I am on vacation! While you suckers are toiling away at your bullshit job, I will be, um, on a train. Seriously Amtrak is great, but I am a bit nervous about going crazy being on a train for 22 hours. The most I have taken before is 13 hours. My itinerary is pretty full, but if there’s something I have to do in the Bay Area, let me know.
Free Jussie.
Who the heck names their kid “Jussie?”
At least he wasn’t busted for having sex with a horse. Or a goat.
“Trump-loving Patriots owner Robert Kraft charged for prostitution in Florida: report”
Doctor Dumbfuck makes a house call.
“Shocking door cam video shows man in KKK hood with swastika on it”
Job? Toil? What are you talking about? I’m a capitalist; I don’t have a job, nor do I toil; that’s only the poor saps who support me and my fellow capitalists.
@3 Give the poor man a break. He lost his wife in 2011; he’s grieving.
Both sides do it.
What is “it”?
Whadya got? Plus, also… Jussie Smollett.
“I finally watched the McCabe intv. Every American, regardless of party, should be concerned that a couple of people were able to start an investigation on a feeling, not evidence. Where were the checks and balances? These are the things that happen in other countries, not the US.”
Some say she’s the “future” of the GOP. Perhaps so.
She certainly seems to have a mastery of the post-modernist absurdity that animates their base. That reads like a line from Catch-22.
“Law enforcement should not investigate until they have evidence. And they should only acquire evidence by… wooooooo!”
One of the things I find most impressive about the mindset beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon is how perfectly it dovetails with identity. So long as a person adopts the approved manners, norms, expectations and customs they can say or do pretty much any goddamn thing and the hooting baboon troop will approve and howl their praises.
Sure glad I don’t own Kraft Heinz stock. Warren Buffett woke up $4 billion poorer this morning. Berkshire owns 26.7% of Kraft Heinz.
Roger Rabbit has learned to avoid food and grocery stocks because they’re often money losers, although I did well on QFC before Kroger bought it, but things were very different then. Brands like Kraft and Oscar Mayer no longer have the marketing power they once did.
@8 The GOP will be remembered as the party that got criminals off the streets by moving them into Congress, the cabinet, and White House. Kinda like closing down a tent city by moving them to city hall.
Enjoy the ride. One of my train trips was for 3 days from SF up North toward Washington State then across to the East Coast thru Chicago to Springfield, MA. It was ok seeing the scenery. I saw my first Bald Eagle, I think as we were riding thru Montana or maybe it was even Washington State, I forget.
Jussie – watch out for the Republican queers in that jail. The head they give you isn’t worth it.
It’s Jussie that will be giving the head.
They open with It seems that Kraft Heinz was so focused on cutting costs that it forgot the most important thing for a food company to do: Make tasty products that people actually want to buy and eat.
How did cost cutting hurt them?
Did they stop spending money on R&D?
To save money, did they start making their products in China out of cheap industrial waste products?
Did they fire all the quality control staff?
The firm is also well known for its aggressive cost-cutting, through an approach known as “zero-based budgeting” (getting managers to justify every single company expense, big or small). Critics resent the human cost—Kraft and Heinz have some 10,000 fewer staff than they did in 2013. Critics say 3G’s approach has starved valued brands of crucial investments
@13. Weird, it sounds like you think that’s a bad thing? Beside, Jussie strikes me as Versatile. Look how many things Gudwad has blamed on him! Everything from the new election in Alabama to the Castile shooting to the right wing assassination plot, and climate change. To Quote Gudwad. “Free Jussie!” indeed!
@13 you don’t know a lot about Republican queers. Or should we know something about you that you are hiding?
And Bob only knows what horses do. We really can’t ask him.
If Jussie wanted to lie his ass off for personal gain with no consequences, he made two big mistakes. He should been born white and become a Republican.
Jussie the one giving head in prison? I don’t know about that. I say we put Paul Manafort and Jussie in the same cell and see what happens.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Final Results–First Place, Undocumented pediatrician Magdilio Diaz-Vasquez. As previously reported;
Magdilio Diaz-Vasquez, 22, pleaded guilty last month to rape of a child, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, statutory sexual assault, unlawful contact with a minor, and corruption of minors.
Second Place, Undocumented executioner Javier Hernandez-Morales, tragically killed when sanctuary law fails to prevent return fire from police.
Javier Hernandez-Morales, 43, a Mexican national thrice-deported from the U.S. who was shot to death by Napa County sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki after he fired at the deputy during a traffic stop Sunday night, was protected from further deportations by California’s sanctuary laws which blocked the federal government from detaining him on four separate occasions in recent years when he was arrested there according to a statement issued Thursday by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
@20 More crime blotter cherry-picking. How many innocent people were robbed, assaulted, raped, and murdered by U.S. citizens today?
How many were beaten or tazed in the testicles by ICE & CBP?
Shortbus is alive and well over on Seattle Jew’s blog. Today he’s defending a newspaper editor who wants the KKK to ride again and lynch Democrats this time.
Of course the editor has a right to spew hate — nobody questions that — but the public has a right to ignore it. I can moderate comments to my articles on that blog, but I figure if Mark wants to make a fool of himself that’s his business.
The good people of Israel should lynch Bibi.
+33.44% for the period January 1, 2018 through February 22, 2019.
I think I’m in my ninth or tenth year here without being banned.
Hell, even that pussy YLB has stopped begging Goldy & Co. to do it.
Took me at least eight years to shame Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit into no longer posting his daily stock market ‘winnings’. But really, there was no reason to, what with everyone finally understanding he was nowhere near a million dollars in investable assets.
@25 You shouldn’t count your horses as investable assets. They’re depreciating assets. Especially when you’re fucking them 8 times a day. Unless, of course, they win races. But I strongly suspect your horses are only for riding. In the barn.
Harris saying he may not run in NC-9.
But it doesn’t matter, because Democrats will only control the House for two years.
And some douchebag c-list celebrity with zero political profile faked a crime for r/t’s and mentions so #winning. Etc. Also finger rape a demo event at Tokyo 2020! Yup.
Jussie would beat trump in 2020. Just say’n.
Wherein Trump ignores the blatant GOP election fraud in N.C. and renews his baseless assertion that millions of illegals voted in 2016.
Last November, 53% of Utah voters approved an initiative to expand the state’s Medicaid program. This week, Utah’s Republican legislature and governor repealed it.
And it’s not just Utah. Republicans are doing it all over the country. Overruling voters is party of the GOP playbook now.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP is now America’s Stalinist party — pro-Russia, pro-dictator, anti-democracy.
Then it’s up to Utah voters to replace their politicians with ones that listen to them.