On an ideal world, the blue slip rule in the Senate might not exist (in my ideal world, the Senate wouldn’t exist). So perhaps it would be better if there were fewer choke points in nominating judges. Still, there is a value in the unwritten rules. And to get rid of them like this is not good. If you want to end these things, be explicit and change the rules.
Michael Cohen testified just now about Trump inflating his assets to reach a pre-determined desired level.
Which reminds me of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s repeated silly efforts to convince us all that he’s a millionaire.
There’s always been less money in committing journalistic fraud. Goldy chose poorly.
If only I had the smarts and guts to pursue the American Dream of committing financial fraud, I too might have been honored with a profile on the front page of USA Today. #regrets
Feb 26, 2019
@1 If you believe Michael Cohen and don’t believe Donald Trump, you’re a Democrat. If you believe Donald Trump and don’t believe Michael Cohen, you’re an idiot.
Roger Rabbit is worth more than $1 million. No ands, ifs, or buts; no qualifiers, caveats, or contingencies. So you can go fuck yourself.
All’s I knows is I’m damned glad that YLB’s kids are gonna foot the bill on this one. Good thing they’ve got free shit today. Payin’ for it starts soon.
Opinion: Massive cuts to Social Security: This is the ‘wall’ Americans should worry about
Balancing the Social Security account instead would need extra taxes of about 1% of GDP, say Social Security trustees. (Balancing Medicare would need another 0.4%.) These will not be politically trivial sums: Current taxes are only about 16.5% of GDP, so we’re looking at a hike of nearly 10%.
I’m less than five years from drawing my Social Security. That makes me untouchable. Sorry, girlfriend. Your kids have only you – and Harry Reid – to blame.
@4 In your dreams. Republicans have wanted to repeal Social Security since 1880. They had to wait another 55 years just for it to be enacted. Since then, this is the 84th year in a row they’ve claimed Social Security is running out of money. They’ve been claiming that ever since Ida M. Fuller got her first Social Security check for $22.54. Why should we be surprised that scrooges like you who resent workers getting paid for their labor also resent workers being able to retire?
“Cohen then addressed why he lied to Congress in 2017 about Trump’s business interests in Russia and his project to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. ‘Mr. Trump knew of and directed the Trump Moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. He lied about it because he never expected to win. He also lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars on the Moscow real estate project. And so I lied about it too,’ said Cohen. ‘Mr. Trump had made clear to me … that he wanted me to lie …. And … his personal attorneys reviewed my statement before I gave it to Congress’ ….
“He told the committee … Trump had asked to pay off adult film star Stormy Daniels …. ‘Mr. Trump directed me to use my own personal funds from a Home Equity Line of Credit to avoid any money being traced back to him that could negatively impact his campaign,’ Cohen said. ‘And I am going to jail in part because of my decision to help Mr. Trump hide that payment from the American people before they voted a few days later.’
“Cohen presented a copy of a $35,000 check that Trump personally signed from his personal bank account in August 2017 while he was president to reimburse Cohen ‘for the illegal hush money I paid on his behalf.’ The check, Cohen said, was one of 11 issued to him. Other checks were signed by Don Jr. and Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump organization. Cohen also said that Trump aides debated how to funnel the money to Stormy Daniels. Weisselberg said he couldn’t do it and they discussed if there was someone hoping to join a Trump golf club who could be enlisted for a favor. …
“Cohen’s documentation and testimony, said Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., ‘raises grave questions about the legality of President Trump’s conduct and the truthfulness of his statements while he was president.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Damning as hell. And how are Republicans responding to this? They’re trying to paint Cohen’s testimony as a Democratic conspiracym, just as you’d expect from a criminal organization finding itself on the ropes.
It turns out Cohen kept copies of the checks. Game over.
Given the gravity of the offense, I think the House majority should initiate disciplinary proceedings against Rep. Gaetz, including possible expulsion.
I predict that if Trump can’t get Kim Jong Un to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize, he’ll nominate himself.
It isn’t about the shiny medal. He just wants the money. Nobel Prizes typically come with a cash stipend over $1 million.
Plus he can’t stand that Obama has one and he doesn’t. Neener neener.
Wherein poor little rich girls commiserate on each other’s shoulders about one of their own facing prison for defrauding investors of hundreds of millions.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t see any of them saying what she did was criminal, or even wrong; only feeling bad for her because she got caught.
This is who the one percent are. This is how they behave. Yeah, let’s tax the shit out of them. They’ve got it coming.
“Leslie McCrae Dowless, a figure at the center of North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District election fraud scandal, was indicted by a grand jury Wednesday on charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and possession of absentee ballots.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the kind of reporting we were talking about yesterday. It should read:
“Leslie McCrae Dowless, the Republican operative at the center of North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District election fraud scandal, was indicted by a grand jury Wednesday on charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and possession of absentee ballots.”
No propaganda there, just straight reporting of the facts. But ABC News doesn’t have the backbone to do it.
LITERALLY, the greatest campaign ad of all time!
The circle is complete
I’ve been watching Cohen’s testimony on ABC News for the last 45 minutes. So far, every GOP committee member I’ve heard speak has called these hearings a “waste of time.”
I believe they’re saying this with all sincerity. They certainly appear to be sincere. These Republicans sincerely believe exposing Trump’s lies and corruption is a waste of time and a disservice to the American people.
Because what we don’t know won’t hurt us.
I just heard a GOP congressman rant that “the American people” have better things to do than “listen to this charade.”
