King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn's closet.
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anybody suggest that King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn is gay, but if I had a closet like that, I’m not sure I’d ever come out of it. Hell, I knew people in New York City who rented studio apartments smaller than Dunn’s walk-in closet. And this is just Dunn’s half of a matching his-and-hers set.
Look at all those shoes and hats. Who knew Dunn was such a snappy dresser? And look how neatly his wardrobe is folded, stacked and hung. Huh. Maybe he is gay?
Yup, Dunn’s $1.6 million, 6,900 SQFT Maple Valley McMansion is on the market, and the online listing gives us a rare peek into the modest lifestyle of this humble public servant. Like the 1,390 SQFT five-car garage, the “dream kitchen,” the “grand entry,” and of course the master suite featuring a gas fireplace, hot tub and sauna.
And after a hard day of caucusing, it’s good to know that Dunn can come home, kick off his shoes and veg out in front of the TV just like the average American he is:

I bet Reagan Dunn throws one helluva Super Bowl party!
Only the best for our elected officials, that’s what I always say. And of course, since Dunn has spent most of his career on a government payroll, you can be damn sure he earned by the sweat of his brow every dime that paid for his humble abode.
Oh, and speaking of closets, please enjoy a video tour of Dunn’s house, as what sure does sound like the Seattle Men’s Chorus serenades you to the tune of the Beatles’ The Long and Winding Roading… I assume a reference to the Dunn Estate’s immense driveway:
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anybody suggest that King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn is gay, but if I had a closet like that, I’m not sure I’d ever come out of it.
Well played, sir.
He sure was a little prick in high school.
just think goldy, if you actually had a job maybe you could purchase the place.
could you be more jealous?
you really do make yourself look like a fool more and more…
Dunn’s bedroom closets + garage = my house!
Envy looks so ugly on you Goldy.
So, I’ve always thought that implying that men who are fashionable or own a lot of clothes are gay is homophobic, traditional sexuality enforcing bullshit. But I guess it’s okay when you don’t like their political positions.
I mean, I thought it would have been easy to criticize someones lavish lifestyle without questioning their sexuality, but I don’t blog for a living, so what do I know.
@3) 99.5% of all people who “have a job” could not afford that place, nor has Reagan ever landed a job that paid that kind of money, which is kind of the point.
But in Reagan Dunn’s defense, the abode doesn’t have anything to do with his employment in public service. It has everything to do with him marrying Joshua Green’s daughter.
Naw. He can’t be gay. Nobody who was gay would put that yellow paint together with those rust-colored rugs.
Sorry Goldy, you missed the mark on this one. The gay innuendos only undermine what should have been your central thesis, which is how in the fuck does a life long civil servant afford such a lavish lifestyle. And, since most people Dunn’s age move to upgrade their home where the fuck did he move to???
Ren @3, Crusader @5,
I have to admit that I wouldn’t mind being able to afford a house like that, but I would never, ever want to live in one. I just don’t aspire to that kind of consumption. It makes me uncomfortable.
@6…good point…
where are gman, alki and cleveland steamer YLB, etc al at with their screams of “BIGOT” and “HOMOPHOBE” against goldy?
once again, progressive “do as I say, not as I do” is exposed.
Reagan Dunn’s closet, hell. That’s Imelda’s closet. Look left.
C’mon, Dr. Dre. If progressives didn’t have progressive hypocrisy, they’d have nothing to live for.
the closet isnt really that big anyway…I like the home theater though…
On second thought, Reagan & his wife were both born into the aristocracy. Reagan probably lived that way before he married Paige Green. They are no doubt selling the place to upgrade to something less pedestrian.
One more thing…
Reagan Dunn’s next political campaign will be for:
A) 8th District U.S. Congressman.
B) Washington State Attorney General
What @6, Nothin @9,
So… suggesting that gay men tend to be neat and well dressed… that’s homophobic? It’s a stereotype, sure, but a complimentary one. In fact I’ve always said that I’d make a great gay man, if not for my total lack of fashion sense, and I guess, that icky sex with men stuff.
I agree with Goldy, people like Darcy Burner, with her waterfront estate, and Reagan Dunn, make me fucking puke.
I also agree with Goldy that this looks like a faggot’s closet.
Gosh, I just thought Goldy was cracking a joke.
“…the closet isnt really that big anyway…”
Any closet that requires more than one ceiling light fixture is pretty big.
It’s certainly bigger than my first apartment. But then, an ant hill was bigger than my first apartment.
@22…I can relate to that one…..lol
@18, 19
I don’t think a homophobic comment has ever made me laugh so hard.
Troll does make a good point about Darcy. And the tidbit above about marrying into the Green family is true, too. Jennifer Dunn had a relatively modest lifestyle as a single mother raising two sons before her foray into politics. Reagan Dunn couldn’t have inherited this kind of lifestyle from her. This is most likely a result of marrying well.
