Please join us Tuesday evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally colludes for an evening of politics, drinks, and sentencing hearings.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 264 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, eight in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
Oh, and Hillary Clinton will never, ever be president.
Matt Zapotosky✔
· 19h
Rod Rosenstein, at @CSIS, says when we look back at this era in the Justice Dept, we’ll be “proud,” & “the president will deserve credit for the folks he appointed to run the department.” Doesn’t sound to me like a man who knows Mueller’s about to release a report blasting Trump.
Admit it: When you read the part about pets dying as part of the hoax and realized it was intentional, you thought about gman and nodded.
Police: Michigan gay-rights activist set fire to own home in fabricated hate crime
When Nikki Joly’s Jackson home burned down in 2017, some believed the fire was a hate crime against the transgender, gay-rights activist who had fought for a local anti-discrimination ordinance.
But now, instead of a victim, the 54-year-old is accused of being the perpetrator.
Authorities are accusing Joly, who was named Citizen of the Year by the Jackson Citizen Patriot last year, of setting fire to his own home and killing his pets, two dogs and three cats. He has been charged with first-degree arson.
You can either try to pull off a great hoax, or maybe you can just go out and kill your whole family, after reciting the bible and the Family Values stories.
And Bob and the rest of his ilk will support you by hiding that you are vicious representation of himself.
Or you can get so upset at your family that you decide you don’t want to go to the family picnic after church.
@2 2017? you really had to dig that one up…..what you doing for fun this morning, googling LGBT Hoaxes? How fun and reflective of the interesting life you live – I know, the horse wants nothing to do with you – it’s ok, life will get better for you.
On today’s episode gudwad tries in vain to spread false equivalently as if both sides are equal. Ratings are terrible.
It’s one of their rules on the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
All you have to do is find just one example of fourteen year old black child who actually did whistle at a white woman in the street, and you have absolute permission to kidnap, beat, mutilate, burn, torture, shoot in the head, and sink in a swamp as many fourteen year old black children as you like for the rest of time. Ditto any other group they choose to target.
PS: No Teh Dumbfuck does not have to Google for this shit. It comes to him unbidden thanks to the network of crazy uncle liberties and Russian bot-farms he has attached himself to. The modern GOP wallows daily a fetid septic pool of PIZZACANNIBAL!!! identity resentment masquerading as justification for what they’ve done to dishonor themselves and their country. For them now every day is a Flight 93 election.
They will be rushing the cockpit from now until forevah.
A third Senate Child Molester has crossed the aisle to side with Patriotic Democrats and tell President Sundowner that his FAKEMERJUNSEE!! is fake and illegal.
The way this plays out is probably a bit like Prisoner’s Dilemma. If enough votes are assembled to pass the resolution it will be big news. When President DiaperShits vetoes the resolution he will certainly make an even bigger deal out of it. With three quarters of Americans already opposed to FAKEMERJUNSEE!! it will put some Republicans on the wrong side of their voters in a very visible way. When the dust settles it probably means two or three more Senate Child Molesters take retirement.
And bear in mind here kids, this whole thing is another GOP #owngoal. Another in a fairly long run for Yertle. Where President PornLube is concerned Yertle offers his members no leadership whatsoever, choosing mostly to hide under his desk. This is deal making territory and the political leader of the Senate GOP has abandoned the field.
@1 He sounds to me like a man who doesn’t want to get fired a day before he retires, and knows damn well the people he works under are perfectly capable of that. Or, put another way, he sounds like a lawyer who works for the Mafia.
@2 I guess that proves all gay people are arsonists, just as Steak Sauce’s postings prove all immigrants are rapists and murderers. He and you are two of a kind. With him around you don’t need Puddy to keep you company.
Senate Democrats Support Infanticide
All but THREE are now on record that they support the murder of newborn babies, that they support allowing born infants to die from lack of medical care.
Good job, PATTY MURRAY, FACE OF INFANTICIDE! You’re finally a leader of something.
Stomp endangered turtle eggs, make an omelet of bald eagle eggs, abort a whale or dolphin, kill a living, breathing, crying baby after it’s born.
Excuse me while I finish my omelet.
Enjoy your beer.
@ 10
@2 I guess that proves all gay people are arsonists, just as Steak Sauce’s postings prove all immigrants are rapists and murderers.
