Vice President Dick Cheney is in Washington state today to raise money for local Republican candidates, and both Mike McGavick and Dave Reichert are welcoming Dick with open, um… arms.
Both McGavick and Reichert attempt to sell themselves as moderates (a charade the Seattle Times seems more than willing to accommodate) but their willingness to enthusiastically suck up to Cheney despite his appallingly low public approval ratings shows just how indebted the two candidates really are to the neo-con’s Dark Sith, and the corrupting power of the money he raises.
Cheney’s visit also brings a welcome spotlight to the most important vote either candidate would cast should they be elected: the vote for Senate and House leaders.
Should the Democrats fail to take control of either house, Sen. Bill Frist will remain the Senate Majority Leader, and Rep. Dennis Hastert will remain Speaker of the House. The committee chairmanships will all remain firmly in the hands of loyal neo-cons, thus no investigations will be launched, no subpoenas issued, no check and balance applied to an increasingly rogue Bush administration.
Cheney’s fundraising trip to Washington state should make one thing clear in the minds of Washington voters: if you like Dick Cheney, and you like the direction our nation is going under his leadership… if you want more domestic spying at home, and more ill-conceived military adventurism abroad… if you want exploding budget deficits, multi-billion dollar no-bid Halliburton contracts, and lie after lie (WMDs, Valerie Plame, Hurricane Katrina, etc.)… then by all means, vote for McGavick and Reichert.
Do you want to drill in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge? Vote for McGavick and Reichert. Do you want Roe v Wade overturned? Vote for McGavick and Reichert. Do you want to nuke Iran? Vote for McGavick and Reichert.
Because even if they occasionally cast strategic votes to display their supposed independence from the GOP leadership, their most important vote will be the one that puts this leadership in place. Dick Cheney is spending $193,079.41 of taxpayers money to fly out here and support McGavick and Reichert, because he knows that when push comes to shove, McGavick and Reichert will support him.
And that’s all voters really need to know about the mid-term election.
Carl reminds me that Bill Frist is leaving the Senate to pursue his lifelong dream of coming in fourth in New Hampshire. So, some other neo-con will be elected Majority Leader should the R’s retain control. Same difference.