Hopefully AG, though perhaps Satterberg may decide to run? Dunn’s skills are wasted on the King County Council.
@22 one of my favorite places I’ve lived was a 500 sqft studio Apt. 12ft ceilings, the world’s largest old fashioned claw-foot bathtub and the land lord paid the hot water bill.
good one.
Gee, and I’ve got five pairs of shoes, total, and one of those pairs is kept in the garage and only used for yard work.
Troll @18,
I was in Darcy’s house before it burnt down, and it was quite modest.
Ha! That place is more fuel for my argument that Republicans want to be neo-feudal lords.
@29…because only republicans have big houses..
..rolls eyes…
You’re far more likily to see me in my one pair of rubber boots then you are in one of my two pairs of dress shoes.
Here’s some irony for you: Reagan Dunn, as KC Councilor, helped end the long delay for Darcy’s post-fire rebuild permits!
Who says bi-partisanship is dead!
because it screams Lord Of The Manor.
check out some of the houses of your favorite local democratic politicians….you might be surprised…
It’s obscene.
Something about these types of houses kind of bothered me, and I think I’ve finally figured it out.
These are, in a sense, slightly smaller attempts to duplicate British manors (albeit with American architectural styles). What that means is that they are big enough to throw rather large social events – dinners, etc., which served to protect the family’s place in society & business.
But British manor houses weren’t built for just one family. Sure, the principal family tended to be large and probably an extended one, with perhaps eight or so members (mother, father, four children, grandmother and grandfather). But that would just be the second floor. The third-floor or attic/dormer area would be servant’s quarters. It took a sizable staff to run a house that large, and that’s apart from those who worked the grounds of the estate and managed the horses, etc.
But these McMansions aren’t built for live-in servants, except perhaps for a nanny for the small kids. With today’s smaller families, that means that a family of four could live in a house that size for weeks without seeing one another, unless they made a deliberate effort to do so. That’s what I found so cold and lonely about the house.
(Update: the “Lord of the Manor” post at # 30 was posted while I was typing this post).
@36, staff is out-sourced (like drycleaning and educating children).
Btw, the joke is on all you, Goldy got a job as either Dunn’s real estate agent (good for you, Goldy), or as his man-servant (quit now, don’t look back).
Goldy’s just jealous that his ramshackle house and overgrown grounds don’t measure up. Try working for a living Goldy; thereafter you will receive this thing called a paycheck, with which you could save up and buy a nice pad like Ms. Dunn has. Otherwise, enjoy your crappy place falling down around you, or until it is deemed unfit for human habitation…which ever comes first. Good luck!
P.S. Goldy: The gays wouldn’t have you anyway, so don’t you fret your little bald head about that. :)
Mark1 @39,
You’re right, the gays won’t have me. Throughout all my years in the theater, including four years performing in drag, I was never once hit on by a gay man. Not once. Kinda hurt my feelings.
Black people are sure good at basketball and making fried chicken.
Jews are sure good and hording money.
I mean, not racist, because those are complimentary stereotypes.
Ms. Dunn? Now who’s cracking gay jokes?
re 39: If you are so in favor of free enterprise and taking risks in the hope of great financial reward, it would seem to me you would admire Goldy’s efforts to be independent.
But all he ever gets from you and your cohorts is pinched, angry exhortations to get a job and a predictable paycheck.
re 41: Black people are not good at taking aspirin, however, because they refuse to pick the cotton out of the bottle.
Christ that place is yellow! Maybe he just needs a good paint job.
I have no illusions about most of the Democrats. They’re better than most Republican’s, but far from best. That’s why we say we need MORE AND BETTER Democrats.
Did you catch the uber ugly couch at 4.30 in the video?
All I got for being a humble public servant was a hole in the ground.
@3 “just think goldy, if you actually had a job maybe you could purchase the place”
You don’t get a palace like this by working for it, my friend. No worker on earth gets paid this much. And these people think inheritances are excessively taxed?
Mark 1 # 39 says:
“Try working for a living Goldy; thereafter you will receive this thing called a paycheck, with which you could save up and buy a nice pad like Ms. Dunn has.”
I checked the Windermere site, which has a quick mortgage calculator.
It says that to buy this house with 20% down and at 4.95% interest, Goldy would have to pay $319,800 down, and his monthly interest and principle payment would be $6,827.00. Of course, taxes and insurance would increase that amount significantly, and closing costs would amount to another hundred grand or so.
Assuming he could somehow save $400K+ for the down payment and closing costs, the bank would want to make sure that the mortgage payments were not more than 35% of his net income. So Goldy would have to bring home $19,500 per month, or $234,000 per year.
Of course, this would put him just about in the top 5% of incomes nationally. But most households in that income bracket are either dual-income professionals, or more likely, the owners of businesses or investments which they inhereted from their families. Very few are single-income earners.
