Jon: The retirements of Shrub and Jimmy.
Climate Change and Pseudo-controversy:
- Young Turks: US & China unite against global warming…and the GOP promises to ruin it.
- Sam Seder and Ben Adler: Why the U.S.—China climate deal is a game changer
- David Pakman: US & China reach climate deal.
- Thom: Prof. Michael Mann on historic climate deal.
- Sam Seder: “Climate change is a hoax!,” cries Nutbagger Inhofe, incoming Chair of Senate Environment Committee!!!
- Young Turks: Obama makes it rain for climate change victims
Young Turks: Nobody showed up for the media Ebola orgy.
Chris Hayes: Outrageous FBI letter to Martin Luther King: “KILL yourself”:
SlateTV: How a crossword puzzle is created.
John Oliver: State Lotteries.
Election Aftermath:
- Mark Fiore: The Screw You Strategy.
- Seth Meyers: Emails from Obama
- Young Turks: The quiet movement that’s saving democracy is about to explode
- Sam Seder and David Bender: The Congressional takeover Of Republican fanatics.
- Matt Binder: Lowest voter turnout since WWII
- Young Turks: Senator finds out the hard way that voters don’t like cowards.
John Oliver returns to the Daily Show to interview Jon.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
White House: West Wing Week.
Chris Hayes: KKK is ready for ‘war’ in Ferguson .
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about technology.
Stephen: Outraged at only two million?!?
Latest Health Care Pseudo-controversy:
- Sam Seder: Angus King smacks down FAUX & Fiends for not wanting people to have health insurance.
- Stephen: About GruberGate.
- Young Turks: ‘Americans are too stupid for ObamaCare’ scandal is dumb Republican nonsense
- WaPo: Gruber’s controversial Obamacare comments explained.
- Sam Seder: What Jonathan Gruber is ACTUALLY saying about ObamaCare
Thom: George W. Bush killed Seattle resident Tomas Young.
PSA: It’s on Us…Don’t be a bystander.
Jon: List of innocent things black people do that look suspicious.
Young Turks: Undeniable proof that the media isn’t liberal, at all.
Maddow: Arizona votes to nullify federal law…and biology textbooks.
David Pakman: Veterans troll Sarah Palin on Veteran’s Day.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Puppet Nation: U.S.A News of the week.
Net Nude Trail It Tea:
- Funny or Die: Porn stars explain net neutrality.
- Thom politically corrects FAUX News Spokesidiot Andrew Napolitano
- Maddow: Net neutrality the next politicized policy
- Matt Binder: GOP Nutjob Ted Cruz is fighting against a free and open internet
- Sam Seder: Alex Jones’ insane net neutrality / Nazi meltdown
- Ann Telnaes: The high cost of losing net neutrality.
- Thom: Conservatives lie about net neutrality for big bucks
Jon explains his style of activism.
Pap: Bush’s real legacy—The 5th Circuit Court.
David Pakman: Democrats, NOT Republicans, are the party of freedom & liberty.
Maddow: Conservative media creates parallel universe:
On the Rhodes: An Update from Burma.
Michelle Obama’s greatest video hits.
Political Jesus:
- Thom: Would conservatives nail Jesus to a cross today?
- Young Turks: Would Jesus love or hate Republicans.
Batman: Republican or Democrat?
Stephen: Breitbart’s “corrected” story.
Mental Floss: 25 things you might not know about Harry Potter.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I guess Senator Angus King won’t be invited back to Fox and Friends, at least for awhile.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned in the open thread. Former Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne has passed away at the age of 81. She beat machine-incumbent Bolandic in 1979 after the city failed to handle a blizzard effectively.
GOP Loses Alaska Governor Race
ABC News has called Alaska’s governor’s race for independent candidate Bill Walker over Republican incumbent Sean Parnell.
Once again:
Obummer sadministration claimed it was a mandate not a tax when they pled their case. It was Roberts who made it a tax.
and when you read the transcript Verrilli offers it as a tax in front of the court because he’s forced to.
