Eric Holder is not running for President. I probably wouldn’t have voted for him, but I think that he would have been a good addition. So what makes it good to get in a crowded field? Some combination of better than the median candidate and specific issues that they will bring up.
Maybe y’all shouldn’t have weaponized affirmative action. I mean, when nearly 65% of Hispanics and 62% of blacks are opposed to it, y’all took something way too far.
Most Americans say colleges should not consider race or ethnicity in admissions
While majorities across racial and ethnic groups agree that race should not be a factor in college admissions, white adults are particularly likely to hold this view: 78% say this, compared with 65% of Hispanics, 62% of blacks and 59% of Asians (the Asian sample includes only those who speak English).
There are also large partisan gaps on this issue. Republicans and those who lean toward the Republican Party are far more likely than Democrats and Democratic leaners to say that race or ethnicity should not be a factor in college admissions (85% vs. 63%). These party differences remain when looking only at whites: 88% of white Republicans say that colleges should not consider race in college admissions, compared with 66% of white Democrats.
Y’all weaponized Title IX, too. That’s beginning to blow up in y’all’s faces.
And really, what for? None of this got ‘froggy a job he could keep.
PI is probably going to skip a day of his reporting of his gains.
66% of white Democrats @ 1 are fucking racists.
That’s the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit clan and maybe a couple of the rest of y’all.
“Y’all” meter is pinned in the red.
Next up: Cannibalism report!
Friday while everyone was WTFing over the GOP shitshow that was the Cohen appearance nobody noticed that The Republican Presidential Campaign’s communications adviser currently awaiting trial on multiple felony counts was once again in the shit with the Judge.
This time he managed to avoid death threats against federal judges. But seems he and his clowncar of lawyers did make boom boom in their pants again, nonetheless. Despite an expanded gag order from the show cause instructing Mr. Stone to make no statements or other publications concerning the case, Stone and his lawyers forgot to mention that he was set to release an entire book about it.
Que another instant show cause order. Due today from Stone and the clowncar is a comprehensive filing explaining the book, it’s scheduled release, and why the failure to mention anything about it in any previous appearance or filing wouldn’t be cause for bail revocation and attorney sanctions.
Double damn.
Yes. That’s right. It’s another #owngoal
“66% of white Democrats @ 1 are fucking racists.”
Huh! Maybe our resident racist radiologist who celebrates the deaths of blacks has a point.
“We just need n****rs gone”
“F*ck n****rs, f*ck Jews”
“You stick them in concentration camps”
Then again, perhaps not.
“How about we just kick out all the Democrats?”
Could it be that our resident racist radiologist who celebrates the deaths of blacks is just spewing dumbfuckery? Hmm, what are the odds of that ever happening?
Also lost in last week’s GOP shit tornado, Fake Academic All-American former Method Acting Attorney General Albino Meatball was dismissed from the DOJ last Friday. His official last day was Saturday, but he was allowed to use flex time instead.
No “vesting”. Just a stack of boxes and a roll of packing tape.
“Y’all” meter is pinned in the red.
Looks to me like Doctor Dumbfuck spent the weekend in Alabama getting the kids all riled up.
It’s okay I guess ’cause the kids were in a locker room at the time.
Everybody knows you can say whatever you want in a locker room. And if you’re a star they let you get away with it… or if you’re white. So no biggieeee!
Probably was in AL helping “raise awareness” so these kids can hire the same PR/litigation team as smirking MAGATeen.
The rule is affluent white teens must be forgiven and offered as many second chances as they need to succeed. Poor black teen “super-predators” must be shot on sight for wearing a hoodie and “appearing threatening”.
Yertle just green lit his caucus to vote yes on the House resolution to forbid the Draft Dodger FAKE MURJINSEEE!!!!!! theft of Housing for Heroes.
I moved on WALL!!, and I failed. I’ll admit it. I moved on WALL!! very heavily. In fact, I took WALL!! out furniture shopping.I moved on WALL!! like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there.
