Jon: What Ronald Reagan really did.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Michele Obama introduces the food label of the future.
Sam Seder: Threat of the Comcast—TWC merger.
Maddow on GOP Vote Rigging in Ohio:
Stephen: FAUX News’ double age standard.
Daily Show: Why health care is a right.
Obama: About Ukraine:
Ana Kasparian: Stop corporate money from killing our democracy.
Stephen unmasks his “Laser Klan” cartoon.
White House: West Wing Week.
O’Donnell: More emails in BridgeGate.
Pap: GOP obstruction is destroying the Judicial system.
“In Jesus Name…we discriminate”
- Mark Fiore: .
- David Pakman: Gays under attack in Uganda.
- Young Turks: Americans hate Uganda’s hate law.
- Ed: right-wing reaction to Gov. Brewer’s veto.
- Sam Seder: The never-end hypocrisy of the religious right
- Young Turks: Reaction to Gov. Brewer’s veto.
- Ann Telnaes: Anti-gay discriminate smackdowns.
- O’Donnell: Vetoed in AZ, but moving forward in other states.
- Clean up those video stores.
- Chris Hayes: Where did the rash of anti-gay bills come from?
- Young Turks: The “Homo Deamons” Pastor caper.
- Jon: Arizona’s ‘morally repugnant’ anti-gay discrimination bill
- Sam Seder: Rush complains that liberals are turning NFL into a gay laboratory.
Obama: My Brother’s Keeper initiative.
Mental Floss: 15 inaccuracies found in common science illustrations.
Modeley Braun on why black women don’t get elected.
Sharpton: Like hungry dogs, Republicans continue to attack ‘ObamaCare’.
Jon ‘unfucked’ FAUX Business facts in slavery (via TalkingPointsMemo).
Black Senators on lack of diversity in Congress.
Jon has some fun with Bitcoin.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.