It’s Tuesday! And that means Drinking Liberally night in Seattle. So please join us tonight for an evening of political discussions over the beverage of your choice at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the back of the pub, starting at about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 262 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, eight in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
Q: What’s the difference between Elena Kagan and YLB?
A: One of them will never be an attractive woman.
Look kids!
It’s the “Elevated Intellectual Engagement©” See n’ Say toy!
Now on sale.
Requires four D batteries or a can of beets (not included).
Steve Colbert, “Naughty? Tucker, when you defend child brides, you don’t go on the naughty list. You go on the list where you have to go door-to-door to tell people that you just moved into their neighborhood.”
“Yes, let’s be honest, you’re awful on so many levels. But on the positive side, I think R. Kelly just got a character witness.”
“Sure, women are primitive, in that many of them right now want to throw Tucker Carlson into a volcano.”
“Wow, Tucker just got schooled by Bubba the Voice of Reason Sponge, that’s not a good sign.”
Meanwhile, the dumbfuck @1 is acting “cunty” again. SAD!
Steve, that isn’t “cunty”.
That’s “Elevated Intellectual Engagement©”.
At this point any time a Trump supporter communicates in terms other than “GO FUCKING COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH!” or hails of automatic weapons fire they are expressing the pinnacle of Republican intellectual ideology.
Snark is all they got now. “Hippie tears” is the whole enchillada.
Looks like Felicity Huffman might be in a bit of trouble for bribing elite college officials to get her kid into one of those schools. Good for me! It’ll take the spotlight off of me for a while!
I always liked Laurie Laughlin.
Another day, another item for the eventual Democratic nominee to beat until it sinks in.
“I see we have some senior citizens here tonight. Donald Trump’s publically released busdget request would have cut $845 Billion with a B from your Medicare. Democrats in the House of Representatives were the only thing that stopped that. If you support $845Billion with a B cut from Medicare, by all means vote for Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, over on the Don’t-Tread-On-Me FB page where FB allows them to call for the death of liberal scum and RINO traitors, an administrator of the page, Mike Brady, posted an announcement…
“We are proud to consider Never Trump scum our hated enemy, and we encourage Trumpers to treat them as lepers and shun them.”
Member Tina Harvey asks, “What doess this actually say… i read it and i am completely confused”
Mike Brady, “It is meant to encourage hate against the Never Trump scum.”
Tina Harvey “Mike Brady ahhh… I think that is wrong.. it makes us no different than them. They have the right to feel the way they feel… the only thing that we can do is support our President and vote vote vote. Violence and hate have no place in our society imo… and it takes mature people to control their anger and frustration. This is my opinion… I do not agree with this post at all and will never support something like this.”
James Taylor jumps in, “Tina Harvey And what do we do once voting no longer works there Mrs.. tolerance, love, and unicorns?”
Mike Brady, ” James Taylor, We have banned Tina Harvey from this group. This is a site for people like u and me, fighters.”
Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Devin Nunes are among those they call RINO traitors.
Meanwhile without even looking I’m going waaaaaay out on a limb here and predicting that Politico is currently running another one or two “insight” pieces on the “schisms” within the Democratic party.
The media gaslighting never stops.
@8 That Americans will pay for tax cuts for the rich with their lives is, of course, of no concern to Republicans. Just ask our Doctor Dumbfuck. He’s perfectly okay with patients dying just so long as he gets a horse trailer and a pickup truck out of it.
What are patients dying for this year, Doctor? A boat, did you say?
What Doctor Dumbfuck considers to be great art these days. It used to be Van Gogh and Monet, but then he crossed the orange event horizon and, with that, his tastes have changed.
“Trump-loving artist sues the Smithsonian because it refuses to display his widely mocked presidential mural”
@11 you don’t suppose he’d buy a goat to go with the boat? Goats are small and would be able to fit on the boat.
I wonder if The Hump was channeling the thought of the name Doctor Dumbfuck when he said Tim Apple.
@1 Now that Doctor Dumbfuck is lusting for “attractive” Supremes, Ginsburg had better get a bodyguard.
@8 I called it @48 in yesterday’s open thread. You’ve put a number on it. It’s as bad as I thought, maybe worse.
Wait a minute. Why did I call it “bad”? Trump has decided to run in 2020 on a platform of cutting $845 billion from Medicare to fund his border wall and space force. It will never pass, but it’ll lock up the senior vote for sure. For us.*
* Except for Doctor Dumbfuck, who’s an incurable dumbfuck.