Forced? Really??? Is this the best bullshit the troll can come up with??? Was Verrilli “forced” to brief the SCOTUS with this:
Once again:
Remember bullshitting asshole troll – you asked for proof of this.
3)Bill Walker’ s running mate, who as Lt. Governor will be overseeing the Division of Elections, is the winner of the Democratic Primary for Governor. They decided to join in a fusion ticket.
One BILLION dollar black hole that klownservatives have dug for KansASS:
Nope the tax cuts haven’t added the jobs or economic growth promised. Bordering States like CO, OK and MO are doing better.
KansASS is fast becoming a klownservative DYSTOPIA..
@6. Stare of CT is 1/4 billion in the hole. A lot of people critiIng Dem Governor. So I guess he’s not as bad. And Kansas being as lily white as it, with probably a less need to spend on welfare, you got to wonder why Kansas is 1 billion in the whole. It’s obvious. And they STUPID PEOPLE that Puffy talks about re-elected the assholes in charge. Can’t wait to see how they balance their budget, maybe they should just close all the streets to vehicles so they don’t have to upkeep them. TAXES TOO DAMN HIGH!
Jimmy Carter is an anti-Semitic, peanut-brained old fart.
What’s the difference if you called it a fee, a tax, a fine, a penalty, or a fucking up the ass? With regard to the mandate of Obamacare. All in all is that is serves a purpose. Is having to pay $.05 for a plastic bag really a tax. What is the difference in what you call it. Are children getting hung up on whether it is a tax but not called a tax deliberately to bad mouth it and detract from the issue, regardless if was intentionally called something other than a tax? 5 year old kids play like that.
Look at Kansass. Yes Kansass. Do you think it maters that they call it tax breaks as if it something positive, when it leaves you 1 billion in the red. Republicans really should have called the tax breaks what they really were, bankruptcy on a credit card.
@8 Ted Cruz is a Nazi.
Predicted high for Monday in Ferguson, MO is 27F, and the low that night is predicted to be 15F.
You know, in case there were any particular reason that you would prefer that the townsfolk stay indoors that day.
@8 If he is, what does that make you?
@11 See this article by me:
Meanwhile, things continue to look ever brighter for Mary Landrieu:
Will Chapman, a broker and owner of the Health Insurance Store of Louisiana in Baton Rouge, said none of the 10 agents could log into accounts around noon on Saturday.
“We’d go in with an email account, can set up an account, verify it and create a password but when go back to actually log in with that information, it says your password is invalid,” says Chapman. “I don’t think anybody can get in.”
After a lengthy wait on hold for the call center, Chapman says they were told the problem was system wide.
@ 13
Um, OK. Thank you for sharing.
klownservatives LOVE the KXL pipeline.. They love it!
No wonder klownservatives like Dr. Bob Galt and Puddyliar love it..
1) It’s a lock to be an environmental disaster with eventual spills, aquifer poisoning and enabling lots more global warming
2) Like these fracking wells, it creates some temp jobs to have some photo ops at and totally fizzles out at the end..
Just like Limpbaugh on his viagra during one of his sex tours.
Since someone brought up 43 and retirement:
“I don’t think it’s good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president,” Bush said diplomatically. “I think it’s bad for the presidency, for that matter.”
I’m sure 44 will be as gracious to 45.
@14 speaking of Mary Landrieu – I was surfing the net and came across an interesting article on Politco, regarding an oil executives opinion on the Keystone Pipeline on how it is irrelevant and that lifting the oil export embargo would be better or more important at this time.
So I then decided to learn a little more about the export embargo of crude oil. I read several articles that were very informative and kind of non partisan about the benefits and downfalls of doing so, environmental issues. But the debate is coming.
But then I got to one article that cited some organization that claimed that by lifting the export embargo would reduce gas prices by 9 cents a gallon. Sounds great.
But when you think what does 9 cents a gallon really mean to the consumer. Say you drive 25,000 miles per year, and your vehicle gets 25 miles per gallon you would annually save $90.
