It was a night of thoughtful, post-primary analysis, intellectual dialog, and me yelling at people who disagree with me until they back down in fear. That’s okay. I’m told conflict makes for good radio.
Joining me in passionate loud debate were Nick, Darryl, Lee, Carl, and token righty Don. Topics of discussion included the Richard Pope Fiasco, the right-wing corporatist conspiracy to take over our court system, Darcy Burner‘s surging candidacy in WA’s 8th Congressional District, and the lefty netroots conspiracy to take over the Democratic Party.
The show is 54:46, and is available here as a 39.2 MB MP3. Please visit for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]