Please join us for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out another Washington state DL over the next week. They’re everywhere! The Tri-Cities chapter also meets this and every Tuesday night. For Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. On Friday, the Enumclaw chapter meets. And next Monday, the Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 214 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Federal Judge Rules Wisconsin Voter ID Law Unconstitutional
Wisconsin’s voter ID law, rammed through the legislature by GOP Gov. Scott Walker and his Republican allies, was struck down by a federal judge today who said such laws “undermine the public’s confidence in the electoral process as much as they promote it.” Courts recently have voided similar Republican-backed laws in other states including Arkansas, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Missouri.
Scott Walker — you remember him, right? He’s the guy who wanted to make voters go to a motor vehicle licensing office to get photo IDs, and then shut down the licensing offices in Democratic counties to make the process as inconvenient as possible for Democratic voters.
Fair elections? Nah, Republicans don’t believe in fair elections, because they can’t win a fair election fought on the issues, and they know it. So they try to win by gaming elections, and one of the ways they game elections is by spending millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man-hours on trying to keep American citizens from voting in their own country.
What a bunch of pricks. Over a million brave Americans have died in wars fought to defend our freedoms including the right to vote. Republicans want to take that right away from millions of Americans, because to them winning is everything, and your rights mean nothing.
So why would you vote for people like that?
Experts have concluded that the “Jesus’ wife” papyrus that mysteriously surfaced in 2012 is a modern forgery.
Data miners use online information about you to set you up as sucker bait for scammers, usurers, and telemarketers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I know this stuff works, because I get calls every day from telemarketers pushing medical alert systems and other scams that target senior citizens. Well, two can play this game! I report every one of those calls to the FCC’s Do Not Call Registry complaint website, setting them up for criminal prosecution and a $1,000 fine for each and every call.
Looks like the whitey house WAS involved in the Benghazi coverup video crapola! Judicial Watch strikes again. David Plouffe and other sadministration mouth pieces are now exposed! And Media Morons ‘response” to the email is really putrid.
Page 14: Say it’s a video and to underscore not a failure of policy! CIA says not them. Yeah that resolute stance and no one brought to justice yet!
Mike Morrell said it wasn’t CIA analysts. Yet that was the “official” Obummer sadministration stance. Make sure you say Al Qaeda is destroyed. Worried about politics vs. the four dead not even back in America and buried yet. Without Fox News no one would know this! Then Obummer’s whitey house excludes Fox from the State Department and CIA briefings because they didn’t drink the Obummer kook-aid.
Puddy drove by Glenn Beck’s headquarters earlier this week. May have to visit on Thursday!
Local troll imagines Benghazi comments are relevant.
GOATSEBOY got a hard-on!
(Yahn, looks at pdf) Not much “there” there.
Don’t give up GOATSEBOY. Someday you and “Dumbass” Issa will actually find a goat turd you can share.
Wow DUMMOCRETIN Racist Donald Sterling banned for life from the NBA. Butt, Kareem Abdul Jabbar had some interesting questions the NBA just swept under the rug for years!
Obummer poll numbers are pulling down senate DUMMOCRETINS because many people believe Obummer doesn’t tell the truth hands!
Really ekimgoatappendagesucka? Media Morons ran out ASAP with their tepid response. Otherwise, they’d leave it alone.
Hey GOATSEBOY, keep posting drivel about Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! It keeps me amused.
While your at it maybe you can explain again how Valerie Plame was not a CIA NOC.
@10 “While your at it maybe you can explain again how Valerie Plame was not a CIA NOC.”
You don’t understand. It’s perfectly okay for Republicans to feed CIA agents to our enemies because they have special privileges. Their kids get probation for vehicular homicide for the same reason.
Ask Richard Armitage about it ekimgoatappendagesucka. Of course Roger IDIOT Wabbit forgot that!
Puddy wonders if Donald Sterling’s ex-girlfriend may have broke the law. So the courts would have a problem admitting these tapes in court?
Well DUMMOCRETINS always claim the end justifies the means!