“Now that Doctor Dumbfuck is lusting for “attractive” Supremes,
GinsburgThomas had better get a bodyguard.”ftfy
@9 “we encourage Trumpers to treat them as lepers and shun them”
I’ve been thinking about socially isolating them, but it looks like I won’t have to, they’re going to do it themselves.
Their next big initiative will be to turn themselves blue.
@12 Having your artwork rejected by a gallery is a tort? As causes of actions go, that’s right up there with newspapers reporting news. Judges are going to be busy doling out Rule 11 sanctions.
You taught your child about the American ideal of equal opportunity and level playing field. You raised him to chase the American Dream by studying hard and making grades, participating in extracurricular activities, and excelling in a collegiate sport. You encouraged him to apply to top colleges and helped him fill out his financial aid forms. He did all this, and everything was on track; he appeared destined for a successful life. Then a celebrity bought his college seat for her lazy son and your son learned the day the rejection letter came that the system is rigged such that he will never be allowed to play in the big leagues but the local plumbing college has openings.
This is how Marxist revolutionaries are made.
Sarah Sanders “refuses to say whether Trump believes Democrats hate Jews” after Trump said Democrats hate Jews.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She’ll probably have no trouble getting work at Fox or Sinclair after her White House gig is over.
I’m surprised that CNN would even cover the story since it involves Hollywood actresses.
A Fox reporter had the Stormy Daniels story before the election, but the Fox editors killed it, and when she complained the head of Fox News told her, “Good reporting, kiddo. But Rupert wants Donald Trump to win. So just let it go.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone still want to argue that Fox is a legitimate news organization, and not just a propaganda arm of the Republican Party?
Oh sure, the boss is floating excuses — weakly sourced, etc. But he can’t escape these facts: The story was true, the reporter got it right, and Fox helped Trump win by not running it.
Would someone please inform Trump there are bad cops?
Never mind, you’d be wasting your time.
I do not condone. And I’d like to see them all do time.
But I’d also like to see people pull their heads out of their asses and realize that, in the end, only the truly mediocre people actually need an elite diploma to make a difference in the world. And we do ourselves no favors by focusing more than half of all the resources on a small handful of so-called “elite” academies just so they can hire Michelin starred chefs to design the meal plan.
That being said, some of the cases against the parents are wire fraud based on recorded telephone conversations made by cooperating witnesses. The admissibility of those recordings or any testimony about the contents of those recordings may be challenged in states with two-party consent laws, like California. Emails between the parents and the conspirators in which potentially unlawful actions were detailed are said to exist according to the announcement. But these are crimes of intent. Paying someone to get your kid into an elite school is not a crime in and of itself. There is an industry devoted to that. And most of it is entirely legal. The US Attys have to prove that the parents knew how their money would be used and understood that the money was intended for unlawful purposes.
Without those conversations, if all the US Attys have are canceled checks and carefully worded emails it’s going to be hard to prove. And chances are very good that the US Attys know this and don’t really expect to get convictions.
Nolo pleas and community service in three… two… one..
Yesterday Boob was saying Boeing has blood on their hands……US hasn’t grounded the Jet yet – Sarah Sanders and the Whitey House say – too early. I wonder if Boob will say that the Whitey people in the Whitey House have blood on their hands if there is an accident on US soil.
follow up to,
I will not be surprised if some of the emails introduced in evidence turn out to be not so “carefully worded”.
The lazy willingness of wealthy elites to condemn themselves with their own words that they put in writing and then send over unsecured means to complete strangers is a phenomenon of our modern world I find stupefying.
@22 You’ve just explained why CNN, for all its faults, is a real news organization whereas Fox is not. See #23 for details on the latter.
@27 It’s quite explicable when you realize the rich make no effort to conceal their crimes because they think their wealth buys them immunity.
“you don’t suppose he’d buy a goat to go with the boat?”
The doctor’s idea of a nice horse trailer is a little bit different than ours. No telling what he’ll come up with for a boat.
“Yesterday Boob was saying Boeing has blood on their hands”
The doctor was probably talking about his Boeing naked puts.
@25 Looks like the feds will get them on tax charges. They were so greedy they deducted the bribes they paid on their tax returns:
“The bribery ring allegedly got its start several years ago when William Rick Singer founded a for-profit college admissions company in Newport Beach, California, that masqueraded as a not-for-profit group, according to authorities. Singer’s ‘sham charity’ allowed him to conceal the nature of the payments made by parents, who could then ‘take the tax write-off at the end of the year,’ U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling said at a press conference Tuesday morning.”
@ 7
I always liked Laurie Laughlin.
