I’m filling in again for Frank Shiers this week, Weds thru Fri, 9PM to 1AM on Newsradio 710-KIRO.
9PM: Hey, it’s only dead animals, right?
If the FDA expected this pet food recall story to fly under the radar and out of the headlines, they weren’t counting on the determination of pet-loving bloggers to get to the truth. Two of the bloggers leading the way will join me for the hour to help us get to the nitty gritty of this slowly unfolding scandal. Ben Huh of the local pet blog Itchmo will join me in-studio, and Christie Keith of Pet Connections will talk to us by phone.
10PM: Is Seattle ready to elect a (gasp) Republican?
Um, no. But that isn’t stopping self-described Republican Jim Nobles from leaping headlong into the crowded race to replace retiring Seattle City Councilmember Peter Steinbrueck. Jim joins me in the studio for the hour to field your questions, and to attempt to explain to me exactly how a nice, smart guy like him comes to be a Republican. (And stay one.)
Plus more fascinating conversation! Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Coming up: Local writer Clark Humphrey joins me Thursday at 10PM to talk about his book, Vanishing Seattle, and my favorite Republican, Gen. JC Christian of the blog Jesus’ General joins me Friday at 11PM to give us his peculiar insight into the minds of the extreme far-right.