I’m oddly flattered. I just got off the phone with an executive at a very prominent Seattle-area business, who called to urge me to drop my “stupid little stunt” seeking an injunction to shut down the Alaska Way Viaduct, the 520 bridge, and other dangerous roads. “Executive X” warned that should my lawsuit succeed, the region would lose thousands of jobs, and cost companies like his millions. I replied that no court would issue such an injunction without overwhelming evidence that these structures present an imminent danger, and thus stunt or not, a successful lawsuit would be a great public service.
He was unimpressed, and needless to say, he declined to contribute to my legal offense fund.
Actually, I think he was just feeling me out, trying to get a sense of whether I am serious about pursuing a lawsuit, and whether or not I have the legal or financial resources lined up to follow through. (I am serious, but no, I don’t yet have the resources.)
In any case, it was a brief call, and the conversation quickly turned to Dino Rossi. Executive X told me that both he and his company contributed to the Rossi campaign because they felt that he would be more sensitive to the needs of the business community, and was less likely to play politics on important issues (I had to suppress a giggle on that latter point), but… that Rossi could not be assured of similar support come 2008. He said that he had few complaints with Gov. Gregoire’s performance thus far, and that many in the business community would take a wait and see attitude. He also expressed extreme disappointment that Rossi had allowed himself to be used to promote Initiative 912.
Executive X would not say if he has had any private conversations with Rossi about the transportation improvement package, and the initiative that would repeal it. While he believes Rossi is “aware” of the strong position his and other companies have taken in opposition to I-912, he’s not sure that Rossi “fully appreciates the potential political ramifications.” He wouldn’t elaborate on what those ramifications might be.
This was not a friendly conversation; he told me that my blog was “irresponsible” and “dangerous”, and that he feared that my efforts opposing I-912 were counterproductive… that I should leave the No campaign to the “professionals.” (Like I haven’t heard that before.) He also expressed doubt that I would keep my promise to protect his anonymity, and thus refused to provide many details.
Personally, I just think he was having a bad Monday morning.
But he made one thing absolutely clear: defeating I-912 is a big deal to him and other members of the business community… a big enough deal that he bothered to take a couple minutes out of his busy schedule to call up and complain to an irresponsible, dangerous, untrustworthy blogger like me.
So the question I have for Executive X and other business leaders is: “Where’s Rossi?”
Do you think you can find a lawyer to take your case against the AWV? It seems to me that this is avery big undertaking on your part, as a private citizen. Wouldn’t it be tough to find a lawyer?
What does Rossi gain by taking a position on I-912? Only a downside….either way. He’s a politician first and foremost.
If, in ’08, Gregoire is the business-backed candidate due to Rossi pussy-like behavior, I will be amazed and tickled pink.
It will never happen.
This is all a bunch of hot air.
Since you’re so gung-ho about Rossi and others answering straightforward questions, here are a few for you:
1. In your suit, would you be asking to immediately shut down the AWV?
2. Do you have a good-faith belief that people could die at any minute because of structural flaws on the AWV?
3. Are you saying the WSDOT has been negligent in their maintenance of the AWV?
4. If I-912 failed, would you still file the suit (or withdraw it if already filed)?
5. How does passing the gas tax eliminate the alleged imminent danger posed by the alleged structrual flaws in the AWV?
So you got a personal call from the Boeing CEO! I’m impressed! But ain’t it just like a Republican CEO to be willing to sacrifice the lives of hundreds or perhaps thousands of commuters to keep the wheels of commerce turning and the profits coming in! Gotta meet quarterly profit expectations because otherwise Roger Rabbit might dump his 75 shares of Boeing stock! Lives of workers are worth nothing to this jerk. No loyalty either. Sounds like he’d dump Rossi in the blink of an eye if he got a better offer from Gregoire. Although after the last $3 billion Boeing collected from the state you’d think the state cupboard is bare now.
WSDOT isn’t responsible for the fact AWV is built on shifting sands, or the deterioration of the seawall (which could take the viaduct’s foundations with it). The problem with AWV is not just the cracking aging structure itself, but the soil it sits on, and the rotting wooden seawall that holds that soil in place — get it? It’s the Corps of Engineers’ responsibility to rebuild the seawall but good luck getting anything out of the Bush administration which wouldn’t even pay to shore up New Orleans’ levees to save an entire city.
Mark @5,
1. I believe what we would be seeking is an injunction to shut down certain roadways pending certification that they meet current seismic standards. I won’t know for sure, until I have some competent and informed legal advice.
2. I believe that the AWV would not survive another Nisqually-strength (or somewhat lesser) quake.
3. The AWV has outlived its useful lifespan, and can not be maintained as a seismically safe structure. The negligence that has occurred is that we have not moved more quickly to replace it.
4. I’m not sure what I would do if I-912 failed, but I’m guessing it might be harder to attract the financial support I would need to continue. My inclination would be to proceed with the suit, to apply pressure on elected officials to move as quickly as possible. I suppose there is also the risk that the suit would fail, achieving the opposite result.
