Yup. That’s a picture of me with Sen. Joe Lieberman. And I’m smiling. I wonder how this is going to play with folks in the “peace and justice” movement?
Daily open thread
Jim Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies writes a comprehensive essay on global warming for The New York Review of Books, in which he references three books on the subject, Tim Flannery’s The Weather Makers, Elizabeth Kolbert’s Field Notes from a Catastrophe, and Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. This is a weighty essay of some length, so if you don’t have the time to read it in its entirety, check out Lynn’s excellent synopsis over Evergreen Politics.
Hmm. So why is it that supposedly sound people still ridicule global warming in the face of such an overwhelming scientific consensus? And why does Hansen feel it necessary to preface his essay with the disclaimer that his opinions are expressed “as personal views under the protection of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution”…?
Because he feels threatened by the NeoConvict Corporate thugs. . .they aren’t done wracking and ruining their way to riches. . . .
It’s simple, Goldy. They think that because we have invested a great deal of time and money in them so that they will think that global warming is a myth. We can sell them soap, we can sell them cars, we sold them a war and now we’re selling them pretzel science. I’m personally making so much money, I may have to buy another bank to keep it in.
At least these guys have the honesty to agree with MTR that current temps are well within historical norms. Once the moonbats here agree to that, we can move onto the issue of causality.
Who’s ready to agree with me so I tear you apart on the next links in this unscientific bullshit?
So MTR… you’re telling me that you understand the science better than the Director of Goddard?
Mark The Cowardly Redneck understands how to rape children, cheat on his taxes, and destoy America. He knows nothing about Global warming.
Just thought I’d remind everyone that Lush Flimbaugh is peeing in a cup as part of his probation agreement. Today like every day he has to pee in a cup in front of his probabtion officer. What a proud moment for you inbred righties!
Goldy, its cuz you all like it more for the politics, than believing in it
If you really wanted to slow warming, emissions, etc, you wouldn’t taunt us, yell at us, have stupid Al Gore as your poster child
If you really cared, you’d go recruit a strong conservative, and then, hey its like Nixon going to China
But its politics to you guys..
Corporate executives in the U.S. aren’t interested in global warming. They are in it for the short term. When we start to see the effects of global warming, they will be happy to offer to start “research” on what to do to alleviate the problems – for a hefty price.
It seems current U.S. corporate executives are only interested in their next big bonus/stock option redemption. They expect to cycle through their current corporate position within five years – long enough to cut long-term investment and produce short-term profits to boost their personal earnings, but not so long as to prevent them from blaming any problems on the previous executive, and to leave before they begin to see the results of their poor decision-making.
Besides, if they throw enough money at the Republicans, they can always get Congress to change the rules so that they are protected from their own actions (example: bankruptcy “reform” to give them a free pass when they decided to give high-interest credit cards to students and other high-risk groups, but don’t want to bear the expense of the easily foreseable default rates).
If you really cared, you’d go recruit a strong conservative, and then, hey its like Nixon going to China
You should read Bliese’s “The Greening of Conservative America.” He’s a conservative with a few words about the stupidity of not acting conservatively with respect to the environment.
to all you myopic morons who refuse to believe the scientific data on global warming (though you probably believe in all the myths in the bible…go figure), yes, these temps are within historic norms and the planet’s temp does cycle up and down. BUT, and this is a big but, it’s never done it this fast, and all the evidence points to the changes being caused by us.
But all that doesn’t really matter, does it?
Because the planet is still warming, weather is changing, it is happening. And it doesn’t matter what the cause is, we’ll all be just as sweaty or dead.
So why not recognize that there is a problem so we can put some real pressure on our leaders and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?
This isn’t politics, as much as some dipshits would like to think. It’s survival. Get it? Do you get it yet?
If you want to keep your heads in the sand, do us all a big favor and take a nice deep breath while you’re down there. -
To: Richard Mellon-Scaife
Fr: Mark the RedneckI’m a big fan. I like the way you went after that “moonbat” Bubba. Some of these “moonbats” criticized you for paying those American Spectator guys to drive all over Arkansas. Typical “moonbats”. What part of “it’s your fucking money” don’t they understand? They can’t recognize genius when it’s right in front of their fucking faces.
Effectively immediately I’m donating a piece of my hoard each year to you so you can start and maintain a “moonbat” research center. The only condition is that it’s gotta be in my name. I’m endlessly fascinated with the “moonbat” mind. Once we figger’ it out, we can throw it in the shitcan of history. What better thing to do with “our fucking money”?
Git ‘er done.
“In the Earth’s history, during periods when average global temperatures increased by as much as ten degrees Fahrenheit, there have been several “mass extinctions,” when between 50 and 90 percent of the species on Earth disappeared forever. In each case, life survived and new species developed over hundreds of thousands of years. The most recent of these mass extinctions defines the boundary, 55 million years ago, between the Paleocene and Eocene epochs.”
The Threat to the Planet
By Jim Hansen
The New York Review of Books
Volume 53, Number 12 · July 13, 2006If this is what you are pointing to as a justification of your “historical norms” argument, you are a bigger ass than ever expected.
Human beings need to think of history in a more confined way than the last time their life form evolved.
Goldy – I’m just asking a simple fucking question that stabs at the heart of your religion: Are current temperatures within the range of natural variation? That’s it. I’ve been asking this question since Your God’s movie came out and NOBODY will answer me.
The Real Inconvenient Truth is that THE FUCKING SUN causes global warming.
Is it that fucking difficult to comprehend?
We comprehend that you are an idiot, Mark.
11 – I appreciate your generous offer, but there is really no need to create a moonbat research center. We have plenty of petri dishes already available for study including, HA, The City of Seattle, and Patty Murray.
BTW, men with hyphen names are hopeless pathetic pussies. Be a fucking man and keep yer own name…
“So why is it that supposedly sound people still ridicule global warming in the face of such an overwhelming scientific consensus?”
Because, for many people, politics is driven by emotion not intellect.
Hey Harry, when yer done with that chi squared analysis, post it here so we can see it.
Fucking gullible idiot…
Rabbit, share your “intellect” with us. Post the chi squared data.
I’m waiting…
“But its politics to you guys.. ”
Ah, there’s the clue. The Rovian handbook says that you take your weakness, your shortcoming , your hidden agenda and lay it on your opponent.
But it’s all just too fuckin obvious. A mountain of credible, peer reviewed scientific evidence, practically every reputable climate scientist in the world, and almost all the governments in the industrialized world agree, but these assholes deny it.
Why? Because it’s politics to them. They’re convinced they can score short term political points on this one. They don’t care about the quality of the environment they leave their kids anymore then they care about the mountain of debt their piling up for their kids to pay off. Their kids are nothing more to them than props for their holiday greeting cards. -
I guess I should be glad that you all are stuck on convincing the world that global warming is man made. If that argument is won, then you can start on your world anarchy views where you destroy the US economy and do nothing about growth in China and India.
There was a reason why Kyoto was voted down 99-0.
Righton, are you that fucking naive? That neocons will adopt liberal policies if liberals are nice to them?
Redneck, I give you some credit for creative disingenuity. Unfortunately, you’re a bit too transparent. You (wrongly) assumed the educated liberals on this board are too dense to realize you’re (deliberately) asking the wrong question. The relevant questions are:
1. Is CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere?
2. If so, does it matter? -
Does this mean you aren’t going to give Richard Lying Lush Scaife any money to harass Democratic politicians with? At least you’re consistent — consistently a skinflint, that is. You didn’t pay Goldy, either, nor did you support the troops.
In a billion years, life Earth’s oceans will have boiled away due to the increasing size and heat of the Sun. As the Sun stops burning hydrogen it will become a Red Giant, growing in size to encompass the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and then Earth. In 5 billion years, say.
These are all natural phenomenon, observable in other solar sytems that are burning out. If it starts happening tomorrow, it will be within historic norms, because there a 150 billion stars in the universe, so anything that happens is within hitorical norms.
“So MTR… you’re telling me that you understand the science better than the Director of Goddard?”
The really frightening thing is, that bed-wetters like MTR really do think they understand this stuff better than the career scientists.
It might be slightly comforting to think that the assholes in charge in D.C. were just to insecure to admit that they’re wrong. But they actually don’t think they are. Without a change in leadership we are truly fucked. -
I have a better idea, why don’t you lick my pi hole. For a good time call 1-800-BLO-ROGR.
He was asked that question weeks ago.
I wonder what would happen if Tom Delay wrote a book, made a movie and started travelling the country harping about global warming…
Keep it up, Janet. You’re the poster girl for right wing ignorance.
you’re saying the only reason that fucktards like you refuse to asknowledge human caused global climate change is because you don’t like the political affiliation of a guy who wrote a book about it?So if Hillary writes a book about the earth being round….
“In the Earth’s history, during periods when average global temperatures increased by as much as ten degrees Fahrenheit, there have been several “mass extinctions,”
Maybe this means the Republican elephant is destined for the same fate as the wooly mammoth.
About that little hit piece from the National Post the other day,
I’ll take the word of Jim Hansen over them furriners. -
Is there any subject on which you are not an expert? I’d like to have an argument with you where I do not start at my usual disadvantage. You seem to be an expert in so many areas–climatology, economics, political science, statistics, social psychology, constitutional law. You never have to defer to the professionals in any field. Is there any subject we can debate that you have some uncertainty about? -
Proud – Hmm…. that’s a good question… I can’t think of any, but I’ll get back to you.
22 – We aren’t even close to the phase of talking about causal factors. We’re still stuck at step one about whether there’s anything even going on.
Mark the Redneck,
“I’m just asking a simple fucking question that stabs at the heart of your religion: Are current temperatures within the range of natural variation?”
While your claim requires more specificity (since, one can always pick a date in the past for which we have only lousy information), there is very strong evidence that current average global temperatures exceed the historical record for which we can generate reasonabally accurate global temperature averages. (Of course, the average global temperature is one of several lines of evidence that support global warming, and, in fact, is not even the primary line of evidence).
Mark, I will be happy to seriously debate the topic with you. I know a fair amount of the global warming and the paleoclimatology literature, and I have the science and statistics credentials to objectively evaluate the literature.
But, as I have said before, I will not debate you on the topic until you fullfil your obligations to Goldy. Make good on your $100 bet to Goldy’s satisfaction and I will be happy to debate the issue with you.
The choice is yours Redneck….
Rush Limbaugh was caught by custom agents after returning from the Dominican Republic on a private plane with a prescription drug prescribed to another person.
Customs did not identify what the drug was.
Global wrming is commie lib Democrat bull shit. If you Dems believe this crap, give up your cars, boats, and refuse to fly in airplanes. All I see is Kerry’s 110 foot Chriscraft, the Kennedys in SUVs and private planes, and idiot Hollywood libs flying in Gulfstream G4s and G5s. What a bunch of hypocites! “All animals are equal, but some idiot democrat “progressives” are more equal than others.”
