All they are asking…
…is give war a chance.
A new group of prominent conservatives plans to begin a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign Wednesday to urge members of Congress who may be wavering in their support for the war in Iraq not to “cut and run.”
The group, Freedom’s Watch, is rolling out television, radio and Internet advertisements in more than 20 states and 60 Congressional districts.
Former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer, the spokesperson for the group, offers their message: “the war in Iraq can be won and Congress must not surrender.”
It is amazing how Fleischer can, in one simple sentence, offer two concepts that are entirely inappropriate for the “war in Iraq.” I won’t even quibble with the fact that Iraq is not truly a war at this point. But Fleischer mentions “winning” and “surrendering.”
When the Bush administration was lying the country into war, they painted an image for us. The U.S. would be welcomed as liberators, the oil money would pay for reconstruction, Iraq would blossom economically following the lifting of the U.N. sanctions, and democracy would take the country (indeed, the entire region) by storm following the toppling of a brutal dictator. And democracy would bring peace to the region.
Instead we see a post-invasion Iraq with unquelled violence both against the occupiers and among numerous ethnic, political, and criminal groups within Iraq. We see broken infrastructure and a dysfunctional Iraqi government that is on the verge of collapse. That original vision of “winning” has been abandoned.
So after a couple years of downgrading expectations in the face of repeated failures, what is a concrete vision for “winning” in Iraq now? Really…what concrete set of goals will define a “win” now?
Secondly, Fleischer mentions the world “surrender.” What the hell does that mean?
Traditionally, “surrendering” implies giving up to another, presumably superior, power. But there is no “superior power” in Iraq. There is no al Qaeda group, Shia or Sunni militia, or ethnic army that we could go and say, “we surrender…you won. What do you want from us?” Because right now, everyone is a loser in Iraq (except for some U.S. contractors and a handful of Iraqis that made off with billions in our cash).
Surrender? Hogwash! We couldn’t surrender if American lives depended on it.
When Republicans say “we cannot surrender,” you know they really mean? They mean that they cannot be humiliated by admitting that the pre-invasion vision was naive and the post-invasion management has been disastrously incompetent.
And so protecting their pride means that a thousand or two additional young Americans have to die in Iraq.
Richard Pope wins landslide election!
Icy roads snarl traffic in Hell
Yesterday was a pretty damn fine day for Seattle-area Democrats in general and progressives in particular… though you never want to see your party blow an opportunity like the opportunity the Dems have blown against DUI-damaged King County Councilmember Jane Hague. So in tribute to the suddenly high-profile KC Council District 6 race — and the missed deadline that has made Richard Pope the Democratic Party standard bearer — I’ll be posting HA’s official primary endorsements and predictions, sometime later this afternoon. (I think you’ll find my predictions pretty dead-on.)
My election night take-away in a nutshell? Bill Sherman has a clear path to defeating Dan Satterberg for King County Prosecutor, the numbers favor Alec Fisken and Gael Tarleton bringing a reformist majority to the Seattle Port Commission, and in passing the two parks levies by comfortable margins, voters once again prove that they like paying for government services that deliver the services they like. Oh… and the 2-to-1 Democratic preference in our pick-a-party primary shows just how marginalized the King County GOP has become.
Republicans tend to turn out heavier than Dems in primaries — particularly low-profile, off-year primaries like this one — so the party-identification split is likely closer to 70-30. “Nonpartisan” local races have served as a wilderness preserve for endangered Eastside Republicans, but look for identifiably progressive candidates to make huge inroads this November.
Open Thread
Some fun baseball trivia. I noticed that on Friday, former Mariner Jamie Moyer will be pitching for the Phillies against Greg Maddux of the Padres. I wondered if it was the first time two pitchers over 40 years old faced off. It wasn’t. This page had my answer:
The oldest matchup featured California Angels SP Don Sutton and Cleveland Indians SP Phil Niekro, June 8, 1987. Their combined age was 90 years, 135 days.
Also, Moyer faced over-40 David Wells in an earlier Phillies-Padres matchup from July.
Drinking Liberally: Where Are All The Kickin’ Election Night Parties, Ya’ll?