5. Repealing the funding mechanism of the state transportation improvement package would necessarily delay the replacement of the AWV, as politicians go back to the drawing board in efforts to find funding. Given the current political climate, I’m guessing the Legislature would not pass another such gas tax increase in 2006. My argument is that we can’t wait another few years.
Gimme a break Goldy………….if you think this blog will put some kind of pressure on Dino; you’re sadly mistaken. I’m sure he dosen’t give a shit.
“irresponsible, dangerous, untrustworthy” I never thought I’d use this word in connection with you but that means you are….sexy. The girls out to be popping out of the woodwork any time now. And your parents will say “Would it kill you to find a Jewish political groupie?”
Roger Rabbit never announces his appearances at Drinking Liberally in advance due to traffic problems caused by the crush of admiring fans, papparazzi, and process servers who follow RR everywhere he goes.
However, its is unlikely RR will attend DL tomorrow, because RR is going on vacation. RR signed up for one of those garden tours — YUMMY!!! Stefan’s garden is ok, and shitting on Stefan’s lawn is FUN-FUN-FUN, but you know what they say, variety is the spice of life.
So if Roger Rabbit disappears for the next week or two, it doesn’t mean RR is dead. RR is not dead!!! Even bunnies deserve a vacation now and then.
Speaking of Stefan, I notice he hasn’t posted a damn thing on his web site today. Scuzzy Politics is fading faster than the heartbeat of a 115-year-old man.
@11 Roger Rodent:
As if anyone cares……….most of us have better things to do than make 100 posts a day, and sit on our asses behind a computer screen. I looked up “worthless” in the dictionary and strangely enough saw a picture of a rabbit. How fitting.
Roger @ 12: “fading faster than the heartbeat of a 115-year-old man.”
How ARE you feeling today, BTW? ;)
Goldy @ 8
You’ve done it! You’ve become “one of them” — just like the politicians who can’t answer simple “yes or no” questions!
It isn’t too late! How about some real answers instead of non-answers?
At least Mark1, IN A PINCH, you could cook and eat a rabbit (fresh, young ones only, RR).
That would seem to be a hell of a lot more useful than “sit(ting) on our asses behind a computer screen” MAKING SHIT UP just to be contentious. I would submit that you are a better example of “worthless”.
If it means anything, you have my support.
REAL business people like CONTENDERS…not PRETENDERS.
Get a clue Dino-Sore.
The bullshit flows from you like a bovine force-fed 10 lbs. of flax seed oil soaked psyllium husks!
Rossi has no obligation to get involved in this.
Gregoire SHOULD have insisted on a public vote on this GasTax….not just ramming it and forcing the public to respond with I-912. Completely irresponsible leadership on Gregoire’s part….and now you expect Rossi to weigh in and clean up her mess???? Ain’t gonna happen.
Also, tell us what INDUSTRY Executive X is in where this GasTax increase repeal is going to cost him millions??? What industry?
Frankly, I respect you for moving ahead with your belief that the AWV is dangerous. Goldy, are you going to be your own EXPERT ENGINEERING WITNESS??? Or are you simply going to rely on WSDOT propaganda (which may or may not be 100% true….but it is certainly not impartial since WSDOT jobs are at stake here).
How are you going to PROVE your case Goldy????
That said, I think it is great to put the WSDOT Engineering Reports under the microscope and subjected to intense scrutiny UNDER OATH in a trial. It will certainly syphon out some of the BS. And in the end, if it is proven in a court of law that the AWV is of imminent danger of collapsing…it will be shut down, as it should be.
I would hope during this process we could also get an independent expert viewpoint of the expected useful life and present Quake level it will survive to compare that with the thousand or so buildings in downtown Seattle. In other words, if a Quake is strong enough to knock down the AWV, how many Seattle buildings will also crumble under that magnitude.
Actually Bunnybutt, if you were actually as astute as you claim you to be (“a legend in your own mind”) you would have noticed that Stephan never/rarely posts anything on weekends. It appears he lives the conservative values he espouses, i.e. family is more important than ANYTHING…even amusing bunny thumpkins.
Maybe, but at least I work for a living.
mark1 @ 20
Hey, hey, now… Be nice. Cashing those welfare checks is hard work for ol’ rujax. And Da Bunny was put out to pasture.
You actually don’t want these guys out in the real world mucking it up for the rest of us.
UPDATE: Cindy Sheehan found a way to get back in the news!
Spread the word!
yearight @ 23
Cindy who?
The more attention Goldy gets from the MSM and influential members of the community, the more the raving loony tune wingnuts get all bent out of shape.
I love it!
“most of us have better things to do than make 100 posts a day, and sit on our asses behind a computer screen”
Then why do you do it?
Much better than you or Ann Coulter may wish for, thank you very much.
UPDATE: Cindy Sheehan found a way to get back in the news!
Spread the word! -Comment by yearight— 9/26/05 @ 11:56 am
Good news travels fast!!!
