Its happening tonight starting at 6pm local, another FAUX News Republican Debate.
And there WILL BE BLOOD…from whereever. (Hmmmm…reminds me of this debate from the 2008 campaign.)
There will be one notable change: There will be no Donald J. Trump at this debate. It seems that Donald Trump is afraid of a girl.
I’ll liveblog when I get the chance. Use the comment thread for your own penetrating analyses.
Or, just fling your own poo.
6:08: You can stream the debate live at
Jeb!: "this election is not about our pedigree"
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 29, 2016
First fib of the night: Jeb Bush says he "kinda misses Donald Trump." Uh, not credible.
— Larry Sabato (@LarrySabato) January 29, 2016
6:09: Rubio, in his opening salvo, still comes off as irrationally angry and defensive like an adolescent. Or…as Atrios puts it…
Think rubio needs his binky
— Atrios (@Atrios) January 29, 2016
How far into the #GOPDebate do you think we'll get before FoxNews moderator asks an actual policy question?
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
6:15: Kasich is so general that is words get lost.
6:17: Ben Carson: “We need people who can think out of the box.” Let’s call it “Pyramid Thinking.”
Fifteen minutes into the debate, not a single question about the candidates' positions on a single issue.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) January 29, 2016
6:19: Earth to Marco: ISIS is NOT the most dangerous terrorist group ever. Not even close.
Ted Cruz really, really wants to be Ronald Reagan.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 29, 2016
So, Rubio is promising a ground war—"overwhelming force"— in Syria and Iraq against ISIS? Good to know. #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
6:30: Please, please, please, Ted…WALK OFF STAGE!!!!!
6:30: Let’s sell…Rubio attacked Ted over whining about moderators inciting attacks on Ted…
6:34: Rubio seems to think his path to electoral success is his daring stance to send people to Gitmo.
6:36: Rubio is continuing with his petulant ‘tude. Sorry, Marco, it is getting really old.
6:38: Ben Carson seems to believe we would “defeat ISIS” if only we could collectively stop being politically correct. What a moron!
6:39: Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Megyn Kelly got a nose bleed?
Hey look, idiots talking about encryption issues they don’t understand again! (This is a bipartisan theme.)
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) January 29, 2016
6:40: Someone should mention to Gov. Kasich…he is wearing his flaggy flag flag pin WAY TOO HIGH on his lapel. What a dork.
Please, please, please have @realDonaldTrump ask a question via YouTube!!!!! #GOPDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
6:49: Chris Christie boasts about trashing women’s health care access in NJ. Way to go tough guy! No White House for you.
6:51: Cruz unloads a big fat lie about negatives of ObamaCare. Lies, lies, lies.
6:54: O’oh oh. We are into to the “Science Denial” segment of the debate.
6:57: Rubio talks Cap & Trade with the same petulant, alarmist tone that he talks about ISIS. Hope he can find peace-o-mind in a bunker somewhere.
7:01: Now Marco is getting defensive and angry over immigration. One trick pony!
7:01: Jeb! “I’m kind of confused…”
Rubio continues to believe that saying his rivals are just as bad on immigration as he is is a winning argument.
— digby (@digby56) January 29, 2016
7:07: Ted Cruz totally dodges talking about his support of the immigration bill.
7:08: I think Rand Paul just cleaned Ted Cruz’s clock!
Seriously. Rand Paul is winning this #GOPDebate.
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
7:09: Ted…isn’t it about time for you to WALK OFF STAGE???
7:10: Apparently Ted Cruz flip-flopped on amnesty AND mean questions.
7:14: Jeb: “Dulce Candy is now an entrepreneur of The YouTube” (The Ghost of Ted Stevens takes notice.)
7:16: Ted: “Am not the candidate of the career politician of Washington” says the man who want to spend the next 8 years as exactly that.
There have not been substantial qs on the economy for two straight debates. Both have just been Obama/Clinton-blasting and fear-mongering.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) January 29, 2016
7:30: Rubio delivers an ANGRY answer on how Americans are the most generous people on earth.
7:32: Aqua Buddah talks his virtuous philosophy. (Dodging the real question.)
Rand Paul, I introduced a bill that would make all uteri national parks but we need to get government out of our lives.
— Cafe (@cafedotcom) January 29, 2016
7:34: Ben Carson: “Putin is an opportunist.” Can you say PROJECTION?
Maybe Fox should ask why so many GOP voters don't care at all that their frontrunner doesn't give a damn about conservative ideology.
— digby (@digby56) January 29, 2016
I couldn't tell, did Ben Carson just fall asleep in the middle of his own answer? #GOPDebate
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) January 29, 2016
6:39: Wait…did Chris Christie just TOTALLY dodge the “ground troops Libya” question by talking about Hillary Clinton dodging questions??
Proposal: Remove the Republican party from the ballot, but maintain the campaign as a reality teevee show.
— Chris Oestereich (@costrike) January 29, 2016
7:44: The debate turns to the topic of SEX. Specifically…a brief 20 year old affair.
Rand Paul: "I don't blame Hillary Clinton at all for this. I don't think she's responsible for [Bill's] behavior."
— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) January 29, 2016
7:49: Cruz obfuscates his unpopular (in Iowa) position on Ethanol subsidies by confusing the hell out of everyone.
Sorry, Rand Paul, but your support for forcible childbirth is literally treating women like farm animals.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) January 29, 2016
“We are blessed with tremendous energy,” says Ben Carson, who’s in need of a little himself.
— Matt Viser (@mviser) January 29, 2016
Ben Carson is asked about ethanol, says he always liked fred better but usually doesn't watch "I Love Lucy." #GOPDebate
— Ken Rudin (@kenrudin) January 29, 2016
7:58: Carson just plagiarized 90% of his closing statement….
Carson. WTF?!
— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) January 29, 2016
8:02: Carson: “I’ve had more 2am phone calls than all here on the stage.” No shit. Get some sleep, man!
So, I guess if you held a gun to my head and told me to vote for one of these #GOPDebate candidates, I'd tell you to pull the trigger.
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) January 29, 2016
8:10: Megyn Kelly seems pained having an on-air conversation with Charles Krauthammer.
When #Christie said that #Hillary "won't get within 10 miles of the White House," my 1st thought was: "because she'll be stuck on a bridge."
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 29, 2016