1 Samuel 5:6
But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon those of Ashdod, and He destroyed them and smote them with hemorrhoids.
by Goldy — ,
by Darryl — ,
Jimmy Dore: Republican liar claims Republicans aren’t anti-science knuckle-draggers.
The 2016 G.O.P. Clown Show:
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about beverages.
Stephen: A town called Whitesboro.
Jimmy Dore: Why Republicans never compromise and Democrats do.
Seth Meyers: El Chapo visits Late Night.
Malicious Militias:
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Seth Meyers does Trevor Noah.
When guys go off their birth control.
John Oliver comes back for Season 3.
Baby got PACs:
Jimmy Dore: Ron Paul solves Oregon standoff with classic Ron Paul reasoning.
State O’ The Union Be Good:
Trevor Noah: The legend of Bernie Sanders.
Obama: Will Michelle run for President?
Matthew Filipowicz: Snyder administration defends water crisis handling.
Jimmy Dore: Political news (and jokes) of the week.
FAUX Business News asks most offensive question asked at a GOP debate, so far.
Obama’s biggest regret as President.
Mental Floss: 32 facts about body language.
Follow the Money: Big Money fighting legal pot.
Stephen with some Powerball Tips.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Despite the latest setbacks (and the fact that I was originally anti-tunnel) I still think we have an obligation to press on with the bad idea. There was a vote and that still matters.
That said, the safety doesn’t seem all that assured. Maybe we should close the Viaduct before the tunnel gets to under it. That sounds bad for already bad traffic, but then again so does pretty much everything about this project from jump.
The Viaduct is always a downer to write about so feel under no obligation in an open thread. Talk about whatever!
by Darryl — ,
I’m heading over to the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (our DL bar) to meet a couple of friends and watch the “debate”. Please join me if you feel so inclined. Otherwise join the fun in the comment thread below.
5:47: Talking heads populate the tube in the Roanoke.
5:53: Reince Priebus makes the laughable claim that the Republicans are the party of diversity. Riiiiiigggggghhhhht.
5:58: Goddamnit. If they are going to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the start of a debate, I fucking want a ball, referees with whistles, timeouts, injuries, and the occasional physical altercation.
6:04: What the fuck the Canadian guy dodges the question about employment and economic growth to babble about Obama not mentioning “prisoners” that Obama knew were not prisoners? What a putz!
"The next Commander-in-Chief is standing on this stage." — Ted Cruz #GOPDebate pic.twitter.com/gJ2lIoQru2
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) January 15, 2016
6:08: Kasich is in a particularly babbly mood this evening. No idea what the take-home was from that.
6:10: Chris Christie thinks Americans are cowards!
6:12: It is funny watching Cruz and Christie try to make something evil out of the Iranian incident. It is like they’ve rehearsed and rehearsed and then when it turns out to be absolutely nothing, they couldn’t not go ahead with their talking points.
6:16: Rubio seems angry….
6:17: Carson suggests that we no longer have “airforces” in 21st century warfare.
6:19: Paris has the “strictest no-good policy”, says Trump? It seems Trump got together before the debate to share in his stash of babble pills.
6:21: Ted Cruz does not seem to understand the difference between the news branch and the editorial branch of the NYT.
6:22: Cruz admitted he made a “paperwork error”. He’s toast. G.O.P. rule #12, “Never admit to an error!”
Major point of Goldman/Cruz story isn't the filing error. It's hypocrisy of bashing Goldman, then taking their $$ https://t.co/xtOKy9SslL
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) January 15, 2016
6:27: Birferism! Birferism!
Cruz makes me feel like a natural born citizen.
— digby (@digby56) January 15, 2016
6:30 Holy fuck…Trump bringing up how well he is doing in the polls borders on psychopathology. Totally inappropriate and awkward.
6:32: Cruz delivers a zinger, “I’ve been arguing before the Supreme Court…and I am not going to talk legal advice from Donald Trump.”
The real loser from this Trump v. Cruz birther debate is the rest of the GOP field. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
Everybody besides Trump and Cruz should just leave the stage
— Joshua Green (@JoshuaGreen) January 15, 2016
6:37: Really, Rubio? Common Core is a threat to our nation? Somebody’s been dipping into the Drama Pill stash.