I “spread the news” 19 min ago in Open Thread:
Aaaaaawwww (bahhhhhhh), someone caged Shrill Cindy, the hapless sheep! -Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 9/26/05 @ 11:37 am
Gosh, maybe she’ll join Goldy on a vigil now… (snicker).
This is Monday, jackass! The only people I know who don’t work on Mondays are barbers. Is Stefan a barber?
And when did I ever claim to be astute? I never claimed to be anything except a cute fluffy bunny with a cottontail! I never even claimed to be human! Although I do seem to be a damn sight more astute than some of you humans.
After all, I didn’t vote for George W. Bush.
Roger Rabbit @ 7
So, why didn’t BJ Clinton fix the levees around New Orleans? He did have 8 years to do it, did’t he.
Oh, yah, I forgot. He was too busy doing the “people’s business”.
… for being on the sidewalk in front of the White House, which is now a crime in this country. I saw two burly cops drag her away on TV. Apparently Shrub (who’s on vacation in Texas AGAIN) is so thin-skinned he can’t even stand being criticized from 2,500 miles away. What a chickenshit.
Bush will be remembered as the “On Vacation” president. Actually, that’s a good thing. He’s so bad as president, the less time he spends in the office, the better off we all are.
re 19 : Independent of who or what? Independent like the experts that Exxon hires to do environmental impact studies? Independent like cancer studies done by Phillip Morris’ research scientists?
Define ,”independent”.
Hey Bob! I know you don’t read newspapers, but Clinton has been out of office for 5 years! Everything that happens now is Bush’s fault!
But don’t let that stop you. Keep milking that Clinton cow for all she’s worth. Milk that cow, baby!
It’s a sad reflection on what America has descended to, that Cindy Sheehan is in jail, and Karl Rove is not.
JC Bob the ignorant @ 31
Clinton tried to shore up the wetlands around NOLA. Wetlands are natural buffers against flooding and storm surges. The program inadvertently affected some of shellfish industry who sued and got a ridiculous 1.4 BILLION dollar judgement.
Bush then shut down the wetland restoration program and the rest is history.
Of course, Sheehan in jail is just fine with the unpatriotic apologists for war, torture, and treason who support Rove & Co.
Bush is so scared of one little tousel-headed mom that she ran him clear out of town and 2,500 miles back to Texas where the slimy little desert lizard belongs.
But Bush isn’t scared of global warming. He ought to be.
We already know where you stand on protestors Rabbit.
Quite frankly, Cindy Sheehan should have “fallen down” a few times before being booked.
Pro War and Irresponsible Government = 400
Pro Peace, Global Security and a future for our children and GRANDCHILDREN = 300 THOUSAND!
That’s brilliant wack job.
So I am correct in assuming that the current poluation of the US is 300, 400?
I would expect nothing less than such a remark from a fascist thug like you, prr.
prr not only spits on Vietnam veterans, he’s a woman-beater too
Guess the “my boyfriend made me do it” defense didn’t sell to the military jury, huh. But it’s too bad an ignorant West Virginia hick who didn’t know any better is being fitted for the pin-striped suit that Rumsfeld and Cheney ought to be wearing. She was just following orders. Another woman takes the fall for GOP male bullies.
I’m curious Rabbit. You’ve established yourself as as Vitenam Combat vet.
With this in mind you have, undoubtedly killed a few women & kids in your time and now you are saying I abuse women?
@26 Roger Rodent:
Check yourself there bunny. See how many occassional posts I have and then count yours dumbass. Hope you’re vacationing on the Texas coast. Bye.
Fuck you prr. You know what I meant.
Additionally rabbit, you mention Lyndie England and appear to be happy that she has been convivted.
Why were you not tried for ward crimes?
As per John kerry’s testimony (attached) you appear to have done far worse than this kid.
“They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.”
How did we get in this transportation mess?
Democrats in the Gov Mansion for how long now?
Democrats running King County for how many years?
Any ideas?
Try $30 car tabs first mountain moron.
Pro War and Irresponsible Government = 400
Pro Peace, Global Security and a future for our children and GRANDCHILDREN = 300 THOUSAND! -Comment by rujax206— 9/26/05 @ 12:49 pm
Pay attention/take your Ritalin… We’ve all ready covered this, rugrat:
Conservatives never have gone out in large numbers to demonstrate over/for anything.
That is the bailiwick of the liberals: give them a reason, any reason and they’ll throw a street tantrum.
Conservatives? Nope.
They have REAL things to do like J O B S, caring for their families, being grown-ups, RUNNING THE COUNTRY.
An interesting little known fact though, learned when our kids were looking for college jobs… Sierra Club and other political action groups had “help wanted” ads posted in the local papers for people to chain themselves across logging roads and other such nonsense. Since seeing those, we are singularly unimpressed by liberal protesters… like desperate whores, some folks will do anything, say anything, protest anything if the price is right. -Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 9/25/05 @ 10:13 pm
Responsible citizens, the Do’ers, living in the real world, attending to their ADULT duties of family, J O B S and volunteerism = 400
Unemployed (or employed as professional protestors – you remember, those aforementioned activist whores), the talkers, the whiners, those dreaming of accomplishment = 300 thousand.