Will Bruce Harrell sing the Husky Fight Song tonight? Will “passionate Latina” Venus Velazquez come away with the win (she’s passionate)? Does Bill Sherman have the hot hand, or is it enviro-boy Keith Scully who’ll be the next King County law top dog? Will Joe Schwajajaya survive to challenge the Nice Lady From The Newspaper? Do people even know what the Port Commission does?
If you know where the parties are, put ’em in the comments.
There’s always the Montlake Ale House…
This Week in Bullshit
A note to the people person sending me bullshit. First, thanks, you rule! Second, I didn’t use it, because I link to the people calling bullshit, not the actual bullshit itself, but I still love ya. Anyway, on with the post:
* You know what proves the war in Iraq is going swimmingly? Glenn Reynolds says it’s the fact that the media hates America and refuses to report all that good news. You would think they would have new shit, but I guess someone told them the old stuff didn’t stink.
* The good Glenn continues to call bullshit on the foreign policy establishment. This time he goes straight to our militarism and the fact that if you don’t think it’s totally awesome, you aren’t allowed to talk about it.
* And the last national bullshit is an extended look at Rich Lowry. Calling bullshit not only on his career and his political leanings, but frankly on his whole life and on his humanity. It’s really quite a read, but don’t start on it unless you’ve got some free time.
* Dave Reichert is taking some flack for taking some scratch from crooks. And what I want to know is why he couldn’t find any Eastside crooks. I mean Baltimore, and Alaska aren’t the only places with crooks who would be happy to bribe a Congressman, surely.
* And finally, one of my favorite local loons thinks that because the temperature in the continental U.S. was slightly warmer during the dust bowl than it was in 2005, it totally proves that the planet isn’t getting warmer.
This is an open thread.
Jane Hague: Mike McGavick Republican
My apologies to King County Councilmember Jane Hague. A few weeks ago I abused her for a fundraising letter in which she warned that her opponent would engage in a the “politics of personal destruction.” Considering the 25-to-1 cash advantage she held over the combined Democratic field (perennial gadfly Richard Pope, and officially anointed write-in candidate Brad Larssen,) I bluntly characterized Hague’s letter as fanciful, unnecessary and dishonest: “Hague is a liar, shamelessly fleecing her fellow Republicans for money that would be better spent elsewhere.”
Well, who knew…?
Metropolitan King County Councilmember Jane Hague faces a Redmond court appearance Aug. 29 on a driving-under-the-influence charge, according to court records.
Neither Hague nor her attorney, William Kirk, could be reached for comment about the July 16 charge.
It’s not so much the politics of “personal destruction” as it is the politics of self-destruction (Mike McGavick style,) but either way it looks like Hague’s eventual opponent will have plenty of ammunition — and justification — to go negative against Hague in November. If only he has the resources to get his message out.
I bet there are some name-brand Dems who are kicking themselves for turning down the opportunity to take down Hague.
Open Thread
If business meetings were like comment threads (audio is NSFW).
Thoughts from a wingnut (via Kos and Digby):
When faced with the possible threat that the Iraqis might be amassing terrible weapons that could be used to slay millions of citizens of Western Civilization, President Bush took the only action prudence demanded and the electorate allowed: he conquered Iraq with an army.
This dangerous and expensive act did destroy the Iraqi regime, but left an American army without any clear purpose in a hostile country and subject to attack. If the Army merely returns to its home, then the threat it ended would simply return.
The wisest course would have been for President Bush to use his nuclear weapons to slaughter Iraqis until they complied with his demands, or until they were all dead. Then there would be little risk or expense and no American army would be left exposed. But if he did this, his cowardly electorate would have instantly ended his term of office, if not his freedom or his life.
This is not some random crazy wingnut, as Kos mentions, “this is from the conservative group Family Security Matters, whose board includes mainstream conservatives Barbara Comstock, Monica Crowley, Frank Gaffney, Laura Ingraham and James Woolsey.” The particular author’s name is Philip Atkinson.
Here’s more:
If President Bush copied Julius Caesar by ordering his army to empty Iraq of Arabs and repopulate the country with Americans, he would achieve immediate results: popularity with his military; enrichment of America by converting an Arabian Iraq into an American Iraq (therefore turning it from a liability to an asset); and boost American prestiege while terrifying American enemies.