There’s a challenge. I defer to dj to respond to MTR on all matters
relating to global climate change. -
Harry Tuttle, I must have miss your post on Pat “Overdose” Kennedy, DEMOCRAT, RI. Please post again.
Thank you for your usual abandonment of all reason, Jughead.
Like the commie Russians and Chicomms give a shit about “global warming”.
No dumbass… the point is you loony lefty’s would be caught in a corner: embrace the hated Tom Delay because he suddenly started preaching the gospel of gore or decry the phony baloney global warming bullshit becaue you despise Delay… what fun that would be to watch…. either way!
proud leftist @ 33
“You [Mark the Redneck] seem to be an expert in so many areas–climatology, economics, political science, statistics, social psychology, constitutional law. You never have to defer to the professionals in any field. Is there any subject we can debate that you have some uncertainty about?”
In fact, most of this is empty chest thumping. Redneck seems to have had some rudimentary training in economics and a little bit of training in statistics. Neither seem to go beyond undergraduate training. His calls for a “chi-squared analysis” were naive (i.e. an inappropriate technique for the data), and his thoughts on economics have sprinklings of genuine understanding punctuated by his whack-o political ideology. None of the other topics you mention does he display any substantive knowledge or education beyond what a high school graduate could muster.
Harry Tuttle, Get your head out of your ass and your hand out of my wallet, commie lib parasite. You “progressives” are idiots.
Maybe ol’ Rush’ll be have Bubba for a bunk mate yet.
“Are current temperatures within the range of natural variation?” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/26/06@ 4:52 pm
And you would know that if you read a newspaper once in a while, you ignorant fuck.
The Seattle Times reported Friday the National Academies of Science calls the rise in temperature over the past century “unprecedented for the last 400 years and potentially the last several millennia,” and says “human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming.” http://archives.seattletimes.n.....rming+data
Study Shoots Down Bush Claim That Blended Fuels Cause Gas Shortages
Back in April, President Bush ordered the EPA to conduct a study of whether fuel blending requirements designed to make the air cleaner were causing spot shortages and higher gas prices.
No, the EPA said.
Another wingnut theory bites the dust.
“I wonder what would happen if Tom Delay wrote a book, made a movie and started travelling the country harping about global warming… ” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/26/06@ 5:09 pm
Maybe his lawyer can use that idea to argue for probation.
Planet earth has no problems that extinction of one species won’t fix.
Putting Queen Christine and the democraps in charge of Property tax relief is like putting a herd of Foxes in charge of the Hen house. Hang on to your wallets folks! Some people predict they will fall somewhere between the 6% and the 1%. Yup! I predict based on the Queen’s recent math, that will be 20%!
Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!
I’ve got a news flash for you, GS, Dino Lost!. I’ve got another news flash for you: He’ll lose again.
“22 – We aren’t even close to the phase of talking about causal factors. We’re still stuck at step one about whether there’s anything even going on.” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/26/06@ 5:27 pm
Gee, Mark, if you read a newspaper once in a while, you’d know this is bullshit:
“Prestigious scientific panel backs global-warming data
“By Thomas H. Maugh II and Karen Kaplan
“Los Angeles Times“After a comprehensive review of climate-change data, the pre-eminent U.S. scientific body found average temperatures on Earth have risen about 1 degree over the past century, a development that ‘is unprecedented for the last 400 years and potentially the last several millennia.’
“The report from the National Academies of Science also concluded that ‘human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming.’
“Coupled with a report last month from the Bush administration’s Climate Change Science Program that found ‘clear evidence of human influences on the climate system,’ the new study signals a growing acceptance in Washington of widely held scientific views on the causes of global warming.
“The academies’ review focused on the controversial ‘hockey stick’ graph, which shows Earth’s temperature rising abruptly to its highest point in 1,000 years after a long period of stability.
“The panel dismissed critics’ charges that fraud and error were responsible for the graph’s sharp upward swing, noting many studies had confirmed its essential conclusions in the eight years since it was first published in the journal Nature.
“The finding was a rebuke to skeptics and some conservative politicians, who have repeatedly attacked the hockey stick as the work of overzealous scientists determined to shame the government into imposing environmental rules on big business.”
For complete story, see http://archives.seattletimes.n.....rming+data
dj @ 44
I think I read on one of your posts way back that your mother was a Lutheran minister. My father is of like avocation. For better or worse, I think that Lutherans were taught that doubt is the beginning of wisdom. MTR never got that lesson. I think the guy wasn’t born stupid. He’s just so damned sure of himself, and so full of arrogance, that he’s made himself into an idiot. Such aspirations . . . -
still sounds like politics is your primary reason for objecting to the consensus theories of global warming. Your bizare fantasies aside, Jailbird lobbyist DeLay did not write a book about global warming, Al Gore did. And apparantly that’s all you need to know.
Show me the fucking data. Not what somebody reads into it so they can get taxpayer dollars to continue their “research”. The actual data. While you’re at it, please explain how they know the temperatures to within a few tenths of a degree going back several thousand years.
So what to you regulars here think about your personal information such as Social Security numbers and addresses being available through the King County Recorder’s Office’s Web site check it out
Fuck you, 56.
You show us the data! You’re the expert (bed-wetter) here! -
Us Kennedys NEVER worry about “global warming”. That bull shit is for the Democrat voting sheep. We Kennedys fly in private jets, boat in huge 110 foot Chriscrafts, and drive SUVs, and you dumb ass libs vote for us EVERY time!!!
“Ken’s Commentary: Another Weak Attempt To Boost GOP Image
“June 26, 2006
“By Ken Schram“SEATTLE – Congressional Republicans know they’re in deep political trouble … with mid-term elections looming, they need something – anything! – to rally the party faithful ….
“Hey, how about the flag? Yeah, that’s it: Rally ’round the flag! That’s just what Republicans in the House and Senate had in mind when they put together one of them thar constitutional amendments to ban flag burning.
“Mind you, no one has been out burning flags lately, but it’s still one of those hot-button patriotism issues that Republicans in political trouble love to manufacture.”
For complete commentary, see http://www.komotv.com/stories/44112.htm
NEVER will you see us Kennedys at a public airport! We fly private Gulfstreams and use thousands of gallons of jet fuel! AND, NEVER will the dumb ass Democrat sheep question us!!!
Did you wingfucks catch that last sentence? It’s worth repeating: ” … no one has been out burning flags lately, but it’s … one of those hot-button … issues that Republicans in political trouble love to manufacture.”
Now that I’ve answered Mark the Fuckwad’s question, he’s shifting into Wingnut Denial Mode.
Here are just a few little factoids for dumb ass liberal “progressive” commie Democrats to play around with, factoids that cause me to doubt that whatever global warming we’re experiencing can be blamed on the actions of man.
The sun is hotter. Period. This fact cannot be denied. The sun is going through a lengthy period of increased activity that causes it to radiate more heat into space. Is it really that hard to believe that a hotter sun would lead to a hotter earth?
Our polar ice caps are melting? Sure looks like it. But .. the polar ice caps on Mars are melting also. So, are we to believe that this is caused by man on the Earth but by the hotter sun on Mars?
And while we’re talking about ice caps melting, it’s worth noting that the ice pack in the heart of Antarctica is actually getting thicker!
Scientific data clearly shows that the Earth has undergone warming and cooling cycles for millions of years. Why, all of a sudden, does a warming cycle just have to be caused by the actions of man?
Scientists who work on government grants are more inclined to blame global warming on the actions of man than are scientists who do not depend on continued government (political) funding.
And just how much warmer has our atmosphere become in the last 100 years? One degree. That’s it. Just one degree.
Many of the people who are so involved in promoting the man-made global warming theme are people who are also involved in anti-capitalist movements. So, what is their true goal? Do they want to solve the global warming problem, or do they want to cripple the capitalist systems they so hate?
The U.S. Senate snubbed the Kyoto treaty by a vote of 99-0. This was during the Clinton years! What did these 99 senators know about the Kyoto Accords that we don’t know?
Speaking of the Kyoto accords, they would severely impact the U.S. economy, but would leave China absolutely alone! China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Since a huge number of Kyoto proponents can also be called anti-American, could this cause you to wonder what the true goal of Kyoto is?
And just how many years ago was it that these very same scientists were warming us about the earth getting cooler? -
Here ya go, Mark. Here’s the data. http://fermat.nap.edu/catalog/11676.html
Because the NYRB is a notoriously leftoid rag expecially since 9/11. real science doesn’t have to plead and beg: “please believe me. I’m real. I’m real. global warming is real. I’m real.”
J. Craig Herman @ 64,
Almost everything you state in 64 is complete bullshit. Hang it up, asshole. You don’t seem to have any idea what you are talking about, regarding the sun, regarding science, and regarding the politics of science.
Plus, you hate Joe Paterno. What are you, some kind of fucking commie?
JCH is ready for global warming! For an exclusive photo (seen only on HorsesAss) of JCH’s Hawaii house, click here: http://www.iedonline.net/house_stilts.jpg
All the wingfucks have left is their “Hail Mary” play.
I believe we are framing this debate about global warming incorrectly. We have science on our side. . . .but the more telling question from a political perspective is a question for the mythical Man In the Street: Would you trust the judgement of an Administration and political party that have laid waste to the entire Gulf Coast? In effect, “Do you feel Lucky?“.
I’m confident that neither this administration, nor our local blowhard redneck will instill much confidence that “nothin important is happening wityh regard to global warming.” -
das @ 66
‘Because the NYRB is a notoriously leftoid rag expecially since 9/11. real science doesn’t have to plead and beg: “please believe me. I’m real. I’m real. global warming is real. I’m real.”’
Oh brother! Another brilliant remark from our boy genius.
Hey, little genius, the debate about global warming is not occuring within science—that is what they mean when they use big words like “scientific concensus.”
Where the debate is raging is in the arena of politics. You know, among politicians and their supporters: the folks that don’t have the expertise to actually do the research and are generally incapable of evaluating the research.
“(CBS4 News) WEST PALM BEACH Sources have confirmed to CBS4 News that conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been detained at Palm Beach International Airport … Limbaugh was returning on a flight from the Dominican Republic when officials found the drugs, among them Viagra.”
Does the Dominican Republic execute drug traffickers? Do we have an extradition treaty with them?
1″With regard to Mark the Retarded Redneck, and The Chimpster himself, and the Duke of Darkness, the line from the old song applies, and in Spades: “He can’t run his own life. . .I’ll be damned if I’ll let him run mine
And all roger rabbit has left is his stable of four letter words and the hit list he is compiling of leaders he believes he has the right to exterminate. Whoo boy, what a bunch.
that is precisely on target.
The science is all there. And it’s obviously not about the science for conservative Republicans. It’s strictly politics for them. Nothing more than a strategy.
So engaging in a debate about the science is not only pointless, but it plays into their strategy. Get the “libs” and “lefties” spouting off about arcane statistics and the average voter will just tune out.
