The week’s Politiclips.
Net Neutrality:
- Sam Seder: Net neutrality wins.
- Young Turks: Net neutrality is real and why you should celebrate
- Maddow: Net neutrality supporters enjoy hard fought victory in new FCC rules
CPAC: Duck Dynasty kook Phil Robertson, rants about STDs.
Mental Floss: 43 words invented by authors.
Greenman: Simon Donner’s elevator pitch for global warming.
The 2016 Parade of Clowns
- Sam Seder with breaking news about The Donald
- Mark Fiore: America the Rudyful.
- Liveral Viewer: Sen. Grahm thinks ISIS hates vegetarians?
- Sam Seder: Nutcase Gov. Scott Walker suggests American workers are just like ISIS
- Richard Fowler: Rand Paul pre-announces….
- Ed: Anti-union derby for 2016 nomination
- CPAC: Paul supporters walk out on Jeb
- Sam Seder: Rick Santorum bombs at CPAC with a Birfer joke about Obama
- CPAC: Birfer nutcase Donald Trump isn’t sure about Obama’s birth certificate
- Young Turks: Sarah Palin’s CPAC theory about ISIS
Chris Hayes: Amen, Sister Laura Ingraham.
Thom: Koch brothers caught funding climate change deniers.
The Republican War on Gynecology™
- Sam Seder: Idaho State Rep ask if women can swallow a camera for gynecological exam.
- Young Turks: Idaho lawmaker is very confused about female anatomy
- David Pakman: A bad case of alimentary–vaginal confusion
- Maddow: Vagina confusion by Idaho lawmaker
Sam Seder: Ron Paul suggests that Black lawmakers are only against war because they want the money for food stamps.
Richard Fowler: What was American’s most successful industry in the past century?
The U.S. is turning Green:
- WaPo: D.C. new pot law explained.
- Thom: D.C. strange pot legalization.
- David Pakman: Alaska becomes 3rd state (and 1st red state) to legalize pot.
- Young Turks: And, Alaska makes three….
- Pap and Sam Seder: A breakthrough in AK
- David Pakman and Pap: Why do drug agencies & big pharma oppose marijuana legalization?
Young Turks: Sean Hannity’s creepy CPAC joke.
Mental Floss: Why don’t humans have a mating season.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very Very Junkettaceously Ugly.
The Fog of War Zones:
- Young Turks: Bill O’Reilly is a pompous, lying ass.
- Sam Seder: How many lies can Bill-O get away with?
- Maddow: Bill O’Reilly reporter threats indefensible
- PsychoSuperMom: Won’t You Shut Up, Bill O’Reilly?
- David Pakman: Bill O’Reilly deliberately confusing people to hide his lies
- Young Turks: Oops…Bill did it again.
- Jon: Bill-Os war zones and Netanyahu
- Maddow chats with David Corn
- James Rustad: Bill O’Reilly Lies
- Thom: Are Bill-O’s days at FAUX News numbered?
- David Pakman: Bill O’Reilly caught in 2 more lies
- Young Turks: Bill-O the Clown’s lying habit
- Sam Seder: Remember when Bill O’Reilly was publicly shamed for another lie?
Ann Telnaes: A test for loving America.
Vsauce: Would Headlights Work at Light Speed?
David Pakman: Billionaire Governor raises minimum age and raises taxes…economy booms.
White House: West Wing Week.
He Lived Long and Prospered:
- Young Turks: Leonard Nimoy is dead
- Cliff Schecter and Sam Seder remember Leonard Nemoy.
Jon: Why does the Obama Administration keep prosecuting whistle blowers?
David Pakman: CPAC excludes gay Republicans, welcomes white nationalists.
Department of Homeland Insolvency:
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about makeup.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very Very Cuculinely Ugly.
Young Turks: The Obama-hate bubble is FULL of stunning beliefs.
Knuckle-dragging Climate Denier:
- Crazy Senator throws a snowball on Senate floor
- Young Turks: Nutcase Sen. James Inhofe throws a snowball.
How you are accidentally helping the Koch brothers:
Jon: FAUX News’ 50 lies in 6 seconds.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
One thing about Leonard Nimoy, is he also directed. I think Three Men and a Baby was one his movies. He also starred in a movie called “Never Forget”, playing a Holocaust Survivor fighting Holocaust Denial in court.
I have been following the news about the Metrolink crash earlier this week. It appears that the train that hit the truck and trailer was a mix of new coaches, one older coach, and an older locomotive. They may now be considered lifesavers, even though they derailed, and 28 passengers were injured, there were no fatalities.
The trolls came here and gloated their asses off about Brian Williams, liar, leftist, blah, blah, blah..
