Congrats to Senator Sanders for the win in New Hampshire. I think that puts him in the lead in the (non-super) delegate count by 2. I have some family in New Hampshire and they’re either super conservative or much more liberal than me. So based on that small, unrepresentative, sample size, the result isn’t too surprising.
Election night edition of Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Tonight’s the first primary of the 2016 presidential election season, and there are some local elections happening as well. So please join us for an evening of election returns and primary politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight, the nation’s newest DL addition, the Federal Way chapter meets along with the Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters. The Kent chapter meets on Thursday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 187 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or go out and start—a chapter near you.
Open Thread 2-8
In many Washington State jurisdictions, there’s an election tomorrow. Get it postmarked by tomorrow. Or drop it off. Here are the locations for King County. I voted for both of the Seattle levies. I have to say though: I’m not a parent, but I paid enough attention when the latest round of school closures went through to find the we have to reopen schools because who could have predicted we’d need capacity arguments pretty ridiculous.
HA Bible Study
Leviticus 18:17
Do not have sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter. Do not have sexual relations with either her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter; they are her close relatives. That is wickedness.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Straight outta options:
Mental Floss: Fifteen facts about coffee.
Bill Maher: Lies are the new truth.
What led to Flint, MI’s poisoned water.
Stop making guns so sick.
Minute Physics: How to discover new particles.
I Oh Wha???
- PsychoSuperMom: Iowa Caucus Song
- Trevor Noah: Ted Cruz’s Iowa caucus win.
- Stephen: Everyone was a winner in Iowa except the losers.
- Kids analyze the candidates on the eve of the IA caucuses.
- Jimmy Fallon: Trump spins second place, “the Deuce is loose”.
- Sam Seder: Trump is the skank you bring home. Period.
- Mark Fiore: Corn Candidates.
- Sam Seder: Obama’s speech about inclusion was divisive?!?
- Harry Reid: Did you see diversity in Iowa?
- Young Turks: Iowa drives Paul out of campaign.
- Red State Update: Trump and Sanders lose Iowa.
- What is the difference between a Caucus and a Primary?
- David Pakman: Media falsely blames Hillary’s Iowa win on “coin flips”
- Sam Seder: Did Ted Cruz sabotage Ben Carson?
- Jimmy Dore visits Jeb!’s Iowa headquarters:
- Trevor Noah: Counting votes in popcorn containers at the Iowa caucuses
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump and Iowa
- Young Turks: Trump accuses Cruz of cheating.
- Stephen: Hungry for Power Games, Iowa edition.
- Watch a Democratic Caucus in 360
- And watch a Republican caucus in 360
- Young Turks: Why Ted Cruz beat Donald Trump in Iowa
Twelve minutes of Right-wing nutjob Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA-5) talking politics.
Stephen and Samantha Bee try out some lady euphemisms.
What the West gets wrong about Muslim women.
Obama: Employment is down to 4.9%.
Young Turks: “Pro-life” activist proves she’s not really pro-life at all.
Pap and Farron Cousins: Lunatic Michele Bachmann says Obama is about to reveal himself as Anti-Christ.
Larry Wilmore and friends: Anger and politics.
Conan meets his censor.
The 2016 Conservative Crazy Car:
- Kimmel: Jesus reads quotes of G.O.P. candidates.
- David Pakman: The best and worst of Rand Paul.
- Meet the GOP Frontrunners
- Sam Seder: Jeb begs for applause.
- Young Turks: Jeb to audience, “please clap”.
- Farron Cousins: Jeb begs audience for applause.
- David Pakman: Jeb begs for applause.
- David Pakman: Reporters visibly perplexed by Sarah Palin’s explanation of Trump’s abortion flip-flop.
- Fifteen stupidest lies from the last Republican debate
- Young Turks: Trump, “Who told you to call me sexist?”
- David Pakman: The best (worst) of Carly Fiorina.
- Christie refers to Rubio as the Boy in the Bubble.
- Thom: Why Ted Cruz is unfit to be President.
- David Pakman: Rand Paul bites the dust.
- Sam Seder: Jeb Bush’s childhood seems a little troubling.
- Friday Hot takes on the GOP candidates.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about famous companies.
Madame President.
David Hawkings Whiteboard: Here comes the budget:
Follow the money: The chemical industry writes a law.
Farron Cousins: Republicans destroy government to prove government doesn’t work.
VSauce: Math Magic.
One of these people will be President.
Thom: The Good, the Bad & the Very, Very Depascently Ugly!.
Martin Shkreli invokes his fifth amendment rights before Congressional oversight committee.
Space Station Live: African American History Month.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Omigod, I’ve Got a New Podcast!
Missed the mellifluous sounds of my whiny high-pitched nasal voice? Then you’ll want to tune in to the premier episode of my new podcast: The Other Washington!