The Mantle of Anger would be a great name for a metal band
— Betsy Woodruff (@woodruffbets) January 15, 2016
Wait… is this the actual debate or the post-debate spin room? Because it kinda sounds like the latter. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
6:43: Someone should point out to Kasich…he is the Bernie Sanders of the Republican field.
No doubt, this will win the "Most Pathetic Line of the Debate" award. https://t.co/k7SYfiwstt
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) January 15, 2016
6:47: So far, Donald Trump has make a total ass of himself. Ben Carson and John Kasich have engaged in quasi-random babble. Ted Cruz has offered Trump the VP slot. Christie has endorsed Rubio. Rubio has come off as an angry psychopath. And Jeb Bush has almost smiled. Once.
To be fair, the comments section is destroying America. One caps lock at a time.
— Jon Ostrower (@jonostrower) January 15, 2016
Finally, a presidential candidate willing to run against internet comment sections. I mean it. I have waited years for this candidacy.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) January 15, 2016
(Terrible news for Puddybud)
Did Neil Cavuto Just Blame Obama For The Bush Financial Crisis? (Hint: Yes, he did) https://t.co/pnBL5TWu1n
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 15, 2016
7:03: Wait…why is Cruz babbling on about NY?
7:03: Oh…for punchline, “Not a lot of conservatives come from NY”. Trump: “Well…William F. Buckley….” Trump does a nice job modulating down to make Cruz come off as a bit hyper.
7:05: Trump goes all Rudy on us. 9/11 9/11 9/11
7:06: Jeb Bush points out that the U.S. Navy is only 1/2 the size as it was in Desert Storm. Ummm…someone should inform the Gov. that most of the decline happened under his brother.
Is Strom Thurmond a person you want to tip your hat to? #GOPDebate
— Jonathan Sitko (@JTSitko) January 15, 2016
7:13: Someone should point out to Marco Rubio during this debate that he is not running against Obama.
7:14: FAUX Business moderators went out of their way to humiliate Lindsey Graham by calling him out as an audience member. Classy!
7:15: Carson is embarrassingly clueless about all things international. Please make him stop talking…for his own sake.
Chris Christie sure does talk fast, but not particularly loud. That's why I'm voting for Rubio—he's fast AND loud. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
They make it sound like Obama and Clinton are holding hands and running through a field of daisies and making plans to destroy the nation.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 15, 2016
Christie on Obama: "This guy is a petulant child" https://t.co/4Lj5fC15cQ #GOPDebate pic.twitter.com/RaiDdBocSk
— Talking Points Memo (@TPM) January 15, 2016
Jeb Bush trying crazy strategy of talking rationally. Trump to bury him in three…two….one…
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) January 15, 2016
7:24: Please Donald….tell us you want to torture the baby of the two TERRIBLE San Bernardino people.
7:27: Again…Rubio goes after Obama instead of Clinton. Is he fishing for the KKK demographic?
If I am elected president, I will deport Ted Cruz back to Cuba. Or Canada. Or wherever.
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
Where did ISIS come from? That's the question you should really be answering, man. https://t.co/hPF3CBHnvn
— Carla Axtman (@carlaaxt) January 15, 2016
Carson: We need a group of experts (because I don't know shit about foreign or domestic policy) #GoPDebate
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) January 15, 2016
Literally nothing Trump is saying about China right now is accurate.
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) January 15, 2016
Is Christie really suggesting that the best way to address our nation's $3.6 trillion infrastructure deficit is to cut corporate taxes?
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
The odds of you dating a supermodel are 88,000 to 1—much better than winning the Powerball.
— UberFacts (@UberFacts) January 15, 2016
"Hi, I'm Ben Carsen, I may be a neurosurgeon, but beyond that, ii'm a fucking moron" #GOPDebate
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) January 15, 2016
Carson will rebuild infrastructure by not spending money. #thatshowabrainsurgeonrolls
— Sam Seder (@SamSeder) January 15, 2016
If Carson's mother was Sec of Treasury he'd try to kill the Sec of Treasury, or something. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
Oh my. Carson think Treasury Secretary controls budget surpluses/deficits.
— Dan Primack (@danprimack) January 15, 2016
But, but, but, Ted, if we "eliminate the ObamaCare Taxes", how will we fund the Death Panels???
