As you may know, our state’s Attorney General, Rob McKenna takes credit for co-founding the state attorneys general lawsuit against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Apparently, McKenna lost control of the lawsuit, because he repeatedly claimed that he only wanted the “mandate” and the Medicaid provisions thrown out. Indeed, his own official web site claimed that, “This suit will not ‘overturn’ or ‘repeal’ the new health care reform legislation.”
His co-conspirators colleagues saw it differently. The lawsuit ended up asking the courts to strike down the entire law.
So…remember a couple of Thursdays ago when the Supreme Court found the PPACA “mandate” constitutional? That very day, McKenna gave a press conference in has capacity as Attorney General and as one of the instigators of the ill-fated lawsuit against PPACA. Here is a excerpt from the Q&A (video here):
Jim Brunner: Do you support Congress repealing this law […]?
Rob McKenna: This law is not going to be repealed…
Jim Bruner: Do you support it being repealed?
Rob McKenna: No. There are a number of provisions in this law that ought to be maintained.
Okay…he had to be asked a second time when he tried giving a non-answer the first time, but…pretty clear answer, no?
Yesterday, McKenna further “clarified” his position when speaking before Chamber of Commerce in Yakima :
…McKenna said the reports were a misinterpretation by “Seattle media” and that his position on the Affordable Care Act hasn’t changed.
“I wish I had been better prepared with a better articulated response than the one I gave at the press conference,” McKenna told the luncheon audience after an attendee accused him of changing his stance. “Frankly I didn’t think we were going to lose so I wasn’t ready for that question.”
McKenna insisted he was only asked whether Congress would go forward with repealing the act, not whether he thinks it should be repealed.
Huh. The media clearly reported that McKenna didn’t want Congress to repeal the PPACA. So…um, now, under criticism on the other side of the Mountains, McKenna claims the “Seattle Media” misinterpreted him? So…he is suggesting to a more conservative audience that he believes it should be repealed?
So…to further “clarify” exactly how McKenna feels, his campaign manager, Randy Peeple points out:
…McKenna’s position has not changed and that his [forthcoming] op-ed will not be calling for repeal of the health-care law. Instead, he said McKenna will more fully lay out the parts of the law he still has concerns with and how he’d responsibly approach them as governor.
McKenna has continued to warn about the expense of the law’s Medicaid expansion and has said its individual mandate is problematic despite the court’s ruling. (At his June 28 news conference, however, McKenna said the mandate should remain in place “for now” because it is so closely tied to key positive parts of the health-care law.)
So…the “mandate” is problematic (East) but he wants it to remain in place (West).
Come on. He’s just fucking with everyone now!