Although not well enough to spell either her first or last name correctly, apparently.
Not enough to watch Full house either. But she was clearly the better catch in ‘Secret admirer’ and how C Thomas Howell couldn’t see Kelly Preston was a whack job trying to overcome the Reactive Mind is beyond me.
Yeah, the story keeps on giving.
No chance an Congressional investigation will happen, right?
I initially thought Lori Loughlin was in Tank Girl, which I watched for a few minutes before changing channels. But checking IMDB, it turns out that was Lori Petty. Looking at their IMDB pages, I can’t say I ever saw Loughlin or Huffman in anything except Loughlin’s TV commercials for whatever product that was. I suppose they all look fuckable, though.
Speaking of fake news
Donald tweeted about “The Founder of Greenpeace.” ( he’s not) saying climate change is a hoax (it’s not) and reporting on climate change is fake news.
Here’s the ‘founder of GreenPeace’ claiming ‘RoundUp is safe to drink when he was a lobbyist for Monsanto
Naturally he declined the interviews glass of it saying, “I’m not stupid.”
One of ‘Founder of Greenpeace’ ‘s current positions is Video Lecturerer, Praeger University
Because they’re not just racists. They’re stupid racist assholes.
“White basketball fan who shouted epithets at black player posted racist and Trump-loving tweets: report”
@33 What we have here, folks, is a Republican who can spell correctly. A species almost as rare as the woolly mammoth. You should rent yourself to a circus, doc.
+31.46% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 12, 2019.
The Dow Jones Industrial Index is not the best representative of the health of the stock market. We can see that with how Boeing’s stock has affected the index over the past couple of days. While all of the other 30 stocks in the index were up, Boeing’s decline resulted in an overall down day for the Dow.
The Dow is a popular index because it was the first index developed to gauge market health and performance, but it’s too simple to apply these days and does a poor job of letting an investor know the overall performance of the market. After all, all it is is an average of all of the stocks’ prices in the Dow 30. The S&P 500 is the more broader index and does a better job at explaining market health and direction because it uses a market capital weighting to determine the result. Thus, a stock like Boeing does not affect the S&P 500 index in such a dramatic way as it does with the Dow Jones Industrial Index.
So, when comparing your results to a market index, it’s probably more accurate to use the S&P 500 rather than the Dow,
“Pentagon May Tap Military Pay, Pensions for Border Wall”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now, it’s true this doesn’t take money from actual military personnel. It’s “left over” because the Pentagon failed to achieve its recruiting goals, so there are fewer troops than budgeted for. Nevertheless, Congress intended this money for military pay and pensions, and instead of defending the country with fewer troops, the Pentagon recruit more troops and use the money as Congress intended.
@40 I, too, can goose my portfolio’s performance by ignoring the stock that dropped $47 a share in two days.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns only 100 shares of Boeing, so I’m only out $4700, not enough to make me take a $15/hr restaurant job.)
It seems like it’s been over a year now since the lynching – shouldn’t we have some type of Memorial Service for Puffy?
We could read words from the dictionary in his honor.
It’s beginning to look entirely possible that one or two of Stone’s clowncar lawyers may be in contempt.
This Thursday is shaping up to be a very, very shitty day for the Republican Presidential Election Campaign’s Senior Communications Consultant.
Looks like not only is he about to be caught out red-handed lying to the judge in his own criminal case. Looks like his lawyers got mixed up in it and helped him do it, and then documented the help.
Clients like these must be kept at a safe distance. And not just because of Stone’s fondness for bondage sex-club orgies, either.
@44 Possible? We can take that for granted. I have all along.
@43 Ask Doctor Dumbfuck to organize it. They were friends.
@43 I believe it was the evening of August 14th, 2018 when the loon got lynched, following the fascist march on Washington. The march fizzled, the white supremacists were pissed, and afterwards the loon was hanging out with white his supremacist friends when he made eye contact with the wrong guy at the wrong time. SAD!
Looks like they somehow got the top guy to flip, obtained warrants, and then just walked him through his Rolodex to record all the others willingly saying stupid shit to incriminate themselves, over and over again. I don’t even have a word for how stupid that is. This Singer guy must have some kind of magic Dumbshit radar to have managed to find and assemble all these unbelievably stupid wealthy people into a conspiracy. Which just might have been the fatal flaw in his little plan.
Military pay is indexed to inflation, so when inflation accelerates, brag that you’re giving the troops the biggest pay raise they’ve seen in years.
@1 Gudwad, you keep projecting your personal problems onto YLB, Get some professional help.
