US Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) apparently has no moral qualms about advocating the mass murder of millions of children in the name of US national security:
“I think if you have to hit Iran, you don’t put boots on the ground. You do it with tactical nuclear devices, and you set them back a decade or two or three,” Hunter said in an interview with C-SPAN. “I think that’s the way to do it — with a massive aerial bombardment campaign.”
Iran has a population of over 75 million human beings, about 24 percent of whom are under the age of 15. You know, innocent children—millions of whom would be instantly incinerated or die slower irradiated deaths should Representative Hunter’s preemptive foreign policy win the day. Or, maybe we should just preemptively try and execute Hunter as the war criminal he aspires to be? Wouldn’t that make the world a safer place for everybody?