Keep it simple, and visceral. Talk about hurricanes, disasters, and a Republican party and a President who simply don’t care. -
Kobert has pretty convincing proof in her book . . . has to do with methane beginning to rise before it has in the past during typical cycles. Don’t have the book but saw her on a CSpan panel. . . I don’t know how anybody could refute her findings.
Unless their state of denial is religious and they are looking for Armegeddon.
D’Ass the traitorous psychotic is back. Tell me traitor, do you support our troops? Why do you support the diminishment of the budget for the VA? Your own Generals are calling for a draw down. Square that up with your psychotic talking points. The Chimpster in Chief claims the Iraqui Government is a soveriegn government. They have asked us to leave how does that square with your psychotic talking points?
Kobert is fine but I prefer the findings of the great journalist Al Gore. It doesn’t matter that he is not a scientist; he is beloved of leftoids and therefore pretty much everything he utters is truth and if you don’t believe him we will hurl swear words at you.
“I’m real. Please believe in me! I’m so real! I’m real.”
–Global Warming -
No, Katrina was Real A careless and reckless disregard for its citizens safety by this administration was Real . You smoke screen is what is not Not Real .
The BS Factor for this aministration is approaching critical mass. Screaming terrorist, terrorist, and not funding checking incoming cargo, divvying up homeland security funds as porkbarrel rewards, screwing the elderly on prescriptions, and attempting to raid Social Security. D’Ass, you run is about over.
Hysterical shrieking and heaping invective will not help you. Even your hero, Limbaugh is going down. -
I love the sense of relief of the left when it talks about GW: “God, I can’t make a case for my antiquated soul-killing beliefs but, whew, thank god that mother nature is now putting the kibosh on individual excellence and achievement that capitalism engenders by implicating capitalism itself. I could never make the case but now mother nature is on board and she will smash all those mean ol’ Bush cheney neo=con rats – (halliburton, hitler, et al, Music up and out)”
das @ 82
That wasn’t one of your more intelligible posts. You seem positively apoplectic! Calm down…breathe slowly…and try again.
On second thought, don’t try again. Nobody here gives a shit what you think….
God may visit Natural Disasters on us. . .but he also gives us the reason, courage and grace to meet those challenges. He does not encourage us to turn away from our fellow man in his time of need for greed or gain as this administration did with Katrina. This administration is not only Godless. . .but compounds this failing with pride and sanctimonious false piety.
Goldy, thanks for the excellent citations. This is elevating the discussion.
If I may repeat a prior recommendation: Take a look at any of Ross Gelbspan’s books, the most recent being “Boiling Point.” Among other things, Gelbspan does a good job of exposing the specific strategies used by the denialists. These guys are REALLY sophisticated, and you can sometimes see elements of their work here at HA.
All of which leads to my question: What is the value in continuing to argue with MTR, John McDonald or any of the other trolls who engage in dishonest propaganda techniques such as repeating their meme over and over and over without ever engaging the discussion?
We’ve talked long enough to know what MTR and McDonald are going to say. Why continue to fall for their game plan?
Would you buy a used planet froom this man? (GWB or Mark the Retarded Redneck). I thought not.
You guys are so gullible! Just because some newshound broadcasts a story, and it discredits someone you don’t like, you just jump all over it!
Limbaugh is no longer being detained. Sorry to burst your balloon. So much for the left being the party of justice. Geez, angry roger had him arrested already!
If you take the time to talk to anyone recently returned from Iraq or Afghanistan, you will know the average dogface wants no more of this BS about Democracy, freedom and Liberty. He wants to come home safe and sound. He wants his squad mates to be safe. He’s tired of trying to help Iraqis who don’t want any more of our help . And their Generals know this.
The only people still yammering about Freedom, Democracy, and Liberty, are the chickenhawks who are still here. The chickenhawks how can’t find it in their budgets to properly equip the men doing the fighting. The chickenhawks who put profit before anything else.
Bush asked for a government forged from elements of the Shia, the Sunni, and the Kurds. . .and he got it. . .and they have figured out that they don’t need us. This is the beginning of the end.
dj, I’m calm; I was just reading your mind. Remember, your thoughts were once my thoughts.
D’Ass, put down the bong.
The bankruptcy of the rightwings talking points is becoming manifest. Every time someone comes back, and shares his story with his family. Every time someone’s relative in the Gulf Coast shares their story with relatives in another part of the country. Every time this administration is caught in an open lie. Everytime a corrupt Republican is prosecuted, this neoconvict fantasy lurches closer to collapsing in on itself. Truth is corrosive to this kind of delusion.
das @ 91
“I’m calm; I was just reading your mind. Remember, your thoughts were once my thoughts”
Funny you should say that. I was just thinking you should jump off of the I-5 bridge. See if you can do something about it….
Janet S @ 87
“You guys are so gullible! Just because some newshound broadcasts a story, and it discredits someone you don’t like, you just jump all over it!”
Well…duh!!!!! Janet…this is a liberal blog you fucking moron! If you don’t like the way we “jump,” then go the fuck away!
What is it with you wingnuts? You simply cannot make it through a day without reading someting that pains you?
You know…you can get help for that.
Few things are less convincing than a wingfuck’s assertion that he once was a liberal.
“You know…you can get help for that.” Commentby dj— 6/26/06@ 7:58 pm
I like your suggestion @94 better.
I’ll admidt it is something very very large and hard to fit into your tiny frame of reference. -
“very very large and hard to fit”
Please keep your homo fantasies to yourself.
The persona known as “Das” is now inoperative due to ineffectuality.
We here in the Psych-Op Department pride ourselves in creating personas that distract and destabilize terrorist cells such as Horse’s Ass. However, we have come to realize that Das works much better in snooty East Coast college towns than bastions of homemade granola such as Seattle. Here, his rhetorical strategies are not successful because he comes across as too shrill, one-dimensional, and lacking in empathy.
As a stop-gap measure, we will be increasing the coverage of our other specialists until we retool our strategy and introduce a new persona. Thank you for your patience.
Rabbit – Does the book have the chi squared analysis I’ve been asking for? No? Hmmm…. I wonder why…
Mark the Redneck, please report for duty immediately and step up the intensity of your global warming game plan.
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 101
“Does the book have the chi squared analysis I’ve been asking for? No? Hmmm…. I wonder why…”
Ummm…because a chi-squared “analysis” is not appropriate for use with those data.
Man…that is an amateurish error. If you are going to make good on your bet with Goldy so that you can really debate me over global warming, Redneck, you are going to have to bone up on your statistics!
Look at it this way, you will only be paying $100 to make good on your bet, but the lessons I’ll teach you will be worth thousands!
Think about it, Thief!
Tee Hee
MTR doesn’t even understand that it is he who must analyze the methodologies of the accepted findings and point out the error.
He is the ruling authority only in his greatly inflated ego.
ok, ya’ll proved the point..
Reason conservatives haven’t “warmed” to your “global warming” is that you guys come off as raving lunatics…
I’d love to stop writing checks to the mullahs every time i buy gas
I’d love not to turn Arizona into some 140 degree place
I’d love to have suburban moms drive smaller cars..BUT
Nobody’s going to become true “conservatives” (save what we have) when its high pitched squeaky libs like you guysLike I said; its a political issue you guys love to champion; you actually may have a good point and thus you love to run with it. Al Gore finally gets to look respectable.
Too bad you play politics, if indeed this is such a powerful threat to mankind.
Gee, the study being quoted in Goldy’s original article was requested by a REPUBLICAN Congressman, and yet MTR and Janet S. seem determined to attack its credibility because the result was not what they desired.
MTR said: “Show me the **** data. Not what somebody reads into it so they can get taxpayer dollars to continue their “research”. The actual data.”
At least ten years of research on the subject, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals published throughout the world, critically analyzed and summarized by credible scientists in the most recent studies at the request of a Republican Congressman, and MTR still wants somebody to go out, print the source studies, put them in a double-trailer 18 wheeler combo, and deliver them to his door freight prepaid, so he can then dismiss it without bothering to read it.
Reminds me of the holocaust deniers who dismiss all photo, film, testimentary evidence, and Nazi records themesleves, as inadequate or or fraudulent evidence to prove the existence of the holcaust.
MTR, do your own footwork. The evidence is readily available in published form.
rhp; you were doing ok till you compared to the holocaust deniers;
I could compare you guys to the anti amalgalm fillings guys
not helpful to the debate.
Global warming is yet another stragem of the left to constrain freedom loving man.
In their fear of technology, the left would have us all appeasing the primitive gods of nature. Unga Bunga (face down in the dirt before a rock that seems like it might resemble a large pregnant female with giant mammalia chanting – Global Warming Unga Bunga – face back down in the dirt)…
For until I receive my IPCC report CD…
“,i>The Real Inconvenient Truth is that THE FUCKING SUN causes global warming.”
All you are saying is that the sun warms our globe. Duh. Tell us all something we don’t know. Did you need a chi square analysis to conclude this? Seems like a waste of your valuable time.What you’re NOT saying is that the sun causes the current spike in average global temerature. The OVERWHELMING, NEARLY UNANIMOUS cientific consensus is that human activities have made a major contribution to the current warming, and that steps could be taken to mitigate this effect.
Also, when you dsay “within the range of natural variation,” haw far back do you want to go? 4.5 billion years ago (6000 years to you), the earth was all but molten. Should we include the global surface or atmospheric temperature from that time as the upper limit of “natural variation?”
“Global Warming Unga Bunga – face back down in the dirt”
Clever. It is so like you to characterize the largest scientific effort in human history, and probably the strongest scientific consensus that has ever existed (though probably second to evolution), as primitve totemism.I think rather that the ignorant opposition to such a global human scientific agreement AND the opinion of a sizable majority in the US as the last gasp of the flat earthers. Give it up, guys; you already lost.
Yes, you are correct, I shouldn’t use the holocaust denier analogy. I apologize for that.
I do think it is correct in that both reach a biased conclusion and then look only for evidence which supports their belief, and refuse to consider the great weight of evidence showing their position to be wrong.
But the holocaust deniers are a special catagory, and I should only refer to them in their special context. Nobody deserves to be compared with them except those that are within that “special” group.
112; thanks, as i get up off the floor; first time i’ve seen an apology
this blog unfor doesnt like diagloge; that is i’m game to support curbs on emissions, big cars, etc. But man, these whacky proponents need a sober, boring guy/woman to push it. (and it ain’t gore)
holocaust thing i agree; absurd to deny it. I was smelling a backhanded nazi slur, which is the nomr for most of the posters.
thanks -
“I’m real. Please believe in me. I’m real. *Please. I’m…just…please.”
*New scientific method: Pleading.
The biologist Ernst Mayr reflected on the likelihood of uncovering extraterrestrial intelligence, and considered the prospects very low. He estimated that each of the 50 billion species that have evolved since the origin of life on earth has lasted about 100,000 years. He also observed that the history of life on earth refutes the concept that it is better to be smart than stupid.
