Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Am I immoral?
For all intents and purposes, I’m an atheist, meaning… I don’t believe in God. According to recent Newsweek poll, only 68% of Americans believe it is possible for an atheist like me to be moral, and only 29% would vote for one for President, making atheism the least trusted religious, racial or ideological label. Meanwhile, a full thirty percent of the Republican candidates for President totally reject science, proclaiming that they do not believe in evolution.
8PM: Melamine: it tastes just like chicken.
Or is it the other way around? Yesterday we learned that another 20 million chickens are being quarantined after eating melamine-tainted feed, and I’m betting that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Meanwhile, the pet food recall expands on a daily basis. Joining me to discuss the latest is Ben Huh of
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
You are in a VERY extreme minority.
And we win against ANY of the traitors you Publicans run. Buh BYE!
According to news reports, the U.S. produces 9 billion chickens a year. That’s 30 chickens per person.
Goldy, this might be why the FDA issued an alert about diethylene glycol:
Bush has dropped to a new all-time low of 28% in the Newsweek poll. Even worse news for Republicans is this:
“The NEWSWEEK Poll finds each of the leading Democratic contenders beating the Republican frontrunners in head-to-head matchups.”
But what’s bad news for GOP traitors, is good news for American patriots like Roger Rabbit, David Goldstein, and Barack Obama, who clobbers all of the GOP contenders.
One of the very interesting things about the new Newsweek poll is that Romney does poorly in all categories.
People realize that the universe is very complex, therefore they imagine that there must be an intelligence “out there” who has intentionality: an intelligence that makes things happen.
Many small children feel the same way about waves at the ocean. I’ve on occasion seen small children yell at the ocean to “stop” when they have had enough of the waves.
They cannot conceive that the waves are not intentionally doing what they are doing, just as many religious people cannot realize that the universe has no conscious intentionality behind it.
They talk to their invisible friend, God, and implore him to make the universe work the way they want it to — or they ask Jesus to help them win the big game — or some damn thing.
Children of Famous Republicans Are Leaving GOP
“By Michael Hirsh
“May 14, 2007 issue – Susan Eisenhower is … the … torchbearer for moderate ‘Eisenhower Republicans.’ … [S]he says … the partisanship and free spending of the Bush presidency — and the takeover of the party by single-issue voters, especially pro-lifers — is driving these pragmatic, fiscally conservative voters out of the GOP.
“Eisenhower says she could vote Democratic in 2008, but she’s still intent on saving her party. ‘I made a pact with a number of people,’ she tells NEWSWEEK. ‘I said, “Please don’t leave the party without calling me first.” For a while, there weren’t too many calls. And then suddenly, there was a flurry of them. I found myself watching them slip away one by one.’
“Eisenhower isn’t the only GOP scion debating if the party still feels like home. Theodore Roosevelt IV … even Barry … Goldwater’s … daughter, Peggy, [are] … irked by Republicans in Washington … their unhappiness with the GOP suggests there’s a new middle up for grabs in 2008. …
“Theodore Lowi, … the author of ‘The End of the Republican Era,’ says the nation’s disaffection over Iraq and Bush is so great that 2008 could resemble 1932, when FDR exploited the collapse of the GOP … to create a new Democratic majority. …
“Michael Dimock of the Pew Research Center says that Republican party identification has dropped ‘quite a bit.’ … Independents, Dimock says, are leaning ‘much more Democratic.’ …
“‘I can’t tell you how many Republicans I’ve talked to who are thinking along radical lines’ about deserting in ’08 …, says Eisenhower.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
“Am I immoral?”
Goldy, you’re not immoral; but you’re not immortal, either. If you don’t believe in God, when you die, you go to … nothing.
Just curious how we’re going to balance this- China, the world’s poster-country for government control, has screwed up. And we’re advocating more government control on the US side?
re 5: It sounds like you are recommending a benign fantasy to make death less stressful.
