[NWPT48]How could I have been so stupid? For weeks now I’ve been confidently predicting a Democratic victory in court, but all this time I’ve been focusing on the wrong trial, and the wrong court. See, there’s a reason why Republican partisans like John Carlson and Stefan Sharkansky sound so smug… they’ve already won!
Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate John for giving me the opportunity to express my views on his show. But there’s something about the final exchange between me, John and Stefan that stuck in my craw. We all agree that there are two different trials going on: the one in the Wenatchee courtroom, and the one in the court of public opinion. But while I’ve always considered the latter to be the consolation prize, apparently both John and Stefan believe it’s the other way around.
Both John and Stefan’s insistence that the public will rely on “basic common sense” to judge Dino Rossi the winner, whatever the legal verdict, implies that the courts lack the same. As I stated on-air, I believe this attitude represents a total disregard for both the law and the courts that is typical of Republican rhetoric these days.
Yes, Rossi has the right to pursue an election contest. But the purpose of the contest statute is not to create a venue for scoring political points, or even to air out the general inadequacies of our electoral systems… the purpose of the contest statute is purely and simply to overturn an election where it is absolutely clear that the wrong candidate was certified the winner.
The Republicans have only four days to present their evidence, and after the first day and a half, they haven’t introduced a single new piece of information that hasn’t already been hashed out in the depositions, pre-trial briefs, and news media. After making splashy headlines with allegations of “fraud” and “ballot stuffing” they are not going to introduce direct evidence of a single stuffed ballot. Instead, they are going to use the entire trial as an opportunity for repeating and repeating and repeating allegations of errors in King County Elections.
The GOP strategy isn’t about meeting the statutory requirements for setting aside the gubernatorial election. Hell, this isn’t even about the gubernatorial election.
This is about unseating Ron Sims.
And eventually, Christine Gregoire… and other Democrats across the state.
Of course I’ve always understood the political implications of this case, but I didn’t realize until the trial started that this was so nakedly the primary focus of the Republican efforts. And the fact that John and Stefan and other GOP operatives are so publicly blunt in embracing the “two trial” thesis is telling.
The real “fraud” being proven by Republican attorneys is not in King County Elections… it’s the Republican case itself.
This entire contest is a sham.