Well, I’m an American rabbit, and no, I think this is important enough to be a priority for my time. When the President of the United States is a corrupt lying con man, it’s important than shining the light of day on his activities.
I’m sorry Republicans don’t see it that way, but that’s who they are now.
GOP Rep. Higgins, “I never heard about (Cohen) before today.”
Uh, Louisiana, you have an absolute moron representing you.
Wherein a Texas GOP legislator comes out against vaccines and in favor of deadly epidemics.
Calling Republicans stupid is redundant.
A federal court has enjoined a GOP voter suppression scheme in Texas.
“Guys, I was just having a laugh. Joking.”
Carl, get rid of the Senate? Hmmmm…it could be done, but the place to start is with our state senate because enacting such legislation would need a lot more work than starting with a single state’s senate. After all, Nebraska doesn’t have a Senate, and they seem to be doing fine with a unicameral state government.
If we in Washington were to eliminate our senate it could be the start of something big. And, think of all the government jobs we could eliminate at the state level. Reducing overhead is good way to not only save money and reduce employment, but it might actually lead to more individual liberty for everyone.
Look on the bright side – getting rid of our state’s senate is a big win for everyone except the senators and the employees attached to the organization.
Prior to today, when is the last time a star witness who had been convicted for perjury testified to a House committee?
@20 Shill for Trump all you want, but if Cohen is telling the truth and his testimony is corroborated by other evidence, you’re going to look like a gullible and naive fool. Not that you already don’t, so you have nothing to lose.
In Havana in 2016, Obama aides goaded Raul Castro into a press conference, where Obama made point of forcing him to answer reporters’ questions.
In Hanoi today, Trump followed Kim’s lead in not having reporters ask questions at all, punishes those who tried anyway.
@18 I was wondering whether the licensing authority was going to look into his conduct.
Basically the Republicans are saying Cohen not only shouldn’t be believed, but shouldn’t be allowed to testify, and this hearing shouldn’t be held at all, because he’s a bad guy who’s been convicted, is going to prison, and has lied in the past.
Think about this for a minute.
Many of these Republicans are lawyers, and some of them are former prosecutors. If they actually believe what they’re saying, and this isn’t just partisan bullshit, then no Republican prosecutor would have give a mobster immunity to testify against his fellow mobsters, would never put a drug dealer on the witness stand to testify against a cartel, would never have an accomplice to a crime testify against the perp.
Of course they don’t believe what they’re saying. Of course it’s partisan bullshit. But they can always count on the Doctor Dumbfucks of the world to swallow it whole.
@ 24
Basically the Republicans are saying Cohen not only shouldn’t be believed…
Not just the Republicans, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Chad Pergram
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee on if she’s watching the Cohen hearing:
It’s on, but I’m doing other things. I think he has a credibility problem.
10:40 AM · Feb 27, 2019 · Twitter Web Client
@25 A witness’s credibility is always fair game. Allowing a cross-examiner to impeach a witness is a fundamental part of our legal procedures. It’s a juror’s prerogative to disbelieve a witness. It’s the lawyer’s responsibility to keep gullible fools off the jury. When did you last serve on a jury? Thought so. I wouldn’t let you on a jury either. I’d peremptory you in a flash.
Likewise, nobody’s saying you have to believe Cohen. You have a constitutional right to disbelieve him. But if this was a legal case in court, I’d be guilty of malpractice if I let you on the jury.
Demorat Traitor Of The Day Award– America hating Demorat coward Alec Baldwin; after never serving a minute in the military now smears America’s highest medal by claiming lying felon Cohen should receive it.
Actor Alec Baldwin said former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen deserves a “Congressional Medal of Honor” for his appearance before a Congressional Committee Wednesday.
The furiously anti-Trump actor said he didn’t know if Cohen was telling the truth but that the former Trump lawyer would help us get past “this nightmare.”
“I don’t know if Michael Cohen is truthful,” Alec Baldwin tweeted on Wednesday, “but if he is, he should get the Congressional Medal of Honor for finally.finally.moving us toward the end of this nightmare.”
@27 Having no personal knowledge of these matters, I don’t know if he’s telling the truth either, but between two known liars, I’d believe the rat before I’d believe the godfather. Most juries would, too. That’s how the feds take down the Mafia and drug cartels.
@ 26
But if this was a legal case in court, I’d be guilty of malpractice if I let you on the jury.
You malpracticed for three decades, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Working for the government protected you.
GOP: “Everything Cohen said is Bullshit!”
People who watched: “So there IS a Prague meeting, a pee tape, an elevator tape…”
“Art of the deal. Great Negotiator, maybe the greatest ever! The Iran agreement was the worst ever. Vladimir assures me they just have the one reactor.”
Best tweet so far…Sam Seder on the former OSU wrestling coach who failed to report sex abuse of students…
“Jim Jordan seems much better at not reporting child predators than asking questions of witnesses.”
So who flamed out most spectacularly today? Rep. Mark Meadows, Rep. Jim Jordan or Doctor Dumbfuck @1, 2, 4, 20, 25, 29?
Dumbest retweet of the day goes to…
“Donald Trump Jr. Retweets Praise For Michael Cohen As Witness With ‘No Reason To Lie’”
+33.05% for the period January 1, 2018 through February 27, 2019.
@30 “… especially since Cohen backed up of some of his claims with physical evidence …”
@32 The one that had the microphone the longest.
@33 I’ll bet there wasn’t a Republican ex-prosecutor in the room who wouldn’t use Cohen as a witness to get a mobster conviction.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Stealing Medicare News–Demorats to seniors; “We will steal your Medicare and watch you die, haha.”
