I’m not really sure who the Washington Management Service is, but man… everybody sure does hate them. Governor Christine Gregoire announced today that she would eliminate 1,000 middle-managers from the 5,400-member service, saving $50 million per biennium, a move that elicited applause from both organized labor and the virulently anti-labor Evergreen Freedom Foundation.
Tim Welch, spokesman for the Washington Federation of State Employees, said his members likewise are thrilled.
“This is long overdue,” he said. “Next to our collective bargaining contract, this is the most emotional issue for our members. Our members hate WMS with a passion.”
What… both WFSE and EFF are enthusiastically supporting the same thing? As a knee-jerk liberal with no mind of my own, I’m so confused!
According to a press release, Governor Gregoire also expects another $50 million in savings by creating a bulk-purchasing program, and has proposed cutting or eliminating low priority programs, like the state Film Office.
“We must change the culture of state government,” Gov. Gregoire said. “We must reduce bloated management, cut reckless spending and eliminate programs that don’t work.”
With rhetoric like that, I’m sure there are some Republicans who are now even less sure that their party didn’t win the governor’s race, but the silly notion that the Democratic agenda primarily consists of wastefully spending tax dollars is, well… silly. Democrats believe in government, and it doesn’t do us any good to have it bloated with inefficiencies. I’ve always expected Gregoire to be more fiscally conservative than her predecessor, but either way she brings a new perspective to the job that facilitates cuts like these.
“These cuts are just the beginning,” she said. “Our Government Management Accountability and Performance Program