I know which group I’m proud to be among.
And gee, I wonder if that 300 thousand was like the ‘million mom march’ that actually only had a few thousand?
damned cheap ass filter
Try $30 car tabs first mountain moron. -Comment by rujax206— 9/26/05 @ 1:11 pm
Lunch period is OVER, get back to class and see if you can figure out the difference in the length of time the WA soci*alists have been in power vs the time since $30 car tabs were initiated. Maybe you get some arithmatic extra credit.
damned cheap ass filter X2
Re rujax at 51
Your response seems to suggest that the mighty democratic party of our fine state was upended by a watch saleman from Mukilto?
And by the way rugrat… liar liar!
Pro war = 400
Pro peace = 300…THOUSAND.
Hhhhmmmmmmmm. -Comment by rujax206— 9/25/05 @ 5:33 pm
“The protest Monday followed a massive demonstration Saturday on the National Mall that drew a crowd of 100,000 or more, the largest such gathering in the capital since the war began in March 2003.”
“On Sunday, a rally supporting the war drew roughly 500 participants. Speakers included veterans of World War II and the war in Iraq, as well as family members of soldiers killed in Iraq.”
Pretty convenient that he’s the phantom “Executive X”. Could be just figment of Goldy’s imagination…..does this “person” really even exist? Hhhhhmmmmmm……
Do you really think that:
1. Goldy would actually file a lawsuit on this item?
2. The state would listen to him?
There farthest this subject is going is this message board.
prr @ 47
so we’ll put you down as pro police brutality, and against the free exercise of speech? Not a surprise, but duly noted.
Of course not. It’s yet another feeble attempt to TRY to embarrass Rossi (MR Rossi, PRIVATE CITIZEN Rossi, not CANDIDATE Rossi) and a desperate lurch toward some semblance of relevancy.
so we’ll put you down as pro police brutality, and against the free exercise of speech? Not a surprise, but duly noted.
-Comment by torridjoe— 9/26/05 @ 1:38 pm
One of her fellow sheep jumped over the White House fence.
The were warned 3x tehy could protest but they could NOT SIT on the sidewalk.
Typical lazy liberal sheep can’t be bothered to stay on their feet and obey the law.
I wonder if they’ll serve her lamb chops in jail??
When asked Shrill Cindy the Hapless Sheep said: “Bahhhhh”.
I’m curious.
As a public employee in another state, why are you even on this board and why, during work hours?
It would seem to me that either the State or Oregon and/or the City of Portland would have pretty serious protocols as to internet usage and political blogs.
I’d be interrested to see those policies.
In answer to your question, when it comes to protestors, No I have no prblem with Police brutality.
Additionally, I have no problem filing ethics vioulations for state/city employees using government assets and stealing from Tax Payers.
prr @ 62
ah, the internet bully. :rolleyes:
Thanks for confirming that you endorse police brutality. That will make ignoring the rest of your ridiculous viewpoints more understandable in context.
PS — ever hear of lunch?
Ever hear of theft Mark?
This is not about bullying this is about exposing, yet another, public employee who is stealing from the tax payers.
ass @ 60
they were trying to break the law. Which makes it all the more foolish to accomodate them, based on the infraction.
I will throw in my own two cents, after carefully thinking about I-912. I will vote against the initiative if Gregoire calls a special session of the legislature and gets them to pass two laws:
1. Change the Alaskan Way Viaduct project by (a) getting rid of the $1 billion plus needed for a tunnel instead of a viaduct, and (b) getting rid of the $500 million or so for changes to Aurora Avenue north of the Battery Street tunnel that will benefit Paul Allen’s development projects.
2. Abolish the Seattle Monorail Project and its “popular” monorail authority immediately.
However, I don’t think Gregoire has the balls to do this. And even if she does, I-912 will probably still pass — simply because of the voters in the rest of the state will object to the disproportionate benefits going to King County.
As for Goldy’s lawsuit, I don’t think he would succeed. But he should try it, since it will backfire. The judge will not grant any sort of temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction to shut down the AWV. Since that won’t happen, people will believe there is no need to replace the AWV, and will be more inclined to vote in favor of I-912.
Does Gregoire have the authority to do that? Seems like those are locally mandated/funded projects (well mainly thinking of monorail here). As to the AWV tunnel/Aurora, isn’t that just the City of Seattle heavily pushing for that? Correct me if I’m wrong.
and on a side note, of course she doesn’t have the balls… I”d be scared if she did :P
prr @ 64
no, it’s about you trying to intimidate somebody you don’t know by making poorly veiled threats. You haven’t the slightest idea what I do or what my situation is, so take off the Citizen Avenger hat and stick to things you’re only _marginally_ misinformed on.
Actually, no it’s not.
It’s about your being an arrogant weasel and puting you in your place.