Demorat war on seniors part #1, first steal billions;
Last week, a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report updated the amount of money Obamacare robs out of Medicare from $500 billion to a whopping $716 billion between 2013 and 2022.
Demorat war on seniors part #2, then steal everything;
A leader of House Democrats’ progressive wing introduced “Medicare for all” legislation Wednesday that would replace almost all private health insurance, an idea that’s galvanizing the party’s liberal base and winning endorsements from many of its top presidential contenders.
@38 That’s nothing, Trump robs money from military housing and schools to build useless monuments to himself on our borders.
I think we covered all that more than a year ago concerning Lt. Gen. Flynn in discussion with Shortbus.
That discourse among bar admitted GOP members of Congress has devolved to the level of Mr. Sniffer Probe and his twitt olympics backflipping routine is testimony to the awesome power of Teh Orange Event Horizon. Teh Stoopid is too powerful for them to resist. It even has Trumpanzees like Teh Dumbfuck speculating about secret Time Musheens.
This really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
“Prior to today, when is the last time a star witness who had been convicted for perjury testified to a House committee?”
Prior to today, or of more recent in this world of technological information have we ever have know of such traitorous, pussy grabbing behavior?
The times they are changing ever since the GOP has gone off the deep end of being fucks, who keep scum for friends and business partners.
Republicans and The Hump aren’t a victim, today’s display of conduct is representative of how fucking Repukes victimize.
when all your friends are in jail, what’s the chances of one or more of them testifying against you. The US Prison system doesn’t have better criminals then The Hump Klan.
@24 Thanks Roger for setting the dumbfuck straight – do you think there is something you can do to keep him from fucking the horse? Is there any hope? For the horse, of course.
Mr. Safety School,
Esq.had his sentencing hearing more than two months ago.He has nothing to gain from prosecutors by lying about these matters. And plenty of reason to fear for his life and the lives of his family members by crossing these people. These are Russian GRU and org crime. They’ll murder an entire London suburb to get a single guy.
Hey Bob, you missed this story –
Central figure in North Carolina absentee ballot fraud indicted on multiple counts
I don’t know, maybe you were busy googling Fag Hoaxes or Fags Gone Crazy
@43 I don’t think the dumbfuck will change his ways. You’d probably have to put the poor suffering horse out of its misery.
@45 He’s small fry, and it was always a given he’d return to prison. I’m waiting for the shoe to drop on the main conspirators.
It looks like Trump’s judicial selections are not only targeting Roe v. Wade, but also Brown v. Board of Education:
” … at least 10 Trump nominees to the federal courts in the past year … have refused to offer an opinion on Brown … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s well known Trump is a white supremacist, so if he’s plotting to overturn Brown and reinstate segregated schools, that’s shouldn’t surprise anyone. And if he’s doing that, you might be justified in wondering if re-segregation is just an intermediate step and a prelude to loading America’s black population on ships and forcibly sending them to Africa. Of course, right now this is only a thought experiment, but speculation aside, history teaches us it’s best to nip this sort of thing in the bud before it gets out of control.
Cooperating witness. That’s the term I was searching for. All prosecutors (including Republicans) make use of cooperating witnesses to build cases. The effectiveness of our criminal justice system often depends on unsavory characters cooperating with cops and prosecutors. Which is another way of saying cooperating witnesses are vital to public safety.
Michael Cohen is a cooperating witness.
The argument has been that abortion is about a woman’s right to decide what happens to her body. Her body is her own, so her choice is inviolate, so it goes.
But if the baby survives the abortion and is delivered alive? This presents an awkward situation. It means the abortionist failed to do the job he was paid to do. What a pickle. Now there’s a living victim instead of a dead one. What to do?
Word games must be employed. Suddenly, in this scenario, the baby magically and necessarily remains a fetus and the woman’s rights still supersede all considerations for the baby.
But a woman’s right to do what? The baby is not in her womb anymore, so her body isn’t involved. Her healthcare is not relevant anymore either, since the baby has been delivered. All that’s left is her desire to not have a living baby, and so we have officially opened the door to legalized infanticide on a whole new level.
Living victims reveal the depravity of abortion, so there must be no living victims.
Move over, Donkey boy. The Democratic party has a new mascot: Kermit Gosnell (who wonders why PATTY MURRAY, THE FACE OF INFANTICIDE is not clamoring to get him out of jail for that which she celebrates and defends. . .
The woman was 22 weeks pregnant at the time she visited a Planned Parenthood in 2017, saying she chose to keep her baby after it survived an injection of digoxin designed to stop the heart.
“If you guys were to take him out right now while he’s still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?” the unnamed woman recalls asking the abortion doctor in the video. “She told me that we don’t tell women this, and a lot of women don’t even ask this question, but if we was to proceed with the abortion and the baby was to come out still alive and active, most likely we would break the baby’s neck.”
When the baby survived the lethal injection, the woman changed her mind after reading information from Pro-Life sidewalk counselors. On her second visit, she requested an ultrasound to see if her baby was still alive. When she proclaimed her desire to keep the baby, the woman claims Planned Parenthood staff continued pushing the subject of abortion as if they were pitching a sale.
“The more I was telling them no, it was more like they were trying to sell me something, like a seller that pushes you and pushes you until you buy their item or their product. That’s how it felt, as if they were trying to sell me this abortion,” she said.
Her baby was born full-term and healthy. She fears retaliation from Planned Parenthood
While you were distracted by Cohen and Donald appeasing…
Also Jerod and Ivanka had a nice date and drinks with WaPo Jornalist Kashoggi’s Murderer Mohammad Bin Salman Tuesday.