Sounds like a sham to me. Another sham for big oil. The consumer gets a savings of $90 per year.
How about investing in a vehicle that gets 40 miles to the gallon. You could save $1125 annualy @ $3.00 a gallon calculation.
Sounds to me like this would be a wiser investment for the consumer, if they would only educate themselves.
How about getting a way from oil and going to renewable sources? Oil might have been relevant 40 years ago, but it doesn’t have to be today, or as relevant.
I’m will be saving approximately $600 (conservative estimate) per year for 20 years by investing $6000 in solar.
The Netherlands are experimenting with “paving” their roads with solar panels. (How about Sidewalks?).
Sounds like decision making is made based on not what is good for the consumer but what is good for a few oil executives.
No I’m not saying that we get rid of oil, but maybe lessening our dependence doesn’t just means lessening our dependence on foreign oil.
Are Americans Stupid. Yes, They are watching TV and playing video games right now.
Oil – seems like it is more of a problem than it really is worth.
Imagine, every American driving a car that gets 40 miles to the gallon. No wonder why Oil executives don’t like it.
Think of how the consumer would put $1125 back into the economy versus $90.
Given no consideration to the environment, the only reason we should be exporting oil, is if we export 100% of it and import 0%. Or anything close to those percentages respectively.
You think Saudi Arabia is thinking about producing oil for their own consumption. No they have the good ole USA, or at least use to, hopefully they have less of us today.
@11 is that just you way of instigating confrontation?
Sarah Palin.
Umm, okay….
Oxycontin? Cocaine and alcohol? Perhaps just some early onset dementia? How the hell was this woman ever seriously considered for public office? She’s completely incoherent. She’s on something and it ain’t just booze. Thats narcotics.
By the way, anyone professing to be upset by not being able to keep your old doctor, because of the ACA, is just a whining fuck. All you want to do is whine about a broken promise. You claiming that the doctor that you’ve been going to is irreplaceable is just nonsense. You are implying that all the other doctors suck and are incompetent. All you have to do is pick another good doctor. This happens a lot, like when you move to a new state, you find a new doctor, another good doctor. Your medical records are transferable, so long as the doctor that you proclaim to be the best doctor in the world kept good records.
I have a relative, she thought she liked her doctor. She has some medical issues. Well she wasn’t happy with her doctor, so she traveled out of state, just to find a doctor she liked or felt was more able to help her.
I moved recently, and low and behold, I think I found a new good doctor, she actually seems like a better doctor then the one I had.
Stop your whining, if you got good medical coverage, your doctor isn’t necessarily the only doctor that is qualified to help you. When you go to the emergency room, do you wait for your doctor to show up before accepting any medical care, or do you trust the doctor and nurses that are on duty at the ER.
Stop your fucking whining. One of the trolls on here has the audacity to use the word whining in his/her moniker. When the idiot has been whining for the last fucking 6 years and will continue to whine for the next 6 years. I guess trying to gloat is his objective, like a 3 year old child.
Four threads… so monomaniacal… For the record…
Okay… big deal,
the monomaniacal moronic moonbat get 1 right out of 204 attempts
the turd – 1/204=0.00490196078431372549019607843137
Puddy 203 – 203/204=0.99509803921568627450980392156863
So? Wow big celebration.
Now onto the real news of the day!
Now why would CNBC silence their anchor? Cuz NBC was in the tank for Obummer
Trey Gowdy got it right… Obummer impeachment would put Joe BiteME in charge…
Not a pretty sight!
Meanwhile Tammy Duckworth, Iraq vet celebrated so highly in 2012, bedridden due to pregnancy, is dissed by the DUMMOCRETIN Congressional Caucus.
Yes you are too stupid…
And yes Hillary’s crew are real scum too…
@25 – if she painted her face black, she could imposter herself as Puffy.
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS are scrubbing away…
PuddyCommentary… Supposedly DUMMOCRETINS don’t think anyone knows about Google since it sits in DUMMOCRETIN SillyKlown Valley! Nancy is getting old! Memory is leaving her.