@1 The most attractive thing about Caribbean medical schools is that dumbfucks don’t need affirmative action or Title IX to get in there.
@2 Nah, it’ll repost the same 33.16%, because PI is a bot.
@3 We must be patient with Doctor Dumbfuck. You can’t expect someone who doesn’t know the difference between a wife and a horse to see a difference between a white racist and a rabbit, either.
@6 “You stick them in concentration camps”
Seventy-seven years on, they’re still celebrating sticking ’em in concentration camps.
And taking umbrage at being called what they are — racists and haters.
But what do you expect? The GOP is a racist hate group.
@11 Trump has lost the Turtle? I expected him to do that only for the ones that have to run for re-election next year so they won’t look like complete fucking Trump lapdogs when they have to face voters and atone for their sins.
When reality isn’t your friend, you not only create fake news, you also create fake local newspapers to deliver the fake news.
“Hiding in Plain Sight: PAC-Connected Activists Set Up ‘Local News’ Outlets”
Yertle still says he supports the Draft Dodger FAKE MURJINSEEE!!!!!! theft of Housing for Heroes.
But I think he’s lost his grip on the caucus, at least where raging man-baby President Draft Dodger is concerned. By now they know he’s costing them seats. It took them all a little while to digest the long term implications of their 2018 humiliation. The confirmation battle for Associate Justice Date Rape did not have the effect Yertle had planned. SHITDOWN!! not only dried up a bunch of early campaign funding, but it actually left them with less money for WALL!! than they had to start. And even the drooling, mouth breathing racist trailer base figured that out.
This wont be the last time Yertle loses count. And perhaps getting the vote on record will help some Trumpublicans in the Senate defend themselves against a massive onslaught of negative ads accurately portraying them as putting their loyalty to a draft dodger ahead of their loyalty to the soldiers who volunteer to serve.
But one thing we know, it will get worse. With President Draft Dodger it always gets worse. And Senate Republicans will find themselves right back in this same position again, and again, and again… until election day.
“I moved on FLAG!! like a bitch.”
Now more than ever…
we need Jussie!
If the co-founder of Greenpeace can refer to AOC as a pompous little twit, why is it wrong that I refer to YLB as a silly little twat?
@22 I should think it’d be obvious, even to a dumbfuck. It’s because you’re a silly little twat and YLB isn’t.
Looks like maybe the Republican Presidential Campaign Manager and the Republican Presidential Campaign Senior Communications Adviser will both go to jail in the same week.
At least they won’t be lonely.
Hundreds of subpoenas being prepared. Indictments to follow.
Who needs impeachment?
@20 Demagogues always wrap themselves in flags. Oldest trick in the book. Hitler used it, too.
And let’s not forget this one, who lowered the bar of sanctimonious flag hypocrisy farther than anyone thought it could go …
@22 You still think she’s “pompous” after her cross-examination of Cohen? Okay, here’s another dose of pompousness for you.
@22 In politics, name recognition is almost everything, and most politicians would kill for the free publicity you morons are lavishing on AOC. At the rate you’re going, you may succeed in making her president-elect 20 days after her 35th birthday.
Rightwing terrorist sets fire to Planned Parenthood clinic that doesn’t perform abortions.
If not as stupid as the Comet Pizza wingnut terrorist, then close.
Let’s also not forget Eric Rudolph, who had a 9th grade education, and believed the Olympics promote socialism. He’s a good example of what can happen when irresponsible people who should know better feed poisonous ideas to gullible morons.
+32.39% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 4, 2019.
@31 I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?
Quite the Trumpublican trailerbilly poster child for rage, resentment, and self-destruction.
Employed for six years as a Senior Reactor Operator at the nation’s largest university run research nuclear reactor, he was earning $7,000 a month when he filed for bankruptcy in 2014 listing assets of $150k and liabilities of $170k. His 2010 Divorce lists four dependents.