Pretty much crickets about Bill-O the klown and his made up “war zone” stories.. Maybe some babbling about who the F cares from the village idiot troll.
Bill-O will stay on the air because Bill-O is a shameless professional liar who cashed in big time on purveying fears and falsehoods. And Faux Snooze Channel is a lucrative lie machine that’s in the business of making its audience feel good inside their mass delusional system.
The Freedom Party at it again – hating freedom. Nazi’s and Bigots.
All Americans should have a concern.
Stephen Hawking said human aggression could doom mankind to extinction. But I wonder. He never states the obvious, which is that the basis for every human failing is ignorance. Whether it’s a lack of basic education or a willful ignorance, it is mankind’s most damning conundrum. But if Hawking stated that, he might risk being perceived as “elitist”. So I wonder if he intentionally avoids the issue.
Hm, it seems as though the Daesh and Israel are de facto allies.
Interesting article.
CBS: Private Insurers Defrauded Hurricane Sandy Victims
Private insurance companies and engineering firms committed systematic criminal fraud by altering engineering reports in order to deny flood insurance claims submitted by hundreds of Hurricane Sandy victims, CBS reports today.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another “free market” in action …
In 1992, 6 property & casualty insurers went under in Florida due to the overwhelming losses sustained with Hurricane Andrew. The remaining insurers were required to pay the claims of the bankrupt insurance companies in proportion to the level of market share they had in the state of Florida.
Awww… poor poor yellowishleakingbuttspigot… Got the pink linked lace panties all twisted over Bill O’Reilly. If it was such a big story the DUMMOCRETIN lamestream press would be running with it. Instead only a well-known libtard CNN klown tried to make hay and was an EPIC FAYLE! The big difference between Brian and Bill, if Bill has any problem reportage, is Brian bragged about it and was told to drop it by NBC bosses.
If there was real smoke don’t you think the first tier would be after Bill yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Instead the laughing klowns of the third and fourth tier, the has been leftist libtard krybabies of the Friday Night Comix are the only ones screaming. Why did the leftist Mediaite and NBC News come to Bill’s defense? Why did CBS News rerun the 1980’s footage?
You see yellowishleakingbuttspigot, your side has nuthin… ABSOLUTELY nuthin… and the DUMMOCRETIN lamestream press isn’t interested.
Sux to be the complaining yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Faux would do the same to Bill-O the klown as NBC did to Brian Williams..
Poor village troll can’t handle FACTS – Bill-O is a pathological liar who makes shit up about himself all the time.
Oh shoot! Darryl said the same about the village idiot troll! Remember “I am Puddybud. NOT”??? HAHAHA! Like (Bill-O) attracts like (village idiot troll).
Oh look here:
I see articles from WAPO, New York Daily News, Boston Globe, Time, USA Today, Newsweek – all about Bill-O the klown and his problem with making up shit about himself.
Poor village idiot troll – always WRONG all the time..
@11 I can’t paste images into my HA posts, so a link will have to do:
Meanwhile, another Responsible Gun Owner (TM) has killed 1 person and wounded 3 people in Baltimore.
In other news, Jeb Bush finished last in CPAC’s straw poll.
In Congress, GOP leaders can’t control their own party. Reminds you of Russia, doesn’t it?
…….is revenge of the hippies!!!!
Yeah, yeah, whoo hoo, applause, aplause….
Can you say bahhhh, I’m a sheep disguised as a goat.
@15 more like Somalia.
Kudos to Lauren Mayer for using the full tune of “Bill Bailey, Won’t you please come home.” for her slam of O’Reilly. Most people only know the chorus.
Here’s the original song.
Long ago the yellowishleakingbuttspigot mentioned it didn’t value the Wall Street Opinion page…
Well Puddy went to this search… Amazingly Da Perfessa always allows run-on links from DUMMOCRETINS…
Well anyway, the articles are mostly opinion pages… not hard news.
Again another EPIC FAYLE by the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Runs to the first output and jumps up and down like a 4 year old! And O’Reilly’s ratings went up during the 4th tier attacks!
Sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot
In case anybody is curious about how Fox reported the FCC’s net neutrality decision …
Silly senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @13,
You are location challenged as ever. Stafford, VA and Cuyahoga Cty, Ohio immediately come to mind! That is the area of Morgan State University. Puddy seriously doubts there are any “responsible gun owners” there! Puddy used to recruit black universities when Puddy worked back east. Butt then again you are just like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot. You see something and you immediately run with it. Just like that MJ vote in DC and you didn’t understand or remember who runs WA DC.
Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Stooooooooooooopid as evah!
@21 If you have a complaint, take it up with CBS News. I simply regurgitated their headline.
