– The new South Park connection to the Duwamish Trail looks pretty great. I can’t wait to try it out.
– Ed Murray, true to form, takes partial credit for Jean Godden’s work
– Patricia Arquette, Criticism and Progressives
– For most of its run Parks and Rec was my favorite show. I kind of fell off last season, but maybe I should go watch the last season.
What conservative states qualify as intelligent enough to enter University.
You don’t actually need to know anything, you just need the money, apparently.
And probably connected parents.
If I was a Legislator in this State, I would do whatever it took to get a law passed that would require a more than basic literacy and history test to enter our University from another State. If you come here from a different state, you should know more about our own nation’s history than these idiots. A lot more.
Jesus H Tapdancing Christ.
Why argue about celebrity speeches when only a third of all women even bother to vote? That should be the issue. Not some unintended slights.
Where “Waste, Fraud, and Abuse” Really Comes From
One of the reasons for government investigation and regulation of private businesses is to protect government’s (and taxpayers’) own interests. Much of the “waste, fraud, and abuse” in government spending comes from the private businesses and “free markets” extolled by conservatives. This CBS News expose gives us a glimpse of such a private business.
This “business” is a compounding pharmacy in Dallas that obtains information about patients, then calls their doctors to get prescriptions for items the patients didn’t request and know nothing about, which are then billed to the patients’ insurance companies. The “business” then collects up to $18,000 a month for a single patient’s “prescriptions” for unregulated and ineffective creams and gels to treat pain.
(See http://www.cbsnews.com/news/in.....pain-meds/)
If you shoplift a loaf of bread at Safeway, the police arrest you, and you go to jail. It’s much safer and more profitable for thieves to call themselves a “business” and then probe the economy for unregulated sectors — blank spots into which they can insert themselves. And then, like a spider, wait for whoever comes along.
This CBS expose depicts the kind of economy you end up with in the world that conservatives, libertarians, and “free marketers” want to impose on us.
@1 Wait until you see this …
and this …
Hey looks like raising the minimum wage for one person helps do the same for another person. I can’t wait to get my raise! (I already have just yesterday – strictly coincidence – but maybe next year I can ask for more!)
Ohhhhh No. There goes the economy. Damn it, people are making more money. We should be going back to slave labor instead – right, all you Republicans?
… and then there’s this:
“Kern authored a bill, which passed the Oklahoma House of Representatives in March 2008, mandating that students who believe in Young Earth creationism still receive passing grades in Earth science classes.”
This means that if a student answers on a science test that the earth is 6,000 years old, the teacher is required by law to grade that answer as correct, because doing otherwise would “discriminate” against the student’s religious beliefs.
Can you imagine what a shambles our economy will be in, if we have a generation of doctors, scientists, and researchers who were indoctrinated with religious dogma, and base their professional practices not on sound science but on religious texts thousands of years old that are based on the mythologies and rationalizations of the ancients who knew nothing about atomic structure, mutation, evolution, and so on?
These laws essentially nullify all the progress and gains in human knowledge of the last 2,000 years. They amount to legislatively-mandated ignorance, and would turn us into the most scientifically backward society on the planet. Even Haiti would be ahead of us in science.
@6 complete idiocy – indoctrination. Religious freedom, take it and shove it. It is called the Religious Mafia.
I don’t have much problem with these people going off somewhere, establishing a colony on an island or in a wilderness, and running their cults as they please, isolated from the rest of the world — although I feel sorry for their children. This is, after all, a free country. But I draw the line where they try to impose their dogmatism on us and on our children. If they want to grade tests that way in private religious schools, okay with me, although I wouldn’t hire their children, whom they’ve rendered unemployable. But we can’t let them do it to our public schools or other people’s children.
@7 One of the problems with it, of course, is that the unsuspecting kids they send into the world with their heads filled with bunk won’t be able to succeed in college or the workplace because of the indoctrination they’ve been subjected to. Another example of the damage these people can do to society is the epidemics that anti-vaxxers are already causing. Stupid people are dangerous to our prosperity and well-being.
Seattle’s official hostility to cars escalates.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No thanks, I’ll shop elsewhere. I don’t go downtown anymore. It’s not worth the hassles.