He could then follow Caesar’s example and use his newfound popularity with the military to wield military power to become the first permanent president of America, and end the civil chaos caused by the continually squabbling Congress and the out-of-control Supreme Court.
President Bush can fail in his duty to himself, his country, and his God, by becoming “ex-president” Bush or he can become “President-for-Life” Bush: the conqueror of Iraq, who brings sense to the Congress and sanity to the Supreme Court. Then who would be able to stop Bush from emulating Augustus Caesar and becoming ruler of the world? For only an America united under one ruler has the power to save humanity from the threat of a new Dark Age wrought by terrorists armed with nuclear weapons.
The folks at FSM have been trying to scrub this (and evidently some other articles that are just as insane) from their site. Steve Clemons wrote about this group last summer.
Got votes?
Christmas isn’t coming early this year, but primary election day is: today is WA’s first ever August primary! So if you haven’t already cast your ballot, get thee to a polling place.
And stay tuned for live coverage of today’s premier race, the hotly contested battle between Richard Pope and Democratic Party endorsed write-in candidate Brad Larssen, as they fight for the right to get their ass kicked by King County Councilmember Jane Hague in the general. (I know my fellow Dems would prefer I talk up Larssen, to which I say: show me the money!)
Free WordPress help wanted
I am looking for somebody with expertise in developing WordPress templates, widgets and plugins, who is willing to do some work for me in exchange for little more than the vague promise of future glory and/or potential remuneration should our mutual efforts eventually result in future glory and/or remuneration. The project involves developing a heavily widgetized template, custom widgets, and modifications to the WordPress drag-and-drop sidebar/widget admin tools. If done right, it would be way cool.
Please contact me via email if you’re interested and qualified. Thanks.
Aberdeen has a posse
During my recent trip to Cannon Beach, my cousin and I stopped in Aberdeen. We walked around a few blocks, went to Safeway for some supplies, returned to our car and headed south. We spent perhaps an hour and a half in Aberdeen. Here’s a little of what I wrote:
Aberdeen is depressing. Now I know why Kurt Cobain got the hell out of there. But seriously, Aberdeen is in rough shape. I’m told its always been a rundown kind of place, but Jesus! Huge parts of its downtown are deserted and empty. Cheap furniture stores are aplenty. The electrical infrastructure looks about 50 years old. The people I met were very nice and down home, but Aberdeen needs some serious work.
I don’t think I was clear about what I really meant. I had not been to SW Washington since the way-back days, so I wanted to make sure I visited. It was sad to see Aberdeen’s downtown rundown and somewhat empty. I grew up in a small town, a small town that blew up into a city. Sometimes I have to remember that this doesn’t happen everywhere.
Aberdeen City Councilman Paul Fritts left a comment in the last post, so I’ll let him have the last word.
What is it with those from Seattle, etc that they take great delight and seem to have a need to slam Aberdeen and every smaller town in Washington?
Yes, Aberdeen like many areas that has suffered as it has forges through a variety of problems. Unemployment, drug use, suicide, etc. But Aberdeen is and always will be resilient. Over the years it has taken blow after blow yet it continues to survive. Perhaps if the author would have gotten off of his ass and actually done some research he would have found out that Aberdeen is actively courting various businesses to locate here. Most are interested. Some are here. In the downtown area that the author slams two theaters are in the midst of renovation and re-opening within a year or two thanks to John Yonich an Aberdeen native and Bellevue businessman.
His other project along with another developer is the Morck Hotel which was a grand hotel in it’s day.
Currently plans for that entire downtown area have been developed and some work on the buildings started.
The city of Aberdeen’s Community Development Director works her rear off in dealing with various business/industries which want to locate here.
We are working hard to improve our area yet you feel the need to slam it instead of gathering the facts. Good thing you are a blogger instead of a reporter.
Funny thing too, we are all classified as hicks, backward, redneck, flag waiving, conservative scum down here by all of you in Pugetropolis, yet, in the last presidential election only three or four counties/cities voted a straight democratic ticket. Grays Harbor County, which includes Aberdeen, was one of those counties. Only one Republican has held an office in Grays Harbor in 50+ years and that was Rep. Jim Buck whose area covered only a section of Grays Harbor (not including Aberdeen) and most all of Jefferson and Clallam counties. Yep we certainly are a “red” area.