That’s about the amount of since the breeding group we descend from commenced, so we are entering a period where an answer may be provided to whether being smart is better than being stupid.
Our demonstrated capacity, particularly during the past few hundred years, to assault the environment that sustains life and a diversity of complex organisms, particularly our own kind, suggests that we will fare no better than the dinosaur.
If the extraterrestrial call comes, chances are we will no longer be available to answer it.
JIatJnZaad kaH0afinjBU A2Kc7g3b7UE
Daily open thread
I’m blogging on the radio tonight (7 PM to 10 PM, 710-KIRO), so you all talk amongst yourselves.
20 million Americans listen to Rush EACH day. How many listen to Goldystein?
Look at what they are trying to do to that good man Lynn Swann running for Governor of Pennsylvania.
Notice I didn’t talk about Michael Steele or Ken Blackwell. Well, I just did!
Commentby Don\’t You Know Liberals R Racist Pigs— 6/24/06@ 10:34 am [……………………………………………………………..Very true. The libs will slim #88 Swann as they hate a Republican black.]
Over 5,ooo black men lynched by white, terrorists in the South from 1930 to 1964.
Commentby L-Mur Phd.— 6/23/06@ 6:39 pm [………..Er, Phd., Have you spoken to Robert “KKK” Byrd, DEMOCRAT, WV, about this? hehe]
Puddybud Kennedy, MTR Kennedy, Dan Rather Kennedy, RUFUS Kennedy, and JCH Kennedy!! It’s safe to say we rule, and as long as they “gets their “guvment” check, dumb ass lib sheep Democrats like Left Turn and Roger Rabbit will vote for us for decades!! Remember the Kennedy motto: Drive, rape, kill, and drive!!
Is there a giant vacuum in the room or was all that noise just another right wing traitor sticking his head up his ass looking for wisdom?
Goldy be sure to invite the moronic, inbred, right wing chickenhawks to call in. Keep em on the line long enough so that when they violate FCC rules you can have the calls traced and get the rat coward bastards fined.
It’s true I killed a guy but I had a reason, my twins, whores that they are pulled a train on him and his buddies.
Goldy be sure to invite the moronic, inbred, right wing chickenhawks to call in. Keep em on the line long enough so that when they violate FCC rules you can have the calls traced and get the rat coward bastards fined. -Commentby BushWentAWOL— 6/24/06@ 6:13 pm
It’s true I killed a guy but I had a reason, my twins, whores that they are pulled a train on him and his buddies. -Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 6/24/06@ 6:14 pm
Hey Trolls:
You are being driven over the cliff by Rove, Cheney, Reichert, Limbaugh, Mehlman and the satanic neocon cult.
I watch you go SPLAT!!!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, JCH. You are my jizzum of last resssssorrt. Shrug off, jerka-jerka-jerka-jerka. AAAAAAHHHHHWHOOOOOOOoooooooow. Yeow!!! OH MY GOD, my MIGHTY ATLAS!!! Shrugggah shruggah shruggahhhh!!!!!
You make my spine tingle with delight when you send me money!!!!!
Send more.
holy batfuck jch
you have
the edge
into the void. -
10, Too much meth. Finish the bottle and take them by the hand full!!
2006, 2008………Dems lose again, and again. Deal with it!!
Dems will do well in the dead vote, the illegal vote, and black districts in Chicago, Detroit, and Philly will vote Democrat at 115% of registration. No questions will be “axed”; however, as any and all voter fraud inquiries would be racist.
You are being driven over the cliff by Rove, Cheney, Reichert, Limbaugh, Mehlman and the satanic neocon cult.
I watch you go SPLAT!!!
Commentby Kevin J— 6/24/06@ 6:48 pm
Nah. Not buying it for a second. A bridge yes but cliff never.
Left Turn….Look for the mailbox with the NRA stickers. Then hold still for 5 seconds.
RUFUS Kennedy, Please welcome Dan Rather as the latest Kennedy. Best regards, JCH Kennedy
I watch you go SPLAT!!!
Commentby Kevin J— 6/24/06@ 6:48 pm
Hey dumbass. SPLASH!!! No wonder you libs follow us Kennedys, your as dumb as fucking rocks. Geeeeesh
Check out the “Liberty City, Fl 7”. Looks like a DNC/NAALCP membership meeting.
Jesse is on his way down to Florida to ensure the “Liberty City 7” can vote Democrat in November.
Yes Dan definitely has the pedigree to be a Kennedy:
Rather has already achieved a kind of perfection: He has been accused of liberal bias by every GOP administration since Richard Nixon’s. After he pilloried Nixon during press briefings for months, the president growled, “Are you running for something?” Reaganites accused the Evening News of interviewing downtrodden workers to generate pathos and undermine President Reagan’s policies. Rather’s most famous showdown with a Republican came against George H.W. Bush, when he harangued the vice president about the Iran-Contra scandal. Bush responded with so much vitriol—Rather was left to sputter, “You made us hypocrites in the eyes of the world!”—that the veep temporarily quelled the “wimp factor” and marched through the Republican primaries.
In reponse to these brouhahas and the National Guard story, conservative media critics have demanded blood. They charge that Rather’s careless muckraking betrays a liberal bias, but it’s actually much worse than that. Rather isn’t a liberal hack. He’s bonkers.
What other reporter could get away with the spontaneous fits of rage and the homespun corniness that are his trademarks? Raised in Texas, Rather reads the news in a colloquial rat-a-tat: Paul Harvey as performed by Bill O’Reilly. He peppers his copy with aphorisms—e.g., “that dog won’t hunt”—and for a while ended the Evening News with a single, baffling word: “Courage.”
Rather’s taste for the absurd goes beyond mere oratorical style, according to Peter J. Boyer’s excellent book Who Killed CBS? In 1981, Rather decided that he couldn’t occupy Walter Cronkite’s chair, so for his first Evening News broadcast he read the headlines while crouching behind the desk. When a rival TV journalist ambushed him outside of CBS headquarters—a favorite tactic of the 60 Minutes gang—Rather instructed the reporter, “Get the microphone right up, will you?” Then he barked, “Fuck you.” The clip played on television for days. Then there’s Rather’s odd penchant for costumes. He once trekked across the Afghan border on foot and returned with hours of dazzling reporting—all of which he undermined by wearing a ludicrous peasant disguise on camera. TV critics lashed him with the nickname “Gunga Dan.”
Rather’s most embarrassing tantrum came during the 1987 U.S. Open tennis tournament. When producers told him a match would run long and truncate the Evening News, Rather disappeared and left the network with more than six minutes of dead air. (Such was Rather’s cachet that no executive dared summon a replacement.) And don’t forget the 1986 “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” attack, in which Rather was accosted by street toughs on Park Avenue in New York. You can hardly blame Rather for that one, but Boyer notes that such things rarely seem to happen to Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings. It’s as if Rather attracts half the madness in the universe, and the other half comes out of his mouth.
What makes him bluster? Some say Rather, who attended Sam Houston State College, tries to compensate for his brittle education with hard-charging brio. He often tells a story from his days as a young CBS correspondent, when he bought a Great Books series and plowed through all the volumes. Rather didn’t wear his newfound erudition lightly. Once, during a tense moment at the network, he lectured his colleagues, “I only have one thing to say to all of you people. Syracuse, 413.” Producers were baffled. Only later did they realize that Rather kept a copy of Sir Edward Creasy’s Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World on his desk—Syracuse, 413 B.C., was in Chapter 2.
These days, network news survives in hermetically sealed cocoons—free of commercial pressures and calls for financial viability. CBS News has more cocoons than any other network. There’s Evening News, which languished in last place for years; Face the Nation, another ratings disaster; Sunday Morning, which remained unchanged even after the death of anchor Charles Kuralt; and 60 Minutes, which is profitable but has an employee-retirement program similar to that of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The CBS cocoons engender a kind of madness. Rather is paid an outsized salary—he makes $7 million per year—that is in no way commensurate with the number of viewers he delivers. Where most prime-time shows have a few weeks to prove their viability, newscasts often are given years and decades. The network’s former glory allows Rather to shroud himself in the aura of Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow. “I’m confident we worked longer, dug deeper, and worked harder than almost anybody in American journalism does,” Rather told the Washington Post Sunday, when in fact CBS spent less time verifying the Guard documents than most bloggers.
Rather has labored in Walter Cronkite’s shadow for more than 20 years, ever since the old man lumbered off into retirement. The problem isn’t that Rather can’t match Cronkite’s gravitas (though he can’t). The problem is that Rather can’t duplicate Cronkite’s magnificent ratings, which protected him from all sorts of unwanted intrusions. When Rather took over the anchor chair—and ratings dipped—CBS began to slash costs and push for Nielsen-boosting scoops.
“Old anchormen don’t go away,” Cronkite said on his final broadcast, “they keep coming back for more.” When Rather quits—whether this week or at a moment of his own choosing—it will mark an enormous shift in American cultural life. For the first time in a generation, viewers will flip on Evening News, grab a snifter of brandy, and prepare to receive the day’s stories from someone who isn’t barking mad.
Yes, Dan Rather would fit right in.
OK…..Stupid change of subject………….Teddy “Oldsmobile” Kennedy actually has a dog named “Splash”!! If I were Mary Jo’s father I would introduce Uncle Ted to Uncle Mossberg.
Why do the idiot libs in MASS keep voting for us Kennedys? Are they “progressive” sheep? Teddy must be amazed that these dumb asses are really that stupid.
holy batfuck jch
you have
the edge
into the void.Commentby ufda— 6/24/06@ 7:00 pm [………Now HERE is a well thought out post by an educated Democrat! hehe, JCH]
Hey Rufus @15, 18:
Whether you go splat or splash is immaterial to me-your irrelevance is the same.
Get over yourself and your traiterous party-we’re taking the country back-it will be up to fix your fuck-ups into the next generation. You losers are pathetic.
Go Darcy in the 8th. You trolls will just go ballistic over that won’t you?
How does one listen on-line? Do you really have to “register” to listen???
Kevin – why do you want to put a complete neophyte in a position of tremendous responsibility?
She can’t even handle msft, washing out after three years. How is she going to handle the national spotlight? What if something big happens on her watch? Will she cry and run away? What proof do you have that she has any ability what so ever to handle pressure?
But, she will vote as told, and that is what counts.
How does one listen on-line? Do you really have to “register” to listen??? -Commentby bluesky— 6/24/06@ 7:55 pm
The answer to either/both is WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO????
In times like these there is but one question:
What Would Jenna Drink?
29, Had Enough Yet?—, Wasn’t Al Gore’s son stopped for 82 in a 55 with drugs in the car? Unlike Amy Carter or Chel Clinton, the Bush twins are babes. The difference is night and day.
“we’re taking the country back”
Commentby Kevin J— 6/24/06@ 7:48 pm [The Dems lost in 2000, 2002, 2004, and will lose in 2006 and 2008. Time for you libs to get a real job in the private sector as Atlas has Shrugged and the grasshopper Democrats will need to tax each other.]
