ST3 is going to the ballot. I know, it has more awesome rail than stuck in traffic buses. It’s too bad we’ll have to fight against The Seattle Times and other ed boards who pretend obstruction is accountability just to build our basic infrastructure, but so be it.
HA Bible Study: Job 3:2
Job 3:2
He said:
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Muslim meet.
Farron Cousins: House Republicans vote to keep dark money donors’ identities secret.
Maddow: Short handed Supreme Court crisis deepens.
The GOP Drumpf Clown Show:
- Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA): Drumpf an existential threat to Democracy
- David Pakman: Donald Drumpf accused of raping 13-year-old in federal lawsuit
- (Not so) Presidential
- Michael Brooks: Elizabeth Warren mocks potential Drumpf VP Scott Brown.
- Is Drumpf a good businessman?
- Bill Maher: Drumpf’s low bar
- Jimmy Kimmel: Slow and Tell—Donald Drumpf on Americans
- Stephen: Donald Drumpf has left the country.
- Jimmy Kimmel: What would it take for Drumpf to lose your vote?
- Farron Cousins: Donald Drumpf plays right into ISIS’ hands
- Jimmy Dore: Reporter at Drumpf rally is tweets the horrors he witnessed
- Jimmy Dore: You’d freak out, too, if you attended a Drumpf rally.
- Maddow: Donald Drumpf’s campaign is a cover for a moneymaking scheme:
- David Pakman: Anti-Drumpf Republican delegate revolt growing
- Young Turks: Is Drumpf’s campaign going broke?
- Sam Seder: Drumpf asks Christians to ainly vote for him
- Dictators for Drumpf
- Thom: Is Drumpf the new Nixon?
- Stephen: Hillary questions Drumpf’s business acumen.
- Farron Cousins: GOP wealthy not opening up their checkbooks for Drumpf
- Late Night: The Conservative perspective on Drumpf
- David Pakman: Wingnut Senator suggests the Drumpf’s nomination is “reasonably uncertain”.
- Sam Seder: In 1989 Drumpf wished to be b
- It’s very hard to be a 10
- Maddow: Drumpf skips politics at the apex of historic vote
- Finding Drumpf the perfect judge.
- Young Turks: Seemingly secular Donald Drumpf suggests nobody knows of Hillary’s religious affiliation.
- Totally UNFIT
- Winlar: Are You Really That stupid?
- Orange Americans for Drumpf
- Stephen: Drumpf has no money.
- PsychoSuperMom: Drumpf’s So Poor
- What Donald Drumpf voters really think
- Red State Update: Is Donald Drumpf really happening?
- Jimmy Kimmel presents the Troompa Loompas!:
- Jimmy Dore: Right wing kook Rep. Peter King is tired of being out-kooked by Donald Drumpf.
- David Pakman: Drumpf’s campaign spending goes to his own family and companies and a fake ad agency
- Farron Cousins: Everyone hates Drumpf.
- Sam Seder: Brave RNC delegate delusional about anti-Drumpf movement
- Stephen: Cartoon Drumpf spotted busking in Times Square
- James Corden: Donald Drumpf pivots to the Teleprompter
Mental Floss: 41 facts about vegetables.
Mark Fiore: Paul Ryan’s Plan-O-Stuff
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen: Why am I watching Congress on Periscope?
Bill Maher covers the conventions.
The Nightly Show: Oakland’s Police Chiefs.
Gunz in America:
- Bill Maher and friends: Who needs guns?
- Young Turks: Bought Congress bans study of gun violence, again
- Stephen takes the gloves off over gun control.
- Sam Seder: This week in gun control failure.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Congressional sit-in.
- Stephen: Thank you Congress for sitting on your asses.
- Maddow: House Democrats electrify gun debate
- Young Turks: Congressional Dems stage sit-in over lack of gun vote.
- The time for silence is over.
- Young Turks: Unhinged Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX-01) screams “Radical Islam!” at Dems
- Samantha Bee: Flippin’ off the NRA:
- Democrats vow to keep up the vote.
