Bill Maher with some new rules (via Crooks and Liars).
Maddow: The fight to keep Republicans from tainting scientific climate reports. Part I.
Maddow: The fight to keep Republicans from tainting scientific climate reports. Part II.
Spooky Times:
- Ann Telnaes: James Clapper insists spying was okay.
- Stephen: See no evil (via Crooks and Liars).
- Ann Telnaes: The NSA is watching you.
- Jon: Congress is shocked, SHOCKED, the NSA was doing bad things.
- Ann Telnaes: The scary face of surveillance.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Steve Kornacki: The history of Black Senators, Part I.
Steve Kornacki: The history of Black Senators, Part II.
Maddow: How you pay congress to do nothing!
Sharpton with Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA-7): Republicans will say anything about President Obama just to see him fail.
Cruz Mis-sell:
- Maddow: Harry Reid on a Ted Cruz nomination, “…end of the Republican party”.
- Bill Maher on Ted Cruz: GOP always been “masters” of “are you kidding me” candidates
- Thom politically corrects Ted Cruz.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Ted Cruz surrenders….
- Sam Seder: Ted Cruz’s father goes all Birfer.
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz grilled by Univision host Jorge Ramos.
- Bashir: GOP 6 feet under as Ted Cruz’s dad wants to send Obama ‘back-to-Kenya’
- Sharpton: Cruz plays it loose with hate.
Sam Seder: Seattle’s socialist movement.
Jon has some words for the media: Go fuck yourself.
Thom: Why is the GOP trying to insert the Government into a woman’s uterus?
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News likes bank fraud?!?
The Audacity of Affordable Health Care for Everyone:
- Republicans admit they are living in Oz!
- Pap: Sorry GOP, ObamaCare is working.
- Stephen is heartbroken over missing Obamacare woman.
- Young Turks: But, but, but Obama said you could keep your health plan!!!
- White House: Affordable health care for $50/month.
- Mark Fiore: America’s Bestest Idea.
- Ed: Obama dispels GOP healthcare myths and lies
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The House GOP’s latest healthcare obsession in Oz.
- Young Turks: What a sexist libertarian thinks of women’s health insurance.
- Sam Seder: Dems call out Repubs on health care lies and obstruction.
- Republicans respond to
Mental Floss: 32 superstition orgins.
Jonathan Mann: Mother Nature is motherfucking scary.
Sam Seder: Rick Santorum reveals that Hollywood is run by Satan!!!
Pap: Teabaggers don’t understand the economy.
Chris Cillizza: Is blocking judges and effective tactic for Republicans?.
Serial Plagerist Rand Paul:
- Maddow: Rand Paul is a serial plagiarizer.
- Stephen blasts Maddow over criticizing Rand Paul
- Bashir: The lifted lines of Rand Paul
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen mocks GOP Senators who disapproved of their own previous debt ceiling vote.
Chris Cillizza: The very scary proposition of dead people on the voter roles:
Steve Kornacki: Fifth-year slumps, Obama versus Bush.
Thom: How climate change affects the oceans.
Stephen demands Nevada Assemblyman Jim Wheeler “punch himself in the balls” after slavery comments.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.