This is really too good: the evidence is in that netroots is pocketing the money being contributed to candidates through netroots. So, darcy, how much money made it to you coffers from this group? Oh, well, you got lots of publicity.
Anyone here stupid enough to donate per goldy’s instructions?
Janet S: Stop displaying the truth for moonbats. Thye’ll call you a liar! But they do eat shit and bark at the moon: “Lost in the current controversy over MyDD founder Jerome Armstrong’s apparent belief in astrology,” — see Janets S link above. Too funny moonbats!!!!!
This man has it pretty much right!
“I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!”- By Rick Roberts – 760 KFMB AM
I don’t mean to go off on a rant here, but here’s the bottom line, I want my country back.
I want my kids to be able to walk to the store or walk to school without being abducted by some 3-time convicted child molester. And the politically correct powers that be in this country just can’t seem to get over themselves with “CAN’T WE JUST HELP THIS PERSON!” No! You can’t. But they’re let loose to prey on more children.
I want my kids back. I want my country back.
I don’t agree with everything this President does. I’ve never agreed with anything 100% that any President has done or said.
You know, I was very young during the Vietnam War. So I probably missed that thing by a hair. I don’t know whether I would have agreed with that or not at the time. I was too stupid to have an opinion at that point and time even though I thought I did.
I want my country back.
I want some semblance of respect for authority, whether I agree with it all or not.
I want the Boy Scouts to be “boy” scouts, not boy and “we think she’s a girl” scouts. I want Girl Scouts to be “girl” scouts not Girl Scouts and “Bruce.”
I want my country back.
I want to be able to wake up in the morning knowing that I can walk outside without some gang-banger on parole taking my life.
Or being able to go down and purchase a car without having to worry about you know 90% of the parts being made overseas in some sweatshop.
I want my politicians, when they finally do get my vote, to do what the hell they said they were going to do in the first place.
I want the Abramoff’s of the world to be labeled what they…nothing more than organized crime in a better suit.
I want the Hollywood elite to make movies to entertain me. Not use their celebrity to sway me politically one way or the other.
Quite honestly, if you’re a has-been-pseudo-celebrity I want you to go away quietly, so that I can remember you fondly through your “artiste work” that’s left in the archives.
I want people to say something and when they say something look at me in the eye. And mean what they say. Not say what they think I want to hear. And then do what they want to later politically or any other way.
I want to be able to go out and work and make a decent wage and buy a home. Half the people that are listening to me right now can’t even afford to buy a house unless they’re working three jobs.
And I want America to be America. All of those opportunities, all of those things that made her great, I want those returned to the forefront. If you want to come to this country we welcome you with open arms. We simply ask that you abide by our laws. I don’t want you to snub your nose at our laws, then take advantage of our opportunities, and then cling to the constitution most of which you can’t even read because you don’t speak the language.
I want us to secure our borders because the country is worth securing. The people that live here are worth protecting.
I want my country back. I want my children back.
I want some semblance of what this country used to be.
It’s worth protecting. It’s worth defending.
I don’t recognize this country anymore.
Not politically, not philosophically, not spiritually.
Whether you like it or whether you don’t God was a part of building this great nation. To remove him is to take away the very foundation of what this country was all about.
I don’t care about your political correctness!
I don’t want to know your sexual preference!
I could care less about all of that. Stop making it the headline of the day!
That’s not America.
I want my country back!
And the only way I’m ever going to be able to get this country back is if I reach out to the brothers and the sisters that all feel the same way and we say “Hell No! You can’t have our country.”
It’s not for sale! Take the price tag off this country!
Take the price tag off the heads of our children!
Stop it already!
The politically-correct-psychobabble-hug-a-tree-experts ; You are not qualified to release sex offenders back into our neighborhoods.
The southern border, more than any other border, needs to be secured tomorrow. For all those that wish to come to this country to take advantage of her opportunity, to live under a constitution a living document that breathes in and out just like you do, this country is not for sale.
I should know. I’m one of the owners. You can’t sell it without my permission.
I want my country back!
Bitchslap @ 31,
Man you can say that again. The twins really are babes!
‘Specailly Jenna: -
This man has it pretty much right!
Does her daddy know she drinks Canadian?
Hey, 39, do you stalk young women regularly? It is kind of creepy.
Dan Rather made a mistake, citing a memo which could not be authenticated, but the “Killian” memo had nothing to do with the real story — Shrub used his daddy’s connections to duck out of Vietnam. The Killian memo was a goofy little addition to the story of then Lt. Governor Ben Barnes’ meeting with the late oilman Sid Adger, a friend to both Barnes and then-Congressman George H. W. Bush.
Adger asked Barnes to help young George W. Bush get in the Air National Guard. Barnes then contacted his longtime friend Gen. James Rose, the head of Texas’ Air National Guard, and recommended Bush the younger for placement.
Asked if it was a case of preferential treatment, Barnes said: “I would describe it as preferential treatment. There were hundreds of names on the list of people wanting to get into the Air National Guard or the Army National Guard. I think that would have been a preference to anybody that didn’t want to go to Vietnam or didn’t want to leave. We had a lot of young men that left and went to Canada in the ’60s and fled this country. But those that could get in the Reserves, or those that could get in the National Guard – chances are they would not have to go to Vietnam.”
For years, Bush had been hounded by questions about how he got in the National Guard.
“Any allegation that my dad asked for special favors is simply not true,” said Bush. “And the former president of the United States has said that he in no way, shape or form helped me get into the National Guard. I didn’t ask anyone to help me get into the Guard either.”
I suppose Adger could have asked without ever informing either Bush, it seems unlikely, but the point is other young men of the day, in particular Al Gore and John Kerry did not accept such special treatment. Kerry probably, and Gore most certainly could have had family friends get them sweet deals, but they both went to Vietnam.
So, you should be happy that Rather so stupidly screwed-up his own story. It’s almost like some friend was helping Bush behind the scene, once again.
First Sid, then Karl.
Darcy is going to win-you will not be able to deal with that.
Your right wing heads will explode and I will shovel your brains into Puget Sound. -
Hey Goldy:
Is this all trolls all the time?
Don’t you idiots have anything better to do?You guys are incredibly lame-just like your president and his criminal cabal.
harry tuttle
yea, gore was in the nation of vietnam; in as much danger in his rear echelon job as jimmie mcdermot. He used privilige in a big way
i think mccain is the guy you’re looking for; dad then a bigshot admiral, son went gung ho despite the connections..
So, Harry, your answer is “fake but true”?
Kerry got out on “injuries” after four months, Gore sat in an office and wrote press releases for six months. Neither served a full term of duty. I give them credit for going over. You are right – they both had access to get out of it. One has to wonder why they didn’t. Maybe a political calculation?
Harry Tuttle aka voter advocate, Could you do a post on Bill Clinton’s military service? hehe, JCH Kennedy
You guys have absolutely nothing!
You know you are going down so get into the bitch position.
We are going to win and we will take the country back.
George and Karl are pissing their pants over a dem majority in the House-so how wet are your pants?Get used to it trolls-your pig fucking is about to be exposed.
Kevin – contributed lately to nutroots?
Nice tries at straw-men, but it is Bush who was pumping up his resume.
There were lots of guys at the time who would have rather taken a cushy Air Nat’l Guard slot than a one-way ticket to Vietnam. The idea that GWB got one without ROTC and other military committment is laughable.
That he took one is less than admirable.
There must be something in the water. The family of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the American presidential hopeful, hails from the same part of northeast England as George Washington, the first president of the United States.
Hehe…………..Yes, and Hillary also claims that her parents named her after Sir Edmund Hillary, the mountain climber who achieved notoriety for scaling Mt Everest six years after Hillary was born. And, remember when Hillary tried to join the Marine Corps? Classic!! What dumb ass Democrat believes the MSM’s puff pieces on the Queen Bitch?
You guys have absolutely nothing!
You know you are going down so get into the bitch position.
We are going to win and we will take the country back.Commentby Kevin J…….NOV 2004 hehe, JCH Kennedy
You guys have absolutely nothing!
You know you are going down so get into the bitch position.
We are going to win and we will take the country back.
George and Karl are pissing their pants over a dem majority in the House-so how wet are your pants?Get used to it trolls-your pig fucking is about to be exposed.
Commentby Kevin J [………..Kevin, Somehow tonight I just can’t feel your love? Where is the love, Kevin? hehe, JCH Kennedy]
The idea that GWB got one without ROTC and other military committment is laughable.
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka voter advocate [………………..Er, Harry, What is a “committment”? Try repeating third grade. JCH Kennedy]
Kevin, let me be frank. It will be YOU “progressive” [communist] Democrats who will assume the “bitch” position in 2006 and 2008. Like in 2000, 2002, and 2004, you will take it up the rectum and enjoy it! No more “guvment” checks for you. Welcome to the private sector!!
I see our troll brigade is busy doing their daisy-chain action here on the comment threads. . .pity, their audence is so small. . . .there are thousands out there listening to the audio blog.
Eat yer hearts out trolls. . . .can’t set the agenda on the Raid-ee-oh can you? -
Harry – I enjoy jousting with you. But, I have to remind you – Bush isn’t running for office!
If the dems are basing their hopes on the likes of darcy, then I suspect that the takeover of congress is pretty unlikely. It is sad that the DCCC and Emily’s List is backing someone who has absolutely no resume whatsoever. If they have to take a “hail mary” like this, then the ranks must be pretty thin.
Ahh, the cutting repartee. What parry, what thrust!
Come on, Jughead, you always want to talk about Rather. Why don’t you give him some credit for being a helpful screw-up for your boy?
You aren’t really that dense, are you Janet? Your resident clown is constantly bringing up Dan Rather, no I.
Dna’s no longer with CBS, either.
Dan’s no longer…
Of course, Karl Rove is still strategizing for the Republicans, which is the point of the Killian “screw-up”.
Funny that someone would comment about George W. Bush not running again amid all the Clinton and Kennedy clap-trap hereabouts.
How are things in that Kent trailer park, Jughead?
Harry – can you explain to me why darcy is the best candidate for the 8th district? Other than being a reliable dem vote, what else does she bring to the table? I understand that Rove is the devil and probably set up the whole rather thing. Whatever. But the whole meme is getting tiresome. Can’t darcy stand up for herself?
BTW – be sure to donate to Darcy Burner over at Nutroots. And check your astrological fate at the same time!
Eat yer hearts out trolls. . . .can’t set the agenda on the Raid-ee-oh can you?
Commentby Tree Frog Farmer— [………………………………………………………Er, Tree Frog………Can you say R U S H? How’s that for “setting the agenda on the Raid-ee-oh.” hehe, JCH Kennedy]
I’ve been thinking about Radio Moldy and the timing of it all: “The David Goldstein Show” is a summer replacement show! Think about it… there are no summer ratings “sweeps”, summer is traditionally the political malaise season… citizens are thinking beaches and vacations, barbeques and gardens, boating and baseball not about drippy dick durbin or hitlary health care… nothing of political merit ever happens in summer… which is why it’s the perfect time to let a neophyte play radio host!
