Ford, Kavanaugh hearing day
- Stephen: Трамп doesn’t believe the “acquisitions” against Kavanaugh
- Vox: Why Kavanaugh’s accusers can’t remember everything
- Mark Fiore: Denial Day Planner
- Trevor: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testifies against Brett Kavanaugh
- Stephen: Dr. Ford is no longer Kavanaugh’s only accuser
- Samantha Bee: Sam goes full Carrie over Kavanaugh
- Joy Reid: Brett Kavanaugh credibility questioned even before assault accusations
- Jonathan Mann: Too many beers:
- Seth Meyers: Brett Kavanaugh—a couple-a things
- Daily Show: Republicans need Jesus
- Stephen interviews FAUX News’ interview of Brett Kavanaugh
- Samantha Bee: His so-called ruined life
- Bill Maher: Courting disaster
- Late Show: All male GOP Senators try relating to Dr. Ford
- Jimmy Kimmel: Dotard Трамп’s impassioned defense of Brett Kavanaugh
- Stephen: Brett Kavanaugh screams about his innocence
- Trevor: America gets a lifetime appointment with Brett Kavanaugh news
- Jim Jefferies: Why Republicans continue to back Brett Kavanaugh:
- Stephen: Dr. Ford’s heartbreaking testimony was not a con job
- James Corden: Recapping a long, tough day for America
- Seth Meyers: Трамп holds crazy press conference to defend Brett Kavanaugh
- Stephen: This is why Трамп doesn’t do solo press conferences
Jimmy Kimmel: Six siblings run attack ad against Congressman Brother.
Stephen: The state that’s removing Hillary Clinton from textbooks
Jimmy Dore:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Friday Open Thread
I am very glad to live in a country with the presumption of innocence. It is a foundation of our criminal justice system.
The part of the Constitution that deals with giving people lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court is not that. The presumption of innocence also is coupled with trials and investigations, not whatever sham we saw yesterday.
Wednesday Morning Open Thread
It’s not my stop, but I have used the Capital Hill Station enough times that I should know what escalator to take. But no, it’s still mostly just take one or the other. And the exits are several blocks away from each other. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s kind of embarrassing that I haven’t figured it out.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Please join us tonight for another evening of politics and conversation over a drink at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. There are just six weeks to the mid-term elections!
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 254 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, seven in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
Open Thread Monday
So you’re telling me that Matt Manweller might be a bit of a piece of shit? Well I never! How could anyone see this coming? Why next you’ll tell me that sometimes he can be a bit of a shouty asshole.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Stephen links Big Pharma’s Sackler family to America’s opioid crisis.
Jimmy Kimmel: This week in unnecessary censorship.
Vox: Why every social media site is a dumpster fire
The Dotard Трамп and Other Toads:
- Late Show: Toad is coping with the bad news
- Bill Maher: New Rule—Narcissist in Chief
- Stephen: Трамп wants to build a wall… in the Sahara Desert
- Lauren Mayer: Who’s next?
- Jimmy Kimmel: Putin is preying on Трамп’s insecurity
- Ari Melber: After Manafort and Cohen Flip, new leaks attack Mueller’s boss
- James Corden: The Dotard has wall advice for “European Mexico”
- Maddow: NY Times story may give Dotard Трамп excuse he seeks to fire Rod Rosenstein
- Trevor: Bert and Ernie’s sexuality and Трамп’s Toad penis
- Stephen: Трамп’s less than magic mushroom
- Jimmy Dore: Rick Perry—“Pollution is not a problem!”
- Jimmy Fallon: Stormy Daniels details her night with The Dotard in new book
- Seth Meyers: The “law and order” President on collusion and Kavanaugh
- James Corden: Add Toad to the list of things Трамп has ruined
- Jonathan Mann: Toad, from Mario Kart
- Stephen made Трамп’s hurricane response into a children’s book:
- Bill Maher: Private parts and public hearings
- Jimmy Kimmel: Team Трамп? Eat here!
- Super Deluxe: Pastor John Kilpatrick is saving Трамп from witchcraf
College Humor: Our weirdest sex misconceptions.
Kurzgesagt: How we could build a moon base TODAY.
Puerto Rico Moves Forward:
- Trevor: José Andrés—“We Fed an Island” and bringing comfort and nourishment to Puerto Rico
- Nova: Planetary scientist on healing after hurricane Maria.
- Nova: Arecibo observatory and radio telescope.
- Nova: Macaque monkeys adapt after hurricane Maria.
- Nova: Innovative energy solutions after hurricane Maria.
- The Atlantic: Can Puerto Rico rebuild itself?
Stephen: The most Canadian marijuana story ever.