Let’s see puddyfuckwad try to explain to the KKK that he’s the GOOD Negro, not the BAD Negro.
@35 – all he has to do is show up with his Bible. I’m sure they will fall for it.
Do it Puffy, do it.
You would think that anyone who felt that they won “the elections” wouldn’t be as demonstrative and irate as Puffy.
Ellen White SAID the puddyfuckwad would go insane if he didn’t stop whacking off. .Poor puddyfuckwad.
Turns out his person was way smarter than Professor Gruber… Each of these are true and has happened:
– Coercive mandates
– Ballooning costs
– Increased taxes
– Bureaucratic outrages
– Shabby facilities
– Disgruntled providers
– Long waiting lines
– Lower quality care
– Special-interest nest-feathering,
– Destructive wage and price controls
Ridicule is a standard DUMMOCRETIN attack tactic Hmmm..? Saul Alinsky’s rule #5 in his Rules for Radicals…
Alinsky’s rule #5 – “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
Rules for Radicals was dedicated to Satan. Don’t believe Puddy? Well here it is…
A few months later Alinsky got his wish!
Puddy is so glad to view those ad hominem attacks from the gutter crew dynamic duo: empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt and the dumb cinder block rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
Dumb and Dumber!
@35 or maybe he’ll try to tell them that they are going to go to hell. And will not be sleeping with 27 virgins.
The US has to cut pollution now and the Chinese can pollute as much as they want until 2030 and then they can consider cutting back. Real news not from the Old Jerks… http://dallasmorningviewsblog......ions.html/
So Tod is a conservative?
puddyfuckwad is such a fine Christian man that he thinks it’s just fine to throw millions of poor people off health insurance. His jesus would do the same thing.
Mine wouldn’t.
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears @ 38,
What book did Mrs White write that information rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears?
Got link?
Latest Health Care Pseudo-controversy: – now goes to SCOTUS.
@42 – it was a great accomplishment.
China wasn’t going to cap emissions until 2050, then they considered 2045, then the considered 2040, then they considered reluctantly 2035, and thanks to no fucking
republican, they will now do so in 2030.
Maybe your wish would have been if Dennis Rodman went to China to see if they could have considered 2025.
So rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears cheers ObummerCare destroying the rural hospitals where poor peeps get their medical care! Seattle City DUMMOCRETIN don’t care!
PuddyCommentary: Sooooooooooo… If health-care reform hadn’t been delivered by arrogant DUMMOCRETIN university elitists whom idiots like rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears jock strap, who never read the bill, suffering through their own case of arrested adolescence (see #39), we could have avoided all these rural hospital closing problems.
Yet that’s A-OK to rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
@43 only that not all of them are poor people. Some are Republicans!
@47 that’s because those Red States didn’t sign on to the Medicaid expansion, and therefore no longer could stay in business. Without payment to hospital by those so called poor and sick people you talk about – the hospital can’t stay in business. Unless Puffy wants to be so religiously charitable.
It’s a pledge empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt! PLEDGE… do you understand that?
Once again all can see @ 49, the empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt didn’t read the story. Otherwise the empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt would have read this…
Who set the reimbursement rates? Obummer’s creeps and many of Obummer’s fans because they get their money from the feds! Man you are sooooooooo stoooooooooooopid!
It is more than a pledge. That is where you are wrong. And I guess every agreement made with any country over any issue can be broken. Like torture agreements.
@51 it is called cost control – containing the cost of medical care, you would you prefer that those hospitals pork the taxpayer, or provide the healthcare. What is their purpose. Are they a hospital or a profit center? Nobody was suggesting that they not make any money.
My private healthcare has reduced rates too. My care providers can charge all they want, but there are limitations set and it even shows up on the EOB. What they want to charge and what they get to charge.
empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt @52,
The NY Times wrote that you moron! PLEDGE!
Stoooooooooooooooopid now and into the future!
Yeah cost control on the poor people in rural areas!
Yeah that’s the ticket empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt! Screw the poor people!