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) January 15, 2016
Now Marco Rubio is running against Barack Obama, the retiring Sen. Reid, and Rep. Pelosi. Earth to Marco….
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) January 15, 2016
Um… there's more #GOPDebate coming up? Will this hell never end?
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
But how does the Cat in the Hat feel about the VAT?
— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) January 15, 2016
8:04: Kasich created a task force about a year ago. Clearly qualified to be POTUS.
They’re coming to kill you, America.
Dirty bombs. Cyber-attacks. Electromagnetic pulses.
Dodd and Frank.
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) January 15, 2016
Rubio: "Doctors and engineers and fiancees are coming to kill us!" Or something. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
This debate was over 10 minutes ago. We have now crossed the debate event horizon. No one knows what lies beyond.
— Peter Suderman (@petersuderman) January 15, 2016
I wonder what Jeb Bush is talented at doing. I’ve only seen him at debates. #GOPDebate
— Dominic Holden (@dominicholden) January 15, 2016
8:16: Holy crap…this is a Debate Moderator FILLIBUSTER!
#GOPDebate Closing statements!
Kasich – I would have been a good GOP candidate 20 years ago.
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) January 15, 2016
8:22: Christie; “…fight…fight…fight…fight…fight…” Ummm…this isn’t a man I want in charge of the nuclear codes….
Ben Carson just out here selling mixtapes now. He doesn't want to be president.
— Joel D. Anderson (@byjoelanderson) January 15, 2016
Rubio: "Our rights don't come from government, they come from God." So… um… atheists like me don't have rights then? #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 15, 2016
#GOPDebate J̶e̶b̶!̶ Jeb had zero energy tonight.
It's like @realDonaldTrump took his exclamation mark away!
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) January 15, 2016
8:27: Trump: Iranian wise guys?!? Didn’t three of them visit Jesus?
by Darryl — ,
Business Insider has published a ranking of state economies, and Washington State is at the very bottom of their list. Right down there after 49 other states and D.C. Oh…wait, the list is in descending order of rank.
Whoa, whoa, whoa…since when did Business Insider become a socialist-loving, minimum-wage-increase-approving, leftist pinko publication?
I suppose their methods account for something like per-capita arugula sales or Kumbaya downloads, no?
We ranked the economies of all the states and DC on seven measures: unemployment rates; GDP per capita; average weekly wages; recent growth rates for nonfarm payroll jobs; GDP; house prices; and wages. For more on our methodology, click here.
What the?!?
Here’s what they found:
Washington state scored extremely well on most of our metrics. Its Q2 2015 annualized GDP growth rate was a stunning 8.0%, by far the highest among the states and DC. The November 2015 average weekly wage of $1,073 was the second highest in the country, and was 5.6% higher than the weekly wage in November 2014, the third highest wage growth rate.
Huh…there goes Seattle’s minimum wage law utterly destroying our state again.
by Carl Ballard — ,
If the people who supported charter schools still want it in the wake of the recent state supreme court rulings, they might do well to find a new source of revenue. Maybe an income tax! Definitely an income tax! OK, maybe some other tax that can be dedicated to charters.
But that’s tough when charter school supporters are writing press releases about how they’re going to take money out of the Washington Opportunity Pathways account to pay for it. I’m not going to quote the whole thing, but I wanted to highlight a few things:
The legislation, sponsored in the Senate by Litzow and Sens. Joe Fain, R-Auburn, Mark Mullet, D-Issaquah and Steve Hobbs, D-Lake Stevens, makes a series of updates which include directing charter school funding to come from the state’s Opportunity Pathways Account, which contains state lottery revenues not restricted to common schools.
I emailed Litzow’s office on Sunday asking about what in the fund the bill would cut to make room for charters and he didn’t respond (in the same email, I also asked about the demographics of charter schools and we’ll get to that in a bit). It seems pretty obvious to me that if you want to pay for charters with an existing pot of money that you’ll have less money in that pot to pay for the things it’s paying for now. So I wanted to know if the plan is to take all of the money from one thing or to partial it out a bit from each.