Each episode, co-host Paul Constant and I and the rest of the troublemakers at Civic Skunkworks will take you on a deep dive into a single issue, exploring the nexus between policy and politics from a uniquely Washington State perspective. Our first topic? The $15 minimum wage, of course! How did $15 go from “insane” idea to political reality, and what does this teach us about the rest of the progressive agenda? Tune in and find out.
Huge thanks to our producer, Tina Nole of Larj Media, for making us sound like more than just a couple of opinionated assholes crowding around a mic. We’re still learning by doing, and I expect the podcast to evolve over time, but if you agree with me that it’s a damn good start, then please go to iTunes (or wherever you get your podcasts) and leave us a good review. (Or if you hate it, just leave a nasty comment in this thread.)
Open Thread 2-5
It is always amazing to me when I read things like this. “I’m old enough to remember the shock, replaced quickly by compassion fatigue, when urban homelessness first energed as a problem in the early ’80s,. Before then, hard as it is to imagine now, cities didn’t have homelessness issues – just a few random drunks and what were then quaintly called hoboes.” Geov isn’t the first person I’ve read with similar observations, and while I believe it, it’s tough to internalize. What seems like an intractable problem that has been there forever is actually a bit younger than me.
Low Energy
Donald Trump has been taunting Jeb! as being low energy. Judging from the need to add a high-energy punctuation mark after his name, I’m thinking that The Donald might be right on this one.
And this is kind of embarassing:
It brings back memories of this 2008 GOP low energy superstar:
On the other hand, Ronald Reagan was pretty low energy so it isn’t like energy level is all that Trump cracks it up to be.
And at least Jeb! doesn’t suffer from an abnormal chromosomal makeup.
Open Thread 2-3
This (autoplays) is a few days old (they make Iowa Caucus predictions) but I just listened to it yesterday on my way to Drinking Liberally. It got me thinking about the foreign policy philosophies of the Democratic candidates. I would dispute that Clinton’s foreign policy philosophy is just about competence. I’d say that women’s rights are human rights was an animating idea during her tenure at State and in the Senate.
I asked a few people at Drinking Liberally how they would sum up Sanders’ foreign policy. And we found some interesting things about his record, but I don’t know if it’s predictive for voters or for the bureaucracy if he gets elected. I’d very much like to know more about his foreign policy, but I haven’t seen it yet. It’s one state down, so we may well see something that crystallizes it going forward.
(this has been edited a bit to make it clear I’m just talking about foreign policy)
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Huh…can’t imagine what people want to talk about tonight. If you think of something, please join us for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. The Long Beach, Tri-Cities and West Seattle chapters also meet tonight. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or go out and start—a chapter near you.
Open Thread 2-1
Anyone had a chance to read Nick Licata’s new book yet? I have not, but I’m still excited to see him at SPL if I can get there on time. And I’m very glad that he’s having a post-retirement public life.
HA Bible Study: Leviticus 11:5
Leviticus 11:5
And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you.
If Our Editorial Boards Want to Be Taken Seriously About Education Funding, They Need to Start Talking Seriously About Revenue
I suppose, good on the Seattle Times editorial board for pushing legislators to solve Washington’s education funding crisis sooner than later: “State must start working harder to find an education-funding fix.” But considering the decades-long role our state’s editorial boards have played in obstructing funding reforms, I have a hard time taking them seriously when they offer weak sauce prevarication this:
Fixing a financing problem built for decades will be complicated, require a massive shift in property taxes and probably should include a new revenue source, such as a capital-gains tax. These are tough, but necessary, political tasks. The court set a deadline of 2018.
Okay. First of all, let’s be absolutely clear that the “massive shift in property taxes” that they’re talking about—the property tax levy swap—produces no net new revenue for our public schools. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. It helps address the equity issue, yes, but it merely shifts funds from local levies to the state levy. So the editors should really look up the words “swap” and “shift” in the dictionary before misleading readers that this “shift” represents a funding solution (unless, of course, misleading readers is their intent).
Second, fixing the financing problem will “probably” require a new revenue source? Really? Just “probably?” Um, how the fuck else do you suppose we’re going to close the “eye-watering” funding gap that even the editors acknowledge to be “about $3.5 billion?” Glad to see them on board with a capital gains tax, but the estimated $800 million it might raise would still only get us less than a quarter of the way to the McCleary mandate; modifying the need for new revenue with a big fat “probably” isn’t likely to help lead us the rest of the way there. I mean, if the editors (or Republicans, for that matter) have any realistic suggestions for slicing $3 billion or so from elsewhere in the budget, let’s hear it. No? That’s what I thought. So enough with the “probably” already.
This isn’t my opinion folks. It’s math. There’s simply no way to meet McLeary without billions of dollars in new revenue. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.