And mark my words, China will probably do so before 2030. They can no longer breathe over there. They will realize that they can’t wait till 2030, so yes maybe Obama didn’t get the best deal.
@55 I’m not screwing anyone….it is your kind that want to screw everyone.
@55 no special rules for rural areas, cost control for all hospitals, they all have the same rules.
Well its been nice talking monkey talk, but I have to go. Anything that you would like to comment to before I go?
empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt talking to itself in the mirror!
empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt claimed it was more than a pledge. Proves how much this moron doesn’t read!
Don’t pout Puffy, it is mannerisms of an Ape. Plus, if you can’t try to trust your enemies, you will never get anything from them. Kind of like agreeing not to torture enemy combatants.
The U.S. and China surprised the world yesterday by announcing an agreement on greenhouse gases, including a Chinese pledge to cap carbon emissions — a first for the country.
China and the U.S. emit 45 percent of the world’s “greenhouse gases,” which scientists say are driving global climate change.
Under the new agreement, the U.S. will sharply reduce emissions by 2025, cutting the total gases by at least 26 percent below 2005 levels. China will stop increasing emissions by 2030 at the latest, and will draw only 80 percent of its energy from fossil fuels.
Environmentalists have been hoping for stronger action from China, which is the world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gases, but experts are calling this a groundbreaking agreement that will energize upcoming climate change talks in Paris, and put pressure on other countries to take stronger measures on the issue.
The future of the agreement in the U.S. is less clear. While democratic leaders are praising it, Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is criticizing the agreement, calling it unrealistic and saying it will cost jobs and result in higher utility rates.
Hope your cage is comfy.
Cage? You are one warped person!
China will turn its pledge into a new domestic law. How do these DUMMOCRETINS know this?
Divining rod?
Chia Pets?
Ears to the ground?
Up in British Columbia, it was municipal election day. In Vancouver, incumbent party Vision Vancouver lost the Park Board, School Board, but holds the Mayor’s office and lost only one seat on the City Council. The more conservative Non Partisan Association won the Park and School Board, and increased the number of seats on council to three.
Meanwhile, WA State’s Obummer exchange isn’t working quite right yet…
For a state full of DUMMOCRETINS sad, so sad…
Ahhh PBS has Gruber bragging Obummer was complicit on the Cadillac tax! PuddyCommentary:Man this is getting juicier by the day. Butt there is more
And PMSNBC has the transcript of Gruber saying I was with Obummer…
SCOTUS will have a field day. How will Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan react to these truths?
Even the Pentagon thinks global warming is real.
Four threads…
LMAO!!! If that’s how many threads it takes to make you ADMIT you pulled SHIT FROM YOUR ASS.
So be it..
Thank you for showing the world what klownservatism is all about!
What about that crapass hammer you “conceded”??? I found the link in too..
What a fucking dope!! Thanks again! You doing a great job representing klownservatism..
With “friends” like you klownservatism needs no enemies.
@67 I know you are but what am I.
Not to detract from the highbrow @69 discussions in this thread, but for those with the time, there’s a really long and really nice
summary of the Detroit bankruptcy deal. Pretty good read, actually.
@70how do you think Kansas is doing?
Our miserable village idiot troll is a fan of Bill Cosby’s. Lumps Cosby in with other black klownservatives he touts..
No wonder there…
Hmmm. Would idiot bagger Akins claim these “actions” legitimate or not?
Sux to be the klownservative village idiot troll.. Now watch.. The fool will pull more crap from his miserable ass about some liberal plot against black klownservatives.
@ 71
A fair bit better than IL and CA, I would imagine.
Sometime highbrow can be snotty, snotty isn’t always intelligence
Kansas reelected their Republican senator and governor! Nuff Said!
1 out of 204 monomaniacal moronic moonbat…
Sux to be you!
A klownservative is NEVER supposed to be wrong.. A klownservative is guided by the sky daddy or lofty principles or whatever…
Just like Bill Cosby and his “actions”…
Shall we review them all????
Oops 77 was supposed to be directed at 76..