It does follow your rationale, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You have no trouble applying the bad behavior of a single individual to the entire Republican party when it works to your advantage.
You’ve probably done that on HA 20,000 or more times, I’d estimate. It’s all you’ve got. You certainly don’t have a million dollars.
You’ll have to excuse YLB for not understanding this one. With her ears covered by the tops of Obama’s trousers as she leaned in on The One, she never heard what Romney said during that debate.
Albright apologizes to Romney, says he was right to call Russia biggest geopolitical foe
“I personally owe an apology to now Senator Romney, because I think that we underestimated what was going on in Russia,” Albright said during a House Intelligence Committee hearing.
“I was on the CIA external advisory board, there was no question that less money was being put into Russian language and what was going on in Russia.”
YLB, your blue dress called. That milky stain on the breast area is finally removed and it’s ready to be picked up from the dry cleaning shop.
Dear PATTY MURRAY, FACE OF INFANTICIDE, This bill would do nothing to stop a single abortion. It only applies to babies completely outside the mother’s body, after an attempted abortion has failed.
Here. Have a bunch of $4 abortions!
“Say, while we’re on the subject, I’m here visiting from Kansas with my church group and I’m afraid I forgot to pack the medicine my dog Bonkers needs for his stomach ulcer.
Can you please help a fellow Christian out? Thanks doc.”
If you buy abortions in bulk you can save a tonne of money!
Pay as little than $2 for your abortions if buy ahead in bulk.
Cool, we have Russian Piddles 2.0 posting links to 5th tier right wing fringe websites…
What, couldn’t find the data you were looking for on John Birch?
“You have no trouble applying the bad behavior of a single individual to the entire Republican party when
it works to your advantagethe entire Republican party defends that behavior at every opportunity.”ftfy
Just another example of “locker room talk” among the “very fine people”. Eh?
That time a Democrat laughed and bragged about multiple sexual assaults on a hot mic and “moving on her like a bitch”, we all heard it, we all elected him President of the United States, and then we spent the next four years insisting it was no biggie.
But at least he apologized for it after he got caught.
Oh, wait…
Harris just pulled the ripcord on NC-9 leaving NC GOP with a scramble and no money.
Recap: last week, while his son gave testimony implicating him in the massive vote fraud conspiracy in North Carolina, Harris sat in the audience shaking and sobbing uncontrollably into his hands.
Which is nice.
Keep that inspiring image in mind when you donate:
Annnnnnnnnnd, one of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s relatives self-identifies.
White Maryland legislator ‘referred to majority-black county as “n***** district” in front of colleagues at cigar bar’ but defends herself saying she’s ‘sure everyone has used the n-word’
Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti allegedly used the racial slur to describe Prince George’s County while talking to a white colleague who campaigned in the district at an after-hours gathering at an Annapolis cigar bar.
The population of Prince George’s County is 62 percent African American, according to the US Census Bureau.
Members of the Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland confronted the Democrat from Harford County over the allegations on Monday night, according to The Washington Post.
Suprisingly, this was NOT the lead story on Morning Joe today.
Just as we suspected, children captured by Trump’s greenshirts children and held in his concentration camps were subjected to rampant sexual abuse.
@21 Just a guess, but I’m pretty sure Maryland Democrats can deal with that person without the help of a dumbfuck racist who believes all black males should be shot dead.
@21 The amusing thing about your post is that for every Democratic racist there are ten thousand Republican racists. Nope, sorry, the parties aren’t the same and they sure as hell aren’t equal.
Not really the point but you can’t help being stupid can you?
Website publishes article at 8:53 AM EST.
‘Morning Joe’ airs 6-9am EST.
The lede story, whatever it was today, would have happened almost three hours earlier.
By 8:53 EST the cable Morning shows are airing dancing racons or water skiing cats or toddlers singing ‘Aids’ to a fishor synchronized skydiving and hosts are wondering where to have lunch after leaving set.
Nice burn, dude!
In a couple polls support for Universal background checks on gun purchases clears over 90% of Americans.
So of course Donald has preemptively threatened to veto the House Passed Universal Background check bill if it clears the Senate.
