For the most part, Americans are detached from this war in Iraq.
The Bush administration has avoided an unpopular draft through the use of extended deployments and stop-loss programs. They have deferred raising taxes while spending hundreds of billions of dollars in the war effort by charging it to the national credit card. And they have avoided any wide-scale programs to conserve aluminium, rubber, or petroleum resources for use in the war effort.
Thank God…because without the distractions of war we can do what’s really important: go shopping.
The Bush administration may earn an A+ for insulating us from the realities of war, but this news has killed my joy for a weekend shopping spree (and here is a little more background).
I guess that’s why they also keep the caskets out of sight.
(via The General.)
Any death death diminishes us.
When it is our friends and family it is even more devastating.
What a Continent of loss this death brings us to.
3,359 others have died, and for what great noble cause. . . ?
Oops – this could make it absolutely impossible for the right to steal the White House in 08. Hagel and Bloomberg have been seen meeting in public starting speculation they’ll start a third party that would steal from the Publican vote.
More right wing crooks going to jail. I guess we’ll need more prisons the longer the Publicans stay in office.
Pudd the magic Negro was born in Philly
And was teased by the other kids because he had no harmony
Little “turd blossom” loved that rascal Pudd,
And brought him stick and stones and taught him how to sling mud.
OH PUDD, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Pudd, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Together they would travel around and around the block
Pudd kept a lookout perched upon Turd Blossom’s Lily White c_ck
Old ladies and girls would run whenever those two came,
Because Pudd & Turd blossom farted out their name
OH PUDD, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Pudd, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Turd Blossom the liar lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and tiny cock rings make way for other sex toys
One gray night it happened, when Pudd knocked on the door
Turd Blossom and Jeff Gannon were sexually embraced on the floor
Pudd the Magic Negro then left Philly
With heavy heart and vengeance he set out to prove all Liberals are silly
Illogical as it sounded he didn’t understand the rejection
Which explain why he votes Republican in every election.
The NRA supports terrorists.
Here’s an interesting little tidbit from the Army Times:
Ref: http://www.veteransforamerica......le/ID/9639
Remember once again that the Army Times is not a paper known for its criticism of the administration or of the Department of Defense. Something has to be really bad and really obvious before these folks will say anything unpleasant about DOD.
I have heard one explanation for many of the problems. It appears that DOD has been told that they must stay within the budget they have been given for solving these issues, and the money just isn’t there.
This sounds like a weaselly answer from a bunch of button sorters and bean counters, and so it is probably the truth.
Well, at least thanks to Roger and Operation Helmet, we may have a few less Soldiers being discharged because of “personality disorder issues”.
Spending fifteen months in combat and having shrapnel in your brain effects the personality. Who’d have thunk it?
GBS @ 5
Nice. Freudian, perhaps, but nice.
The Young Chickenhawks
“Conservative campus groups like YAF and College Republicans are growing in strength and numbers. And since the start of the Iraq War, these outfits have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Bush to support the war, but they have not stood alongside the soldiers doing the actual fighting and dying. They want someone else to do the hard work.”
Harry @ 9
I love flexing my muscles when I know I’ll never have to take a swing. The neocons love flexing their muscles when they know someone else has to take a swing. The cowardly bastards just don’t get it, do they?
Chimpface standing in the smoking ruins of WTC: “Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Go to the mall and spend, spend, spend.”
@9 College Republicans — isn’t that the bunch who bilked elderly people out of their life savings?