“Like, what if it was, like, twitching, or something like that,” the woman says in the video regarding the live baby.
“The solution will make it stop,” replies the clinic worker. “It’s not gonna be moving around in the jar. That’s the whole purpose of the solution.”
When the woman asks if the baby “looked like it was breathing,” the clinic worker says the solution would prevent that from happening any further. The clinic worker later clarifies that the “solution” was a toxic substance designed to poison the baby.
Later the woman asks what were to happen if she gave birth to a live baby while at home; the clinic worker tells her to either “flush it” or “put it in a bag.”
“If it comes out, then it comes out,” the worker said. “Flush it … or put it in a bag.”
The worker later advises her to not call the hospital since it would force her to give birth to a live baby.
Question: If P.P.Patsy Murray, THE FACE OF INFANTICIDE is always such a dismembered foot – er, SHOE-IN for reelection in MetroZombie-always-vote-D WA, why is it necessary to suction out – er, SUCK UP to pro-borts, Emily’s List ($610,621), Planned Parenthood ($48,033) and NARAL ($51,000) = >$709,500! – for campaign donations?
Having millions of net worth after being a politician is very rare but Patty Murray, THE FACE OF INFANTICIDE falls into this category. She has accumulated the net worth estimated to be around $1.5 million.
Patty Murray’s average annual salary falls in between $175,000 and $200,000, which makes her 70th wealthiest politicians in the Senate.
Evidently, being THE FACE OF INFANTICIDE pays well
Oh BTW, SDNY has Trump foundation and Donald’s tax returns.
Keep that in mind as you ponder the fallout from Cohen just from what he was asked today. (Cooperating with SDNY, Other investigations, responses to AOC asking about returns)
So our new troll is now quoting tons of stuff without attribution. Way to make
your case.
@50 Let’s stick to facts, shall we? Born-alive abortions are like voting fraud — extremely rare to the point of being nearly nonexistent, but Republicans love using it as an excuse for infringing on other people’s constitutional rights.
“A healthy fetus becomes viable — potentially able to survive outside the womb — at about 24 weeks of pregnancy. … Less than 1 percent of all abortions are done after 24 weeks, and many are performed because the fetus has a fatal condition or the pregnant woman’s life or health is at severe risk.”
In other words, a fetus survives an abortion procedure about as often as illegal immigrants vote by impersonating a legitimate voter. You’re far more likely to find a Republican operative scooping up absentee ballots and voting them illegally.
Net worth and millionaires seems to be coming up lately
Bought house in 2001. Sold and bought bigger house in 2004. House now in neighborhood with median value of $875k.
Real estate value minus outstanding mortgage plus wholly owned assets minus revolving credit debt plus brokerage account plus 401k plus IRA account…
How DOES a congressman get to a net worth of $1.5M?
I have no idea. It must be sorcery.
All this is to say, if you’re wondering how someone pre GenX made a net worth of $1.5m in the Puget Sound housing market you are too stupid to take seriously.
@51 & 53 Since you didn’t bother to attribute your claims (which is kind of required if you want to be taken seriously in educated circles), I’ll do it for you:
It’s an article from a rightwing propaganda site, by a writer who brags he “punches back twice as hard” (hardly a standard of objective journalism)
the operative language of which is: “Pro-Life Action Ministries concealed her identity to avoid retaliation from Planned Parenthood.”
In other words, the story can’t be fact-checked or verified and is not supported by any evidence, but the retaliation claim makes it suspicious on its face.
Not saying it’s bullshit, just that it’s a naked assertion from untrustworthy sources lacking the elementary attributes of fact.
@54 Senators earn $174,000 a year, jackass. As for Murray’s net worth, which OpenSecrets.org estimated at about $1.2 million in 2015 and your source
estimates at $1.5 million, I would merely point out that’s the net worth of Sen. Murray and her husband of 46 years, who is a retired Coast Guardsman who also worked as a longshoreman and “computer systems director.”
I don’t know what you’re trying to imply, but there’s absolutely nothing unusual or suspicious about a professional couple in their age bracket accumulating $1.5 million. I don’t know what the status of their parents is, but people their age no longer have child-rearing expenses, may have received inhertiances, and have been investing long enough for their seed money to have multiplied substantially. As Doctor Dumbfuck is fond of pointing out, there’d be something wrong with them if they weren’t worth over $1 million. I’m nearly the same age, my net worth is virtually identical to theirs, and I didn’t rob anybody to get it. I have a piece of advice for you, not financial advice, but life advice: Pull your head out of your ass and you’ll be able to see better.
@56 I’m on the case. See @57, 69, and 60.
Don’t feed the trolls…..
Yeah I know it’s fun but this one is like beating a six year old at chess. At least dumbfuck occasionally has a point but this new guy isn’t worth the time.
I’ve never lost a chess game to my nephew who will tell you he’s a grand master but, well, he’s seven. I’m not good but I’m Kasparov against a seven year old.
@58 “How DOES a congressman get to a net worth of $1.5M?”
House + 401(k) + IRAs + investments (all of hers are in Fidelity mutual funds, according to her financial disclosure reports) + cash in bank accounts + inheritances + personal savings + miscellaneous assets
Not really that hard when you’ve had nearly 50 years to accumulate it, especially if you’ve been drawing a U.S. Senator’s salary for 36 years.
We need smarter trolls on this blog. These are stupid.
@62 That’s insulting to 6-year-old chess players.