Meanwhile Deep DUMMOCRETIN Ralph Nader wants Obummer impeached!
Breaking News — Execution Goes Awry
Well, it finally happened. Defense attorneys have been questioning lethal injection protocols, while states pushed back hard to execute people with makeshift drugs, and the inevitable fiasco happened today.
In Oklahoma this afternoon, a convicted murderer was sedated, then given the second and third drugs in the protocol, but the drugs didn’t take effect. A doctor then determined the inmate’s vein had “exploded” and prison authorities stopped the execution. After being removed from the execution chamber, the inmate suffered “what appeared to be a heart attack” and died.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, I guess they can chalk that one up to natural causes. But where did they get the execution drugs from? A Canadian online pharmacy?
If you want to execute criminals, just shoot them. That’s what China does; they don’t screw around like we do. If bullets are good enough for our soldiers, they’re good enough for killers.
On the other hand, North Korea’s child dictator kills his enemies with anti-aircraft guns and flamethrowers. I’ll bet he pulls wings off butterflies, too. That’s on reason why there’s no butterflies in North Korea. The other reason is people there are so hungry they eat anything that crawls or flies.
John Effin Kerry used the Apartheid word on the wrong country. It’s Palestine who will be creating the Apartheid state. Look how they treat wimens as second class citizens, and non Arab people.
John Effin Kerry is overwhelmed as SoS. He’s not too bright!
One of the most fascinating questions about human society is how one person can get such complete control over millions of people, even though the dictatorship makes their lives miserable. It has happened numerous times in human history. Part of the answer is that no one can do this alone, the Hitlers and Stalins and Kims of the world need accomplices, so for a society to get taken over like that, there has to be a coterie of people who are ambitious, selfish, and totally unethical. That’s what makes Republicans so bad — they’re out for themselves, don’t give a damn about anyone else, and they’re willing to do anything to anyone (including their own mothers) to get what they want. In short, they’re the perfect herd for supplying foot soldiers for tyranny. Personally, I think the rest of us would be safer without them, so I want the Rapture to get here as badly as they do.
@14 So?
Meanwhile Obummer includes unborn children in child abuse, but the ultimate abuse abortion is A-OK.
@21 Are you in favor of bringing them into the world so unfit parents can beat them to death? Or would you rather raise them as cannon fodder for Republican wars? Or, if you fail to kill them off, as a last resort you can convert them into $7.25/hr. workers.
@20 So what? Ralph is one of yours IDIOT Wabbit!
Stoooooooooopid question IDIOT Wabbit. Adoption. Many childless people looking for children. Unfortunately, too many soft on crime DUMMOCRETIN judges allow parents to continue to abuse children.
Puddy was thinking about what Kareem Abdul Jabbar wrote in Time. Why didn’t the NBA react to Sterling’s issues before under David Stern? Maybe because Stern didn’t want to mess up his legacy!
How could the NAACP give a lifetime achievement award to Sterling with his previous grievances? Wasn’t that hypocritical? Wait… DUMMOCRETINS can be hypocrites in everything they do everyday!
Toyota moving from California, land of high taxes to Texas. Peeps down here are cheering! Toyota coming to flyover country!
Local troll imagines registered republican Racist Donald Sterling is a democrat.
Puddy and other web sites already proved it earlier in the week. No imagination needed. He gave to DUMMOCRETIN campaigns. Now he may have registered Repub later, but no money to campaigns. That’s what matters! Puddy posted the link too before other web sites. He loves white DUMMOCRETIN. It’s all over the ‘Nets. Follow the money ya moron. Where you been ya IDIOT? Ask the crazed clueless cretin for an HA link replay!
BTW since you are clueless, Sterling owns a lot of property in Beverly Hills. You too can look it up hands. Now who frequents BH and Wilshire BLVD?
Nuff Said SUCKA!
@28 sick clueless troll still imagining registered repubulican Sterling is a dem
@23 You’re confused.
@29 He also thinks Nader is a dem. Hell, he probably thinks he’s a dem.
Sick troll even admits he’s clueless.