1) prr is another rightwing hack (albeit a virulent, nasty type) that shows up here when he when he wants to get paid by his rovian masters so he can buy a can of sterno or shoe polish or whatever nasty shit he drinks before coming here.
2) PissAss- If we offend your delicate sensibilities so, why the fuck do you bother posting here. Probably because everyone else sees you as the inflamed overbraering batshit wingnut you obviously are, and won’t put up with your crazy bullshit.
Rujax @ 70…
I’ve read your post 3 times and cannot make any sense of it.
Q. How am I seeking to “Get Paid”
Q. How am offended?
Q. How are you not puting up with me?
are you speaking of my dialogue with Rabbit or Torridjoe?
prr @ 64
Wha’tha’hell?? How’d I get dragged into this?
Goldy-esque “SCOOP”: rujax and Roger Rabbit are one and the same!”
Note the following exchange and whose names are attached:
45. “prr not only spits on Vietnam veterans, he’s a woman-beater too” – Comment by Roger Rabbit
47. “@45, I’m curious Rabbit. You’ve established yourself as as Vitenam Combat vet. With this in mind you have, undoubtedly killed a few women & kids in your time…” – Comment by prr
49. “Fuck you prr. You know what I meant.” – Comment by rujax206
Roger, it looks like you forgot to change your posting name when you switched comment threads.
Ehhh… Oh, well… no scoop for you, Mark. Went back through the thread and it is also possible that rujax was just overreacting to prr’s much earlier comment. However, that leaves the accusation of Roger’s potential war crimes unanswered.
Mark@ 72…. Different Mark.
Re: 76-
Dang, Rabbit-
A compliment to me, a slam to you.
Re: 74-
Have another shot man…you’ll feel better.
Does anyone elese smell that?
Every time I see prr post I smell that rotten smell.
Anyone know what that rotten smell is?
I’ll tell you what that smell is.
That’s the smell of frustration and failure.
I think somebody wanted to be more than just a Navy Diver, but couldn’t hack it.
Yep, that’s the smell of a wash out.
Am I right prr? Did you ring the bell?
You know you did.
The stench never leaves a quitter.
Like the stench that never leaves a pollywog.
BREAKING NEWS GUESS CINDY GOT ARRESTED WOW.To bad she cant find the time to get her son a head marker.But then again you know how that is when your busy.
The bullshit flows from you like a bovine force-fed 10 lbs. of flax seed oil soaked psyllium husks!
Rossi has no obligation to get involved in this.
Gregoire SHOULD have insisted on a public vote on this GasTax….not just ramming it and forcing the public to respond with I-912. Completely irresponsible leadership on Gregoire’s part….and now you expect Rossi to weigh in and clean up her mess???? Ain’t gonna happen.
Also, tell us what INDUSTRY Executive X is in where this GasTax increase repeal is going to cost him millions??? What industry?
Frankly, I respect you for moving ahead with your belief that the AWV is dangerous. Goldy, are you going to be your own EXPERT ENGINEERING WITNESS??? Or are you simply going to rely on WSDOT propaganda (which may or may not be 100% true….but it is certainly not impartial since WSDOT jobs are at stake here).
How are you going to PROVE your case Goldy????
That said, I think it is great to put the WSDOT Engineering Reports under the microscope and subjected to intense scrutiny UNDER OATH in a trial. It will certainly syphon out some of the BS. And in the end, if it is proven in a court of law that the AWV is of imminent danger of collapsing…it will be shut down, as it should be.
I would hope during this process we could also get an independent expert viewpoint of the expected useful life and present Quake level it will survive to compare that with the thousand or so buildings in downtown Seattle. In other words, if a Quake is strong enough to knock down the AWV, how many Seattle buildings will also crumble under that magnitude.
Comment by Mr. Cynical— 9/26/05 @ 11:42 am
I think it is worth repeating!!
Windie @ 70
The Seattle “Popular” Monorail Authority was established by state law. Chapter 35.95A RCW. There is a provision in RCW 35.95A.120 to dissolve the monorail authority by petition and referendum, but these procedures are extremely difficult to satisfy. Otherwise, the state legislature can dissolve the monorail authority by making appropriate amendments to Chapter 35.95A RCW.
As for the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement, the tunnel alternative is the official plan at the present time:
YO (yoyo)-
Gosh…you sure are bright.
And witty too.
I’m sooo impressed.
GBS @ 82: “Anyone know what that rotten smell is?”
The stench of aging, unwashed hippies wearing clothes saturated with pot smoke and patchouli oil?
2) PissAss- If we offend your delicate sensibilities so, why the fuck do you bother posting here. -Comment by rujax206— 9/26/05 @ 2:15 pm
rugrat, what the hell are you going on about, child?
Mommy forget to refill the Ritalin Rx?
You don’t “offend” me sweetcheeks – you aren’t important enough to do that.
What you do is amuse me.
Amuse isn’t quite a strong enough word…
Fascinate would be better… like watching a train wreck, or the monkeys at WPZ, or a lab experiment gone horribly wrong…. but it’s STILL not quite right…
for the record, I didn’t kill any women or kids. Now — you can take your anti-Vietnam veteran rhetoric and shove it up your unpatriotic ass!!