The thing is, no matter how ignorant, dishonest, or just plain wrong the trolls are, you can’t let bullshit go unanswered. Back in the ’80s when all this rightwing disinformation was really taking off, we liberals ignored it (“nobody would believe anything that stupid, would they?”), and as a result we’re living in a country less educated or intellectually competent than a lot of third-world shitholes. I know it’s unpleasant, but you have to debunk this crap, or the gullible masses will assume it’s true. Ignoring a squeaking axle doesn’t work. The fucking wheel will fall off.
And there it is.
Nixon in China
Carter at Camp David
Reagan and Gorbachev
Clinton in Belfast
Obama on Tehran
Donald in Hanoi
“Talks between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un were cut short as a closely watched nuclear summit ended without a joint agreement.”
@66 Kim got a concession even before it started, and the Master Dealmaker (TM) left empty-handed.
If he ran his businesses like he runs our country, he’d go bankrupt. Oh wait, he already did, four times …
Probably told Kim he has a crisis back home he has to attend to.
Why it failed:
“Joseph Yun, a former US top diplomat on North Korea, said the abrupt ending to the summit speaks to a ‘lack of preparation.’
” ‘… I’ve been to many summits. Usually they involve so much working level work and in fact an agreement is a foregone conclusion. This time we saw very little preparation and I worried about that … [with this] administration we’re lowering the bar every day and yet they couldn’t meet that,’ he said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you hire an amateur brain surgeon with no training, experience, or preparation for the job, you can expect similar results.
Yes, that’s how stupid Trump voters are. They would hire the fry cook next door to operate on them. It’s surprising any of them are still alive.
“But but but we cancelled out military readiness exercises.”
“Cool thanks for that but we’re still keeping our nuclear program.”
“What can we do to make a deal’?”
“Give me everything I want, no economic sanctions and we keep Nukes.”
“Let me see if my manager will go for that.”
Ten minutes.
“OK I can throw in the long range missiles and the clear coat but that’s my final offer.”
“Nah, we’ll se what Vladimir and Xi can do on the price.”
“In other words, a fetus survives an abortion procedure about as often as illegal immigrants vote by impersonating a legitimate voter. You’re far more likely to find a Republican operative scooping up absentee ballots and voting them illegally.”
Surely there are more murders of adult beings that the Repukes ant anti abortionists really don’t care about. Some black kid, or gay kid, or Muslim is being attacked right now in this world.
@64 “We need smarter trolls on this blog. These are stupid.”
The entire troll comment @50 is unattributed cut & paste.
“But if the baby survives the abortion and is delivered alive? This presents an awkward situation. It means the abortionist failed to do the job he was paid to do. What a pickle. Now there’s a living victim instead of a dead one. What to do?”
As with the comment @51
“The woman was 22 weeks pregnant at the time she visited a Planned Parenthood in 2017, saying she chose to keep her baby after it survived an injection of digoxin designed to stop the heart.”
Same with the post @53.
“When the woman asks if the baby “looked like it was breathing,” the clinic worker says the solution would prevent that from happening any further. The clinic worker later clarifies that the “solution” was a toxic substance designed to poison the baby.”
Busted. This troll tries to pass off the words of others as his own.
@72 And tries to pass off unverifiable assertions as gospel truth.
Stupid trolls who violate basic quotation standards aren’t the only ones getting busted. Anyone who knows the slightest thing about economics has known all along that Trump’s economic growth claims were full of shit, just like Trump and his so-called “economic adviser” are:
“President Donald Trump’s central claim about his economic policies officially crashed into reality on Thursday.
“Throughout the 2016 campaign and since, the president and his party have vowed to kick-start tepid Obama-era economic growth.
“Specifically, they insisted tax cuts and deregulation would return growth to its post-World War II average of 3 percent — a level, candidate Trump said derisively, that President Barack Obama became ‘the first president in modern history’ never to reach in a single year.
“New government data on Thursday morning show that Trump, too, has failed to reach the 3 percent promised land, according to one major metric. The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis measured 2018 growth at 2.9 percent, matching the peak Obama enjoyed in 2015.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Brought to you by the same crowd that insists cutting taxes for the rich boosts revenues. Like that scam, Trump’s phony growth claims are just an excuse for cutting taxes on the rich. Republicans don’t care about anything else. Specifically, they don’t give a damn about deficits, wages, or whether children die because their mothers can’t afford their insulin. Anyone who votes Republican is either a fool or knave, or both.
Absolute Lock Cz-252 @ 30
People who watched: “So there IS a Prague meeting, a pee tape, an elevator tape…”
Michael Cohen denies under oath visiting Prague in 2016 to collude with Russians
People who watched saw what they wanted to see. What they desperately needed to see. But people like you didn’t see what happened, Cz-252.
One of the strongest takeaways from the hearing yesterday, blared everywhere, was that the dossier was not supported by testimony. And yet here you are, claiming the opposite.
HA’s already got an unserious twat and HA’s third tier is already pretty full. Time to up your game before you go the way of the Fucking Moron.
Wherein Trump turns his back on the family of an American citizen tortured to death by North Korea.
But that doesn’t stop Doctor Dumbfuck from shilling for this cretin. I used to believe doctors are smart, but this one’s a ringer.
@75 Of course, you were in the elevator, and know what didn’t happen. Amirite?
We will now be treated to a narrative that Cohen told the truth about the elevator and Prague but lied about everything else.
Shakespeare is laughing in his grave.
Unless dumbfuck’s wife intervenes, it’s going to be a long day here.
If you breath in super deeply through your nose you can see the rhetorical flourish of Ad Absurdum.