- James Corden: House Democrats sit-in & pig-out on snacks
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at the Senate’s failure to pass gun legislation.
- Stephen: Democrats stage sit-in over gun control.
Obama names Stonewall a national monument.
Is Google manipulating search results for Hillary?
Farron Cousins: Republican Governors are preventing you from getting a raise
Rubio’s Flippity-floppity-flippity-floppity on a Senate re-election run.
Young Turks: Affirmative action survives Supreme Court.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Pride Weekend
It’s pride weekend in Seattle, and there’s tons to do. I’m always a big fan of the parade. Parades aren’t everyone’s cup of tea (and it can run pretty long), but there are other events, if you’re interested.
Last year it was right after the marriage equality decision, and it was exuberant, even by the standards of a pride parade. This year, it’s in the wake of Orlando, and I don’t have any sense of the feel of the parade or any of the events.
June 24 Open Thread
So, congrats Britain: Under the leadership of a racist and a man so posh he makes the Queen look like a Commoner, you’ve managed to send a clear message that you’re opposed to the elitism of Europe. That caring for refugees is too elitist. That easy travel between borders is too elitist. Traded German bankers for British ones, who won’t do anything elitist. The only reasonable conclusion you can draw from the Brexit is that Brits hate elites.
Open Thread! June 22nd
The anti-LGBT terrorism cataloged here is a pretty tough read. The whole piece, in fact, is pretty tough. I don’t know what we mean exactly when we talk about radical Islam, but the overlap between that and the far right in this country needs to be addressed.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Ummm…better late then never! Join us in a couple of hours for and evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien and the North Spokane chapters meet. Finally, the Kent chapter meets on Thursday.
There are 179 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Solstice Open Thread
What in the fuck is the 1515 campaign even thinking? Honestly, if your fake reason for supporting this initiative is to keep creeps out of the women’s restroom, why the fuck would you send creeps into the women’s restroom? I mean, I assume everyone on that campaign is at least a bit of a creep, but still.
HA Bible Study: Matthew 10:34-35
Matthew 10:34-35
Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Stephen: Newly discovered presidential love letters.
Samantha Bee: The many faces (and crotches) of Libertarians.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The 2016 GOP Narcissist Clown Show:
- Sam Seder: Kasich tragically torn about voting for Drumpf, whom he repeatedly compared to Hitler
- Drumpf accuses U.S. combat veterans of stealing money in Iraq.
- Obama stands up to Drumpf’s bigotry.
- Kevin Drum: Let’s play “What the Hell Did *That* Mean” with today’s guest, Donald Drumpf
- James Corden: Donald Drumpf’s campaign gets all shucky-ducky
- Drumpf’s business disasters.
- Jimmy Dore: GOP Convention expected to break Whiteness records
- Michael Brooks: Donald Drumpf
dry humpshugs an American flag. - David Pakman: Drumpf has a breakdown and hugs U.S. flag at rally.
- Stephen is worried about Drumpf’s manservent, Chris Christie.
- Kimmel: Drumpf calls for Bernie
- Release the measurements!
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Drumpf’s response to the Orlando shooting.
- Bill Maher wishes Donald Drumpf a happy 70th birthday
- Young Turks: FBI Director schools Drumpf on Muslims.
- James Corden wishes Donald Drumpf a happy 70th
- David Pakman: First the Mittster, now
Eddy MunsterPaul Ryan sounds reasonable. - Stephen: What did the Late Show get Drumpf for his 70th birthday?
- Young Turks: Drumpf claims soldiers stole money in Iraq
- Seth Meyers makes Donald Drumpf a generous offer.
- Kimmel: Fighting Drumpf lawsuits
- Sam Seder: Drumpf has a sad for the Mittster.
- Stephen explains Drumpf’s response to Orlando:
- Drumpf: A father’s love for his daughter
- Young Turks: Thin-skinned Drumpf suspends WaPo’s press credentials to his events.
- Hillary rips Drumpf on his wacko anti-Muslim rants
Stephen: D.C. statehood.