So to steal and elaborate on a Krugman Column….
There’s someone who works in a building near me who has a symbol of the Deathly Hallows on his/her car. I think it’s cool and often wonder who is the bigger nerd, the person who put it on the car or me for knowing immediately what it is.
But I just this morning rolled my eyes at a car in front of me with a “Who is John Gault” license plate bracket.
Both are shout outs to works of fiction so why the different reaction?
Well I don’t imagine the person with the Deathly Hallows spends any time insisting they know better than the Ministry of Magic how to use their deposits at Grogotts and to suggest that paying some of it for the upkeep of Diagon Alley is both immoral and double taxation. Nor can I imagine them taking into consideration whether a candidate for Federal Office will fight for the rights of house elves or keep parental notification statutes to visit Hogsmeade in place.
Media Matters has discovered that Bill O’Reilly exaggerated and dramatized his reporting of the JFK assassination, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Enough is enough. Fox News has to fire O’Reilly if it wants to retain what little journalistic credibility it has.
Scott Walker has taken the lead in GOP preference polls. Which tells you all you want to know about the Republican grassroots.
On (u)SP, which seems to survive intermittently, Jim Miller struggles to find writing topics. Says the Seattle Times doesn’t do enough stories about Abraham Lincoln. Should we tell him the Civil War is over? And the good guys won? Nah, it would spoil the suspense for him.
Also at (u)SP, Warren Peterson is still complaining about this ad
which I think is pretty damn funny. We get that it’s a spoof, Warren, and I’m pretty sure everybody else does, too. Our ad guys also get that your crowd is easy to make fun of.
Maybe Brian Williams will not be fired if Faux News doesn’t fire O’pidddles.
But O’pidfles really isn’t the se kind of journalist as Williams
Now this is raising it’s head… http://pjmedia.com/blog/va-pai.....win-grows/
DUMMOCRETINS dithered and real US hero veterans died… No matter how HA DUMMOCRETINS spin it… DUMMOCRETINS hate veterans are are pond SCUM! http://wisinfo.biz/ic/PDFs/2014VAreport.pdf
Now watch.. DUMMOCRETIN scum like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot will ridicule the FACTUAL coverage of NewsMax!
Hey HA vomit producer,
Even the vaulted great Harvard libtard Obummer loving professorial DUMMOCRETIN mind Alan Dershowitz said “The Appalling Talk of Boycotting Netanyahu” is damaging to US DUMMOCRETINS! http://www.wsj.com/articles/al.....1424734380
You DUMMOCRETINS embrace hostility and racist indifference toward Israel’s approach to safeguarding its national security! Puddy been there and done that! Puddy was there just after a bus bombing. Conservatives view Israel positively! http://www.gallup.com/poll/181.....rably.aspx
When you read these numbers here… over eight in ten Republicans, and nearly six in ten independents, view Israel more positively than they do the Palestinian creepos. Less than half of DUMMOCRETINS think positively of Israel, and those Democrats who do support Israelis over the Palestinians are declining in number.
Yet, this news is skimmed right over by HA DUMMOCRETINS and the libtard DUMMOCRETIN national MSM! http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Isra.....ess-392094
Very Interestink! Susan Rice calling Netanyahu’s speech destructive to the fecklessness of the Obummer sadministration’s negotiations with Iran! Delay after delay after delay!
Only certain black lives matter to Obummer while other black lives are just matter… http://youtu.be/f8nAveziGKY
The next day the black teenager was executed by this illegal alien scum! Yet DUMMOCRETINS scum like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot are all for these types of IDIOTS running around illegally!
The only value a black life has to a progressive DUMMOCRETIN is his or her value as a supposed DUMMOCRETIN voter, and as history shows they don’t even really need them alive for that, escpcially in Chicago. Maybe that’s the reason Rahmbo Deadfish Emanuel is in a mayoral runoff in Chicago against another DUMMOCRETIN!
How does 12 year old black child have more intelligence than the average HA DUMMOCRETIN? So easy to answer… Can you DUMMOCRETINS figger it out? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....erica.html
John Stewart is on fire tonight. If you can, go watch a repeat! He calls out the conservative agenda. It’s not to be right, it’s to destroy anyone and anything who doesn’t agree in lock step with them.
