John Oliver: Police accountability.
Stephen: Gary Johnson is running his campaign…into the ground.
Lewis Black: Getting out the millennial vote:
Bill Maher with Sen. Al Franken.
The 2016 Pussy-footing around the Alt-Right Clown:
- Donald Drumpf chats with Billy Bush
- Stephen: “All the Tic Tacs in the world aren’t going to freshen his breath after this.”
- Young Turks: Drumpf hot-mic tape leak:
- David Pakman: Is leaked audio the end for Drumpf?
- Amazing CNN discussion segment.
- Drumpf’s bizarre video apology.
- Young Turks: Will rapey Drump audio doom his campaign?
- Olbermann: The most un-American thing a presidential candidate has ever done.
- Stephen: Gael Garcia Bernal has already started building the wall.
- Maddow: The Atlantic makes historic anti-endorsement of Drumpf
- Conan: Dylan Moran knows why Drump is smiling
- Jimmy Kimmel: Coked-up Drumpf.
- Mark Fiore: Absurd Reality.
- Jimmy Fallon: Donald Drumpf calls Madea
- Drumpf catasstrophy
- Chris Hayes: Drumpf still thinks ‘Central Park Five’ are guilty
- Stephen: Donald Drumpf’s one and only newspaper endorsement
- James Corden: Is it Ne-VAD-uh or Ne-VAH-duh? Ask Donald Drumpf
- Olbermann: Drumpf’s 50 most ridiculous excuses.
- PsychoSuperMom: The last time Drumpf paid taxes.
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Drumpf’s terrible week.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Donald Drumpf
- Olbermann: How Donald Drumpf figures he’ll win Sunday’s debate
- Samantha Bee: Party like it’s 1997
- Stephen: Drumpf asks the terminally ill for a huge favor.
- Bill Maher with New Rules: America rules, Drumpf drools.
- Slate: Libertarian VP nominee focusing on stopping Drumpf
- Michael Brooks: Rudy Giuliani claims Drump is an ‘absolute genius’ for not paying taxes
- Jimmy Kimmel: Drunk Donald Drumpf on jobs.
- Olbermann: Why is Drumpf such a weirdo about dogs?
- Young Turks: There was one group Donald Drumpf forgot to insult—the dying.
- Donald Drumpf’s insult-driven campaign.
- Olbermann: Drumpf voters are angry? Here’s what’s worthy of anger
- Jimmy Kimmel: Coked-up Drumpf – sweating
Lewis Black Black to the Future – The Longest Election Cycle.
Kimmel : The week in unnecessary censorship.
SNL: 2016 Presidential Debate:
Bill Maher: I don’t know it for a fact…I just know it’s true.
Trevor: Congress overrides 9/11 veto.
Jimmy Dore: Even FAUX News see through Christie’s BS.
PsychoSuperMom: Dear Internet Trolls.
Daily Show: “The O’Reilly Factor” Gets Racist in Chinatown.
VP Wannabe:
- Trevor: VP Debate recap.
- Samantha Bee: Meet the Veeps
- Conan: How networks made the Veep debate more interesting.
- Stephen: Does anyone know who the VP candidates are?
- Maddow: Both campaigns look for advantage in debate
- Seth Meyers: Late Night Vice-Presidential debate
- Randy Rainbow moderates the VP debate.
- Young Turks: Drumpf jealous of his VP.
- Slate: The VP debate in 2 minutes.
- James Corden: Two guys debated last night.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Mike Pence pretending Donald Drumpr isn’t his running mate
- Sam Seder: Pence distances himself from Drumpf.
- Stephen: Did Mike Penceupstage Drumpf with his strong debate performance?
- Songify Pence v. Kaine:
- Slate: Watch Mike Pence lie in the VP debate.
- Stephen is fuzzing happy the VP debate is over.
White House: West Wing Week.
Seth Meyers: Chelsea Clinton on life-long family attacks and Bad ’90s fashion.
Mental Floss: 44 facts about birds.
Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz humiliates himself in one embarrassing, slimy phone call.
Samantha Bee: Maine’s personal Drumpf.
Sam Seder: Cruz’s pathetic phone banking for Drumpf.
Adam Ruins Everything: Why your AirBnB may be illegal.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.