Reply to 50
“Why were you not tried for ward crimes?”
Because I didn’t commit it. Why do you accuse people of stuff when you don’t know what you’re talking about? Because you’re an asshole, that’s why.
Reply to 50 (continued)
“As per John kerry’s testimony (attached) you appear to have done far worse than this kid.
“’They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.’”
Now you know what kind of Vietnam veterans vote Republican and blog on FreeRepublic.
I believe you bunnybutt… I’d bet you were busy covering your ass like those two great liberal warrior heroes ‘Can I get a quote on that Gore’ and Wait while I write up my citation Kerry’.
Question re 62
How come Private Citizen Rossi has already formed a 2008 campaign committee?
Wow! That’s SERIOUS!!! In Bush’s America, people go to jail for sitting on the sidewalk, but not for stealing billions from shareholders or taxpayers, and certainly not for starting wars on false pretenses or exposing CIA operations. What a fucked up sense of priorities Republicans have!!!
prr, I’m curious. As an unpatriotic anti-American troop-hating fascist troll, why are you even on this liberal blog??
92..Roger Rabbit, For the record, Terrorist don’t fight as hard when their women and children are dead. There is nothing B-52 Linebacker strikes cannot cure.
Mark @ 76
I’m not rujax, but believe whatever you want. Damn, I’m not Dean Logan either, but Stefan believes what he wants. You two may as well work together. You deserve each other.
Reply to 82
cockroach farts
Anybody who didn’t cover his ass in Vietnam was a fucking fool.
Roger Rabbit is going on vacation. RR is going on a garden tour — YUMMY!!! RR will not be posting on HA for a while but RR is NOT DEAD!!!! RR is on vacation. See you right-wing assholes later — don’t get your hopes up that Mrs. Rabbit will collect on my travel insurance — I’ll be baaaaack!!!
Meanwhile, to all you right trolls — FUCK YOU!!! AND FUCK THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON TOO!!!
Looks like you’ve busted the Roger Rabbit is rujax206 caper!
You get the Sherlock Award for September.
I know of no one else who posts with multiple identities….so it is kind of funny that you busted Rabbit (formerly known as Don/Alan/Cybil/dubyasux/priscilla and 93 other identities.
Goldy could easily clean up the multiple identities from the same IP if he wanted to.
But what the hell….this is all just good fun anyway, right?
I mean no one here actually takes this shit seriously, do you???
Tell me you don’t?
Cyn @ 105
I don’t know that I deserve said award because it is possible that the timing of the rujax, prr and Rabbit posts was coincindental.
I once thought that this could be a place for at least semi-thoughtful discussion, but quickly found that it is merely a nest of whining, babbling, Lefty “vipers.”
Would be REALLY sad, though, is if this website actually only consisted of Goldy, a couple of Righties and a lonely, loony Lefty with multiple-personality disorder named Stanley.
Where I come from guys named Stanley were often known as Stosh.
Most of the LEFTIST PINHEADS obviously do have multiple disorders and angry personalities. Not sure if it’s multiple personality though. Actually, most of LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS have no personality at all. They take themselves oh so seriously and are oh so self-righteous. Not exactly they kind of guys you would have a beer with or spend more than 10 seconds with unless your life depended on it!
Yet there is something about Goldy that I can’t quite put my finger on….hmmmmmmmmmmm? Perhaps he is really RIGHT and just pretending to be an asshole. Naaaaaaaaaah!
sung to the tune of “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly”
All I want is a room somewhere
Far away from the Progressive air
With no democracy nightmares!
Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly!
Lots of Tax Breaks for the Idle Rich
Lots of Wars for my ChickenHawke Itch
Those poor just like to bitch!
Oh wouldn’t it be loverly!
Oh so Loverly Sittling absolutely blooming Still
While the working class goes out
to war to be killed
Lots of money to be made from War
Lots of Fun watching all the gore
While I bitch about those working asking for more!
Oh wouldn’t it be loverly!
Loverly! Loverly! Loverly!
All I want is a monopoly
Gaurded by the Oligarchy
Where regulations never bother me
Oh wouldn’t it be loverly!
Bush is doing a a bang up job
Ignoring the poor and the down trod
We need a bit more cannon fod!
Oh it is surely Loverly!
Hell, I have been accused of being any number of different posters. The Neo-Con nutcases get VERY paranoid when their pack of lies get questioned.
But, to be honest, I have known for a long time that all the “Mark”s are the same guy. Very clever having those “I am the REAL Mark” cat fights.
I am on to you losers!
Does this mean I’m not Dean Logan anymore?
“I once thought that this could be a place for at least semi-thoughtful discussion, but quickly found that it is merely a nest of whining, babbling, Lefty ‘vipers.’”
Not to mention it’s a nest of blathering Righty idiots.