Notice Janet S has never told us why we should vote for Rubber Stamp Reichert? She really can’t think for herself and just takes marching orders from GOP HQ. I hope she continues to loudly proclaim a woman’s place is in the home. That didn’t work when the lying fucks tried it against Senator Murray and it won’t work now. If Rubber Stamp Reichert – with his nose firmly planted up Bush’s ass is the best the GOP has to offer, not only are the republicans in trouble, America is in trouble.
Uh oh. We got some of the right’s hero’s with their hands in the cookie jar.
The culture of corruption just keeps on going and the right is silent. Their concern for law and order appears to stop at their side of the aisle. Great example to set for your kids you worthless fucks!
Notice how Janet S runs and hides when you call bullshit on her arguments? I hear her sons are Steffy’s assistants in the Washington state Log Cabin Republican organization.
Hey Janet S. Your daughter says hi!
ho hum… conservatiVE activist vs BIG BAD SENATE MINORITY LEADER… oh gee, which could be worse???
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid wrote at least four letters helpful to Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff, and the senator’s staff regularly had contact with the disgraced lobbyist’s team about legislation affecting other clients.
The activities _ detailed in billing records and correspondence obtained by The Associated Press _ are far more extensive than previously disclosed. They occurred over three years as Reid collected nearly $68,000 in donations from Abramoff’s firm, lobbying partners and clients.
Reid’s office acknowledged Thursday having “routine contacts” with Abramoff’s lobbying partners and intervening on some government matters _ such as blocking some tribal casinos _ in ways Abramoff’s clients might have deemed helpful. But it said none of his actions were affected by donations or done for Abramoff.
“All the actions that Senator Reid took were consistent with his long- held beliefs, such as not letting tribal casinos expand beyond reservations, and were taken to defend the interests of Nevada constituents,” spokesman Jim Manley said.
Reid, D-Nev., has led the Democratic Party’s attacks portraying Abramoff’s lobbying and fundraising as a Republican scandal.
But Abramoff’s records show his lobbying partners billed for nearly two dozen phone contacts or meetings with Reid’s office in 2001 alone.
Most were to discuss Democratic legislation that would have applied the U.S. minimum wage to the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory and Abramoff client, but would have given the islands a temporary break on the wage rate, the billing records show.
Reid also intervened on government matters at least five times in ways helpful to Abramoff’s tribal clients, once opposing legislation on the Senate floor and four times sending letters pressing the Bush administration on tribal issues. Reid collected donations around the time of each action.
Ethics rules require senators to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest in collecting contributions around the times they take official acts benefiting donors.
Abramoff’s firm also hired one of Reid’s top legislative aides as a lobbyist. The aide later helped throw a fundraiser for Reid at Abramoff’s firm that raised donations from several of his lobbying partners.
And Reid’s longtime chief of staff accepted a free trip to Malaysia arranged by a consulting firm connected to Abramoff that recently has gained attention in the influence-peddling investigation that has gripped the Capitol.
Yeah, Grover Norquist lost my support a long time ago, after he proved to be a shill for the islamists.
LT – I actually respect Murray. I don’t agree with her positions, and I didn’t vote for her. But she has integrity. Before running for the senate, she taught school and served on the the school board. She may not be the smartest one of the bunch, but she has proven herself to be a capable legislator.
None of this answers my question: what has darcy done to earn our vote? Reichart’s record stands on it own. I don’t need to defend it or explain it.
Are you seriously contending that the Democrats have an “Abramoff Problem”. You guys seem to forget who is in the majority, and who sets the agenda. How ’bout this, throw out any of them that took dirty money, and see who is dirtier.
She never taught school.
She was a teachers ‘aid’: a room mom with pay
whoop de damned do
The Roger Rabbit Institute for Abnormal Studies issues a report today officially certifying JCH as “Fucking Nuts,” which is the most severe degree of insanity the Institute recognizes.
See #73.
See #73.
12, 13
See #73.
See #73.
How are things in that Kent trailer park, Jughead?
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka voter advocate [Oh RR!! Perhaps it’s time to set this loser straight? Perhaps not!! But land in “Kent” does not sell for 95 grand and acre. ]
See #73.
Janet, Sheriff Davie is caught in the resolution on Iraq that the House passed last week. Darcy will be able to plaster the situation in Iraq all over him.
Your guys were feeling their oats over the latest PR campaign — death of al-Zarqawi, the victory lap in the Green Zone — but today the news is:
Baghdad in state of emergency
U.S. and Iraqi troops struggle with insurgents in armed street battlehe fighting in the heart of Baghdad came despite a crackdown launched 10 days ago that put tens of thousands of U.S.-backed Iraqi troops on the streets as the new prime minister sought to restore a modicum of safety for the capital’s more than 5 million people.
Iraqi and U.S. military forces clashed with heavily armed attackers throughout the morning Friday within earshot of the Green Zone, which houses the U.S. and British embassies and Iraqi government headquarters.
The experience the Grey Fox has is kissing the ass of the naked Emperor. That isn’t going to do it in November.
Kevin C. aka Janet S — have you supported the troops? http://www.operation-helmet.org/ No? I didn’t think so.
Democrats DO have an Abramoff problem… why do you think it suddenly fell off the talking points?
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.); Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin, both Michigan Democrats; and the Democratic Senatorial Committee (DSCC), Thomas A. Daschle (S.D.), Byron L. Dorgan (N.D.), Democratic senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor among others, took money from Abramoff’s former clients.
Nearly 90 Percent Of Senate “Democrats Have Taken Abramoff-Related Money:
Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) Received At Least – $22,500
Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) Received At Least – $6,500
Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) Received At Least – $1,250
Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Received At Least – $20,250
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) Received At Least – $21,765
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) Received At Least – $12,950
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) Received At Least – $8,000
Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) Received At Least – $14,792
Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Received At Least – $79,300
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) Received At Least – $14,000
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) Received At Least – $1,250
Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) Received At Least – $45,750
Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI) Received At Least – $9,000
Senator Jim Jeffords (I-VT) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) Received At Least – $14,250
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) Received At Least – $3,300
Senator John Kerry (D-MA) Received At Least – $98,550
Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Received At Least – $28,000
Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT) Received At Least – $4,000
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) Received At Least – $6,000
Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) Received At Least – $29,830
Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Received At Least – $14,891
Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Received At Least – $10,550
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) Received At Least – $78,991
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Received At Least – $20,168
Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) Received At Least – $5,200
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) Received At Least – $2,300
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Received At Least – $3,500
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) Received At Least – $68,941
Senator John Rockefeller (D-WV) Received At Least – $4,000
Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) Received At Least – $4,500
Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) Received At Least – $4,300
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Received At Least – $29,550
Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Received At Least – $6,250
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) Received At Least – $6,250
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $423,480
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $354,700
Democratic National Cmte $65,720
Democratic Party of Michigan $23,000
Democratic Party of Oklahoma $15,000
Democratic Party of North Dakota $10,000
Democratic Party of South Dakota $9,500
Democratic Party of Minnesota $9,000
Democratic Party of New Mexico $6,250
Democratic Party of Montana $5,000
Democratic Party of Washington $500
(clearly he wasn’t too impressed with our sad little WA d’RATS) -
If you dipped your wick in that, you’d need it amputated.
Let’s just count up the indictments, hcybPtbaA.
That’s not a list of Democratic politicians and organizations who received bribes from Abramoff. It’s only a list of Democratic politicians and organizations who received contributions from tribes that Abramoff extorted money from. So fucking what?
“can you explain to me why darcy is the best candidate for the 8th district?” Commentby Janet S— 6/24/06@ 10:18 pm
A) She isn’t a rubberstamp for the dumbest president of all time
B) She didn’t need 20 years to complete her work assignment
C) She hugged a rabbit -
RR @ 83
guess that explains JCH’s er, uhm, shortcoming. -
ASS @ 82- Roger has slapped that one down before. Just right wing BS talking points.
JCH was the inspiration for “The Sun Also Rises”
I thought he/she was the inspiration for “The Crying Game”
The only dick JCH has is between his shoulders.
@78: How are things in that Kent trailer park, Jughead?
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka voter advocate [Oh RR!! Perhaps it’s time to set this loser straight? Perhaps not!! But land in “Kent” does not sell for 95 grand and acre. ]
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 6/24/06@ 10:57 pm
Actually, shit for brains, some vacant land in Kent goes for well over 100 grand/acre.
Janet S I am glad to hear you respect Senator Murray. None of this answers my question: what has Rubber Stamp Reichert done to earn our vote? It’s typical that you want to have one set of rules for your candidate and another for our candidate. Must be fun for you in that special universe you live in where things don’t ever have to be fair or balanced.
1) How many Democrats have been arrested, indicted or convicted because of their ties to Abramoff?
2) How many Republicans have been arrested, indicted or convicted because of their ties to Abramoff?
ANSWER – SEVEN and counting including Deke Cunningham, Mike Scanlon, David Safavian, Adam Kidan and others.
3) How many Democrats are under subpoena because of their ties to Abramoff?
3) How many Republicans are under subpoena because of their ties to Abramoff?
THREE and counting including Republican Congressman Bob Ney and Jogn Doolittle.
How many Republicans are under suspicion because of their ties to Abramoff?
TEN and counting including ex-Congressman Tom DeLay, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) ,Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.) Bob Volz and Ralph Reed.
Sure this is a Democratic problem. Keep lying to yourself and your kids. Maybe it will make you and them feel better but it won’t change the fact that it is the REPUBLICAN culture of corruption at stake. And we’ll be building TV ads around these guys come October.
Funny, none of these emails were to Democrats???? I guess this really IS A REPUBLICAN PROBLEM!
I guess they don’t call it “cut and run” when a republican general has the idea…
U.S. General in Iraq Outlines Troop Cuts
By MICHAEL R. GORDON, The New York Times
WASHINGTON (June 25) – The top American commander in Iraq has drafted a plan that projects sharp reductions in the United States military presence there by the end of 2007, with the first cuts coming this September, American officials say.
Great DOT story in the morning news…
Seem’s Goldy’s brain trust messed up again; can’t even measure the height of the bridge, so incoming new bridge on a boat hit and damaged the new bridge.
Anybody got a tape measure? I think my inflated taxes paid for 1
– believes that going into Iraq was a mistkae
– think that the U.S. should set a timetable for when troops will be withdrawn from Iraq
– knows that human generated global climate change is real
– thinks GW Bush is doing a terrible job
– think that gay people are eintitled to either legal marraige or legal partnership arrangements simlare to but not called marriage
– think this country is on the wrong track
– want to see the Democrats win control of Congress -
Puddy @ 34
Typical lying.
Busby said:
“You don’t need ‘papers to vote,’ you don’t need to be registered, to help [my campaign]…”The word “and” that you included was never spoken. By saying “papers to vote” she was echoing the phrase used by her ESL questioner to make her answer clear to him: that even people in this country illegally, or even legals who do not have all of their papers in order, can still help work with her campaign.