Jim Jefferies: Nike’s Colin Kaepernick ad isn’t about taking a moral stand.
Midterm Fever:
- Jimmy Dore: Conservatives boycott Willie Nelson over Beto O’Rourke support
- Full Frontal: Chuck Jones will kick your ass.
- Jimmy Fallon and Yara Shahidi: Voting Avenue ft. (Schoolhouse Rock!):
- WaPo: In the ‘Year of the Woman,’ Republican candidates face certain hurdles
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Daily Show: How racist is Boston?
Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie caught taking laundered money from embezzler.
Stephen: Are Bert and Ernie a gay couple?
Supremely Fucked:
- Stephen simulates next week’s Kavanaugh/Ford hearing
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Republicans have no intention of fair hearing for Ford
- Mark Fiore: Justice is blind drunk
- Trevor: GOP pushes SCOTUS vote despite sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh
- Vox: Kavanaugh’s sexual assault denial follows a familiar pattern
- Samantha Bee: Brett Kavanaugh—No more nineties reboots, please
- Jonathan Mann: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
- Stephen: The GOP accuses Kavanaugh’s accuser of being “mixed up”
- Rachel Maddow: GOP fails to explain excluding FBI from Brett Kavanaugh investigation
- Seth Meyers: GOP stands by Kavanaugh despite sexual assault allegations
- Bill Maher: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Brett Kavanaugh
- Trevor: Trevor doesn’t buy Senator Orrin Hatch’s defense of Brett Kavanaugh
- The Late Show has Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook
Vox: Don’t blame scooters. Blame the streets..
Samantha Bee: The case for even more universal health care, part 1
Samantha Bee: The case for even more universal health care, part 2
Daily Show: Minorities Report—Stopping racist 911 calls.
Stephen: Michelle Obama goes on tour, rock star style.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Op(en) Thread
Happy Park(ing) Day. Did Santa get you anything? Did you sing Park(ing) Day carols? I just hope that the War on Park(ing) Day assholes will calm down. But the most important thing is to keep Park(ing) Day in your heart all year long.
Cleaning House
It has been a long time since we’ve suffered “commenter issues” here at HA. But it has come to my attention that have a commenter who has increasingly become obsessed with “outing” another commenter—one who choses to remain anonymous.
I am talking about the person who comments as Mark Adams. If you regularly play in the comment threads, you have probably noticed. I didn’t, because Mark’s comments come off to me as so utterly dull and devoid of insight, that I rarely read them. His obsession has led him to email Goldy demanding that he “out” another commenter. Yeah…right. Like that is EVER going to happen. Goldy and I finally discussed our “problem child” on Tuesday.
At the same time, the other day, I got an email from our friends at the Living Liberally that said, simply:
We thought you should see this.
And an email from Mark was forwarded that, in my mind, is indistinguishable from the rant of a crazy person. I present it to you in (nearly) its entirety:
I am a little disappointed that living liberal has not registered with the Secretary of State of Washington.
What the fuck?
I have an ongoing issue with a person who is a troll on
Dude…you are essentially admitting to BEING TROLLED. That is a lifestyle choice. You can stop being trolled anytime you want. (Or any time we decide you will stop.)
It is a nearly defunct blog.
Okay…you actually got us there.
There is a weekly meeting of Drinking Liberally that is put on the site every Tuesday by Darryl Holman. Who is the weekly host of Drinking Liberally.
Most of the speakers on Horsesass are anonymous.
Actually, Mark, everyone knows who everyone is. The blog is configured so that only YOU cannot tell the identity of “speakers” on this blog.
Unfortunately they use it as a shield and a sword, particularly Roger Rabbit.
Wait…you are bitching about an anonymous commenter in the COMMENT THREAD of a “nearly defunct blog”?!?
Darryl Holman is one of the minions of David Goldman for
Horsesass and he knows who RR is.
I’ve honestly never heard of a David Goldman.
RR states he’s an attorney and is a party hack. He should be on HA as himself.
Nope. His occupation, hobby, sexual and faunal orientation, ear length, or hat size are totally irrelevant to whether or not he uses his real name. You don’t make the rules. This blog is private property…we make the rules.
He has attended drinking liberally and I’m fairly someone there knows who he is.
Yes…I recall a person showing up at DL who introduced him/herself as Roger Rabbit.
At some point I intend to go to see if I can find out…
You are free to stop by. You might find some people there who have met a person introducing him/herself as Roger Rabbit.
…but this evening I suspect based on a post by RR on HA that I would be greeted by a friendly or not so friendly police officer of some type.
Paranoid much?
Yes I intend to out RR, but I think it’s an open secret as to who he is.