Lockstep with the NRA costs
livesvotes.@12 “You have no trouble applying the bad behavior of a single individual to the entire Republican party when it works to your advantage. You’ve probably done that on HA 20,000 or more times … ”
If you’re tired of the repetition, I can select a different Republican. It applies to all of them.
Don’t fuss everyone. We know all heterosexuals are murderers, it’s all good.
And Jews…..oh shit
Teh Dumbfuck,
WaPo first reported the story last night. The leadership met this morning and stripped her of committee assignments and all other posts. Her censure and, if possible, removal from office, per the rules that the entire body supports, will require a full vote that will take a few days to schedule. NAACP is looking into recall campaign options.
We’d move faster but Steve King, a bunch of your President’s sexual assault victims, and this weird Tiki Torch crowd of bearded dudes in Fred Perry polos keep getting in our way.
Wherein Huffpo details how CNN is flushing its journalistic standards down the toilet.
we also know that all Frat boys be raping the women’s.
And Jews…..oh shit
Well since Dumbfuck went back to 2017 might as well.
This press release has aged well.
Wynn – Resigned, sexual harassment, Resigned From Wynn Enterprises, Investigation under way by Nevada Gaming Commission
Broidy – Guilty of Bribery 2009, Paid 125K to former Trump Campaign Chairman Gates for consulting services after the campaign, Gates has since plead guilty in the Mueller investigation over lies told about his contacts with Russia. And the kicker, being sued for $1.6 million by former Playboy Playmate mistress to pay for her abortion and keep quiet about it, physical and emotional abuse (Parts of lawsuit still sealed)
Michael Cohen….well among other things accused of facilitating Broidy payment to mistress for abortion (Eds Note: Hey here’s where our new troll should weigh in) Sentenced to three years prison, facilitated hush money from Donald to mistresses in violation of campaign finance laws, apologizing before Congress today for lying to Congress the last time.
When a Baby is a Human Again?
There’s more evidence that pro-choicers only consider babies “humans” if they fit their life and political agenda.
The same day the Born-Alive act failed to pass, ICE issued a statement about a stillbirth that recently occurred in its custody. A Honduran woman detained by ICE went into labor six months into her pregnancy. The infant was stillborn.
Abortion apologist and Born-Alive act opponent Jessica Valenti is outraged that ICE does not consider the stillbirth of a six-month fetus (no, wait, in this case it’s a baby) to be an in-custody death.
Patty Murray: The Face of Infanticide has no comment on the hypocrisy, nor when she seeks the release of Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during attempted abortion procedures and proudly displayed jars of severed babies’ feet as trophies.
@33 if it only survived another 3 or 4 months it no longer would have qualified as a human at that point inthe eyes of a Repuke
Only 13 Republicans accept the Constitution and the Separation of powers described therein.
I’ll just be over here waiting for the ‘Liberal media’ to point out radical beliefs held by an overwhelming majority of GOP house members…..
None of that even happened. And even if it did, so what?
That isn’t important. Rogue actors, bad apples, and coffee boys are who we are. And besides, she wanted it. Also, I will not apologizing for inventing the modern world!
just wondrin’.
Should RNC finance chair Elliot Broidy go to jail for murder?
The dirty porn lady he pregnated?
The NRA for paying for it?
Or should the entire GOP be executed just to be safe?
Hey! Maybe you guys could all do the right thing for once and “self-execute”? Whaddya say?
Journalism has turned into propaganda delivery. The only difference between news organizations is the flavor of the propaganda being produced by using the raw material of the day’s news events.
All “news” sources are biased and seek to desiminate propaganda.
Hi! I’m CoatHangery, the new animated assistant for Windows 20.
I looks like you need help giving yourself an abortion. Is that right?
If you are one of the forty million American women who live within a short bus ride of the border with Mexico and you can pretend to have an ulcer, this should be no trouble at all.
Are you ready?
@ 29
The Virginia governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general are all still in office.
Lemme know when any of those MD plans have an effect. ’cause all of those ‘efforts’ by Democrats to remove the Virginians from office were for show.
There are meaningful differences between lack of bias, neutrality, and objectivity. You should acquaint yourself.
We all have bias, journalists included. Nobody was ever born who didn’t have bias. Once upon a time, good journalists pursued objectivity in their reporting. As time went by and media become more consolidated with corporate ownership exerting influence and direction, more and more journalists came to pursue neutrality in their reporting. Today we are living in the era where even neutrality is being abandoned by a few media companies.