From the divorce through the bankruptcy to his separation from employment with Univ. of MO, he’s on the classic, Men’sRightsMovement/SovCit/WWCM downward trajectory growing increasingly angry at the world, especially women. He’s working as a shift supervisor at a welding shop for shit wages when he finally blows his stack for JesusAndTrump and starts building bombs. We have not seen the last of his kind.
Still, we must find a way to blame a Mexican.
So, if there was any doubt as to how ABJ was reacting to the stupid bomb the Stone clowncar dropped on her server Friday just casually mentioning that, in spite of the expanded gag order, he was publishing a book about the case, let’s just go ahead and set those aside. Mmmkay?
While awaiting another instant show cause over the book to be filed by the end of bus today, SCO got into the act and gave notice today about the IGs Mr Stone put up over the weekend accusing the office of “framing” him.
Like I said, he’ll be in jail by this weekend.
Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a considerably lower rate than the Republican Presidential Election Campaign staff.
True fact.
@21 sadly enough that’s all it takes for the pee brains. Your in bed with Russia but your dumbfucks don’t give a shit. Your people need to be wiped off the face of the earth, like in a good tornado.
I wrap my penis in the American flag…just kidding…just trying to arouse Bob in a heightened state of madness.
But if it’s good for The Hump I don’t see why not – really!
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Strong Contender Emerges–Undocumented executioner Bahena-Rivera
The illegal alien charged with murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts is now requesting that jury selection for the September trial be moved to a county in Iowa with a Hispanic majority population.
In August 2018, Bahena-Rivera, an illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with Tibbetts’ murder after police said he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman after her body was found in a cornfield in Poweshiek County, Iowa. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted, and worked on a dairy farm using a stolen ID and Social Security card after allegedly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child.
“Sanctuary Cities” in Iowa.
That would be your first clue.
@33 Now he can learn cooking and work in a prison kitchen for 10 cents an hour. And it’s more fun than the laundry.
@34 You’re never too old to learn cooking, and if he ever gets out, it’s a useful skill he can use for the rest of his life. For pay, too, if he has to work when other folks his age are retired.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America News– Demorats demand visas for all America-hating terrorists, proclaim “America-hating terrorists are natural Demorats and we want millions more here.”
ISIS Bride Hoda Muthana has spent the last five years in Syria. The Alabama resident has married at least two ISIS fighters, and urged fellow Muslims to kill as many Americans as possible on social media.
Hoda Muthana wants to come back to America, and she wants to bring her kids with her. Her family has even gone so far as to sue the Trump Administration to allow her back in the country.
Now it seems that Hoda Muthana has found a champion of sorts in Democrat Alabama Senator Doug Jones.
Senator Jones wants to bring Hoda Muthana back to America, and the reason why will shock you.
@35 It’s a trick comment. Everything is lower than 100%.
@38 Yes, it’s terrible that he killed an innocent young woman. But as bad as he is, he still has a long ways to go before he catches up with Ted Bundy, white male native-born All-American serial killer.
“Ted Bundy, white male native-born All-American serial killer and Republican.”
@45 She certainly deserves opprobrium, if not prosecution (but on what charge?), but you can’t strip a native-born American of citizenship for bad behavior. If that were true, a third of the Supreme Court justices would be expatriates. There seems to be a legal question as to whether her father was a diplomat when she was born, but that’s for the courts to resolve, not Trump or Pompeo. It should be obvious there’s a due process problem with the latter. The correct thing to do is to judicially resolve whether she’s a U.S. citizen, and if the court determines she is, bring her back and subject her to our criminal justice system if there’s a valid basis for charging her.
@45 Thanks. Don’t know how I missed that.
Hillary Clinton told a TV news crew in New Jersey that she’s not going to run in 2020. I surely hope she doesn’t reneg on that one!
Hey look Jussie is at it again, only he bleached himself as a Jew.
Teh Dumbfuck fell for his con on more than one occaision.
Like many of his kind. Unable to distinguish objective reality. That is the high price of passing beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon.
THAT is just really amazing news. Absolutely amazing.
Shocked and stunned. Etc.
So, meybee not so much believing Mark Penn’s bullshit, eh?