I see that chronic liar Bill O’Reilly not only lied about being in the Falklands war zone and at the JFK assassination witness suicide, he also lied about witnessing the four nuns being murdered in El Salvador, of all things.
Kid’s a ‘tom in training’.
Probably grow up to be a lying sack like the puddyfuckwad here.
Omg!!! I want a crucified Barbie!!!!
Thanks for playing rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears! So typical of a reservation player!
Meanwhile the libtards are waking up to the issue of “net neutrality”! https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/02/dear-fcc-rethink-those-vague-general-conduct-rules Butt the yellowishleakingbuttspigot still doesn’t get it.
Technologically deficient as ever!
Now why is Soros behind net neutrality unless there is something in it for himself to control? http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2560702
This poll will never be covered by the lamestream libtard led MSM! https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1676102/frc-national-social-issues-memo-v2-150220-1.pdf
It seems that the short three page survey sez greater than 50% of men, women 55 and older, blacks, whites, and those who visit church once a week or more believe marriage should be defined between a man and woman. Very interesting! That’s why libtard polls always look for unchurched HA DUMMOCRETIN types!
Just another reason PMSNBC is an irrelevant cable news source… http://youtu.be/OA9GsEja0Oc.
Remember when a certain yellowishleakingbuttspigot claimed Obummer didn’t go around the world apologizing…
“the language we use matters. And what we need to understand is, is that there are extremist organizations, whether Muslim or any other faith in the past, that will use faith as a justification for violence. We cannot paint with a broad brush a faith as a consequence of the violence that is done in that faith’s name.” That’s why gotta call ISIS led killings something else even though they say Allahu Akbar at the end of the videos!
“In America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe‘s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”
“I believe in American exceptionalism just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.”
“I’m grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old.” Except the Bay of Pigs happened wile he was still kicking the the womb!
“Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. In other words, we went off course. I believe that many of these decisions were motivated by a sincere desire to protect the American people. But I also believe that all too often our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight, that all too often our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions.” Yeah that ISIS JV problem is now big leagues eh?
And that’s just 2009!
I’m sure these guys are just a bunch of Liberals……There are no Conservative Racist, Damn it!
How real policied spur economic development. As opposed to trickle down vomit.
Republicans don’t know their ass from the asshole they stand with at their CPAC meetings.
If it wasn’t for the federal government, these individuals wouldn’t have been tried as hate crimes, because the ass backwards state is full of sucky conservative republicans.
I’m sure the family is very proud of this father an son, as good as playing little league baseball as members of today’s Traditional Family. I’m sure they are members of the AFA.
This thread is currently 29.41% retarded
FCC Votes 3-2 For Net Neutrality
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler called today’s historic vote an “irrefutable reflection of the principle that no one — whether government or corporate — should control free and open access to the Internet.”
This important principle got no support from the FCC’s two Republican members, who, as usual, were on the wrong side of the vote. Why does anyone vote for Republicans, anyway? I just don’t understand that.
Damn straight village idiot troll..
And those who say different have loooooong noses.. Including the hapless used car salesman the troll voted for in 2012. “not that great a candidate” eh troll? Of course not – HE LOST. BIG TIME.
The village idiot troll’s stupid nose must hit the door 10 paces ahead of its feet!
So TJ Maxx and Wal-Mart caved and started handing out raises..
Simple business reason: workers are telling the cheap labor klownservatists to take that freaking job and shove it because they can.
Klownservatics are responsible for letting bubbles drive the economy and the subsequent, all-too inevitable pops but they show their truer, uglier colors when they obstruct Democrats from fixing their bad policies with something that works and its name is not braindead AUSTERITY.
Apparently they can only obstruct for so long.. And they didn’t count on “the next Jimmy Carter” turning out to be a TWO-TERMER. We can only hope more people wake up to this obvious reality.