#205 crazed databaze fail.
monomaniacal moronic moonbat now 1 for 205. The percentages keep increasing for Puddy!
79 – That 200+ number again.. The fiend loves the feeling of his hand up his butt.
You bet that “crazed databaze” is a total fail.. That “databaze” shows the world what klownservatism is all about!
Thanks for playing. Sux to be you!
Oops is the story of your monomaniacal life!
LMAO@YOU!! You remember what you said about lack of “public condemnation”???
Thanks for playing again you idiot! SUX TO BE YOU!!!
@75. Yeah, maybe they are asleep at the wheel. One day they will wake up. As I recall many Republican politicians lost their fondness for the Governor. Remember Obama got elected in 2008 and 2012 – you tend to want to forget about that… So what if Kansas re-elected what is bad for them. Nuff said, idiot.
@73 Thanks Bob for your insight. You peaked my interest to learn more about California and Illinois.
And I didn’t get to far, but the first article I come across indicates that California has a different kind of problem – their problem is that they have a surplus, or at least they did as of the attached article in May of 2013.
I will also look into the demographics of each state to see what makes each of the states different from one another. You would think that in KansASS it would be pretty simple to balance a budget. Different from what California needs to stay afloat. Does Kansas have the same needy population that California has? Maybe I’m looking at it from the wrong perspective and maybe I should be questioning the amount of wealth that California has over Kansas, that keeps Kansas in a disadvantage.
Thanks for the Challenge.
@ 71, 84
To be honest I’m probably about 70% in agreement that Brownback was too aggressive and did too much, too soon. The reduction in personal tax rates wasn’t so bad but the non-taxation of pass-through income doesn’t pass the smell test. In 2013 more than 2/3 of my income was pass-through, due to incorporation. Kansas relies on personal income taxes. If my personal state income tax rate were decreased AND my pass-through income was exempted, I’d have a huge windfall and the state would lose a lot of tax.
Sorry. I think Kansas got screwed by bad Republican policy. There were some one-time factors claimed to have influenced the inadequate revenues as well, but at least one of those sounds like BS to me as well.
I thought Brownback was going to have his ass handed to him earlier this month. A little surprised he didn’t.
KS will have a couple of tough years.
Another “responsible gun owner,” another innocent kid dies.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When a Republican tells you I-594 wouldn’t have saved this kid’s life, you should say, “You’re right, we need to confiscate all the guns.” Personally, I think most humans are too stupid to have guns. Especially the Republican ones.
@83….that’s what you call some stupid voters. Take what was said @85 at heart. Nuff said! You Idiot. Go play in the sandbox now.
Dr. Bob Galt.. You can’t be freakin’ serious..
Are you saying you don’t believe in trickle on economics???
Are you saying that KansASS the home of the Koch bros isn’t going to explode with economic growth once the Koch Bros’ LLCs get all those juicy tax cuts???
Damn you’ve already forgotten about those jobs Walker created in WI.. Damn what a record he set there! You means KansASS has to wait for…
A tough couple of years to go by? Republicans and klownservatives are running the show there Bob.. All they gotta do to balance the books is screw the poors! If you count the kids in the filthy overcrowded classrooms the poors.. Shit they can’t vote! Even if they could they’d be turned away at the poll for “insufficient id”..
Wow bleeding heart Bob. You kompassionate klownservatism is strangely unconvincing!
Hey Bob.. You remember Arthur LaffRiot did a stint in KansASS to wave his hands over their income tax cut plan???
75k for three days work!
Ronnie Raygun was grinning in his grave!
@88 – Good article. Not sure if this became a reality but if so, yes it is going to be a tough couple of years for Kansas. Or at least another 3 at a minimum.
It was originally 6.45%. Geez taxes just too damn high.
People of Kansas should brace themselves, bend over and kiss their asses goodbye. Unless the Governor changes course.
I feel bad now….all I can do is picture a big ape with little yellow shovel in hand filling his sandcastle bucket with sand, with a little pout on his face, making grunting sounds.
Puffy, no hard feelings, just having a little fun with you.