(If Cohen is 100% lying then…)
Meet the new troll.
Same as the old troll.
Sebastian Gorka @ CPAC
“(CPAC attendees at) the front lines against communism…. socialism has gripped the Democrats. They want to take away your hamburgers. This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved.”
Stalin was a Vegetarian?! He’s SO much cooler than I’ve imagined! (Do you need a joke detector for this, Dumbfuck?)
Actually, I was a monster and a psychopath. I killed far more people than Hitler.
Other things happening around the world…
You misspelled it.
It’s spelled HAMBERDERS.
Republican Rep. Mark Meadows. “I’m not a racist, it’s hurtful for you to suggest (sniffle) that I am. I have never done anything remotely racist (sob) how could you say that?
Oh TWO times I was filmed saying Obama should be sent back to Kenya? Oh that’s not racist? He wasn’t an American who JUST HAPPENS to be black. Nothing to that at all.”
“So that’s where we are on the Russia deal, Mistuh Pwesident. I’ll be flying next week to meet in person with top Russian guys in Russia and arrange Russian connections with Russian financing from the Russian soverign wealth funds and looking at some Russian site proposals in Russia and Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia all over Russia with Russians and some more Russians, with some Russian dressing on it. Okay?”
“Okay Michael, that sounds really good. Nice work.
And you’ll be testifying before the committee tomorrow. Is that coreect?”
“Yes sir.”
“Okay. So there’s nothing happening in Russia, riiiiight?”
Buzzfeed must be so ashamed.
When a Republican proclaims that they “don’t see race”, what they really mean to say is that they don’t see racism.
@83 At last an honest dictator. You could teach Trump a thing or two about being an autocrat. He can’t even make disappearances happen, something you were particularly good at.
“The “catch and kill” file on Trump was so extensive that Trump considered purchasing the “treasure trove” when AMI CEO David Pecker considered a job offer to run Time magazine, Cohen said.
“Not all of them had to do with women,” Cohen added.”
Again with the horses.
What is it with these people?
@88 They sure as hell notice skin color. How many Scandinavians has Trump deported? Is he planning to build a wall on our Canadian border? However, if you’re gay, whiteness won’t save you.
@90 Raping children wouldn’t feel right to them if they didn’t rape farm animals too.
@91 yeah but they can’t see my gayness and as a white person they don’t hide their racism from me either. I have the beauty of seeing their bigotry right in front of my face. They can’t hide it from me, and for that reason I have the beauty to expose it.
The Hump, the asshole pussy grabbing fraud that he is, isn’t the whole problem. The bigger problem is what Republicans have become and their continued movement to fascism.
RESIST! Expose them for what they are!
The pickle is that their all types of homophobes, each “group” has them. Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians, Mexicans, aside from The Whites. It is unfortunate that those above homophobes are stupid enough to think that they can be hateful and yet be untouched by hate themselves. It’s a wonderful circle!
Not even mentioning the religious groups who all hate one another. A circle jerk of hate.
@89 Yes, I was quite good at making people disappear.
@95 but the babies….they were little babies.
Now – I’m not for killing little babies, and I don’t take this issue lightly…..but come on, Pro-Life people aren’t truly Pro-Life. They should relabel themselves as Madly Jealous Mother Fuckers.
Having that Meadows Kenya clip queued up and ready to roll…
Well done, libbies. Job well done.
This thread has collected nearly 100 comments in only 2 days, while Stefan’s pathetic little blog doesn’t even exist anymore. He achieved his objectives when he collected $225,000 from King County taxpayers with his bullshit public records lawsuit, and right after that walked away from his blog, leaving third-string backbenchers (can’t even remember their names) in charge of its carcass. He was only in it for the money.
While I’m waxing nostalgic about the good old days when we had 1.125 political blogs in this town, this 2007 HA comment thread offers some enjoyable reading. Back when we had more than 1 decrepit old troll who’s barely breathing things were livelier around here.
Stefan seems to spend his time now getting Republicans to pay him for his advice on “how to interpret polls.” I’m sure he’s helping them win elections here in Washington bigly.
Do ‘Profect Veritas’. No one wants the album just play the hits.
@98 Well, Goldy hooked up with a billionaire and abandoned his blog, too. But between Darryl and Carl, only the latter is a third-string backbencher, so at least we have that going for us.
I believe Goldy should enlist you and Elijah to do some blogging here.
Not to be forgotten is his run-in with a waitress — the single working mom he got fired from her job for complaining about his rowdy kid running amok in the restaurant. What a jerk.
@97 Only Democrats think racist office holders should resign, so you’re exempt. As a Republican, it’s taken for granted that you’re a defender and enabler of racists, because it’s no longer possible to be Republican and non-racist at the same time. Trump made sure of that.
@102 I’m already doing that here,
my most recent posting being this one:
Patty Murray – THE FACE OF INFANTICIDE – doesn’t need reparation$. She’s the well paid $lave of abortioni$t$ and obeys her ma$ter$.
Patty Murray – THE FACE OF INFANTICIDE – is an abused woman. First Ted Kennedy, then Harry Reid, now Chuck Schumer. She has her nose so far up their butt she has intimate relationships with their hemorrhoids.
Meadows is certainly not alone among the GOP for a lengthy and very well documented history of incredibly racist rhetoric most often employed during contested primaries among their hard core, racist Trumpublican base. For Meadows this is nothing unusual, singular, or even remarkable. That the media are even willing to entertain his protests with a straight face is testimony to the GOP memory hole syndrome and the utter failure of “neutral” journalism.