You can always convert at the last moment. If you are killed by total surprise, you would have spent your life believing a lie for no good reason. That is time that cannot be regained.
Truth is eternal — even if it is not always a comfort.
I got two topics for you:
How many times does it take Bitch Gregoire to understand what the people of this state has said 3 times at the poles so far, that $30 is all they want to pay in car tabs.
Do we need a forth vote on this subject? Hello Gregoire! Any Tax you don’t love imposing?
How does McDermott feel after his final supreme court ruling that he broke the law in leaking a cell phone conversation. I hope he can afford that hefty fine, because he will now get to pay it…
Roger @ 5, please read a bit about judaism. Unlike Christianity, there is no requirement for any kind of belief in anything. All that is required is righteous behavior. You can believe whatever you want.
Goldy and others ….
Even I am an atheist. Who would have guessed?
Widen the circle. It’s one thing to be poisoned by the Chinese additives, but just as important is what flies under the radar via additives, hybridization & supplements that are contaminated as well and may act as blockers to your system. These blockers or gatekeepers can certainly starve your body’s ability to metabolize needed nutrients and may be alternatively allowing too much – say glucose/sugar – to enter your system simultaneously. I’m no doctor, but I would think that if one’s body could not get correct nutrition, we’d be looking at not just FAT people, but depressed people, angry people…well, you get the picture. If there are chemical gatekeepers in the foodsystem then it would only be reasonable to question their impact on the nutrition we’re actually getting from our food sources.
Darcy status? Goldy, how can you launch a thread devoid of that Ames Lake void otherwise known as the yellow dog candidate from the eastside?
now if we could just intercept her cell phone calls like Jimbo..
re12: Just ask your president.
Looks like our Governor stuck it to the voters once again. Counties now get to tack on another $20 bucks when you renew your vehicle license. I wonder if we could impose this on bicycle’s too?
I thought the “viaduct was falling” vote a fews years back of 9.5 cents/gallon was suppose to take care of our roads statewide. Amazing how the well dries up, and we need to drill the taxpayers pockets for a few more bucks……
I feel sorry for the Dem controlled counties, as they will surely impose the tab fee. The GOP counties hopefully will ask their voters first. We’ll see.
There is one bright side to this. It will the first time I feel like my tax dollars are staying home, when the decision came from Olympia. But it shows once again, the Governor can’t make a decision on her own. She passed the buck again. “Can’t blame me, the county did it”.
So let’s see K-king, you oppose giving local jurisdictions authority to take an action? You favor that control instead being through a state-wide vote? Or through the Governor’s decision?
Now Bushies Want WASL For Colleges
Not content to fuck with K-12 education, the bean counters in Bush’s Commissariat of Education wants colleges, on pain of losing federal funds, administer standardized tests (a la WASL) to their students, according to Danny Westneat:
“A federal commission has recommended testing for college freshmen and seniors, as a way of colleges proving their worth to the public.”
And, oh yeah, they’re assumed to be be doing a lousy job of educating if their graduates don’t WORK:
“Last week, the U.S. Department of Education said it might start withholding financial aid unless colleges show results through measures like testing or how many grads get jobs.”
Westneat can’t stand it: “This is the last straw for me. Our mania for standardized testing is out of control.”
I can already see where this is going — Harvard B-school will lose its accreditation and any federal funds it gets because its most notorious graduate, George W. Bush, is still goofing off and has yet to work in a real job.
China Is Killing Kids With Counterfeit Cough Syrup
“Mass poisonings tied to toxic syrup
“By Walt Bogdanich and Jake Hooker
“The New York Times
“A syrupy poison, diethylene glycol, is an indispensable part of the modern world, an industrial solvent and prime ingredient in antifreeze. It is also a killer, and deaths … are no accident.
“Kidneys fail first. Then the central nervous system begins to misfire. Paralysis spreads, making breathing difficult and often impossible without assistance. In the end, most victims die. Many are children, poisoned by their unsuspecting parents.