Yet there is something about Goldy that I can’t quite put my finger on….hmmmmmmmmmmm? Perhaps he is really RIGHT and just pretending to be an asshole. Naaaaaaaaaah! -Comment by Mr. Cynical— 9/26/05 @ 8:48 pm
So Cynical, a young person I know has been reading this book… I’d like to share and excerpt from it with you:
Shelf Life
Robert Corbet
Page 142
“Graham, the store manager, had disappeared. No one had seen or heard from him for almost two weeks. According to the rumors that were going around, Graham had nearly died in a parachuting accident. Alternatively, he had been imprisoned for heroin trafficking, kidnapped by political extremists, converted by Seventh Day Adventists, chased by cannibals, fallen into a volcano, killed a pig and drunk its blood, {and here’s the good part!} and/or had a sex-change operation and changed his name to Goldie.
“there is something about Goldy that I can’t quite put my finger on…” ;)
Roger @ 111
Hey, you missed a spot right there… You dribbled a little Ensure down your chin…
To quote Goldy “I just got off the phone with an executive at a very prominent Seattle-area business,…” and “He also expressed doubt that I would keep my promise to protect his ananymity, and thus refused to provide many details.”
So Goldy’s first quote is not exactly accurate according to the rest of the thread. What Goldy should have said is “a caller claiming to be an executive of…” or “I think I spoke with an executive of…”
It could have been Roger Rabbit pulling a fast one, or even better a rightwing just trying to Goldy to drop the whole lawsuit and trying to butter him up by telling him what he wants to hear. But to say “I just got off the phone with an executive” can not be confirmed based on what Goldy put in the thread.
Do you have any other evidence/proof to suggest that the person was infact an executive? Where do you think they got your phone number? Are you listed? How tough would it be for someone to find it and pull as fast one?
According to this blogs standard for a lie when it comes to the GOP or the Bush Administration, I would have to say, this has the makings a quite a doozy!!! Maybe Goldy has additional varification he could give us, not posted in the thread, that would provide us additional assures of the validity of Executive X.
By the way before I get called a right wing nut, I have the same complaint about all the callers on John Carlson and Kirby also. A conversation does not always have a fingerprint.
Roger at 101;
You can be Dean Logan to tricker treat this year, get some grocho glasses. I’ll buy a Mr. Rogers sweater-vest and go as Billy Boy Henny-kinz. We’ll be a double act, it’ll be great
I meant “trick or treat”; damn 11pm
Goldy, you give away the fact that you are way out of your league with statements like your comment 8 above about your “injunction to shut down certain roadways pending certification that they meet current seismic standards.” Ever stood on Fairview and looked up at I-5? Ever thought about the standards of the 60’s and 70’s when all these freeways were built compared to now? The only bridges that meet CURRENT seismic standards are bridges that were RECENTLY constructed or upgraded, Einstein. Good luck in court!
Agreed the viaduct is ready to come down in a major or moderate quake. Disagreed that it’s all Bush’s fault as Roger has convinced himself according to comment 7 above.
Roger @ 7 “WSDOT isn’t responsible for the fact AWV is built on shifting sands, or the deterioration of the seawall (which could take the viaduct’s foundations with it).” Actually, WSDOT is responsible for spending untold millions on noise walls and HOV lanes AFTER it was known that the viaduct does not meet current seismic codes. It’s been well known for at least 15 years that the viaduct is on a crappy foundation that does not meet current seismic codes.
How about one of you lefties trying to prove that WSDOT can not stabilize the viaduct with the “nickel” funds. Assume that some planned projects might be delayed so the viaduct can have top priority as it should. Good luck.
Zip @ 117 You post is filled with inaccuracies and nonsensories, but this takes the cakery
“How about one of you lefties trying to prove that WSDOT can not stabilize the viaduct with the “nickel†funds.”
Prove a negative?
Zip, did you ever take a course in logic? Or even try to mimick a person who understands logic?
WHolly Crap Batman! The wingnuts have gone completely batshit!
Nice attempted deflection Donna. Typical pompous lefty.
Maybe this will help you get started:
Prove the viaduct can’t be STABILIZED with this funding and I’ll vote no on 912. WSDOT does not even plan to START construction of their current plan until 2009.
Prove I’m wrong about Goldy’s seismic standards while you’re at it, dick.
Donk****don, I think zip has asked a legitimate question. Sorry if your lazy stoopid mind cannot fathom the question as phrased. With the existing nickel tax, why can’t WSDOT perform this existing shoring up task? Maybe the noise walls are their “Mardi Gras monuments”? Or, better yet, the WSDOT powers that be have decided that we the driving public will pony up with more money because the AWV is so “vital” to the working public? You just love to parse words for words sake. Your copying skills aren’t worth a plugged “nickel” either.
Zip, you are asking donk****don to read a report. Shame on you. This will tax his brain.
And Goldy STILL hasn’t given five simple “yes or no” answers to my questions @ 5
Tick, tock… tick, tock…
Hmmmmm… perhaps if I started a vigil…
Goldy, the people demand the truth! Stop hiding behind your handlers. Stop ducking the hard questions.