Which is why Mark1’s comment sounds a bit like “Let them eat cake!”
That may explain the money. But it sure as hell can’t explain the appalling taste.
J. Green III has always displayed impeccable taste and his homes have always been extraordinarily and eclectically beautiful without resorting to ostentatious displays. That “thing” in the video looks like Bob Masin threw up all over a Ramada Inn.
@43…by that logic bums are independent too..
Gay? No. Metrosexual…….. now you’re talking.
That said, I can’t stand the pop-culture gestalt that insinuates that any well-dressed, well-groomed man is somehow gay or at least effeminate, and that real men are supposed to be slovenly or unkempt and ever-so-slightly misogynistic (or at least distrustful of any female other than their mother) unless absolutely necessary. Of course, what I said above could be construed as hypocritical. But that’s humor for you.
As for the closet itself, I can say with absolute certainty that it’s bigger than my first apartment. Way cleaner, too. The mice I shared it with would agree with me.
Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Ren: could you be more of an airhead?
That so-called promotional video makes the place look dreary, empty, isolated and kitsch.
Which is odd, because I have met Dunn, and he seems like a lively, engaging guy. Not the usual kind of bug-eyed pitchfork and torch religious zealot like most of the Repub creeps trolling HA.
One possible explanation for the gaudiness: Dunn’s wife is an old money Green. But she has also been a B-Movie actress. So, maybe the Troll Street of Dreams kitsch is actually purposeful kitsch.
Huh? I thought MarktheRacistRedneck used to brag about how shitty his backwoods Teabagger lifestyle was? Now he is playing the role of an elitist Country Club Republican? Jesus, these right wing trolls are confusing…
@43 “But all he ever gets from you and your cohorts is pinched, angry exhortations to get a job and a predictable paycheck.”
That’s because the astounding success of our capitalist system is making it harder and harder to find people willing to work for what they want to compensate labor. When everyone is a capitalist, no one will work anymore.
BTW, it’s free comic book day tomorrow.
OK, this is pretty funny:
In June of 2006, Reagan Dunn tells King County it needs to take all its deeds of trust documents off the Recorder’s Office website, because of supposed identity theft. As many pointed out, Dunn probably did more to help identity thieves than to hinder them. Goldy and Neil Modie wrote about that.
In October of 2006, the County Council follows Dunn’s populist lead, and passes an ordinance removing deed information from the web.
On November 2nd, 2006, Dunn and his wife pay $1.575 million for their mega mansion.
I wonder if he just didn’t want the public to know he was living that high level of luxury?
Speaking of not wanting folks to read public records, it’s interesting these records are sealed:
Dunn, Reagan B Defendant
Kcdc-east Div (bel)
I00102335 01-10-1989
Criminal Traffic
Closed No Docket Info
2 Dunn, Reagan B Defendant
King County District
I05417522 12-06-2007
Infraction Traffic
Closed No Docket Info
3 Dunn, Reagan B Defendant
Upper Kittitas Dist
I05824132 09-23-2008
Infraction Traffic
Closed No Docket Info
Probably just has a lead foot – all the more reason to drive 50 miles out to the boonies and back to go to and from work.
Dunn’s place looks like shit. It’s quite evident that neither he nor his wife have any taste whatsofuckingever.
I actually did rent a closet back when I was in college. It was certainly one hell of a lot smaller than Dunn’s, maybe 5’x 8′ at the most.
yawn; how about some more on obama’s katrina; obama could have stopped this thing but was on his 40th game of golf or something
@60 Obama’s Katrina? You’re a dumbfuck twit. I’m sure you’ve heard that a few times during your pathetic life. If not, stick around. I’ll keep reminding you of it until it finally sinks in.
I’m being intentionally “obtuse”, just as about a jillion lefties were after Katrina. Obama is as guilty or non-guilty as was Bush. Either both waffled and let bad stuff happen, or neither is responsible for the events bush got (politically) blamed for.
Alllllll that money, and such shitty taste. Wow…you can just smell the lemon pledge.
And that soundtrack? Thanks for a long belly laugh Goldy…
re 52: Bums are independent, but not by the logic that I was using. Name one ‘bum’ who started and operates a regionally and arguably nationally influential political blog.
Note: Goldy’s not commenting on your blog. So, you must be the bum — using my logic.
And a yelping bum at that.
So, Reagan Dunn is gay. Who knew?
Taste is naming your kid after Ronnie Raygun…..you know, since we’re talking about taste.
@62 “Obama is as guilty or non-guilty as was Bush. Either both waffled and let bad stuff happen, or neither is responsible for the events bush got (politically) blamed for.”