Before I go to bed tonight I will say the Our Father, and ask forgiveness for my trespassing.
On that note, I’m out of here.
Yes that 205 number. The number of useless entries from your silly ASS monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
Sux to be you is Puddy’s line. Proves you are a silly re-run!
53 Republican Senators. Landrieu’s seat will make 54.
Unlike the monomaniacal moronic moonbat who takes days or weeks to react to something (had nuthin to say about the California illegal alien double cop killer until Puddy goaded the turd)… Puddy will condemn Bill Cosby if he did it. The evidence seems to grow daily!
Sez much about Obummer…
Paragraph 21
This is what Obummer does as a community organizer not as President of the United States.
Here is something DUMMOCRETINS didn’t discuss from Oregon on election night… Oregon voters by a 66-34 margin (32 points) canceled a new state law to provide illegal aliens a driver’s license. Wow Oregon voters have a working brain cell!
The monomaniacal moronic moonbat must be pizzed! More truths are coming out… Amazing…
DUMMOCRETINS are scum. They don’t trust the military. DUMMOCRETINS despise the military, until it’s needed to bail them out of their feckless foreign policy!
So the whitey house and state department unclassified systems were hacked. Waytogo libtardos!
Well Harf and Psaki were silent. Praise the Lord on that!
@98 They held out longer than most private businesses, so the government must have better IT people than the private sector. Say, Puffy, don’t you do IT work for the private sector?
Breaking News! Seattle Times Endorses Tax Increase!
Today’s Seattle Times editorial breaks breathtaking new ground — after describing the fiscal challenges confronting the 2015 legislature, it says, and I quote,
“Given the challenges, members of leadership must keep a narrowly focused agenda and a rejection of any pledges never to raise a tax, any time, any how.”
This is a dramatic departure from ST’s previous editorial stance. True, the editorial doesn’t hint at whose taxes should be raised, and immediately begins to walk back from this pronouncement: The following paragraph suggests suspending I-1351, and the paragraph after that urges legislators to “remember that every tax is a drag on a still-recovering economy.”
(Really? I’m under the impression that government money spends the same in the economy as private money does.)
Oh, and let’s not overlook this “On The Web” item right under the editorial: “The budget slashing of human services during the Great Recession is coming back to bite Washington.”
Yes, eliminating public services comes with costs. At some point, we have to decide what’s essential, then pay taxes for it. And also elect legislators who understand that (a) some public services are vital and (b) none of them are free. That’s something voters failed at miserably in this month’s election, because some of you didn’t bother to vote. You know who you are.
British Columbia municipal elections are supposed to be non-partisan, but civic organizations can run slates of candidates, especially in the larger cities like Vancouver and Surrey. Surrey will overtake Vancouver in less than a decade, and Surrey First ran a slate of candidates to advance their agenda of how to accommodate that growth. Part of it, is on the transportation front, other than Translink buses, they highlight that the city has only 6km of rapid transit. Surrey First swept the school board, city council, and mayor’s office.
In Vancouver, the 4 well known parties are, in order of number of seats, Vision Vancouver, Non Partisan Association, Green Party of Vancouver, plus the party that used to be represented on the council, but came in third in the mayor’s race, Council of Progressive Electors.
Why not do it now???
You had no hesitation here.. Oh a person of hispanic extraction was involved.. You consider them CHEAP!!
But why consider condemning Cosby at all? You have deemed Cosby with the sacred title of KLOWNSERVATIVE..
Nope you dope!!!!
Greedhead klownservatives give undocumented workers jobs! Lots of those jobs involve driving.. To get a driver’s licence, a worker has to pass tests like vision and understanding the rules of the road.
Forbidding licensing to undocumented workers won’t stop greedy klownservatives from hiring undocumented workers and requiring them to drive in order to line greedhead pockets with cheap labor.
Yet another stupid ballot initiative floated to take advantage of voter bigotry.
Hey stupid. I have like 28k+ comments here.. Damn you’re dumb!