Of course all you can do is quote out of context and add words that were not said for your smears.
JS @ 45
“Kerry got out on “injuries” after four months…Neither served a full term of duty. I give them credit for going over.”
Love the scare quotes around “injuries.” Way to imply that he was no injured. Too bad that his shipmates, his doctors, and the US Navy doesn’t agree with you, to the tune of a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts.
From Snopes.com:
According to a Boston Globe overview of John Kerry’s Vietnam experience:Under [Navy Admiral Elmo] Zumwalt’s command, swift boats would aggressively engage the enemy. Zumwalt, who died in 2000, calculated in his autobiography that these men under his command had a 75 percent chance of being killed or wounded during a typical year.
“There were an awful lot of Purple Hearts — from shrapnel, some of those might have been M-40 grenades,” said George Elliott, Kerry’s commanding officer. “The Purple Hearts were coming down in boxes. Kerry, he had three Purple Hearts. None of them took him off duty. Not to belittle it, that was more the rule than the exception.”
Back in 1969, Navy regulations specified that any soldier wounded in combat three times be automatically reassigned away from a combat zone to an assignment of his choosing (unless the thrice-wounded soldier specifically requested to stay). Four days after Kerry took his third hit of shrapnel, Commodore Charles F. Horne, an administrative official and commander of the coastal squadron in which Kerry served, forwarded a request on Kerry’s behalf to the Navy Bureau of Personnel asking that Kerry be reassigned to “duty as a personal aide in Boston, New York, or Washington, D.C.” Soon afterwards Kerry was transferred to Cam Ranh Bay to await further orders, and within a month he had been reassigned as a personal aide and flag lieutenant to Rear Admiral Walter F. Schlech, Jr. with the Military Sea Transportation Service based in Brooklyn, New York.
Kerry served with Admiral Schlech until the end of 1969, when he requested an early discharge from the Navy in order to run for a Massachusetts congressional seat. Admiral Schlech approved the request, and on 3 January 1970 Kerry received an honorable discharge, six months early.
You are right – they both had access to get out of it. One has to wonder why they didn’t. Maybe a political calculation?
That bridge is a design-build turnkey project being engineered and built by a joint venture between Kiewit and Bechtel. This is an example of the much lauded practice of privatization. WashDOT engineers don’t perform any of the engineering on this project. Nor do they supply the tape measures. My guess is the money for tape measures was instead used to purchase tickets to Reichert’s little love fest in Medina.
Do a quick search and you’ll see that the board members and execs for those two companies overwhelmingly supported…
Not exactly Goldy’s braintrust, now is it?
69, 82
Your weasel words are showing.
“Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff”
“the senator’s staff regularly had contact with the disgraced lobbyist’s team”
“collected donations around the time of each action. ”
“a consulting firm connected to Abramoff”Nice, general terms that are carefull chosen and intended to hide the LACK of connection here.
Yes, “Indian tribes” donate to Democrats. Democrats represent the interests of “indian tribes,” whereas Republicans see them only as “moronic” and “stupid” enough to let the GOP take their money (quotes are terms from Abramoff e-mails referring to the tribes). and yes, Harry Reid’s staff meet with lobbyists. Every Senator’s staff members meet with lobbyists. There never is or was any quid pro quo (or surely you would have mentioned it), and Reid voted against the interests of Abramoff’s clients when he was being lobbied on bahalf of the casino interests Abramoff represented.
I like the later ones even better:
“took money from Abramoff’s former clients”whic then magically turns into:
“Abramoff-Related Money”The TRUTH is that none of the money from “Abramoff’s former clients” that went to a Democrat was solicited by Abramoff. Abramoff’s job in the case of Indian tribes was to influence them to give money to Republicans. Abaramoff never solicited a single donation to a Democrat. But do keep trying to use vague and general terms to imply the opposite of the TRUTH. It is, after all, the only thing you are good at.
The last sentence in 103:
“You are right – they both had access to get out of it. One has to wonder why they didn’t. Maybe a political calculation?”…was janet’s which I accidentally left in as i was composing.
It’s time to crawl back on the Maria Bandwagon…even if it hurts.
If you read the McGavick PR puff piece, er, lead article page 1 of Sunday’s Seattle Times, you’ll see McGavick’s total dependence on Ted Stevens and I suggest you evaluate for yourself the likelihood of any kind of Stevens-independent energy policy on the part of (Not in our lifetime) a Senator McGavick. Even if you’re mad at Maria, think about depleting a little of Stevens’ rumored clout, which would be called bullying anywhere but the senate. Reelecting Maria might make it possible for a few more people to stand up to The Incredible Bulk and may even make him understand it’s time to retire.
I guess I’ll get some yard signs from the Cantwell campaign and start talking nicer about her.
Not kissing Steven’s ass like the rest raises her stature, in my estimation.
more to the point, why would Rethugs, bent on curbing federal largess, support a Senator, his political cronies like Lobbyist Mike, and a system that transfers wealth from “producer states” like ours to a giant wealfare state like AK? -
Hey, remember Iraq? Remember how withdrawing any troops at any time was cutting and running, and setting a timetable only “emboldens the terrorists” and lets the “enemy” in on our plans? Well, that’s all crap if you’re the Bush administyration!
Bush is now withdrawing troops (which as we all know will send the “wrong message”) and providing numbers, dates, etc. Bush just adopted the Democrats’ plan (the SAME plan he and Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman and the Republican Congress savaged all week). Bushjust provided “the enemy” with DETAILED dates for the withdrawal and the exact number of troops we would withdraw and where they remaining troops would be stationed. What changed in Iraq for the better in the past two days that let the White House come up with a timetable for a partial withdrawal? Was it the kidnapping of 85 to 100 people north of Baghdad? Was it the US embassy memo saying the situation is deteriorating? There are no facts whatsoever to suggest that the situation in Iraq has improved at all, so what possibly can Bush be basing this on other than political pandering for the upcoming US elections? and isn’t it nice to know that the US military is now actively trying to influence US elections?
I like that. Freakin’ laptop keyboards.
Whatever happened to “rooting for the little guy”? The GOP is now the party of the rich, pampered, well-off.
Cantwell is to be commended for taking on that bloodsucking (MY tax money) scumbag Ted Stevens. Let’s face it folks, no republican would ever pay money to see a remake of “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington”.
Great Point Daddy Love,
When Bush started to treat our soldiers worse than iraqi terrorists – conservatives like me are demanding our troops out of Iraqi. For example, today Iraqi insurgents are being offered amnesty, what about our guys? Our guys are rotting in jail in Camp Pendleton unable to say anything, while their commander-in-chief tells everyone how bad they are. I guess support for the troops only means support for you poll ratings.
Don’t look now, Daddy Love, but if Gen. Casey is openly preparing to redeploy the troops in Iraq, it’s because he’s been ordered by Rummy to prepare an invasion of Iran.
Hi Proud to be Ass,
I don’t the Republican Party is that. I think they have turned in the party of the payoff to stay in power at any price, they are throwing money at just about anything and everything that they believe will buy them a vote. Very similar to the last few election cycles as Democrats were losing power nationwide.
As someone in the top 2% of wager earners in the nation, I’m pretty pissed at Bush’s handling of the economy. There are 3 consequences of big deficits, 1. inflation, 2. higher taxes, 3. cut spending. 3 isn’t going to happen. 1 and 2 directly impact the wealthy and people on a fixed income like seniors.
Republicans will say there is a fourth choice, which is grow your way out (which can be true but not the way Bush is going about it) — and they will point to the growth rate of GDP under Bush. However, subtract the increase in government spending and the growth rate drops by 50%. subtract the ripple effect of this spending as it goes through the economy and the economic growth rate nears 0 under Bush.
One of the massive problems Bush is creating that will be left to whoever takes over for him is: an economy that is becoming ever more dependent on government spending — remember the public sector economy doesn’t pay taxes or create wealth. Thus, get ready for a massive recession when a Democrat takes office and trys to break the downward cycle. However, it will be a good recession as it should kick a lot of companies off the government nipple and get them back to actually making real products. People are not the only things that get welfare, corporations get more welfare today then those in poor neighborhoods.
John McDonald.
I don’t agree.
“…get ready for a massive recession when a Democrat takes office and trys to break the downward cycle. ”
After massive deficit spending for the decade and a half of the Reagan years, Bill Clinton and a Democratic Congress raised taxes, cut the size of government, and ushered in the longest economic expansion in our nation’s history, balancing the budget along the way.
Did I mention historically-unprecendented unemployment under Clitnon?
Low unemployment, that is.
Ah, but you forget…low unemployment is bad for the Ruling Class — it means paying competitive wages and benefits. The key word in this sentence is competitive — competition is only a cudgel with which to terrify workers–competition isn’t four news media organizations in the entire country. Competitive isn’t unbridled mergers with no question from the agencies that are supposed to protect the economic interest of people beyond the upper .5 percent. We have to be on the offensive and even be offensive–unapologetically so — on behalf of the people. We have to reclaim words like liberal and even the dread government. And, for g-d’s sake, we can’t let incompetence in governing prove anything except that the incompetents shouldn’t have jobs they can’t do. I can’t program in LISP–this doesn’t mean all lisp interpretors should be burned–it probably means I shouldn’t be hired as a LISP coder.
Where Is Our Karl Rove???? Oh, I forgot — he’s out threatening progressives who dare work against the DC-annointed democrats. Rom? You out there?
Funny how it’s cut and run when Dems say it and it’s fine policy when righties say it. Situational ethics – it’s the only kind the righties have.
For all the doomer gloomer “populatiom bomb” theorists out there (you know who you are):
The U.S. population growth rate is slowing.
Despite these large increases in the number of persons in the population, the rate of population growth, referred to as the average annual percent change,1 is projected to decrease during the next six decades by about 50 percent, from 1.10 between 1990 and 1995 to 0.54 between 2040 and 2050. The decrease in the rate of growth is predominantly due to the aging of the population and, consequently, a dramatic increase in the number of deaths. From 2030 to 2050, the United States would grow more slowly than ever before in its history.
Source: http://www.census.gov/populati.....tproj.html
Once again for all those alarmists out there:
“The predictions not only did not come true, the world developed in a direction completely opposite to the one predicted by Ehrlich, without implementing any of his proposed measures. The world food production grows exponentially at a rate much higher than the population growth,”The Population Bomb (1968) is a book written by Paul R. Ehrlich. A best-selling work, it predicted disaster for humanity due to overpopulation and the “population explosion”.
The book predicted that “in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death”, that nothing can be done to avoid mass famine greater than any in the history, and radical action is needed to limit the overpopulation.”
Wikipedia…oh yeah, there’s an expert. Write anything you want….believe anything you want…you’ll find it there. Do you have some tarot card readings to back this up? Perhaps a ouiji board or two?