For reference, here’s a list of the programs the Washington Opportunities Pathways fund goes to now:
You can get more info about any of those programs at the link above. There is a pretty big disparity in how much money goes to each thing, and the press release doesn’t say how much the charter schools cost. But any dollar you add to charters under the plan has to come from one, some, or all of them. It seems like taking any money out of any of those is going to be taking money away from education at a time when we need more money in education. Maybe charters are better than some or any of them. But supporters make it seem like they found a new pot of money instead of using a pot of money that’s already allocated.
The press release also talks about low income and minority children: The title of the release says it will help “address education inequality” and it quotes Senator Pettigrew (who I generally like) as such:
“The opportunity to get a great education should be available to everyone, regardless of their zip code or the color of their skin. But many students, especially students of color, are not getting the education they deserve in our current system,”
I agree! That is important! It’s so important it’s why we have have public education in the first place. But the press release just takes at face value that the charters do a better job educating minorities. It certainly doesn’t provide any evidence that they’re better than public schools at this. The press release didn’t mention how they would ensure that charters would serve minorities going forward. Or for that matter even track if it does.
I asked what the demographics of the current charters are versus the state as a whole and versus the districts where charters were set up. Since the legislation doesn’t propose changes to the charter system as far as I could tell, that seems like a fair proxy for how they work at that goal at least initially. But again the email wasn’t answered.
by Carl Ballard — ,
The legislature started Monday, and I haven’t done a what are you hoping to see post. So here it is: Ideally they’ll fix McCleary without crushing social services. As long as I’m dreaming, I’d like to see the Reproductive Health Act, or whatever they’re calling it now, pass.
I’m afraid that even with a Democratic governor and one house of the legislature controlled by Democrats, I’ll be mostly defense. So I’m a bit worried that some charter school measure will pass (constitutionality of the initiative be damned). I’m a bit more worried that we’ll have massive cuts to pay for McCleary. I’m a bit worried that there will be smaller cuts to social services and we won’t even get significant education funding.
So that’s me, how about y’all?
by Darryl — ,
Okay…I’m late. Long day at work and bad traffic. But here ya go!
6:16: Are you better off today then you were in 2009? Almost everyone with an income under $200,000 should say yes, unless ordinary scenescence has brought you down. And then, you have health insurance, so there ya go.
Republicans not applauding the end of the recession #SOTU
— Carl Ballard (@BallardCrl) January 13, 2016
6:20: It’s hard to take Obama seriously for this State of the Union Address…what with Eddie Munster sitting behind him and all.
Eddie Munster will not clap for the good stuff. #SOTU pic.twitter.com/L96JwKk6qd
— BUST Magazine (@bust_magazine) January 13, 2016
.@POTUS: "Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline, is peddling fiction."
(And/or, a Republican) #SOTU
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 13, 2016
6:24: Obama isn’t really introducing policy…rather he is systematically laying out the case why most Americans should be Democrats.
Oh shit – Paul Ryan shaved! I guess I have to get rid of my Paul Ryan themed facial hair… #SOTU
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) January 13, 2016
President Obama says basic benefits should be mobile. We absolutely agree. More: https://t.co/5xQuKwikVA #SOTU
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 13, 2016
Biden is cracking a joke to get Paul Ryan to smile because…well, why not. #SOTU
— Carla Axtman (@carlaaxt) January 13, 2016
6:32: Shit…now Republicans are going to start denying Sputnik…
But republicans deny DNA… #SOTU
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) January 13, 2016
6:37: Obama mentions “tea partiers”. Still conflict averse, or he would have said “tea baggers”.
6:38: I wonder if Obama, Biden, and Eddie coordinated their ties in advance….
Thanks, Obama "Gas under two bucks a gallon ain’t bad, either." —@POTUS #SOTU
— Josh Earnest (@PressSec) January 13, 2016
Obama in “Suck it Dubya” mode. #SOTU
— Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) January 13, 2016
via @Wonkette: Look who decided to show up to the office today. Hey, stranger! #SOTU pic.twitter.com/jnfwnMHfSb
— Carla Axtman (@carlaaxt) January 13, 2016
To be fair, Joe Biden spread Crazy Glue on the seats in the Republican section. That Joe! #SOTU
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 13, 2016
This is, strangely, both the most hawkish and least hawkish speech Obama has given in recent memory.