In the other thread, the village idiot troll aka POODEBUTT farted:
Bad try village troll. Like a BIG TIME IDIOT you said the Electronic Frontier Foundation is against net neutrality.. NOPE YOU DOPE they congratulated all their fellow LIBERAL HERO activists for successfully lobbying the FEC to support net neutrality.
Then you went off on a typically paranoid delusional trip over George Soros.
The same George Soros, who by the way, has given generously to Electronic Frontier Foundation!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! OOOOOPS! Remember the time you said you “trusted” Electronic Frontier Foundation? HAHAHAHAHA! You still “trust” them now troll? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Silly troll. You can’t think your way out of a paper bag you’re so stupid – yes, just as Lee said.
Take George Soros’ support of the Electronic Frontier Foundation you “trust” to the salt mine tonight you silly fool.
Oh my yellowishleakingbuttspigot, got spanked here so run back to another thread.
Trust? When Puddy was working in a specific industry you IDIOT… Puddy gave a specific EFF instance. It wasn’t a global acceptance. Man you really are a technological moron! Anyone can be right on one issue. Nothing else.
Remember your screams over wireless encryption? Telling everyone how it “didn’t work”! It was for all wireless wasn’t it yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Do tell us again how that worked? Unfortunately for the yellowishleakingbuttspigot, the yellowishleakingbuttspigot isn’t right too many times. Relies on left wrong sites.
Soros has his smelly self-hating fingers in many things, including the EFF. That’s why he’s poured $Millions in it!
Sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Another EPIC FAYLE entry of EPIC FAYLE entries. You are closing in on 250 EPIC FAYLES from the crazed databaze!
The yellowishleakingbuttspigot is a legend in its own mind!
@24 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Notice the silly troll is furiously trying to change the subject..
It (the stupid troll) says George Soros is bad.
George Soros supports Net Neutrality, therefore NN is bad..
It (the stupid troll) says EFF is against NN (it’s wrong).
Therefore NN is bad.
Butt butt butt George Soros gives $$$$$$ to EFF.
Oh NOES there’s got to be a klownspiracy somewhere’s for silly village idiot troll..
Happy salt mining troll!
Front page of
Wow! Such a statement of OPPOSITION to recent FCC rulings.. I bet the village idiot troll believes it was penned by George Soros himself.
Such a silly fool we have had trolling these threads for almost 10 years now.
Andy eats mayonnaise and butter in spoonfuls
addicted to grape juice and cottage cheese curdles
no melons, cucumbers, or milk on his cereal
these are a few of his favorite meals
Jeff loves balsamic and eats it on ice cream
sauces so spicy that they make the tears stream
oatmeal concontions that hold no appeal
these are a few of his favorite meals
David loves “suck-downs”, little sugar-filled yummies,
ice cream concoctions not good for our tummies
when I leave the kitchen, he adds what he feels
these are a few of his favorite meals
But we love them and besides it’s..
not our job to preach!
but we both agree that our favorite meals
are when we go out to eat!
Who wrote this – In the other thread – the yellowishleakingbuttspigot did!
Who changed the subject when their ASS was kicked in this thread – yellowishleakingbuttspigot did!
Nuff said sucka!… ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Proverbs 26:11-12 describes the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot, calling itself the HA Hero
As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly. Do you see a man wise in his own eyes [the yellowishleakingbuttspigot]? There is more hope for a fool than for him [the yellowishleakingbuttspigot]. God had it pegged waaaaaaaaaay before Jesus was born yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Please teli us again how wireless Ethernet encryption works yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Since you “claim” to be an expert, in your own mind of course!
@21 I don’t think that it is Roger that thinks all gun owners are responsible whether they be all democrats or all republicans or both combined.
It is the NRA that thinks all gun owners are responsible people, every single one of them. It is the right wing that bought it hook line and sinker and goes around spreading the notion like little sheep. Bahhhh bahhhhh.
It is amazing that pretty much every state in America with a few exceptions is pretty much 50% republican and 50% democrat, or maybe 60/40% and you have managed to claim that the person was a democrat because it is a leaning democrat area. Or because a university is there. But even if you are correct this time, are you suggesting their are no irresponsible republican gun owners?
Wouldn’t you think that if there are more republican gun owners the probability is that it was a republican gin owner.
Once again puffy’s math is wrong, he draws unsubstantiated conclusions, and pulls the political biased card like he uses the race card.
Today’s GOP Hypocrisy Report
In libertarian Texas, the Republican politicians are in favor of local control — until people start complaining about the fracking rigs in their backyards.
Where are all the Faux News comedic commentators and bozo personalities who were claiming Putin’s great leadership and statesmanship?
Apparently once again they are on the wrong side of the issue. Conservative Republicans support a criminal, thug, murder and homophobe.