Finally as far as the Kurt Cobain comment perhaps you should go to www.kurtcobainmemorial.org and check the FAQ’s to find out what he really thought and the context of it not just what was said to some magazine.
Hope this is something all of you will think about the next time you are traveling and feel the need to judge a town through a windshield.
Paul Fritts
Aberdeen City Council
Open Thread
Just a reminder that the best show on television, Real Time with Bill Maher, starts up again this Friday.
Update: Speaking of Bill Maher, here is Part 1 of his HBO special called The Decider:
The rest of the special can be found here — Darryl
Sixty-day stash
The State of Washington needs some pot advice. Specifically, how much marijuana constitutes a 60 day stash for medical use?
Washington’s current law, passed as a voter initiative in 1998, says folks with certain medical conditions may use marijuana to relieve pain and other problems, if their physicians approve.
A problem is that the law says patients may have a 60-day supply of marijuana, but it doesn’t define how much that would be, according to a bulletin from the Washington State Department of Health.
[…]To define the 60-day supply and create the report, health officials are to consider research, the advice of experts, the best practices of other states and input from the public.
Here is how you can contribute:
- Come to one of our four public workshops to be held around the state in mid-September (watch the website for more details).
- E-mail us at MedicalMarijuana@doh.wa.gov
- Post your comment…. [on the web site]
- Send your comments to:
Department of Health
PO Box 47866
Olympia, WA 98504-7866- Fax your comments to (360) 236-4768
But if you do offer your expert opinion, exercise a little discretion in what you reveal about yourself. After all, the federal government still considers it a heinous crime to possess or use pot…even for medical use. It is not clear that the Washington law provides any protection from federal prosecution whatsoever.
Do I sound paranoid? If so, it isn’t for the reason you think (not a user—never have been). The feds have not backed down on prosecution for production or use of marijuana for medical use. Most recently, concerns about federal prosecution of New Mexico state employees is slowing down implementation of that state’s medical marijuana laws:
Gov. Bill Richardson ordered the state Health Department on Friday to resume planning of a medical marijuana program despite the agency’s worries about possible federal prosecution.
However, the governor stopped short of committing to implement a state-licensed production and distribution system for the drug if the potential for federal prosecution remains unchanged.
The department announced earlier this week that it would not implement the law’s provisions for the agency to oversee the production and distribution of marijuana to eligible patients. That decision came after Attorney General Gary King warned that the department and its employees could face federal prosecution for implementing the law, which took effect in July.
So just keep in mind…your emails, faxes and such sent to the State will likely be available as public records….
More information about Washington’s medical marijuana law is available at here.
Update: Lee points out: It’s important to note that the only Democratic candidate who has not publicly stated that he/she will stop using the federal government to interfere with the state medical marijuana laws is Obama. He’s allegedly said it privately to people, but is not on the public record yet.
The bottom line is that if you want to stop the federal government from interfering with our laws, vote for the Democrats (or Ron Paul).
“The David Goldstein Show” tonight on News/Talk 710-KIRO
Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: Got votes?
Tuesday is Washington state’s first ever August primary election, and that’s got a lot of pols worried that turnout will be even lighter than usual for an off-year primary. Assistant Secretary of State Nick Handy will join me by phone to give us the latest forecast, and predict whether vote-by-mail will help make up the slack (you know, in those counties that have all vote-by-mail.) Then Sandeep Kaushik will call in to make one last pitch for the King County parks levies. Have you voted yet? Do you plan to vote? And if not, why do you hate America?
8PM: Lose pounds, earn euros?
When King County banned trans fat and required nutritional labeling in restaurants, many critics complained that this was nanny-statism gone too far. So I wonder what these folks would have to say about the town in Italy that’s planning to pay its residents 250 euros ($350) to lose weight and keep it off? What would it take for you to slim down? Healthy menu choices? Better nutritional information? A $350 bribe?
9PM: HA says taxes are too low? Are we stoned or something?
Fellow HA blogger Carl will be joining me in the studio to explain his controversial assertion that our taxes are actually too low! Is he high or something? Well, that might be a better question to pose to fellow HA blogger Lee, who will also be joining me in the studio to give us a first hand report from HempFest 2007.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
My show will be preempted again by a Seahawks preseason game next Saturday.
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