Goldy never accepted my offer to bet him a measley $20 on his statement that I-912 would be within 6 points either.
PROUD@ 112
I believe you’ve solved one of the Universe’s mysteries!
Perhaps this joke explains it too——
Goldy’s daughter wanted to take her dog for a walk around the block. Her mom said she couldn’t because the dog was in heat. Daughter was heartbroken so mom dumped a little gasoline on a rag, wiped the dogs private part with it and told daughter she could now take doggy for a walk. 20 minutes later daughter comes home WITHOUT DOGGY. Mom says “where is doggy?” Daughter says “doggy ran outta gas a couple blocks away…but don’t worry mommy, DADDY GOLDY is pushing her home!!!”
Yeah, there is something about Goldy!
Nickels budget just in, PI reporting w/ good times we’re rehiring cops etc. Wonder if Viaduct is impt, AND he has money, if he’s going to fund any quake prevention stuff on the roadway
Naw, it ain’t that impt to him..
Wow Mark…you really ARE that stupid.
(see 8)
Zip and PuddyBud
If you knew anything about logic, debate, or really anything about anything, you would know it is impossible to prove a negative. And only a MORON would ask someone to prove a negative.
And only a complete Wacked out Nut Job would say @ 120 “I think zip has asked a legitimate question.”
Excellent point about Nickles “Budget Priorities”.
The vast, vast majority of the Budget is in some form discretionary. Only things clearly mandated by law aren’t and even those mandated are also subject to a DECISION on what level of service to provide.
For Nickles to have extra funds and not save them to address the TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY is silly….it also says there isn’t a real EMERGENCY, doesn’t it!
I take it you are suggesting that I am a BUDS/EOD washout?
I never took it to that level. However, even if I did and was resigned to ring that bell, I’d have more respect of a washout of Buds than 99% of the people out there. Even being allowed to attend that course is an honor.
As to Rabbit and his service record. I don’t need to hear to much on that to make any decisions. Rabbit was and is chicken-shit, end of story.
And to be clear rabbit, I am not casting a downward light on Vietnam vets, just you.
Looking at theose words of Kerry, words which he now denies the accuracy of, he places collective guilt on all Vietnam vets, saying that Rapes, Murder, lopping off heads, we the order of the day.
Yet, here you are Rabbit villifying a bunch of enlisted kids (Lyndie England, etc…) and praising the penalties given out to them. For what? Posing some prisoners for pictures?
And you have the audacity of eccusing me of hating our troops? All I have done is submitted liberal words and directed them at your prior service
If we listen to Kerry, there is a genartion of vets that commited actual war crimes and have been allowed to get off scott free. Whereas the Abu Ghraib fallout shows that when in doubt, the Military offers up sacrificial Lambs in the form of Junior people.
rujax @ 125
See Smiley??!!
Donk****don@126: Apparently you need to read some more:
There are lots of negatives that can be proved. Donk****don is not a woman, yet answers to Donna. Babe Ruth never played for the Texas Rangers. There is no alligator in my hotel room. You lefties think you are so high and mighty! I could go on. These are all negatives and they are all easily disproved.
Donk****don you live in the 70s. Logic has moved forward since you were schooled. Go back and get some more!
PuddyBud, your lapse of logic is not due to irrationality or ignorance on your part. You cling to this nonsense because your veiwpoint is in question therefore you dismiss rationality and stubbornly proclaim the illogical. In other words; You are a wingnut.
“Donk****don is not a woman, yet answers to Donna. Babe Ruth never played for the Texas Rangers. There is no alligator in my hotel room. You lefties think you are so high and mighty! I could go on. These are all negatives and they are all easily disproved. ”
Puddybud, I stated that “proving” a negative was illogical. Not “disproving”. But then you are a simple man of limited intelligence, so I do not expect you to actually read, comprehend and respond intelligently to any post.
Stuckonstupiddon: You didn’t read the links did you? You didn’t even click on the links? Did you see the legal arguments? Oh yes, I totally understood your “premise”. The links prove a negative. Stuckonstupiddon, the disprove a negative was ADDED to pre-guess your next move and negate your counterargument, because as you proved, you went there.
Go read the links stuckonstupiddon!!!
Let me make it plain to you so even you little mind can see it. I will venture on your sacred ground for a minute.
You claim you are an athiest, correct? You don’t believe in God and you worship that fact. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” So in this context, athiesm is a religion. A few years a lawsuit was successful against a teacher and the school that forbid a child reading their book report because the children’s book was a Bible story. The court’s final decision boiled down to the state can’t promote non-religion or anti-religion. The United States has to be neutral regarding religion.
I hope that helps. Otherwise you are stuck on stupid.
Donna @ 126
OK wise one prove that the funding request for $2B (or $4B depending on who’s asking) is REQUIRED to make the viaduct “safe” per Goldy’s gold standard. Don’t forget to look at the funding presently available for this “highest priority safety project”, dick, maybe some of that can be re-directed. All it takes is a governor with scruples to make it happen.