Faced with inexplicable tragedy like the killer tornado that wiped Greenburg, Kansas off the map, people of faith sometimes ask how a compassionate God could allow such horrific suffering. Well, the Reverend Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas explains: God hates fags.
Reverend Fred Phelps is also a life-long Democrat and a vehemently outspoken opponent of President George W. Bush.
This simply means that it is just as unfair to blame Democrats for the fact that Fred Phelps claims to be a Democrat, as it is to blame Christians for the fact that Fred Phelps claims to be a Christian.
If there were a god, Mr. Phelps church building would have been the only thing destroyed in the entire state of Kansas.
Of course God hates fags. God so hated the world that he sent his only son so that those that believed in him would not perish, but bring upon the world unending bigotry and hatred, sword and flame, George Bush and Sanjaya.
You might be tempted to imagine that God hates Phelps … but perhaps not!
Phelps, WI “area historical tornado activity is significantly below Wisconsin state average. It is 65% smaller than the overall U.S. average.”
Phelps, NY “area historical tornado activity is significantly below New York state average. It is 79% smaller than the overall U.S. average.”
Wait … maybe God hates Phelps, KY! No word on tornado activity, but by most figures of merit, the town basically sucks. (You can look it up.)
SHAME, SHAME, SHAME – the only coherent response to the heinous and hated Fred. And his family of robotic haters.
Creeped out pig man to the max.
We used to picket the dog when he came to Seattle….not recently.
Lots of fun to work against his twisted messages, I bet he screws his daughters as well.
Mr. Pope, I have to commend you on your fortitude.
I have never been able to stand reading Phelp’s garbage for any length of time. I couldn’t tell you what he believed in except the main message.
After taking into acount the recent history of anti-gay fanatics falling from grace, I have determined that Phelps himself is secretly gay, as well as his entire inbred family.
I give praise to those who stand up to his hatred, especially the groups of bikers that have frequently put themselves between the Phelps clan and the mourners he frequently harasses in order to get his evilness into the view of whatever cameras he can find.
Personally, I’m just waiting for some grieving mother to snap and beat the lot of them to death with whatever implements she can find. Jesus Himself will breath a sigh of relief that day.
@1 Fred Phelps is a rightwing bible-thumping nutjob who calls himself a “Democrat.” A wingnut calling himself a “Democrat” doesn’t make him a Democrat. It only makes him a liar.
I believe in free speech. I’m against violence. Every fiber of my being screams “no! no!” to the impulse of wishing someone would assassinate this SOB. That’s NOT what I want!!!
But I wouldn’t mind a bit if a fucking lightning bolt came out of the blue and cooked him.
@1 Phelps ain’t no Christian, either.
@5 “Lots of fun to work against his twisted messages, I bet he screws his daughters as well.”
I never thought about this, but you’re probably onto something. He’s the type who would do it.
@7 Bikers aren’t what they used to be. Back in Altamont days, Phelps’ first demonstration at a G.I. funeral also would have been his last.
This country is going down the toilet. What we need is some old-time Hells Angels and some old-time union stikers … gimme half a dozen of each and I’ll clean this place up in no time.
But what this country needs, above all, is a few well-aimed lightning bolts.
Actually this incident explains why religion in general is for cock-suckers.
Remember just because POPE-A-DOPE says it’s true, doesn’t mean it is. And if Phelps is a Democrat there’s an important distinction.
He’s not campaigning for Democrats. He IS campaigning for Christianity. Since the Publican party claims a lock on the religious vote – fuck them and Christianity.
Mr. Phelps is an example of what will eventually eliminate religion from the world. The violence perpetrated by religion, and the bigotry espoused by religion, will turn intelligent people against it–and without intelligent people religious sects won’t be able to figure out how to continue manipulating people.
Goodness Stupid: You are a such a parasite. So you are denouncing Christians who happen to vote for Donks and Moonbat!s?
Stupid: Fred Phelps uses the same wording you use:
“President Bush is a “bloody butcher””
“9/11 was God’s punishment”
“Soldiers who die defending democracy in Iraq are going to hell, where they will join Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan.”
Sounds like you get your “engaging” ASSWipe dialogue directly from the Fred Phelps Web Site!
Stupid: Fred Phelps uses the same wording you use on his God Hates America Web Site:
“President Bush is a “bloody butcher””
“9/11 was God’s punishment”
“Soldiers who die defending democracy in Iraq are going to hell, where they will join Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan.”
Sounds like you get your “engaging” ASSWipe dialogue directly from the Fred Phelps Web Site!
Speaking about the Lord Moves in Mysterious ways:
“Political action committees for companies including ConocoPhillips, BP Corp. and Continental Airlines gave a significantly higher percentage of their contributions to Democrats in the first quarter of 2007 than they did for the November 2006 election, when Republicans lost their majorities in the House and Senate.”
What? Big Oil giving to Moonbat! PACs?
@16 Mr. Phelps is no different from the rightwing trolls who come on this board pretending to be Democrats. Claiming to be a “Democrat” is a standard wingnut lie. You see it all the time.
Wingnuts have no originality or imagination. They’re all copycats. As soon as one does it, they all do.
@17 Religion has always been misused by charlatans for nefarious ends. The misuse of religion doesn’t invalidate a reasonable belief in God. The only thing it invalidates is the dishonest and hypocritical exploitaton of such beliefs for secular objectives.
What people should reject is not belief in God, but false religions and false use of true religions.