The pursuit of objectivity in the most basic philosophical sense required passing some enlightened professional judgment on what is being reported. At a minimum it demanded that journalists refrain from exposing to their audience ideas, arguments, or claims that were demonstrably false. The rise of the consumer age and the growing dependency of media companies on the financial support of advertisers required that they rather frequently expose their audience to all kinds of demonstrably false claims and patently absurd arguments. The business model demanded a new model for journalism in the advertising age.
That’s where neutrality came in. That’s most of modern media today. Report it all as if it all is equally valid, legitimate, humane, and based in objective reality, even when a lot of it is quite obviously not. That’s what the President’s Press Secretary counts on when she lies from the White House podium with the Presidential seal on it. That’s what many politicians rely on when they cultivate lazy access journalists. Space Force is a demonstrably stupid, illogical, and absurd idea. But most media companies will report stories about Space Force as if that’s a real program being pursued by the DoD because the President has said so. And because it is no longer a journalist’s job to judge that kind of statement however bizarre.
But even more sadly, today we live in an age where narrowly tailored audience targeting has led a few media companies to openly pursue ideological bias. That’s partly because neutrality is often frustrating and dissatisfying for some audience members in some instances. Seeing the media mindlessly pass along demonstrably false claims that are in opposition to their own is frustrating. But even more so companies adopt bias when it can be shown to provide advantages to their advertisers in the form of a narrowly tailored, highly activated and loyal audience. Bias comforts the targeted audience member and encourages them to set aside their cognitive capacities and become more passive. That has great advantages to advertisers bent on relieving the audience of most of their life savings in exchange for Krugerrands, vagina steamers, and “luxury vinyl tile”.
Name the mechanism.
You mentioned the “governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general”. How does a political party organization with no public legal authority remove an elected executive?
Or are you suggesting that the VA assembly should initiate impeachment proceedings over a racist dance routine from three decades ago? What would be the criminal charge?
Impersonating a Jackson?
I understand there is a recall petition being circulated. To proceed it needs just 10% of the vote. But it does not go to the ballot. It goes to the state circuit court where the charges upon which the recall is based must be tried. Which brings you right back to where you started. A Dirty Dancing criminal trial. Because nobody puts Dumbfuck in the corner.
Hubba, Hubba, Hubba!
The Seattle Weekly is dead.
A Florida woman, Sycloria Williams, delivered a baby at 23 weeks before the abortionist had attended her.
According to [Williams’] lawyer, ‘She came face to face with a human being, and that’s everything’
“The clinic owner took the baby, who was gasping for air, cut her umbilical cord, threw her in a biohazard bag and put the bag in the trash”
“Sycloria later had a funeral for her baby girl, who she named Shanice”.
The law would provide protections for babies like Shanice and recourse for mothers like Williams.
“I could have never in my wildest, worst nightmares, dreamed that I would have to come up here one day and fight harder to protect newborn babies than I did as a physician,” Rep. Roger Marshall (R-KS) said. “In my wildest dreams, I would have never dreamed of an America where we didn’t value a human life.”
“It’s beyond me to think that that’s even possible,” Marshall said. “Call it infanticide. I call it murdering little babies.”
Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX), who is also an obstetrician, said it was hard to accept that aside from three Democrats — Sens. Bob Casey (PA), Doug Jones (AL), and Joe Manchin (WV) — the Senate was unable to muster the 60 votes needed to send the bill to President Donald Trump.
“We hear from the Democrats continually as they criticize our president. They’ll say, ‘That’s not who we are.’ Well, last night they showed us who they were,” Burgess said.
Patty Murray: The Face of Infanticide. “Call it murdering little babies.”, PatsyPatty
@37 “Or should the entire GOP be executed just to be safe?”
They’ve actually answered this. Better to kill a few innocents than let the guilty go free, according to them.
@38 At least they could spell “disseminate” back when they still had reporters who knew how to use spellcheck.*
* This function used to be performed by copy editors, but nobody can afford them anymore, so they were all let go years ago.
@41 Didn’t you hear? Space Force is now an Air Force budget line item.