It is not surprising that they support homophobes, but to be against freedom, oh they really never liked freedom.
I don’t know anything about the killed opposition guy, but it looked like maybe some type of democracy was taking place in Russia, but once again the conservative people whether Americans or Russians feel threatened where they resort to violence and oppression. Again, kind of reminds me of ISIS.
@31 hopefully they all frack themselves to death.
Here is religious freedom in action
Do these people know anything about Freedom?
From what I understand Puffy is going to do the honors of examining ones vagina or penis for evidence of stretch marks that the GOP has concluded is a result of premarital fornication. And Puffy gets first crack at viewing the pornographic material on any candidates computer.
Heh. Like Flush Limpbone – he wants to watch.
@34 So I guess that means SC Rethugs have to give up their porn when they get married as 30-year-old virgins …
@28, 29
HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is the same idiot who said Hank Paulson and Alan Greenspan were “lefties”..
Now it says the EFF opposes net neutrality while taking money from George Soros. What a dumbass!
Add that last one to its “legacy” of representing klownservaticism in these comment threads.
LMAO.. We don’t let your stupidity molder in an old thread troll..
We bring it forward for the “the world” to see..
In “the world” but not “of” it – that’s been your holier-than-thou, nose-in-the-air attitude here all along, right?
Such a twisted, vain and insane fiend.
@36 yes, but from what I understand marrying within the family is acceptable, says it right in the pledge.
Sounds to me like all these pledges that Republicans come up with are nothing more than blackmail letters and are unconstitutional. Did they learn it from Hitler? Their pledges are like Sharia Law.
Unless you sign what I tell you to fucking sign then you are not free to do what you want. I’ll stop you like the Ghestapo!
Does she wear earrings?
Are there drums in the band?
Good try yellowishleakingbuttspigot! You changed the topic upon the Puddy ASSkicking you received. You went topic trolling because you lost again!
For Greenspan and Paulsen, again you try and lump everything together as always… Puddy discussed their political contributions. Another pitiful EPIC FAYLE of the crazed databaze. Still lying about it’s content eh yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Oh my a compliment from the troll.. Damn straight troll. It’s a freaking success!
You are an ignorant dumbasss trying to lecture “the world” about the EFF and your stupid fantasy about their opposition to net neutrality.
Not to mention your stupid ignorant paranoia about George Soros who supports EFF with bookoo bucks!
Greenspan, Paulson, and now EFF. That and so much more. It’s all stupid and it comes from a single source..
Thank you! You are the epitome of a deranged klownservatic! Your braindead commentary supports the progressive cause.
Still grasping for straws yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Changing the subject when the arschloch gets PuddyPunted in every thread.
Useless and pitiful that’s you! Proverbs 26:11-12 describes the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot, calling itself the HA Hero
As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly. Do you see a man wise in his own eyes [the yellowishleakingbuttspigot]? There is more hope for a fool than for him [the yellowishleakingbuttspigot]. God had it pegged waaaaaaaaaay before Jesus was born yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
How is that test again? Oh yeah you passed that “test” on wireless encryption in your own mind… How does that work again yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Where is the encryption sit in the packet?
teabagging buttbusting bigot,
Why are you Psych 101 acting again? Projecting your Internet site viewing on others!
Yep, the sanity test that you failed..
Here’s the pathetic “remnant” of a failed fool:
A dope tries to stay alive. Still trying and still failing with each stoooopid utterance, the EFF being the latest. Doing the same thing expecting different results. The freak’s fate is sealed.
A new month and the same stoooooooooooopid DUMMMOCRETINS populating this blog!
Saturday morning cartoons!
Oh IDIOT yellowishleakingbuttspigot
DAYUM you be stooooooooooopid! Getting to that magic 250 number of EPIC FAYLES! And you keep at it. The definition of loooonacy!
Deflect all you want monomaniacal moron! Everyone knows you M.O. > Moron Operating…
LAPD cops have killed a mentally ill homeless man who was resisting them after being tased several times.
@48 et al.: Puddyvomit.
Interesting about the retired ferry Evergreen State, seems to be the most active retired Washington State Ferry. Retired last year, but has left Eagle Harbor a few times, to fill in for other boats that have broken down, or are in for annual maintenance or overhauls. The E-State is needed because the fleet is perennially one boat short, and the only reserve boat is too small, the Hiyu, built during the late Rossellini, early Evans Administration. It looks like the Hiyu might be retired just as it is due for golden bands on the funnel.
The Hiyu was a mistake, built specifically for the Point Defiance/Tahlequah run, and when the run outgrew it, was actually replaced by an older but bigger boat. It is also a PR Nightmare, as it was exposed awhile back, that the state had an engine crew assigned, even though it rarely sails.
Member of the American Family Association