Guilty, non-guilty. Both, neither. Up, down. In, out. Yes, no. Black, white. Good, bad. Is that all your mind can process? C’mon, show us something. Eh, maybe I should cut you some slack. Perhaps your brain’s been fried by watching too much Hannity. I see he’s been trying to sell that shit about Katrina and the spill. But here’s a clue for you, righton. The only similarity between Katrina and the spill is that Louisiana is fucked.
Drill, baby, drill. Yeah, right. You chanted it, now you own it. Try that one on for size.
And don’t forget that the Bushies gutted FEMA and put that one dude in charge of it…. who was he again… hey, didn’t Goldy find out some weird shit on that guy, kinda like he was a horse judge who didn’t know the first fucking thing about running a government agency, let alone the one responsible for disaster relief!
Another like another viral leftist web blog comment copied and brought you by progressive BJ!
@40 Goldy: I’m almost sorry to hear that. :)
Good weekend all!
I notice a real lack of Raccoons at the mansion. Tards are so jealous of success. It’s not fair when others work hard. Fuck all of you lazy cocksuckers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@71: Jealous? You fucking retard. Please explain to the peanut gallery how the mystical magical free market that is the sole means of optimizing the output and allocation of scarce resources to “maximize the public good”(snicker) can produce such a venal display of incredible bad taste?
If ever there was an ironclad proof of the need for confiscatory estate taxes, that putrid display of narcissistic excess is it.
Unfit To Lead, Unfit To Command
President Obama and half-term gadfly governor Sarah Palin are both giving speeches in Michigan today.
“President Barack Obama has some advice for the class of 2010: Don’t get caught up in the partisan bickering that often consumes Washington and use your talents to help your country confront its greatest challenges. Obama’s homily … comes in a speech later today at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
“At the same time, 45 miles away, Sarah Palin was set to denounce the president as a big-government Democrat whose free-spending ways will bankrupt the country. The former GOP vice presidential hopeful was the headliner at a … forum hosted by the anti-tax Americans for Prosperity Foundation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you believe in healing and reconciliation it’s clear one of these individuals is unfit to lead our nation. And if you don’t it’s equally clear one of them is unfit to command our armed forces in the event it becomes necessary to quell an armed uprising of fanatics before they ignite a civil war. Guess which?
To cut McKenna some slack, it looks like a staged house. We all know what that’s about. However, if it isn’t staged, then the people who live there strike me as cold and lifeless. Cuz, really, it looks like nobody even lives there.
You should see all of the wigs in GW’s closet. They are shellacked and as hard as a Panzer’s battle helmet.
‘Fraid most of the hard work was done by the parents and grand parents of Mr. & Missis Dunn in this case.
@75…a panzer is a tank, not a soldier…
72 Compared to your apartment, Obamas relatives live in squalor. What is your point, idiot?
@78: What’s MY point? Jayzus fuck, man, you can’t even write a coherent sentence, lickspittle scum….yeah, that’s right, read the first one. Gawd, what a doofus.
As for apartments, I sure wish I’d sold my house three years ago and moved in to one.
@77: I heard George Will once inadvertently backed his car over one of his “pieces”. Result: The car had to be written off as a total loss.
Some people just shouldn’t carry in public.
79 You are one angry libtard. Is the rubber band on your ponytail a little tight?
OK, this is pretty funny:
In June of 2006, Reagan Dunn tells King County it needs to take all its ‘deeds of trust’ documents off the KC Recorder’s website, because of supposed identity theft. As many pointed out, Dunn probably did more to help identity thieves than to hinder them. http://horsesass.org/?p=1769
In October of 2006, the County Council follows Dunn’s populist lead, and passes an ordinance removing deed information from the web.
On November 2nd, 2006, Dunn and his wife pay $1.575 million for their mega mansion.
I wonder if Dunn was simply motivated to pass that ordinance because he didn’t want the public to know he was living in a $1.6 million mansion?
Speaking of not wanting folks to read public records, it’s interesting these records are sealed:
Dunn, Reagan B Defendant
Kcdc-east Div (bel)
I00102335 01-10-1989
Criminal Traffic
Closed No Docket Info
2 Dunn, Reagan B Defendant
King County District
I05417522 12-06-2007
Infraction Traffic
Closed No Docket Info
3 Dunn, Reagan B Defendant
Upper Kittitas Dist
I05824132 09-23-2008
Infraction Traffic
Closed No Docket Info
Probably just has a lead foot – all the more reason to drive 50 miles out to the boonies and back to go to and from work.
Is it common to have traffic infractions closed with no docket info?
So with a house like that, why do they have a spinet or console piano instead of a grand piano? And who puts their pool table up against a wall in the corner? And none of their tables seat more than 6 people? Where do they have big parties? Seems like a big aristocratic use of open space. Wonder how much it costs to keep that big entryway/ livingroom with the walkway between and the 16′ ceilings warm??
@83…wow, 3 speeding tickets over the course of 20 years….you really uncovered a giant scandal there….
character assassination fail…