“The poison … has been loaded into all varieties of medicine — cough syrup, fever medication, injectable drugs — by counterfeiters who profit by substituting the sweet-tasting solvent for a safe, more expensive syrup, usually glycerin, commonly used in drugs, food, toothpaste and other products. Toxic syrup has figured in at least eight mass poisonings in the past 20 years. Researchers estimate thousands have died.
“In many cases, the origin of the poison never has been determined. But records and interviews show that in three of the past four outbreaks it was made in China, a major source of counterfeit drugs.
“Panama is the most recent victim. Anticipating colds and coughs during the long rainy season, government officials last year unwittingly mixed diethylene glycol into 260,000 bottles of cold medicine. The result was devastating. Families have reported 365 deaths, 100 of which have been confirmed. … Panama’s death toll leads directly to Chinese companies that made and exported the poison as 99.5 percent pure glycerin.
“Through shipping records and interviews with government officials, The New York Times traced 46 barrels of the toxic syrup from the Panamanian port of Colon, back through trading companies in Barcelona, Spain, and Beijing, to a beginning near the Yangtze Delta in a place local people call ‘chemical country.’
“The counterfeit glycerin passed through three trading companies on three continents, yet not one tested the syrup to confirm what was on the label. A certificate falsely attesting to the purity of the shipment was altered repeatedly, eliminating the name of the manufacturer and previous owner. As a result, traders bought the syrup without knowing where it came from, or who made it. With this information, the traders might have discovered — as The New York Times did — that the manufacturer was not certified to make pharmaceutical ingredients.
“An examination of the two poisoning outbreaks last year — in Panama and earlier in China — shows how China’s safety regulations have lagged behind its growing role as low-cost supplier to the world. It also demonstrates how a poorly policed chain of traders in country after country allows counterfeit medicine to contaminate the global market. …
“Beyond Panama and China, toxic syrup has caused mass poisonings in Haiti, Bangladesh, Argentina, Nigeria, and twice in India. In Bangladesh, investigators found poison in seven fever medications in 1992, but only after countless children died.
“A Massachusetts laboratory detected the contamination after Dr. Michael Bennish, a pediatrician who works in developing countries, smuggled samples of the tainted syrup out of the country in a suitcase. Bennish, who investigated the Bangladesh epidemic and helped write a 1995 article about it for BMJ, formerly known as the British Medical Journal, said deaths ‘must be in the thousands or tens of thousands.’ ‘It’s vastly underreported,’ Bennish said of diethylene-glycol poisoning.
“Doctors might not suspect toxic medicine, particularly in poor countries with limited resources and a generally unhealthy population, he said, adding: ‘Most people who die don’t come to a medical facility.’ …
“In China, the government is vowing to clean up its pharmaceutical industry … because of criticism over counterfeit drugs flooding world markets. … But … China’s drug regulation is ‘a black hole,’ said one trader who has done business through … a Beijing-based broker investigators say was a crucial conduit for the Panama poison.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Any righty who believes we should do away with government regulation and let business regulate itself should be force-fed this article, without ketchup. Feeding automotive antifreeze to kids … how long are we going to keep doing business with these Chinese fuckers? Instead of sending them our jobs and selling them our made-in-Bushland public debt, we should nuke ’em!*
* See? I can sound like a wingnut, too, if I work at it.
19 No, Roger…what this is leading to is Harvard School of Government losing its accreditation because its graduates exceed the Lynne Cheney ordained criterion for excessive liberalism.
I’m always amazed by the inbred righties who will complain about a $20 tax imposed by a Democrat and yet stand silent when Publicans do something launch the phoney Iraq war at an estimated cost of $2300 per American citizen. What about that tax moron?
I will be waiting for you when you die in a place that I have prepared for you.
He who believes in the POON shall not die, but will at least have children to carry on.
“Rejoice, rejoice WE HAVE NO CHOICE, but to carry on…”
Steve Stills