— Brian Fung (@b_fung) January 13, 2016
Ryan also refuses to clap when Obama makes pro-diversity points.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 13, 2016
I can't stand Paul Ryan's practiced smugness. #SOTU #SOTU16
— Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur) January 13, 2016
I can't stand Paul Ryan's practiced smugness. #SOTU #SOTU16
— Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur) January 13, 2016
6:58: What the fuck is up with dwelling on Kim Davis? She is a circus freak. Only deserves about 3 seconds….
Radical Obama assumption: The American people are a more intelligent audience that the majority in Congress.
— joel r. connelly (@joelconnelly) January 13, 2016
Ok for serious: Good job, President! 9/10. Would vote for again.
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) January 13, 2016
by Goldy — ,
Assuming I get my blown-out tire replaced in time (thanks, I-5 through Tacoma!), I’ll be at Drinking Liberally live tweeting the State of the Union. But afterwards I invite you to join me for what’s become a Seattle tradition these past few years: city council member Kshama Sawant’s annual Socialist response.
I’ve embedded the live stream above. And remember all you Bernie-come-latelies: we’ve been electing Socialists here in Seattle since before it was cool!
by Darryl — ,
Please join us this evening for a State of the Union edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Normally, we start at 8:00pm…but show up early for the 6:00pm (PDT) start of Obama’s final address.
Note: We’ll have sound and video for the State of the Union address. But the pub has other customers, so the sound may not be as loud as you want, especially with the background noises of a busy tavern and peripheral conversations. If you are intent on hearing every word, I recommend you bring stuff to stream the audio. The pub has free wifi available.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet. The Kent chapter meets on Thursday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 188 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or go out and start—a chapter near you.
by Carl Ballard — ,
The local sports club seems to have pulled off a victory in the cold Minnesota winter. It wasn’t pretty and frankly there was as much luck as anything else with the last play. Still, it was well fought and well won.
One thing I didn’t like was there seemed to be a lot of complaining about the refereeing. I’m not saying that they got it right with that last minute pass interference penalty. It’s just that that when you lose because of the refs, complaining is almost always covering for bad play. And always always poor sportsmanship. And when you complain about it after a win, it’s just pathetic.
by Goldy — ,
by Darryl — ,
The 2016 Festival of Clowns:
Over the counter birth control is very exciting.
Late Night Democratic presidential debate.
Unclear Nuclear:
Greenman: Exxon knew about climate change in the 1970s.
Preview: Obama’s Final State of the Union Address:
Jimmy Dore: GOP vows to pursue more nightmare policies in 2016.
Mental Floss: 29 facts about dinosaurs.
Gun Violence in America:
Ann Telnaes: White Americans are boiling mad.
Colbert: Beware of the Franken-Lincoln.
Malicious Militias:
Congressional Hits and Misses of the week.
Farron Cousins: Koch brothers and ALEC team up to protect white collar criminals.
Water Emergency in Flint:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
We should have a lot more access to our local governments. Most of the public records stuff could probably be done automatically. But it’ll take a fair amount of time and money to make it happen. It seems like a state mandate and state money (if we ever have it) either from the legislature or an initiative would be able to to do that in a more systematic way. Not just someone overwhelming public records requests.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Every time President Obama makes the slightest moves toward gun safety, the right does two things. They claim that President Obama /liberals in general /the government is about to take away your guns (not linking to any terrible people, but if inexplicably you need some evidence that they’re out there), and also they buy a lot of guns. At this point the gun buying at the first tiny hint of any minor restrictions is such a cliche, that Wall Street now bets on gun manufacturers (h/t).
But if you think about it for a minute, if you actually thought your guns were about to go away, you wouldn’t spend hundreds of dollars or more on getting guns. It would be like spending money on Budweiser futures in that interim period between when the 18th amendment was passed and when it was implemented.
So either we all know President Obama isn’t taking your guns, or markets don’t work. Despite having lived through the .com bust and the housing bubble, I still don’t think that investors would be putting their money into a business that’s about to go away. That leaves people don’t think Obama is taking their guns.
Given what the president — and what governors including Inslee — have proposed, perhaps people are buying more guns now because they don’t think they’ll meet the criteria to buy them in a bit. That seems more economically rational. If you think he’s going to tighten the background checks in the future, better get your gun while you can. If you’ve got a history of domestic violence or have already set up a trust, you’re maybe hoping to slip in before that.