ONN: News of the week.
Thom: The Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Ugly.
Ohio Gov. Kasich is Worst Person in the World.
Fiscal Apocalypse:
- Maddow: Obama hating GOP denialists push U.S. economy to brink of disaster, part 1
- Maddow: Obama hating GOP denialists push U.S. economy to brink of disaster, part 2
- Jon with Armadebtdon 2011: The national bullshit ceiling
- Thom: The biggest balanced budget hypocrisy.
- Pitches for National Debt: The Movie.
- Thom: Are the Republicans committing treason?
- White House: Obama’s PISSED.
Mark Fiore: We are the whirled.
White House: West Wing Week.
The G.O.P. Presidential Lunatic Asylum:
- Young Turks: The Young Barbarians.
- Bill Maher on Palin and Bachmann.
- Maddow: Rick Perry’s sick, intolerant ‘Pastor’ friends
- Gay barbarian hordes invade Bachmann’s “pray away the gay” clinic (via Slog):
- Bachmann’s end of the world speech (via ThinkProgress).
- Newsy: Are Bachmann’s headaches a roadblock to the White House?
- Jon: Natural Selection of the GOP primary candidates.
- Stephen: God’s pick for President? Rick Perry
- Olbermann: Right wing blog causing headaches for Bachmann.
- Young Turks: Michele Bachmann’s “headaches”
- Ann Telnaes: Herman Cain on banning mosques.
- Stephen: The biggest fantasy adventures of the summer….
- Maddow: Santorum tries to raise money off his “Google problem”.
Obama calls the International Space Station.
Thom talks to a deprogrammed teabagger.
Allen West’s Letter:
- Young Turks: Allen West (R-FL) loses it!
- Stephen: West’s pithy takedown of Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
- West’s email: The animated version.
- Ed: West is a thug.
- Young Turks: Allen West loses it!
- Wolf and DNC Chair discuss debt deal, Allen West, Romney
Young Turks: Abstinence-only education problem in Texas.
Sen. Smith and Bill-O-the-Clown lose to James Murdoch as Worst Person in the World.
Obama ends DADT.
The ALEC Caper:
- Pap: The truth about ALEC.
- Thom: The secrets of ALEC exposed
ONN: Tensions mount after North Korea destroys all of Asia.
Sam Seder: The Teabaggers don’t pay their debt.
West and Palin lose out to Casino boss Steve Wynn as Worst Person in the World.
News Corpse:
- Ed: Robert Greenwald on Murdoch.
- Pap: Murdoch’s attorney exodus.
- Ann Telnaes: Rupert Murdoch’s humble pie
- Young Turks: Should FAUX News be investigated?
- Ed and Pap: Murdoch’s willful blindness is no defense for criminal conduct.
- Jon: Parliament vs. Rupert Murdoch and David Cameron.
- Thom: Murdochgate is proof that media monopoly doesn’t work
- Liberal Viewer: FOX News crimes?
- Olbermann: PI jailed for phone hacking for NOTW, remains on the News Corpse payroll
- Ed and Pap: The Murdoch criminal defense.
- Jon on how the Murdoch scandal makes FAUX News sad.
- Newsy: Former News Corpse execs. say James Murdoch lied
- Thom: The cancer of infotainment & Murdoch pseudo-news
- Sam Seder: James Murdoch lied?
- Robert Greenwald Analyzes the Murdoch Parliament Appearance.
Thom: Can Republicans get elected without fraud and treason?
Stephen: CA gay history bill.
Sam Seder: Rush claims “It’s not hot—Government trying to fool you”.
Young Turks: FAUX News asks whether there are any poor families in America.
Faggot joke amuses FAMiLY LEADER’s (14-point marriage fidelity pledge) Bob Vander (via ThinkProgress).
Cenk Leaves MSNBC:
- Young Turks: Cenk is out at MSNBC, Part I.
- Young Turks: Cenk is out at MSNBC, Part II.
- Sam Seder: Cenk on leaving MSNBC.
- Olbermann and Cenk on Cenk leaving MSNBC.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.