I can think of one circumstance under which Rep. Weiner should resign: he makes a pact with Sen. Vitter and they both fall on their swords (figuratively) and go away.
Think about it. The calculus is right. Weiner flirted at a distance with women. Vitter hired a prostitute to play out his diaper fantasies. Roughly speaking, Vitter’s crime (yes…he actually broke the law) is many times worse than Weiner’s stupid, ill-advised, boorish, but not illegal, e-flirting.
A simplistic model would value a Senate seat as worth about 4.38 (=438/100) times the value of a house seats, giving the paired resignations impacts roughly commensurate with the respective offenses.
You know what is totally unacceptable?
Answer: Assholes calling for Rep. Weiner’s resignation without applying the same moral standards to Sen. Vitter. Because that is blatant, ugly, stupid, repulsive hypocrisy.
Rep. Reince Priebus is an asshole for his blatant, ugly, stupid, repulsive hypocrisy.
And to be clear, by “same moral standards”, I mean standards that consider the seriousness of the allegations. Vitter broke the law at the same time he was committing adultery by fucking a prostitute. Maybe you believe sexting is a form of adultery. I believe most people would recognize sexting as less of a violation of ones vows in partnership than physically fucking a prostitute—which, at the very minimum, has the potential for more serious complications like STDs or extramarital pregnancies. Honest politicians and pundits shouldn’t treat Weiner any worse, for an offence far less serious, than they have (or will) treat Vitter.
I’ll call for neither of them to resign…as happened in 2010 for Vitter, we should leave it to the voters to decide.
Unless, of course, Weiner and Vitter agree to resign together.