@45 Still milking this old story about an incident that occurred in 2006? The fact is, no one condoned what happened:
“What Williams and the Health Department say happened … has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate. … Even those who support abortion rights are concerned about the allegations. ‘It really disturbed me,’ said Joanne Sterner, president of the Broward County chapter of the National Organization for Women, after reviewing the administrative complaint against [the abortion doctor]. ‘I know that there are clinics out there like this. And I hope that we can keep (women) from going to these types of clinics.'”
The abortion doctor lost his medical license because of it.
Criminal charges were filed against the abortion clinic owner, but later dropped for lack of evidence after witnesses changed their stories:
The doctor and clinic also were sued by the mother, and I’m pretty sure that clinic isn’t in business anymore.
This was not a legal abortion, nor an abortion at all. Once an infant is born alive, it’s a person entitled to legal protection. Everyone agrees on that. What happened in that case was wrong, so there’s no policy issue here to debate.
Note the doctor didn’t discard a live infant; he wasn’t even present. He was disciplined for tampering with medical records to cover up the incident.
The charges against the clinic owner were dropped not because she was innocent but because prosecutors couldn’t secure a conviction due to evidentiary problems in the case — guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is a high hurdle, but its the same requirement that applies to every criminal prosecution in America for crimes ranging from shoplifting to murder.
So what’s your point? Roe v. Wade conferred on women a constitutional right to abortion. Are you arguing this right should be taken away from all women because an abortion clinic in Florida crossed a line? That’s like arguing that all hospitals should be shut down because a few commit malpractice. The regulatory and legal system dealt with that case appropriately, and that’s all anyone can ask for — or should ask for.
Yes, by all means, put the bad actors among abortion providers out of business. I’ll support you on that. So will NARAL, NOW, other women’s groups, and the medical profession. You’ll get no argument from anyone about that.
Thanks for posting, and thanks for your concern.
I think every Democratic candidate for president in 2020 should include in his/her platform the following statement: “Guns kill over 40,000 Americans every year, and I pledge that in my first day in office, I will declare that guns are a national emergency and issue an executive order instituting effective gun control in our country.”
Probably won’t pass the Supreme Court, but then, neither will Trump’s border “emergency.” If Republican presidents are going to get in the habit of declaring emergencies and issuing unconstitutional executive orders, Democratic presidents should get in on the act. There’s no reason to cede a monopoly to the GOP in this area of governance.
And I do see in news stories I read that Pelosi and other Democrats in the House and Senate are sending clear signals that if Trump gets away with raiding Pentagon funding to pay for his border wall, they’ll go after guns when it’s their turn to play this game. If the Trumpbillies don’t like that, fuck ’em.
Republicans do that all the time. One brown person anywhere did something bad, demands to remove all brown people.
“A racist, conman and a cheat”
Who knew?
A really terrible lawyer representing Donald is making the press rounds today saying no one should believe Cohen because he lied (Eds Note: for Donald) and Cohen has ties to…
Wait for it…
Russian organized crime
Rudy, you’re not helping.
Medical practicioners kill people every day in this country due to negligence, indifference, incompetence, drunkenness, and laziness.
Teh Dumbfuck alone is probably responsible for hundreds.
Murder is a crime of intent and medicine, including reproductive medicine, is a deadly business. It isn’t hard at all to find horror stories in hospitals and clinics on any given day in your own community. There’s no need to go back more than a decade and all the way to Florida.
For a lot of reasons I dont think it makes sense to single out a particular area of medical practice for special legal sanction arising from patient death. But if it did, it should be an area of practice that actually fucks up the most. That would probably be hospital and clinic administered medication.
The public should be outraged by the deadly incompetence and bureaucratic indifference of our healthcare system. Cherry picking horror stories from particular and very narrow area of practice for political purposes only serves to distract and obscure the truth about medicine.
The big problem for Donald is not Meuller it’s SDNY. The run of the mill fraud committed by a charity becomes a pattern that can be established. it’s not ‘accounting issues’ it’s intentional fraud and the Trump foundation was dealing with more than enough money to be felonies.
I bring it up because Cohen testified this morning that there is a THIRD portrait of Donald bought at auction by a shell buyer re-imbersed by the DjT foundation.
SDNY has the foundations financials already. Better hope that payment wasn’t listed as a donation to the charity hosting the auction.