Red State Update: Drumpf is racist; Bernie won’t drop out.
How the Cold War launched the Space Race.
John Oliver: Retirement plan.
Gun Politics:
- Conan O’Brien pleads for gun control
- Roy Zimmerman: “To the Victims of This Tragedy We Send Our Thoughts and Prayers”
- Jimmy Dore: Drumpf and McCain blame Obama for shooting
- Sam Seder: The NRA enables terrorists to buy guns
- Mark Fiore: Thoughts and Prayers
- Farron Cousins: Sorry Republicans…God isn’t listening to your “thoughts and prayers”
- Young Turks: Filibuster for gun control.
- Seth Meyers: A closer looks at the second amendment and gun control.
- PsychoSuperMom: “No More Prayers (Except The Prayer To Act)”
- Young Turks: Hey politicians, keep your fucking prayers…give us some action!
- Sen. Franken joins the filibuster.
- Sam Seder: McCain blames Obama for Orlando shooting.
- The Nightly Show: No guns for no-fly listers?
- Slate: Gun control is not a partisan issue!
- Maddow: GOP and NRA make guns available for terrorist watchlist?!?
- How are suspected terrorists able to buy guns?
- Stephen: Despair is a victory for hate.
- Samantha Bee: Again? Again:
- Sen. Chris Murphy begins his filibuster over gun control
- Farron Cousins: Time to have an adult conversation about gun control.
White House: West Wing Week.
Samantha Bee: Dope-ass Libertarian on the mic.
How Jon Stewart got involved with Wounded Warriors.
VSauce: How the earth moves.
Jimmy Dore: Media treats White killers different than non-White killers.
Stephen: Political news of the day.
- Anderson Cooper pushes Pam Bondi on LGBTQ issues.
- Young Turks: AC gets tough with FL AG
- Jimmy Dore: See a State Attorney General squirm
- Larry Wilmore: Anderson Cooper versus Florida Attorney General.
- Chris Hayes and Dan Savage: Drumpf is the enemy of LGBT community
- Young Turks: Republicans court LGBTQ voters, “We’ll protect you from Muslims!”
- Jimmy Dore: GOPer Tweets Sympathy for Orlando and immediately blocks bill to protect LGBTQ
Stephen: The primaries are over…
POTUS in the wild.
Mental Floss: 21 homes with remarkable features.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
June: 17:: Open: Thread
I find the GOP brand’s fall in Washington State fascinating. From Dino Rossi running as Prefers GOP Party because it polls better to Susan Hutchinson’s insistence that she wasn’t really a Republican until she decided to chair the Republican Party in the state to independents who would be Republicans if they had to chose winning in Thurston County. It feels like it’s more about branding than any change in policy.
Dear Senators Cantwell and Murray;
I want to thank you both for participating in Chris Murphy’s filibuster. It’s far past time that the country took up reasonable gun reforms. I don’t know what could get passed through this Congress even in the wake of yet another horror. But thank you for trying.
Carl Ballard
(if you want to contact them you can here for Murray and here for Cantwell)
Open Thread June 15
I don’t know how to cover the shitstain who thought it would be a good idea to attack a North Seattle mosque. Do you just praise the people who caught him? Do you even give him any attention? I won’t name him, just like I won’t name the Orlando shooter.
I guess back to one I’ve said before: Nobody murder anyone. For any reason.
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
Join us this evening for some politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. Tonight is the final presidential primary in D.C.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening over the next week. Tonight, the Federal Way, Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday the Tacoma, Bremerton, and Spokane chapters meet. Finally, on Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 179 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Open Thread June 12
I don’t know what to say. Orlando should still be in the news, it shouldn’t fade so quickly to become just another in the litany. There are people who are writing more thoughtful, more interesting stuff. I could talk about the candle light vigil: I went, but I didn’t go as a blogger, so I didn’t take notes. I went because it felt immoral to be anywhere else. The speeches were great, especially Ed Murray and the queer Muslim woman (whose name I didn’t get).
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