Christie Tells Obama To “Shut Up And Sit Down”
“I’m the son of a Sicilian mother and an Irish father, which means in my household, I got to learn about dispute resolution really early. What my parents taught me was that, if you really care about something, then you need to go all in. This is not about half-measures … sometimes people need to be told to sit down and shut up. Some more of that stuff should be happening in Washington, D.C. because there’s so much ridiculous stuff being spewed, especially out of the White House. Someone should say it’s time to shut up.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this sound presidential to you? It doesn’t to me. I expect our leaders to consider all points of view before making decisions that affect us all. The last thing we need is another know-it-all in the White House.
An independent autopsy released this afternoon in the case of Antonio Zambrano-Montes, the man shot by Pasco police, contradicts police claims that Zambrano-Montes wasn’t shot in the back. At least two of the 5 or 6 police bullets that struck Zambrano-Montes hit him from behind, the report says.
O’Reilly called out for lying again. This time, it’s the 1992 LA riots.
“concrete was raining down on us” and “we were attacked by protesters”.
Not according to former colleagues who were there:
“It didn’t happen” “If it did, how come none of the rest of us remember it”
“I honestly don’t recall watching or hearing about that. I believe I probably would have remembered something like that.”
“It was one person with one rock” “Nobody was hit”.
“Missouri Auditor Tom Schweich, a Republican candidate for governor, died Thursday of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, a staff member told The Associated Press.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No reason is immediately apparent for Schweich to take his own life. My research of news reports didn’t turn up any indication that he was having an affair, was involved in a scandal, had a serious medical problem, or was depressed. By all appearances, he was an accomplished and exemplary man.
@32 It’s not hard to figure out what works, and what doesn’t. All you have to do is look at Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Kansas.
For the ignorant one Walmart pays it’s associates $17.40 in Williston ND absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Why? Because it’s the prevailing wage yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh what a absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
The Conservative Political Action Conference is in full swing today in Washington D.C., and GOP presidential hopefuls are putting rightwing jackassery on full display, like peacocks strutting with their heads up their asses. Here’s a sampling of the nonsense emanating from CPAC:
Chris Christie said President Obama should “shut up and sit down.”
Bobby Jindal sees a “need” for immigrants to “assimilate,” as if they’re not entitled to their own cultures and languages.
Scott Walker compared pro-union protesters to ISIS.
Rick Perry, in perhaps the most coherent speech of the day, bragged he went to Texas A&M instead of Yale.
Ted Cruz promised to repeal Obamacare and abolish the IRS.
Carly Fiorina, who Wikipedia says “has frequently been ranked as one of the worst CEOs of all time,” thinks Hillary Clinton has no accomplishments.
Ben Carson defended his “Nazi” comments and wants Republicans to defund “everything.”
Looks like the GOP’s game of chicken with DHS funding is going to blow up in their faces.
@44 The minimum wage is a MINIMUM dummy! WalMart is allowed to pay more if, you know, their standard pay scale can’t compete with jobs driving trucks and roughnecking drilling rigs. I wouldn’t say Williston is a typical labor market, though.
That is ONE Walmart in a fracking boom town.
As usual the shrieking harpy HR nightmare puddyfuckwad has proved nothing.
@46 (continued)
“After the meeting New York GOP Rep. Peter King ripped House conservatives pushing for a continued stand off with the Senate, and told reporters he made similar comments in the closed door meeting. ‘I’ve had it with this self-righteous delusional wing of the party, which leads us over the cliff and they try to do the charge of the light brigade,’ King said. ‘[Boehner] is in a tough spot, but I’ve had it with all the others — many of the others,’ referring to those on the right. King argued in the meeting that the House should accept a clean DHS funding bill from the Senate.”
Ha ha ha, I love to watch when the Rethug cannibals start eating each other.
That scumbag Coulter is back, attacking liberals’ patriotism again. I don’t remember seeing her yellow ass in Vietnam. I met some very brave female nurses, donut dollies, and USO entertainers there, but she wasn’t one of them. I think patriotism is something she just talks about but doesn’t know anything about. I also think she’s just a two-bit attention-seeker who’s in it for the notoriety and money, but mostly for the money.