First. Goldy specifically told you to stop trying to “out” RR. You are, of course, free to attempt to out out anyone you want. But you have now lost the privilege of using HA as part of your demented quest.
Before spoiling folks fun some Tuesday in Seattle I just want you all to know I think I have a serious issue.
Yes…we all recognize that you have a serious issue.
I can only say that RR is breaking ethics rules as an attorney and member/official of the Democratic party.
Hogwash. You appear to lack sufficient information to know about which you write.
[Stuff deleted about Mark’s identity]. I think RR and others on the list should [use their real name] least then they might not say things they would not say face to face or if their mum was there.
Except that our policy is that commenters can be anonymous. Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant.
A little help would be appreciated (anyone know who RR is perhaps Mr. Holman)…
Dude…nobody is the least bit interested in helping you to “out” RR, especially people who have nothing whatsoever to do with HA
…and I encourage participation on HA, though you all are in New York.
Wait…you are suggesting that the Living Liberally folks in NYC participate in the HA comment threads?!? (*Snicker*)
So here is the deal Mark. Go away. Your participation is not wanted or welcomed here. You are now blocked from commenting. If you try to circumvent being blocked, we will back-delete any comments that sneak through.
And finally, get some help. Your obsession with rabbits is unnatural. Take some advice from Rudy (substituting “rabbit” for Rudy’s “weasel”):
And for the rest of you. Please have mercy. Don’t taunt someone who cannot comment back. I’ve already done that for you.
Let’s wish Mark a successful post-HA recovery.
Open Thread September 19
There’s something perverse about boys-will-be-boysing of Kavanaugh. I mean many of us managed to be shitty teenage boys without attempting to rape anyone. Seems like the minimum standard.
And I believe that people can change. And they deserve second chances (although they don’t deserve lifetime appointments). If that isn’t him today today, he could at least take some effort to make amends.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Please stop by tonight’s edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of political pontification over a pint.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are 254 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, seven in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or consider starting your own chapter.
Open Thread
So, last week New York had state primaries. I think that most of the people who I follow online were pretty disappointed. I make it a policy to assume that people in other states have it. So I didn’t take a side. But after the election, come the fuck on, my dudes.
2/3 of Democratic voters in New York are sellouts and corrupt? Maybe they like that Cuomo was the first (only?) governor to support the fight for a $15 minimum wage. Or they think the fracking ban is great.
My point isn’t Cuomo qua Cuomo. My point is that Democratic primary voters in New York are some of the most liberal voters in the country. You can be upset about the results without shitting on the voters.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Ari Melber: First amendment doesn’t protect Alex Jones defamation.
The Atlantic: What is “normal”, what is “different”?
Real Engineering: Can we terraform the Sahara to stop climate change?
Bill Maher: I don’t know it for a fact…I just know it’s true
The Tremendously Big and Tremendously Wet Dotard Трамп And Friends:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Majority say The Dotard Трамп is not fit to serve, new poll shows
- Stephen: Bob Woodward responds to denials from Mattis and Kelly/a>
- Trevor: Трамп tries to sniff out his anonymous critic
- The best Dotard Трамп memes: Episode 3—Totally not fake news
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Paul Manafort must have “blockbuster information,” says former prosecutor
- Stephen with Bob Woodward: Let the silence suck out the truth
- Ari Melber: Manafort plea deal, a convicted Russian hacker, and suspicious money transfers
- WaPo: Politicians react to Трамп’s Puerto Rico tweet:
- Daily Show: Masterpiece Tweeter—“9/11 haters and losers”
- Trevor: The Dotard calls his Puerto Rico hurricane response an “unsung success”
- Stephen: This Tweet Трампs all other horrible Трамп Tweets
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп praises North Korean parade
- Late Show: More audio from Bob Woodward’s call with the President
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard calls Puerto Rico response “An unappreciated great job”
- Trevor with April Ryan: “Under Fire” and demanding the truth from the Трамп White House
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard Трамп’s 9/11 lies and behavior in Shanksville
- Jimmy Kimmel: Bob Woodward’s Трамп book is 1000% true
- Ari Melber: Humanitarian crisis as Трамп detains record number of migrant kids
- Stephen: What does Bob Woodward fear most?