Wow, the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals upheld the 2nd Amendment and delivered another setback for gun control extremists in DUMMOCRETIN California!
DAYUM the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat is DUMB! Puddy cares less about your 28K+ comments. It’s your EPIC FAYLE attempts with the crazed databaze!
Sux to be you!
More lies from the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat!
They are illegal aliens you idiot… They are not undocumented workers. They are illegal aliens, working illegally! US law calls them illegal aliens. DUMMOCRETINS such as the low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbat want to name them something the US Law doesn’t call them! This is something you can’t comprehend even to this day. They should not be in this country.
Look up in your crazed databaze the various laws Puddy placed on this blog. Perform something useful for one in your low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic life!
“According to Gruber, who has been our guide on a lot of this, it’s somewhere in the vicinity of an $8 Billion cost” – John Effin Kerry on the Cadillac tax on high cost insurance plans union big-wig thugs have!
“John Kerry said ‘no, no, no,’ we’re not going to tax your health insurance. We’re going to tax those evil insurance companies. We’re going to impose a tax that if they sell insurance that’s too expensive, we’re going to tax them, and conveniently the tax rate will happen to be the marginal tax rate under the income tax code. So basically it’s the same thing, we just tax the insurance companies, they pass on the higher prices, that offsets the tax break we get, it ends up being the same thing.” – Professor Jonathan Gruber.
A real love fest here!
IDIOT Wabbit,
Puddy doesn’t work for Home Depot, Target, etc. Butt, if you were paying attention and not being a LIV, have you seen the latest Chinese Air Force Fighters. “They’re still in the glossy brochure phase of development, so they still look ten feet tall and bulletproof,” one senior U.S. fighter pilot familiar with the F-35 program told USNI News. “I think they’ll eventually be on par with our fifth gen jets — as they should be, because industrial espionage is alive and well.”When you are an IDIOT Wabbit speaking from your IDIOT Wabbit ASS facts prove you are an IDIOT Wabbit ASS!
Meanwhile on Twitter… @jimgeraghty – So Obama insists a guy paid $400,000 by HHS “never worked on our staff.”
Red states seem to have higher incarceration rates than Blue states. Hmmmm, is it because Red States peruse their criminals with more vigor? Or is because Red States have greater population of poverty, which tends to make up the Prison Population? Is there a benefit to taking care of the poor people? Does it keep them out of Prison, where the tax payer probably spends more tax dollars to house the criminals? Or is because Blue states let all their criminals run free?
KansASS has l22 less people per 100,000 people in prison, so KansASS should probably spend less in taxes to house prisoners, per 100,000 people. And what about the cost of maintaining prisons in California versus KansASS, I bet the prison guard gets paid better in California than he would in KansASS.
I wonder about the Orphanage and Foster care rates in each of those states. Do you think Red States have more Foster Care and Orphanages (if they still even exist like the once did).
I couldn’t find any good statistics on Foster Care by state, but the attached article indicates overall foster care is down, but then indicated two Red states where foster care is up – Georgia and Florida.
Well now we know where all the fat kids are.
Here is another – “where are all the Fat kids” map. Color me Red. The freedom to be fat and happy.
Not sure what this all means, but this how we take care of “our” Kids.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — As the Affordable Care Act’s second open enrollment period begins, 37% of Americans say they approve of the law, one percentage point below the previous low in January. Fifty-six percent disapprove, the high in disapproval by one point.
Enough said
YES THEY ARE.. I’ll call them whatever I fucking please you DOPE!
I call them that because I understand them.
You call them whatever you call them because YOU HATE THEM!!!
Do you say a word about the klownservative greedheads that profit when they hire the undocumented to do bottom of the barrel jobs???
When an undocumented worker kills a motorist because his eyesight wasn’t checked through the licensing process because of boneheaded bigotry inspired by a ballot initiative – BLOOD WILL BE ON KLOWNSERVATIVE HANDS!!!
Thank you ONCE AGAIN for showing the world what klownservatism is all about!
And remember fiend:
If you don’t publicly condemn it, you must support it!!!!