You mightn’t have noticed, but Goldy has been blogging from the road all this week. Tonight he called from the East Coast to report that his trusty old (ca. 2001) laptop finally bit the dust. It’s OS Nein (or OS #2) for Goldy until he returns.
A moment of silence for the character in the foreground of the photo, please.
What this means for you, loyal readers, is that your rants, raves, cease-and-desist orders, and complaints about the precious comments of yours that I’ve had the unmitigated effrontery to delete will all go unanswered by Goldy for a day or two.
It also means that if you have a great news tip, send it to Lee, Will, Geov, Carl or me until Goldy resurfaces.
Now…I offered to conduct a quick fund-raiser to help Goldy replace his mighty electronic pen. Goldy, demonstrating uncharacteristic modesty, declined my offer. (Still…he’ll need a lot of beer to mourn the loss of a trusty friend over the next few weeks, if you catch my drift….)
But here is an offer that someone just shouldn’t resist. Somewhere out there in the liberal Pacific Northwest there is a reader with a spare late-model, fully-functioning Mac that is mostly doing duty as an expensive night-light in the guest bedroom. If you are that reader, consider how much better it would be utilized fighting the good fight.
I mean, Just imagine the deep sense of pride you will feel each time Goldy posts (making use of your generous contribution) a ground-breaking piece that topples the incompetent head of a federal agency or leads to the defeat of a matricidal political candidate. And when you tune into the David Goldstein show on Saturday and Sunday nights, if you listen very closely, sometimes you will be able to hear the clickity-clack of your former laptop being broadcast into thousands of living rooms and cars….
Here is the offer part: if you do donate your Mac to Goldy and really need that night light, let me know and I’ll donate my spare to you. Really. Think about it.