Shrieking shill @19: Those are your words, not ours.
Hey puddinghead, how’s it feel to be a shameless shill and apologist for a miserable failure like Shrub? Having no self-respect must feel real empty, man.
I don’t get it. If Gawd hates gay people so much, then why does He keep murdering people in Kansas, Virginia, Louisiana and Alabama where they hate gays the most?
Has He never heard of California, Oregon, Washington, etc? What about Canada, South Africa, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and basically every other country in Europe?
And if marriage equality is so terrible then why does Massachusetts have the nation’s lowest divorce rate while the hate states have the highest? Google it.
Roger @ 12:
Too true, Roger. A lot of today’s ‘bikers’ are actually better described as RUBs (rich urban bikers). But a lot of them are vets, and what would you rather hear in the distance as your son or daughter is lowered in to the ground after making the ultimate sacrifice for their country? An inbred maniac with a bullhorn, or the sweet sounds of a few dozen Harleys?
According to Wikipedia, Phelps ran for office several times as a Democrat (he received 15% of the vote in the Kansas gubernatorial race in 1998), and supported Al Gore during his 1984 Senate race and 1998 candidacy because in ’84 Gore opposed a “gay bill of rights.” Kansas is well-known as a backward, regressive state.
However, Phelps actively campaigned against Clinton-Gore in ’92 and ’96 (due to their support for gay rights) and today probably cannot credibly run as a Democrat and will not support one who suports gay rights.
He is a radical fringe hate-group leader who is almost unanimously shunned by anyone of any political stripe.
There IS a difference between, say, tarring Democrats based on Phelps’ hate message and tarring Republicans based on, say, GOP presidential candidate Tommy Thompson’s support for employment discrimination against homosexuals.
What people should reject is the tyranny of organized religion.
“I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
~Thomas Jefferson
For those of you who can’t or refuse to acknowledge it the passage “every form of tyranny of the mind of man” is reference to religion.
Look at what people will do or support in the name of religion:
Osama bin Laden
George W. Bush
Conservative Christians.
Seemingly two divergent groups, but their core value principles are identical; their personal religious beliefs justifies their respective actions because they believe they have moral superiority.
Bottom line, none of them are truly moral.
Come September, though, many of the lock step Republicans are going to break away from their support of George W. Bush and bow down to the will of The People.
Thanks goodness for the Founding Fathers and their brilliance. Their foresight has saved America again from the grave! Electing the entire House of Congress and 1/3 fo the Senate every two years kept George W. Bush from completely destroying the Constitution.
Retired Maj. Gen. John Batiste and Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, will appear in commercials critizing George W. Bush on his conduct of the Iraq War. This is never happened in a time of war when retired generals critizie the commander-in-chief they both served. General Batiste commanded the 1st Infantry Division in Iraq and General Eaton oversaw training of the Iraqi military from 2003 to 2004.
Republicans have lavished their praises upon both men while they were in uniform, I wonder how long it will take before one of the trolls will critize them.
You troll fucks know who you are, you’re the same ones who questioned the IAVA, and any combat veteran who didn’t get in lock step with the Republicans.
#24 PelletHead: So I guess these were never uttered by Moonbat!s? Wrong PelletHead!
“Baby Killers”
“Poor idiotic servicemen”
“These scumbags asked for it, and got it. Simper Cry.”
PelletHead: Who vandalizes and defiles veterans graves?
Surely PelletHead you watched this interview. Well, I take that back, you can fathom, process, or grasp truths.
PelletHead: More moronic things said by your lefty friends:
“All of the extra allowances must be eliminated. Soldiers should be made to pay all of their expenses (food, rent, uniforms, etc.) from base salary, just as it is in the real world. The soldiers should be made to pay 100% of the cost of medical insurance, and co-pays should be doubled from their current rate.”
“If a soldier chooses off-base housing (and is eligible) he/she should pay for it out of base salary. We, the taxpayers, should not pay their rent. Isn’t it enough our taxes pay for barracks? We’d be better off with pup tents.”
“No soldier should get a tax break, as referenced to in IRS Topic 853– No amount of money earned overseas by a US soldier should be exempted from taxes.”
“The taxpayers should not have to pay for burial. If life insurance won’t cover it (i.e. war) then the family should pay for it, just as it is in the real world. How is it our fault they chose to die?”
“Our underlying problem is this: the military is a lifestyle these morons chose. What idiot risks their life for a country? It’s what they chose. Hopefully, they knew in their hearts this is abusing taxpayers’ money, and they enlisted anyway. So…Forsake our Troops! Let ’em die in combat– we don’t need their ilk in this country!”
“U.S. Soldier= Poster child for retroactive abortion”
” Don’t military pukes learn anything? Nine more Marines bite the big one in combat. Stupid is as stupid does!”
“We bring you a website with a different tone. Forsake The Police is a new website that discusses the police. Some are honorable heroes, while too many others are rogue officers that abuse their powers, harrass, and bring shame to law enforcement. This is the site to discuss it, and it’s coming soon!”
“Number of US soldiers killed in the Iraq War, of their own doing, because they CHOSE to be leeches: 1,586. These scumbags asked for it, and got it. Simper Cry.”
“Here’s some food for thought: an injured American solider being prepared to be carried away in shame! So much for being tough! Well, if you sign up for the military, you encounter the potential consequences. The only sad thing here is that we, the innocent American taxpayers, must now foot the bill for this man’s poor choices and stupidity!”