Oh, and this is really rich, if you can make it through the whole nauseating two minutes of this video clip, she says “Obama threw away our victory in Iraq.” What victory is she talking about? The one where our troops found the WMDs, and then established a functioning democracy? That one? Hmm? I’m under the impression Iraq’s new government — the one Bush’s boys installed — asked us to leave their country and leave them alone. Can’t say I blame them.
Crooks and Liars Dep’t
Big-spending Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) is under investigation for allegedly using taxpayer money and campaign donations to pay for his jet-setting lifestyle and Katy Perry concert tickets.
And then there’s Ron Paul, who said a couple days ago that members of the Congressional Black Caucus are against war because they want to spend the money on food stamps instead. While it’s not entirely clear where he was going with this, Paul also said people who oppose war “annoyed” him while he was in Congress, so it appears he would rather spend our tax dollars on killing foreigners than feeding our own people. Ah, well, he’s not a real Republican anyway; he’s a LIBERTARIAN.
What? Did rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears fart again?
@51. Katy Perry is big pro gay, I wonder why the closet homophobe likes her?
Wink. Wink,
Meanwhile Marie Harf commentary blew up again… http://twitchy.com/2015/02/26/.....arie-harf/
Authorities have identified the man seen in these ISIS videos, ranting and participating in the beheading of hostages. He is Mohammed Emwazi, from a well to do family in London. There is an increasingly disturbing trend to some of those attracted to ISIS: They come from families of means, they are educated, they grew up in places enjoying freedoms, they once professed dreams and plans for “normal” lives.
It seems the more Media Morons Farting on America attacks Bill O’Reilly and Scott Walker, the more popular both become!
Oh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
The EFF, a group of libtards are against the net neutrality. Now knowing George Soros is for it means it’s bad, very bad!
HAHAHAHAHA! Good one Rujax! Wal-Mart pays that wage in a fracking boom town because they HAVE TO, NOT because they WANT TO.
The stupid village idiot troll makes a TOTAL ASS of itself cherry picking Wal-Marts in a boom town and MAKES MY POINT.
Thanks for confirming one more time what Darryl said fool:
@56 Hitler had admirers, too. So did Stalin, Pol Pot, Pinochet, Idi Amin, Attila, and Caligula. You don’t have to be Gandhi or Mother Teresa to be popular. Anybody can be popular if they’re not too picky about who their fans and followers are.
@57 Really?
“Net neutrality—the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data that travels over their networks equally—is a principle that EFF strongly supports.”
“Liberal philanthropist George Soros and the Ford Foundation have lavished groups supporting the administration’s ‘net neutrality’ agenda, donating $196 million …. ”
So, anything Soros is for, you’re against, is that how it works? And you call ME an idiot??!!
So Jeb had a “klown gang” in high school:
No biggie. Lots of kids of all social classes did the same in high school back then including the incumbent TWO-TERM President Obama.
But that’s not all Jeb did:
So was Jeb a mean drunk? Can’t hang that shit on TWO-TERM President Obama.
Too bad. According to the trolls, klownservatics are supposed to be better than that.
This thread is currently 25% retarded.
@57 And where do you get that “schismatic” crap from? Do you even know what the word means? Didn’t think so.
Next thing you know, he’ll accuse me of being a schismatic atheist.
LMAO!!! Nice fact check there Roger. The silly troll is proved WRONG AGAIN.
Thank you troll for confirming what Lee said (again):
You are the most stupid!
@65 Took me 15 seconds. He’s still working on it.
That quote is the very first sentence on EFF’s homepage …
“GOP Rep. Peter King on the potential DHS shutdown: ‘People think we’re crazy'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, you are …
Scott Walker equates pro-labor demonstrators exercising their constitutional rights of assembly and free speech with ISIS terrorists. And then claims he didn’t.
If this picture doesn’t tell a story, I don’t know what would.
I’m sure he just needs this information to bolster his research as part of his 25 year intensive study of hard core kiddie porn.
Wrong again yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
There are several problems with this approach. First, it suggests that the FCC believes it has broad authority to pursue any number of practices—hardly the narrow, light-touch approach we need to protect the open Internet. Second, we worry that this rule will be extremely expensive in practice, because anyone wanting to bring a complaint will be hard-pressed to predict whether they will succeed. For example, how will the Commission determine “industry best standards and practices”? As a practical matter, it is likely that only companies that can afford years of litigation to answer these questions will be able to rely on the rule at all.
