White House: Govt. shutdown ultimatum.
Mental Floss: 33 unusual old remedies.
Louder Crowder: Rouge guns.
Stephen Is Back:
- Stephen: Play Ball!
- Stephen: All you can Trump buffet
- Stephen does Joe
- Colbert’s late show premier was good.
- Stephen: Jeb says something nice about Obama
- Stephen: Jeb gets his Trump on
Scientists discover a new species of extinct humans.
Greenman: Palin on her dream job with Trump.
John Oliver on back to school.
Thom: Planned Parenthood and government shutdown.
The 2016 Clown Show:
- Maddow plays Gutterball: A dive to the bottom of 2016’s primary polling
- David Pakman thinks the SUSA poll showing Trump beating a Democrat is horseshit.
- Young Turks: Trump on Carly Fiorina: “Look at that face…would anyone vote for that?”
- David Pakman: Glenn Beck tries to convince Bill-O-The_Clown that Trump is a “progressive”.
- The Mexican Donald Trump
- Trump: The Negotiator:
- Chris Hayes: Trump rips Carson, Fiorina and Jindal in circular firing squad
- Sam Seder: Oh-oh, Christie. Mentor resigns as airline CEO
- Sam Seder: Ben Carson’s war on women’s innards
- David Pakman: Ben Carson gets his homophobia on
Thom: Big Business deploys a new weapon against workers.
Pelosi slams fed court ruling on GOP’s latest ObamaCare lawsuit.
Grace Para: Labor Day
- The White House commemorates the anniversary of 9/11
- Young Turks: What does “never forget” really mean?
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Remembering 9/11 and the aftermath.
- Obama’s 9/11 story
Farron Cousins: Environmentalists get tough on climate deniers.
The history of the Wingdings font.
David Pakman: Sarah Palin tells immigrants to “seek American”.
Mental Floss: Where did we get the name America?
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb-Bomb Iran:
- Dick Cheney: Wrong then, Wrong Now
- Sam Seder: Louie Gohmert will “resign” to stop Iran deal
- Maddow: Republican anti-Iran deal plan falls apart despite rally spectacle
- FAUX News has been pushing war with Iran for a decade
- Sam Seder: You won’t believe why Donald Trump thinks Obama “failed” on the Iran deal
- Liberal Viewer: Ted Cruz explains “existentialism”
- PsychoSuperMom: The Iran Nuclear Deal Rag
- Young Turks: Anti-Iran deal rally draws few
- Sam Seder: Sarah Palin outdoes herself—insanity!
- Chris Hayes with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Dick Cheney has lost his mind
- White House doubles down on 17 Sept deadline for Iran vote
- Young Turks: Republicans cannot stop the Iran nuclear deal
Uber drivers: Are they screwed?
Mark Fiore: Tragic Numbers.
Matthew Filipowicz: Police group claims protests against police violence causes more violence :
Thom: Clinton wants to overturn Citizen’s United.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Maddow: Obama’s big finish.
Farron Cousins: Teabaggers push Mitch McConnell into fights he cannot win
Reformed Whores: Back To School For Sarah Palin.
White House: West Wing Week.
Kim Davis is a Bigot:
- Larry Wilmore: County Jerk’s office
- Sam Seder: Huckabee staffer blocks Ted Cruz at Kim Davis rally
- Young Turks: Huckabee, “Yeah…this was OUR event…”
- Maddow: Ted Cruz boxed out of Kim Davis media stunt
- God wants you to vote for Kim Davis
- David Pakman: Mike Huckabee (and Ted Cruz) celebrate bigotry at Kim Davis rally
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Bottom feeder Republicans Cling to lunatic Kim Davis
Matthew Filipowicz: What happens when scientists re-test denier’s science.
Thom: Are Republicans committing environmental treason?
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about money.
Daily Inspiration with Dick Cheney.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.