WaPo: Who is Obamacare targeting?
ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
Sharpton: The GOP health care freakout.
Daily Show: Dating young.
More Proof Right Wingers Have Satire Deficit Disorder:
- Sam Seder with Film Guy Matthew Weiss: #CancelColbert and satire dies.
- Young Turks: Conservative idiots completely miss the point of satire.
David Pakman: Republican states take the most government handouts.
Chris Hayes: What ‘Redskin’ means to an American Indian.
WaPo: Late night laughs, political roundup.
Thom: Rick Scott is a murderer & Charlene Dill is his victim.
Ann Telnaes: Secret Service needs to go on the wagon.
Most Incompetent Defense Secretary of State Ever Babbles About Stuff:
- Sam Seder: Crazy old guy speaks about Afghanistan.
- Young Turks: Looser Donald Rumsfeld criticizes Obama over Afghanistan:
Robert Reich: WhatsApp with stagnant job growth?.
Sam Seder: Pat Robertson thinks Christians are oppressed because they cannot stone gays.
Mental Floss: 44 facts about the U.S. Presidents.
Just days left: Get covered!
Thom: Why not put America first, GOP?
Sam Seder: A ballsy political ad.
Daily Show: The Morning Joe Dysfunctional Family.
Corporate Religion:
- Ed and Pap: The Hobby Lobby fraud.
- Mark Fiore: Religious liberty for corporations
- Abby Martin: How “corporate personhood” is restricting birth control.
- Factivists: Hobby Lobby
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Religious freedom and corporations.
- Pap and Thom: Hobby Lobby’s Anti Obamacare holy war
- Hobby Lobby Responds.
- Sam Seder and Dahlia Lithwick: Hobby Lobby at SCOTUS
- Thom: What god does Hobby Lobby pray to?
Liberal Viewer: Claim Edward Snowden is a Russian spy is entirely evidence-free.
Ed: Autopsied Republicans to model themselves after ‘Dominos’:
Ari Melber: Fact-checking GOP’s ‘economics guru’ Rep. Paul Ryan.
Alex Wagner: Georgia Republicans to allow guns in churches, bars, libraries, etc.
David Pakman: George Zimmerman wants to be a civil rights attorney.
Stephen celebrates the morning shows.
Young Turks: Should college football players unionize?
Stealing the 2014 vote: Republicans ramping up vote-rigging laws for elections.
More Christie Minstrel Show:
- Pap and Thom: Christie clears self.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie’s lawyer clears Chris Christie…blames women for bridge.
- Ed: Chris Christie is back to bullying tactics on health care
- Bridgegate: Why Gov. Christie really fired Bridget Kelly.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Christie exonerates Christie!
White House: West Wing Week.
Sharpton: Georgia Republicans will start drug testing food stamp recipients soon.
Richard Fowler: Obama to call for ending NSA phone data collection.
WaPo: Kochs’ latest misleading ad.
David Pakman: Georgia house passes “guns everywhere” bill.
Jon: More #mcconnelling….and #meconnelling and #mitchtake and #mcconnellhey.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.