Quite frankly, if our state’s editorial boards want to play a serious role in solving this very serious crisis, then they’re going to have to start talking about it seriously. And that means leveling with their readers that we need to raise about $3.5 billion in new revenue. Whether that means a substantial increase in our perversely regressive state sales tax and/or an expansion in the sales tax to services (or even food) and/or a hike in our state property tax levy without slashing local levies in return and/or the repeal of billions of dollars of tax “preferences” (exemptions, loopholes, whatever) and/or a spanking new capital gains tax — or the serious and sensible alternative: a modern, sustainable, and less regressive tax structure that taxes income like almost every other goddamn state — well, the voters will ultimately have the final say on the specifics. But we’ll never get to that point until our state’s so-called “opinion leaders” start having a serious conversation about the facts, however painful and unpopular they might be.
This is an opportunity for our editorial boards to reclaim some relevance by helping to lead our state toward a serious and sustainable education funding solution. And it may be the last opportunity they have.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza
Conan and Zach Galifianakis talk about shushing the president.
Will humans be obsolete after the new industrial revolution?
Seth Meyers: Late Night Demopublican presidential debate:
Stephen gets a straight answer from Donald Rumsfeld.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about animals.
The microbes of New York.
Trever Noah: Getting personal at the CNN Democratic Town Hall.
Honest political ads: Puppets.
The 2016 Lunatic Asylum Squad:
- Young Turks: The Debate’s biggest loser.
- Young Turks: Worst line of the debate.
- Young Turks: Worst fail of the debate.
- Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Even without Trump, GOP debate manages to sink even lower
- Francesca Fiorentini: Has the GOP always been this off the rails?
- Michael Brooks: Creepy Ted Cruz video from his high school days.
- Young Ted Cruz outtakes.
- David Pakman: CBS hosts laughs in Ted Cruz’s lying face.
- Michael Brooks: Trump thinks the Ted Cruz Canadian thing is very serious.
- Sam Seder: Bizarre Video of Oregon militia sumo guy to Chris Christie
- Young Turks: Sumo militia person threatens Chris Christie.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie yells at woman, basically calls her a liar.
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina sold baby parts.
- Daily Show: Ted or Donald…who is marginally less awful?
- Stephen: GOP edition of “Would You Rather”
- Maddow: Donald Trump vet stunts hurt real veteran outreach
- Seth Meyers with A couple of things: Trump and FAUX.
- Sam Seder: Was Trump justified in skipping the debate?
- Trevor Noah: Kelly v. Trump.
- Young Turks: Trump fans viciously swarm Megyn Kelly.
- Harry Reid is “pulling for” Donald Trump. (I guess that’s better than pulling for Santorum….)
- Inside the mind of a Donald Trump speech writer.
- Stephen moderates an all Trump debate.
- Farron Cousins: Is the GOP really this dumb?
Maddow: Who is to blame for Flint’s water problem?
A different kind of rape control.
Seth Meyers polls some Iowans.
Stephen holds a town hall meeting.
Matthew Filipowicz: Military games in Washington state Part I.
Matthew Filipowicz: Military games in Washington state Part II.
Young Turks: Will Obama become a Supreme Court Justice.
Planned Parenthood Surprise:
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Planned Parenthood indictments.
- Young Turks: Planned Parenthood cleared, two indicted over doctored tapes.
- David Pakman: Carly Fiorina loses it after “baby parts” filmmakers indicted
Stephen: Bernie Sanders promposals.
Farron Cousins: Is Sarah Palin the worst parent EVER???
Stupidest laws in the United States.
White House: West Wing Week.
Mental Floss: Life hacks tested and debunked.
Malicious Militia:
- Young Turks: Militia member killed by police.
- David Pakman: Unhinged militia lunatic promises bloodbath.
- Arrests and one dead in Oregon standoff.
- Young Turks: What is the right punishment for Oregon militia?
- David Pakman: Oregon militant went for gun twice before being shot.
- Young Turks: Oregon shootout leaves one dead, militia threatens “bloodbath”
Stephen: A Simon & Garfunkel tune for every candidate.
Florida politicians sell out sick babies.
Why does Iowa get to pick first?
Farron Cousins and Sam Seder: Obama finally fights back against Republican obstruction.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Open Friday Thread
With the Iowa Caucuses a few days away, I think this is the furthest in a contested primary that I’m still up in the air. I like Sanders and Clinton quite a bit. While there have been some moments that have been quite a problem, by and large, the process has been good. I think it has forced Hillary Clinton to address economic issues and Black Lives Matter in a way that she might not if she was running in a general. It has moved Sanders in ways I like on guns and reproductive rights. Whoever wins the caucus and ultimately the nomination will be well situated for the general.
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