20 – We would be better off with more competent plumbers and less gender studies majors. Why do you and other elitists want to insult people who actually can fix and maintain things? When was the last time a creative dance major actually fixed your car?
You know – because he loves the Jewish people and Israel. He has a special bond with Bibi, centered around a friendship of corruption.
He loves the Jewish people like Bob loved the gay people after the Orlando shooting with the offering of the advice for the gay people to arm themselves and protect themselves.
@51. I don’t go to creative dance majors have my car worked on. I go see creative dance majors dance. I look up Youtube videos on car maintenance and the the basic car work myself. When I can’t do, I find an elite mechanic who knows what he is doing, you know…. an expert, who can fix the hard things. I wouldn’t go to a narrator and pitchman to have my car worked on.
@47 – 7 month anniversary is in 2 days!
“Why do you and other elitists want to insult people who actually can fix and maintain things? ”
Why do conservatives insult people who actually can fix things and build things and provide services by offering them less than $15.00/hr or a bit more and with little benefits.
See 52 – similar comment applies – you don’t care for those people, you use those people, and then you try to exploit them, like you just did.
@51 The only thing wrong with honest work is that it doesn’t pay. That’s why one-percenters cheat and pay bribes to get their kids into elite colleges. When was the last time a one-percenter’s son fixed your pipes or car? Maybe more young people would go into those trades if your ilk paid them the wages and gave them the respect they deserve.
When you have a minute, look up “famous people who majored in gender studies” and “careers for people with gender studies degrees.” Knowing nothing else about you, I’d guess you never went to college, because you’re clearly clueless about what college is for.
@51 why do you exclude yourself and other conservatives as elitists? You exploit that too. I know plenty of people who grew up like me that are more elite than I and are conservative Republicans.
Maybe I am just dumb – but aren’t you just misusing a word? Aren’t you just exploiting a word. Conservatives hijacked the word “elitist”, like they have religion, and other shit, and to boot they project by saying that gay people stole the rainbow. You people are fucked up.
The purpose of a liberal arts education is to give you general information about society and the physical world, critical thinking skills, and effective communication skills. Without those, a guy with an engineering degree is little more than a slide rule.
There’s nothing wrong with plumbing college. It teaches you a useful trade to make a living. Society needs plumbers. But it has limitations. It doesn’t teach you how to tell a leader from a demagogue, and you don’t learn about ethics by watching Fox.
@57 “why do you exclude yourself and other conservatives as elitists? ”
You can’t be the elite if you’re a victim, and conservatives automatically are victims, even when they’re victimizing someone else.
The Hump promised to reduce the deficit – Nope.
The Hump promised to not do away with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid – Nope.
The Hump promised to reduce spending – Nope.
The Hump promised to empty The Swamp – Nope, he filled it and surrounds himself with friends and family that are centered on corruption.
The Hump colludes with the enemy.
The Hump is a fraud.
The supporters of The Hump are unified by racism and bigotry.
The current administration of the US Government will have blood on its hands.
“Pilots have reported issues in US with new Boeing jet”
This is why I take trains.
I wonder if The Hump will bail out Boeing like GWB bailed out the airlines after 9/11.
Hey The Hump is doing something great here! I agree whole kindheartedly with Doctor Bob! Truvada for everyone!
But contrary to Bob’s belief, many but not all within the gay community, still preach the use of condoms even when taking Truvada. Sure, not everyone is alike, but many gay men still will use condoms even when taking PrEP.
I find the map pretty interesting – the targeted areas of completed States occurs in mostly all Southern States. Probably because those States have more transmission among heterosexuals or just southern closeted gay men that can’t afford condoms.
“Not included in the $291 million request is an additional $58 million earmarked for the CDC “to address the infectious disease consequences of the opioid epidemic,” which has driven up HIV and hepatitis C rates in certain areas across the country.”
@61 “I wonder if The Hump will bail out Boeing like GWB bailed out the airlines after 9/11.”
Only if Boeing relocates its Washington plants to West Virginia and replaces Seattle Boeing workers with unemployed coal miners.
@62 Why worry about the global HIV epidemic after the wall is built? Once Trump gets his border wall funding, no germ will ever again enter the U.S. from abroad.
@62 continued.
” “Without Medicaid expansion, they will never hit the five- and 10-year targets,” he explained. “This administration’s AIDS and health policies are at war with each other, internally. What one hand gives, the other takes away.” ”
I’m sure Conservatives, and Doctor Dumbfuck, will forget this little notion, in the future years, when and if the result of less cases doesn’t materialize.
