Colbert: Political week in review.
Young Turks: GOP loses it over Tim Kaine’s lapel pin.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Glass Ceiling Broken:
- Stephen: Hillary breaks the glass ceiling.
- Daily Show: The DNC’s rocky start.
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at DNC Day 2:
- Stephen: an herstoric achievement–240 years in the making.
- James Corden: First Lady Obama wins the DNC opening night.
- Susie Sampson: Drump’s Campaign Manager on Donald Trump’s Penis
- The Late Show “Fight Song” feat.
- Songify Hillary’s historic night.
- Stephen: Obama, Biden and Kaine speak on night 3 of the DNC
- Maddow: Obama speech ‘politically priceless’ for Clinton
- Thom: Drumpf gets his talking points from Storm Front
- Trevor: Hillary’s acceptance speech.
- Bill Maher: New Rule — The notorious HRC
- Young Turks: Obama’s speech was so good even conservatives liked it.
- Stephen: The last O’Malley supporter
- Young Turks: Best lines from Hillary’s speech.
- ONN Lesser DNC Speeches: Walking in on Hillary and Bill
- Stephen: Clinton overcomes insurgent “fart-in,” accepts Democratic nomination:
- Hasan Minhaj: Why Hillary Clinton needs to beat Donald Drumpf
- Hillary prepares for her acceptance speech.
- Stephen Colbert and John Oliver Chat about Tim Kaine
- Daily Show: DNC Wrap-up
- Sam Seder: Michael Bloomberg rips Drumpf to shreds.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Bill’s sexy DNC speech
- PsychoSuperMom: “I’m With her”
- James Corden’s Glass ceiling and tip of the day for Bill-O-the-Clown
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Hillary Accepting
- Stephen: Cartoon Hillary answers Republican questions.
- Mark Fiore: The Kremlin Convention
- Stephen: Hillary’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
The actor that every politician needs at rallies.
Mental Floss: 39 facts about the middle ages.
How a city’s economy depends on airports.
Young Turks: Republicans go BONKERS over Bradley Cooper (Sniper) at DNC.
What FAUX News aired Instead of the speech by fallen Muslim soldier’s father.
White House: West Wing Week.
Kimmel: Trump and Clinton puppets.
The Drumpfsputin Affair:
- Stephen: A question about Drumpf
- Seth knows why Drumpf won’t release his tax returns.
- Samantha Bee: Midnight in America.
- David Pakman: Drumpf takes 5 positions on minimum wage in 45 seconds.
- Maddow: Drumpf is a “unique and present danger”…
- Young Turks: Father of fallen American soldier delivers powerful speech against Drumpf
- Sam Seder: Drumpf wants to “hit [DNC] speakers so hard”.
- Thom: If Drumpf can’t handle a mean tweet, should he have the nuclear codes?
- Donald Drumpf is not allowed in America…according to Donald Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Drumpf’s response to DNC is classic PROJECTION
- Swagasaurus: Fuckboy Drumpf.:
- David Pakman: Drumpf defends serial harasser Roger Ailes.
- Thom: Pence may be more dangerous than Drumpf
- Young Turks: Drumpf asks Russia to commit crime against political opponent
- Sam Seder: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Drumpf burn is beautiful.
- David Pakman: Hundreds say Drumpf doesn’t pay his bills
- Nightly Show: Backstage with Drumpf.
- Young Turks: Drumpf is not in favor of freedom of the press
- Slate: Counting arbitrary things in Drumpf’s speech
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Trumpf on napping.
- Trevor: Drumpf’s shady ties to Russia
- Samantha Bee: Fear mongering
- Young Turks: What is the best way to attach Drumpf?
- David Pakman: Drumpf denies meeting Putin after bragging about meeting Putin
- Try on a Drumpf hat and tell us how it feels.
- YG and Nipsey Hussle: “Fuck Donald Trump”
- Young Turks: Dumbshit Drumpf takes a swing at Tim Kaine (D), hits Tom Kean (R)
- Bad Lip Reading: Cruz talks Drumpf.
- Kimmel: The Troompa Loompas on hacking
- Young Turks: DNC speeches gave Drumpf a Twittergasm
Seth Meyers with Lenny Kravits on the Clintons.
Young Turks: Voter ID laws struck down.
Stephen: What’s the nicest thing you can say about your opposing party’s candidate.
How did the U.S. end up with a 2-party system?
Young Turks: All cops walk in Freddie Gray case.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Capt. Khan’s parents remember their son
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.