The Seattle Weekly’s “Best of Seattle 2005” just came out, and thanks to you, my loyal readers, not only has been named “Best Local Blog,” but yours truly has been named “Best Activist/Hell-Raiser”… for the second year running!
Best Local Blog
Your favorite Seattle-based blog is the one that gives “the straight poop on Washington politics and the press”: David Goldstein’s HORSESASS.ORG (see Best Activist/ Hell-Raiser). Sharing his liberal views on local politics and personalities, Goldy makes sure blue Seattleites have something to cheer or sneer about.Best Activist/Hell-Raiser
Web pundit DAVID GOLDSTEIN made a name for himself as a staunch opponent of local initiative-monger Tim Eyman; that’s also the campaign that inspired the name of his blog, (see Best Local Blog). Nowadays, Goldstein comments on anything and everything, including the recent Enumclaw horse-sex scandal. This is his second consecutive win in this category, so he gets to be the city’s best smart-ass for another year.
Also, big congratulations are due to Andrew and the crew at Pacific Northwest Portal, for winning the well-deserved honor of “Best Local Website.”
But perhaps the most amusing category was “Best Fish Market”:
Yep, PIKE PLACE MARKET again, beating out second-placed . . . Tim Eyman?
Gee… I wonder how that happened?