There is simply no question that Meadows despises African Americans, that he is an avowed bigot, and that he employs racist rhetoric both in private and in public with great frequency. Six years ago when he was first seated in Congress Republicans still clung to the fiction that people like him were an extremist fringe triggered by “the outrages of the Obama White House”. As the years, Congresses, and administrations have moved on, that fiction has worn tissue thin as the ranks of “establishment” Republicans have been obliterated by the rising storm of white nationalism in the party.
This is who they are now. This is what they stand for. This transformation of their identity has been in the works for decades and there is simply no point in pretending any longer.
This really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
@105 Indeed. There’s better blogging at Seattle Jew’s page than there is here at HA. That is, unless you’re into rants about people who ride buses.
It’s so confusing for me. I support the GOP and the NRA even though they have paid for a bunch of abortions.
Ends justify means, I guess.
The hypocrisy of the Forced Birthers comes after the child is born, when they could care less about it. If they were at all consistent, they would support care for the child AFTER it’s born.
Fordham University confirms Cohen’s testimony that he threatened the school if it released Trump’s academic records.
There’s at least one rap on Trump that Cohen didn’t lie about.
Almost all of what he testified to is falsifiable. A lot of it will be included in documentary records already in the possession of the SDNY. More will become available as subpoenas continue to move forward. Some could be or may have been destroyed. But a lot can be accomplished through parallel construction where financial documents involving very large transactions are concerned.
Despite all the bullshit pearl clutching pimped by the New York Times acting as a bullhorn for White House lies, it appears that Mueller will remain at work for quite a while yet. But some distinct parts of his investigation may have been concluded and handed off.
Regardless, one thing Cohen’s testimony makes very clear is that thanks almost entirely to a stupid, illegal financial scheme involving sticky porn smeared hooker abortions, investigations into the Republican TreasonPee President, his fake real estate companies, his tax fraud foundation, and his perverted family of minor criminals will continue to expand and roll up indictments, convictions, and guilty pleas for years to come. It really hardly matters how much of Cohen’s testimony will be confirmed. The receipts are out there and they will speak volumes.
So what are the Anti-Psychotics you clearly are under dosed today?
LOL! Go AOC. Silliness Boob and James Woods are afraid of you.
“a country like ours which is nearly 70% female, people-of-color and/or young adults is taking power—and the day of the angry, racist, white man is soon going to be a thing of the past, farewell.”
Thanks Michael Moore. Things will be fixed soon enough..
That forced birther troll is too funny. Patty and Maria will serve this state as long as they as they want.
A forced birther has next to no chance in this state.
We could recommend the troll move to Idaho or Wyoming however the troll gets better government benefits in a blue state so it will stay and make an ass of itself.
“In 2000 Rossi and nine other Senators proposed adding unborn children to the definition of a person in the state constitution. That would mean that fetuses couldn’t be “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process,” as stated in that document.”
That worked out well for him.
Have an abortion.
According to disgraced unemployed former Republican governor Scott Walker speaking at CPAC people take already delivered babies home from the hospital and then “abort them” at home.
That’s a real thing he said in front of a room full of approving Republicans. This is what “neutrality” in journalism in the age of Trump gets us.
Objectively, that is a straight up, foil hat, bonkers thing to say. The objective reaction to that kind of statement is to conclude that the statement itself, and the person making the statement are completely unreliable and probably dangerously unhinged. Under no circumstances would you leave that person alone in a room with a sharp object, much less invite them to appear on your television program.
But is it any more crazy than when the President Sundowner insists that President Obama told him he was going to start a nuclear war with NK? Republicans openly display lunacy in everyday contexts all the time now. It is common place. And the point of all this lunacy is to drive the debate into a corner.
Instead Republicans should be disqualified from participating in the debate in the first place. You don’t agree to argue with the florid hallucinations of a schizophrenic. Doing so only puts everyone at risk.
“and then “abort them” at home”
I read somewhere that they save the feet and pickle them.
Yes Scotty thinks this is something other than murder. Maybe he means…
A South Carolina Militia brings a loaded gun to his cousins’ home and leaves it accessible to young children. A 6 year old boy finds the gun and shoots his 1 year old brother.
It’s true that people are aborting post birth children with firearms on the regular and it’s hella illegal but they rarely serve time. Tragic accident suffered enough law abiding citizen with a permit and all.
You know who won’t lie for Donald when House Oversight asks?
Career intelligence officials who’ve served multiple administrations.
Dino 4-time Lossi…
It’s so good! It never gets old..
Oregon just passed a law limiting rent increases to no more than seven percent and only once per year. That’ll do more harm than good.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Murder And Rape News– 5,600 undocumented Demorat criminals saved by Demorat sanctuary law.
In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) Executive Director Dale Wilcox revealed that within a 27-month period, the state of California had failed to honor about 5,600 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers which are the holds ICE agents file to local jails and police to request that an illegal alien be turned over to them for arrest and deportation.
Of these 5,600 failed ICE detainers, more than 3,400 were lodged against an illegal alien who had been classified “level 1” and “level 2” offenders — meaning that these illegal aliens had been charged with crimes like homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, drugs, and fraud.
@123 Rental housing is a high-risk, low-margin business, and I can’t think of a better way to shrink the rental housing supply than by forcing landlords to rent below cost. Even without rent control, I really don’t understand why people own rental property. It’s risky and there’s no money in it. The rental income often doesn’t even cover the mortgage payments and taxes. The landlord-tenant laws have evolved in consumer protection statutes favoring tenants, which puts the property owner at a disadvantage if he gets a bad tenant. Rent control, where it exists, should be limited to large commercial landlords who control a substantial portion of the rental housing supply. When it forces mom and pop landlords to operate at a loss, they’re going to let the leases run out, and then sell the properties. Regulating rents won’t do tenants any good if no one is willing to be a landlord.
