I think it’s worth noting to whom exactly they gave the seat on the Appropriation Committee.
Rep. Jo Bonner, Republican, from the 1st congressional district of Alabama. He represents Mobile in the SW corner of the state. His district borders Mississippi and Florida. What’s the most interesting thing about his district?
It has a Cook Partisan Voting Index (what is that?) of R+12. This means that the district is eleven points more conservative than the national average.
Dave-o’s district is a D+2.
Hmmm… So instead of giving the choice seat to the Republican in the “slightly more liberal than average” seat, they gave it to the guy who doesn’t need the help.
Talk about a “fuck you” from the party.
To put that into context, Wasington’s 5th CD (with a R+7) is actually less conservative than the Alabama 1st.
I think the GOP is hunkering down, ready to ride out life in the minority.