” Kates of the Kaiser Family Foundation agreed with some of Staley’s concerns. She said proposed cuts to the president’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and The Global Fund, which fund treatment and prevention in poor countries, could work against the most well-intentioned domestic efforts to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
“With infectious disease, pulling back resources historically has led to increase in infectious disease,” she said. “The virus doesn’t operate in the way of seeing those borders or boundaries.” “
@64 yes, see @65, or you read the article.
For anyone here, that may not know, Doctors will not prescribe Truvada without routinely testing your blood, every three months, to maker sure that you aren’t out there infected. If you are on Truvada (or PrEP), you have to be tested for HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases, every three months.
@66 I did read the article. You do realize, don’t you, that #64 is facetious?
It doesn’t matter whether Mueller’s report is released. Suppressing it would be tantamount to admitting guilt. No one will believe Barr held back a report that exonerates Trump.
@68 yes I realized that you were being facetious…not your first time! That was my point, that I took it you read it, pretty fast too, faster than I read ir.
One other thing with Truvada, negatively it can cause problems with kidneys, so part of the every three month testing is testng to see if kidneys are being adversely affected.
I’m sure he had ticket booked and a non-refundable hotel and all that.
Tucker Carlson announces he’s going on vacation at the ends of the show. On a Tuesday, in early March,
Maybe he’s just taking off to spend more time with his family.
The story keeps giving.
New pictures today of Spa Owner/Prostitution Ring runner/Inflience Peddler/Seller of access
To Donald smiling alongside Sebastian Gorka and Fox News Professional Stalker Jesse Watters
LOL! Boob is haunted… haunted.. by Tucker shitforbrains Carlson and Martha McSally…
No worries boob.. There’s always a Republican like Cindy Yang out there for ya.
Federal law requires ICE supervisors to review and sign arrest warrants for probable cause that a person is deportable. Today we learned that, in at least one region, officers frequently if not routinely forged supervisors’ signatures to warrants.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s growing evidence that ICE is a rogue agency under Trump and is violating people’s rights, not to mention trampling on human rights. The answer is new management at the top. I’m referring to the very top. It’s inevitable that Trump’s contempt for rule of law will trickle down through federal agencies, like rain falling on porous soil. Not just ICE but all agencies. And if you support Trump, defend him, make excuses for him, or vote for him, you’re part of the problem, too.
A crowd of clueless high school students at a party arranged cups in a swastika pattern and raised Nazi salutes. So Anne Frank’s stepsister came, talked with them, and educated them about the Holocaust. No sooner had she left than the school was plastered with swastika flyers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We don’t know who did this. There’s evidence the Swastika Students are remorseful, and they may not be behind it. It’s possible outsiders broke into the school. Police are investigating. Posting flyers isn’t a crime, but trespassing is.
“When he first ran for president, Donald Trump blasted the Obama administration for hurting senior citizens by slashing billions from Medicare. Now, the tables have turned. … The Trump administration unveiled a budget Monday that would reduce spending in Medicare as well as Medicaid … by hundreds of billions of dollars compared to current law.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another promise kept — to the billionaires. I don’t give a damn if the idiots who voted for Trump lose their health care. I’m beyond caring about them, and I can’t help them anyway. But Trump’s going after my Medicare, too, dammit. When something affects me, I’ve gotta do something about it. I’m gonna call on the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit to intervene. Don’t underestimate my momma.
@74 You sure Cindy will have him? It’s possible. Maybe she keeps a pony in the backyard for clients like him.
Actual infliction of the death penalty has become rare in California, and now it will become non-existent, at least under the current governor.
However, note he didn’t commute any of the state’s outstanding death sentences; his executive order is only a moratorium or mass reprieve. Theoretically, those sentences could still be carried out under a future administration. But California hasn’t executed anyone since 2006.
Roger Rabbit supports the death penalty in certain narrowly prescribed circumstances — for exceptionally heinous crimes, after the defendant received a fair trial, and where guilt is not in doubt. There are people who deserve to be dead. The death penalty makes a statement about where they can go. It’s due revenge. I mean, who wouldn’t fry a Ted Bundy, or hang a Charles Campbell? They tortured and killed children, for God’s sake. I think the death penalty should be used infrequently, and surrounded by safeguards, but retained as an option society has for the very worst human scum among us.
Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson have a right to spew their venom. Fox has a right to employ them. Advertisers have a right to take their business elsewhere.
A capitalist solution to a capitalist problem. Not a problem for government to solve. Good citizens will take care of it. True capitalists should be happy with this outcome. I’m a true capitalist, and I am.