I would support government price controls in a situation where you have a monopoly, the classic example being regulated utilities. Health care is an unregulated monopoly ripe for government intervention. Price competition in health care doesn’t exist and isn’t possible. You can’t shop around when you’re lying unconscious on a gurney. Even wide awake, you often don’t even know what you’re purchasing, much less what you’re being charged for it. The mere act of entering a hospital puts your life savings at risk. Medical bills are by far the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the U.S.
A case in point: A Florida woman who was nipped on the finger by a stray cat went to an ER just to be safe. There, “she spent about two hours in the emergency room, got two different types of injections and an antibiotic, and never talked with a doctor.” The bill for that? $48,512, including a $46,422 charge for a medication that cost the hospital $4,334. A month later, the same hospital was charging $9,900 for the identical medication. If that isn’t price-gouging, I don’t know what is. It smells like fraud to me. They do it because they can. This is classic monopoly price gouging and it should be illegal.
Seven percent over CPI. So average 10% annually.
Fewer than five units exempt.
Less than 15 years old exempt.
So as a developer I get an automatic 15 years of unlimited increases. And if I focus on small high quality townhouse type two story, four unit projects in high demand dense urban areas served by transit, instead of cheap prefab habitrail villages in the distant burbs where land is cheap, I get to avoid any limits forever.
Here’s the impact: small private investor owners of older buildings will see reduction in their big “nest egg” pay day. Market prices for those kinds of buildings will be a little bit less than what they might have been when buyers figure in the cost of rent control. That’s about it. Those owners still get a seven percent raise in income above inflation every year for as long as they hold. And that’s on top of the appreciation.
@126 Doesn’t sound like that “rent control” is going to control much of anything, so what’s the purpose of having it?
Probanly to cut down on the abuses by greedy landlords.
My property taxes are 35% higher than 2 years ago. If I were a landlord on a tight budget, I’d have to pass that straight through to my tenants, and being capped at 7% + CPI would put me in a loss situation. At that point, I would sell the property, most likely to someone who will be an owner-occupant.
Of course, that’s what I am now, and have been for many years. I don’t want to be either a landlord or tenant. I’ve been both, and I’m not going to do that again.
So are we.
“Dem rep: ‘I look forward to’ Hannity’s testimony”
“Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) said Thursday he would “looking forward” to Sean Hannity testifying in front of Congress after a comment the Fox News host made during an interview.”
Under oath and televised, please.
@130 You know, Hannity just might be stupid enough to repeat that remark under oath. Maybe he even believes it. These people can talk themselves into believing anything without working very hard at it.
He is. And it really might not be that stupid.
Look, this is bound to happen so it makes some sense to anticipate it. It’s the kind of statement by itself that might not be admissible in court. Even if Hannity were to repeat the claim under oath in front of a committee it still might be inadmissible in a criminal court. So at most that puts him at risk of perjury in front of the committee, but only if it can be proved that the statement is false. How’s that gonna work? It isn’t the kind of statement that can be easily falsified*. Given Cohen’s record, Hannity comes out the winner in a credibility contest and Hannity knows it. Let’s not pretend here or get ahead of ourselves. Michael Cohen is a piece of shit human being. Period. People can say almost anything they want to about him and it isn’t going to go very far. Mobsters do this shit all the time.
You have to know that where these kinds of not easily disprovable statements are concerned, Trumpists will be pouring out of the woodwork to offer “evidence” in the media either to exculpate President FingerFuck or to impeach the credibility of Mr. Safety School,
Esq. A few of the dumber ones will put themselves at risk. But the careful ones will offer pure hearsay of a nature that cannot be refuted or disproved. They’ll be doing it for the political theater of it and nothing more. And it will work pretty well.Cummings and his colleagues are plenty smart enough to know that you don’t proceed in any legal sense on the basis of public statement by these kinds of people. They may use these statements as an opportunity to look more closely. But what they’ll be looking for are the receipts. Hauling a shitbird like Hannity in front of the committee might serve to scare off some of the bullshit. But it also stands a significant risk of backfiring.
Count on lots more of this kind of thing.
@131 The interesting thing about Hannity’s assertion is that he’s asserting it while staring at a pair of $35,000 checks signed by Trump and his son that Cohen flashed on teevee.
Of course, the checks don’t actually say “reimbursement for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.” But, you know, a half-assed forensic accountant can reconstruct what the checks were for.
This is a put-up-or-shut-up moment. Hannity made a pitch of highly dubious veracity to his gullible audience. The Democrats are calling him on it: “We dare you to say that under oath.” If he does, and they can prove he lied, he goes to prison. If he backs down, they’ve put a huge dent in the public’s perception of his credibility.
The lying game’s over, Sean. We have you by the nuts. That’s the message the Dems are sending. Or, at least, it’s a warning shot over his bow.
I don’t think they can prove he’s lying. He’ll be vague, yet strident. He won’t remember verbatim, but he will insist on the meaning. And he’ll leave open just enough possibility that he misunderstood. This is why we don’t use hearsay. It’s unreliable.
It might serve as a political warning shot. But it will put a practiced professional television personality on camera where, after a flag draped opening statement frequently referencing press freedom and government jack-booted thuggery, the GOP members can lob underhanded softballs for him to blast over the wall.
It’s a rake. We should not step on it.