Now who is giving bick bucks for net neutrality again yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Soros!
Butt keep up the charade and name drop Lee when Puddy kicks your yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
How stupid is this troll?
Very, very stupid. In what way does the above mean?
So the EFF has a quibble or two. BIG WHOOP!
Oh and there’s this – the SPECTRE OF
S O R O S…
It makes the troll so sceeeeeered…
Remember what Darryl said:
Oh man vomit producer @70,
Parents want to know what is being surveyed. Raw Story never tells the whole story. Puddy surely glad you didn’t spawn. What BULLSHITTIUM would be put forth in the future!
Parents want to know what 11 year olds are learning. For example, Puddy is sure every HA DUMMOCRETIN with 11 year old children are ready to explain with in detail pictures and graphic art the following…
Oral sex – mouth on genitals
Straight sex – penis in vagina
anal sex – penis in anus
Will size matter doofus?
crisp special k loaf with hot mushroom gravy
black beans and red beans and don’t forget navy
linkettes, or saucettes with pasta in wheels
these are a few of my favorite meals..
haystacks on fritos with sour cream and hot sauce
greek, caesar, garden – any salad that I toss
tomato bruchetta with buffalo cheese
these are a few of my favorite meals
for our husbands it’s quite different
they would not agree
the truth is that most of their favorite meals,
well, they just don’t agree with me
Yet another Responsible Gun Owner (TM) has acted out his inner demons. Seven innocent lives taken this time. As usual, the perp had the final decency to also take his own, saving the state the trouble and expense of getting rid of him.
@73 Yeah, they should learn about these things from personal experience instead of a boring slide show. Keep ’em barefoot and ignorant so it’s easier for the boys to hit on ’em.
@71 ” … the narrow, light-touch approach we need to protect the open Internet … ”
… from gentle giants like Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, etc.
@71 “Second, we worry that this rule will be extremely expensive in practice, because anyone wanting to bring a complaint will be hard-pressed to predict whether they will succeed.”
Don’t worry, there’s already a template for that.
“For example, how will the Commission determine ‘industry best standards and practices’?”
Pretty much the same way “best practices” are developed for a billion other industries and activities. There’s a template for that, too.
“As a practical matter, it is likely that only companies that can afford years of litigation to answer these questions will be able to rely on the rule at all.”
Depends on how litigious they are. You can fight a parking ticket for years, if you have the inclination and wherewithal (and some people do).
“Third, a multi-factor test gives the FCC an awful lot of discretion, potentially giving an unfair advantage to parties with insider influence.”
We improve the situation by giving that discretion to telecom company executives instead?
That’s a severe understatement.
FCC has full-time policy people who are subject-matter experts, and so do groups like EFF, and I’m sure they can work out the wrinkles better than Puddy or I can, so I won’t lose sleep worrying about implementation.
Always living vicariously that absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot. First Lee, now Da Perfessa.
Very telling this absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Has to use others because its points are
Quibble. That’s one of the major issues you IDIOT! Even the leftards at the EFF are not happy! The other item you hijacked was well known you moron!
You haven’t scored any point whatsoever absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
@73 Yeah, they should learn about these things from personal experience instead of a boring slide show. BULLSHITTIUM again senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Yeah senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, make the school the parent. That’s always been the progressive libtard way! INDOCTRINATION! First it was Gaia, now it’s sex. That’s why we’re 28 in math, 25 in reading and 23 in science in the world now butt in 1964 when we were 4th in all categories before progressives took over the skuul system!
HAHAHAHAHA! The village idiot troll is so freaking stupid it’s pathetic..
I’ll respond to the latest weak tea from the troll in the multimedia thread so it suffers the full effect just in time to “inspire” the troll for Sat night salt mining duty.
Remember what Lee said,
troll you are the most stupid, the most credulous
and as Darryl said,
bullshitting asshole,
of a village idiot troll. That last part delivered from yours truly! Eat it moron!