- WaPo: The most explosive reporting in Bob Woodward’s new book on the Трамп White House
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Michael Avenatti says it’s too late for The Dotard Трамп and Cohen to surrender
- Trevor: Obama lights up the Dotard Трамп
- Stephen: Late Show is tracking two very different storms
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard Трамп is actually A LOT like Abraham Lincoln
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп admin took millions from FEMA for ICE detentions
- Rachel Maddow: Document shows DHS transferring $29M from Coast Guard to ICE
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard may face new test with Russia after NBC report
- Ari Melber: Independents bail on Трамп spelling midterm troubles
- Stephen: The Dotard Трамп’s storm before the storm
- Trevor: The Dotard Трамп is really bad at 9/11
- Late Show: Трамп’s approval ratings hit a new low
- James Corden: Трамп’s circle of trust is closing in…
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Department of Swagger
- Ari Melber: Stunning flip—Manafort pleads guilty and is cooperating with Mueller
- Seth Meyers: Трамп attacks Woodward and demands op-ed investigation
- Rachel Maddow: Robert Mueller secures full cooperation and guilty plea from Paul Manafort:
- Trevor: Shitstorm Dotard rages on Twitter while hurricane Florence hits the Carolinas
- The Dotard in Just clap and smile, please!
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Book reveals new dangers Трамп poses to security
- Ari Melber: Manafort guilty plea could reveal truth about Трамп Tower meeting
- Stephen: Obama speaks out and ‘plaid shirt guy’ silently trolls Трамп
- Jimmy Kimmel: It’s almost like Трамп doesn’t mean what he says
- Bill Maher: Florence and the ratings machine
- Trevor: Are social media companies really silencing conservatives?
Rachel Maddow: Judge more annoyed than charmed by Maria Butina boyfriend duet video.
Stephen: To boldly advertise where no one has advertised before.
Minute Earth: Why malaria isn’t just a tropical disease.
Supremely Fucked:
- WaPo: Brett Kavanaugh can’t stop touching his pocket Constitution
- Trevor: So you think you can judge—A lot of words with nothing happening.
- Stephen: Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged gambling is focus of new inquiry
- Lawrence O’Donnell and Rachel Maddow: Anonymous nature of Brett Kavanaugh letter complicates vetting
- WaPo: Did Brett Kavanaugh offer a ‘dog whistle’ to abortion foes?
- Late Show: Inside Brett Kavanaugh’s poker game
- Trevor with Sen. Amy Klobuchar: The case against Brett Kavanaugh and “Nevertheless, we persisted”
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Allegations against Supreme Court nominee a challenge to Senate
- Heads of State: Is Brett Kavanaugh a serial abortionist?
- Rachel Maddow: Brett Kavanaugh called out for false statements on stolen documents.
- WaPo: John Dean warns against Kavanaugh confirmation
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Supreme Court nominee accusations put Senate GOP in spotlight
WaPo: Ben Folds writes a song about Rod Rosenstein:
Chris Hayes: Who is being held accountable for poisoning the people of flint?.
Jimmy Dore: Vince Vaughn burns his Nike’s in protest of Kaepernick commercial.
The Atlantic: America has always been a tribal society.
The life of Bryan.
Just Neil deGrasse Tyson:
- Late Show: Superpowers debunked with Neil DeGrasse Tyson
- Stephen: Трамп’s Space Force is not a crazy idea
- Ari Melber: Neil DeGrasse Tyson warns “scientifically illiterate” electorate
- Stephen: The military/space alliance runs deep
- Late Show conspiracy theories
New Yorker: Do personality tests like Myers-Briggs actually work?
Michael Che demands more political speeches at the 70th Emmy awards.
Is Colin Jost fit to host the 70th Emmy awards?
Michael Che wants musical numbers over jokes at the 70th Emmy awards.
Jim Jefferies: Has Jim found God?
Vox: Why we say okay.
The Atlantic: The problem with parents, kids, and social media.
Mid-Terms Are Coming:
- Stephen: Will Beto O’Rourke skate his way to the Senate?.
- Now This World: Russian interference in the U.S. 2018 midterm elections.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: GOP midterm “Shipwreck” could be worse
- Samantha Bee: Minority rule.
- Stephen with Beto O’Rourke: We don’t need a wall.
- Jimmy Fallon: Senator Cory Booker explains how young voter turnout could change Congress overnight.
- Seth Meyers: Трамп lies about Puerto Rico death toll as GOP braces for midterms.
- Samantha Bee: Gamify the Midterms, Act 2.
- Samantha Bee: Gamify the midterms, Act 3.
- Trevor: Democalypse 2018 —Democrats aim for a midterm victory in Orange County
James Cordon with Professor Robert Winston: Science tricks.
Bill Maher: New rule—scary socialism!
Wendover: How fighting wildfires works.
Stephen: Porn wars with Tucker Carlson and Michael Avenatti.
Jimmy Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Open Thread 9-14
Still kind of under the weather. But at least I’m back to work. Hope there isn’t too much backlog.
Open Thread 9-12
I am feeling a bit blah, so this is all from me today.
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