I agree about wikipedia… but that doesn’t change verifiable FACTS:
The population bomb, hyped by the likes of Paul Ehrlich (aka: Malthus Man), turned out to be a dud. The Western world now faces the reality of depopulation. Since the 1970s, worldwide fertility rates have been cut in half. In all, 59 nations with 44% of the world’s people have below-replacement birthrates.
To maintain a stable population requires a birthrate of 2.1 children per woman. Italy’s rate is 1.2. In Spain, the average is just 1.15.
Russia is losing 700,000 people a year by attrition. If the trend isn’t reversed, by 2050, the nation could lose one-third of its current population (146 million).
“ Bluntly put, for decades, Western society — under the sway of feminists, environmentalists, Zero Population Growth-types and other assorted utopians — has inculcated an anti-family ethos.
Selfishness was celebrated. Marriage and children were downgraded to lifestyle options. Women who stayed at home to raise and nurture a family were derided. The importance of fathers was downplayed. Abortion was enshrined as a “human right.” And contraception was ubiquitous. “
Economist Robert J. Samuelson wrote about depopulation graphically in a Washington Post column from last June.
“Europe as we know it is going out of business,” Samuelson warned. Talk of a united Europe challenging America is a fantasy. “It’s hard to be a great power if your population’s shriveling,” the economist observed. It’s also hard to maintain a social insurance system with a demographic deficit. Samuelson: “Western Europe’s population grows dramatically grayer, projects the U.S. Census Bureau. Now about one-sixth of the population is 65 and older. By 2030 that would be one-fourth, and by 2050 almost one-third.”
“ Russian President Vladimir Putin has inadvertently spotlighted one of today’s momentous mysteries: collapsing birthrates in industrialized countries. Putin proposed that Russia pay women to have children to remedy a “critical” population outlook. Actually, he might have said “desperate.” In 2000, Russia’s population totaled almost 147 million; Putin says it’s declining by 700,000 a year. With plausible assumptions, the U.S. Census Bureau projects it at 111 million in 2050. The median age (half the population above, half below) would be almost 50, up from 38 now. Could this Russia maintain a strong economy, national optimism or a capable military?
Russia’s case, though extreme, isn’t isolated. There’s no more population “explosion.” In wealthier countries, motherhood is going out of style and plunging birthrates portend population loss. This is a hugely significant development, even if we don’t fully understand the causes — 30 years ago experts didn’t predict it — or consequences. One way or another, the side effects will be massive for economics, politics and people’s well-being. Indeed, they may already have started. Is it a coincidence that Germany and Italy, two countries on the edge of population decline, are so troubled? “
“The forthcoming and dramatic depopulation of Europe and Japan will cause many problems,” writes Ben Wattenberg in “Fewer,” his excellent book on the subject. “Populations will age, the customer base (for businesses) will shrink, there will be labor shortages, the tax base will decline, pensions will be cut, retirement ages will increase.” All plausible. In 2000, one in six people in Germany and Japan were 65 or older; by 2050, the projections are for one in three.
ProudHeisStillanASS: You make this so easy.
Who are the richest again? Dumb donk barking at the moon!
Hm, it is very coo site only for sweet people! ;)
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Daily open thread
Oh my gosh! Paid signature gatherers lying about an initiative..? Who knew?
Republicans talking = republicans lying.
Republicans talking = republicans lying.
We haven’t heard much from Goldy about his child’s school, Graham Hill (maybe he has the good sense to be embarassed about printing a photo of children without their parents’ permission on the Internet). He likes to tell us how united and one this school is and yet, if you look at his postings at the Graham Hill Yahoo group it appears the school is as it appears…very confused and dominated by Montessori parents.
Several parents write and ask why the focus is on the Montessori program and express uneasiness about the focus. Others say they didn’t even know the Montesssori elementary program was free and assumed it was pay since the pre-K is. How can you be at a school with two programs and completely not know this? Goldy himself weighs in and asks for people to “investigate” any ties between Zion Prep and members of the CAC (there aren’t any, just more of his conspiracy fantasies). And, he ponders if the Montessori program moved to another school how the parents at the new school would feel if the Montessori parents took over their PTA (absolutely what he wrote). Graham Hill a united school? No, it’s two separate schools with the minority dominating the majority whether it’s running the PTA or academic achievement. And how come he never asks the question, why do the Montessori kids perform better than the regular ed kids? It doesn’t seem to trouble him a bit.
This kid can do it, so why can’t Rubberstamp Reichert do it? http://www.merchantsbay.com/eI.....t_Full.jpg
Stefan, why didn’t you share the proceeds of your lawsuit against King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit?
Education Activist: I’ll answer that and I DARE GOLDY TO REFUTE ME!
Goldy, you put pictures of minors on the Internet and no lefty complained? Goldy when Richard Pope placed the population demographics of your beloved school you called him a liar. When he URL’d the Seattle School Distric document did you apologize? HELL NO! Libruls lie and then when caught don’t mea culpa, they want everyone to forget it. Let a conservative get caught in a lie and it’s national news time.
So I ask you Goldy, do you support the school demographic “racist” policies? Seems to me when you were confronted by Richard Pope you could have said “Richard, that’s news to me!” I would have bought it Goldy. Now I see otherwise!!! Let the poor black kids effin get bad schooling as long as my daughter gets good schooling. Good job Goldy. BTW while sitting on that fat ass on Sunday night tell the whole 90 listeners (ASSHead Members of the Goldy Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats) why you didn’t run for school board. If you put that on this blog anytime B4 the next show, your listenership will break 1000 as us whom think right would tune in! But we know that will never happen! Why? Goldy would have to admit he is the problem, NOT THE SOLUTION!!!!
Watch now peeps. DJ will be the first to come to Goldy’s rescue. He always does!
Does ANYBODY understand the ramblings of this inbred fuck Puddybutt? I swear I have no idea what he is trying to say most of the time. But I do know it’s stupid.
Just a reminder that today, like every day, hero of the right, drug addict Lush Flimbaugh is peeing into a cup in front of his probation officer. Another shining example for the republican youth!
Clear as a Sunny Seattle day to me LeftTurd Blossom! I wait for the Goldstein to answer the charges above!
Here is the Palm Beach County Court Order LeftTurd. I see no peeing in a cup. You have no argument so you repeat yourself… no you pee all over yourself with another lie! BTW this is not right-wing site Clueless! Slate – Run by left wing morons!
LeftTurdBall: Why would the ACLU back Limbaugh?
“The American Civil Liberties Union, hardly a political ally of Limbaugh’s, joined the case, arguing for special notification to patients if their medical records are going to be taken. The ACLU said Wednesday it would continue to join with Limbaugh in his appeals.
“Rush Limbaugh’s celebrity status is secondary to the fundamental privacy issues that arise in this case,” said Randall Marshall, legal director of the ACLU of Florida. “What is at stake here is the medical privacy of millions of people in Florida and the need to protect people against unnecessary government intrusion into their medical records.””
It was a witch hunt TurdBall or is that DingleBerry?
“From each, according to there abilities, to each, according to their needs, and us Democrats have unlimited needs!” Hillary Clinton and Karl Marx
” … Limbaugh acquired more than 2,000 painkillers over a period of five months.” (See link in #10)
Man, that explains a lot! Now … I wonder what Coulter is on?
Almost an hour has past and no answer from Goldy on Puddy’s challenge. Maybe he’s drinking liberally on a Thursday night!
Timeout from politics —
Thursday Evening Poetry in session:
Guitar Lesson #1
Hold her close
Let your chest feel
her smooth back
Settle her deep curves
Upon your thigh
Wrap your arm
Around her bottom
And gently brush
With one hand
You pinch slightly
Without hurting
Your other hand
Upon her sensitive neck
Settle for a moment
But not too long
Just enough pressure
To make a beautiful cry -
You know … Ann Coulter … the Nazi bitch who committed VOTING FRAUD and is trying to procure the MURDER of a congressman.
Roger Rabbit does! I sent $99 to OPERATION HELMET because our GOP-run government is too fucking cheap to buy equipment for our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
All the time, we hear trolls dribble how they “support the troops” and we liberals don’t. Well, I wonder how many of THEM have sent a donation to OPERATION HELMET. None, I’ll bet. Like Mark the Turdfuck, they talk a good game but when it’s time to step up to the plate they’re welshers.
I liked Rogre Rabbit. Actually gave you stature!
How many of the brainwashed troll asswipes who post on this board have put their money where their mouths are, and supported the troops by sending a donation to OPERATION HELMET?
[ ] 1. Are you serious?
[ ] 2. You’re kidding, right?
[ ] 3. Is the moon made of green cheese?
[ ] 4. Do you believe in UFOs?
[ ] 5. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR — that’s funny! -
Well, that’s easy to fix! Now, are you gonna support the troops, or are you a welsher like Mark the Redturd?
Or how about this one? So how about it — are you gonna support the troops or not?
Uncle Sam wants YOU to support the troops! Roger Rabbit did!
Rubberstamp Reichert doesn’t support the troops. He’s so cheap, he won’t even spend other people’s money to buy helmets for the troops. So it’s up to the patriots like Roger Rabbit to pick up the slack from the poopers like Rubberstamp Reichert and the HA menagerie of trollfucks.
Republicans say they “support the troops,” but they don’t actually support the troops. They want Roger Rabbit to do it for them! Well, I did, and gladly!!! A soldier’s life is more important to me than another tax cut for millionaires. Too bad everyone doesn’t feel that way.
GOP = all hat, no cattle
all republicans are traitors and cowards
they don’t pay their gambling debts or support the troops, either, but i bet they’d suck bunny dick — for a good time call 1-800-SUK-ROGR
“The composition of the new Congress also lends support to the allegations that the Republicans have become the “party of the military.” Nineteen Republicans and 16 Democrats are senators with military experience. Sixty-eight Republicans and 46 Democrats are veteran House members. Of the new veteran legislators of any age, six are Republicans, three are Democrats. All 10 of the volunteer-era veteran legislators are Republicans.”
” The growing presence of women in the U.S. Congress also changes the mix. While hundreds of women have graduated from service academies and ROTC programs, and thousands have served the military in enlisted capacities, only one female veteran is in the new Congress — Rep. Heather Wilson (R-N. Mex.), a former Air Force officer.”
http://www.usm.maine.edu/mcr/n.....anoped.htmLiberals are the cocksuckers of the world. Forget Log Cabin Republicans; just visit cornholeland… San Francisco. Castro Street. On a building in San Francisco: “For a good time call a liberal man from Seattle. They even let horses fuck them”!
Try and refute that one girly men!
Call Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco. He makes laws for cornholing cocksucking liberal Girly men. California Supreme Court shot him down. Now what was Roger Rabbit saying about the military? Didn’t YO say you were rear eschelon? Oh yes, nothing worthwhile! Just like LeftTurd Blossom. Nothing about peeing in a cup! All made up!
Puddy: Goldy won’t answer you. He was caught in a lie, has no alibi, and now his daughter is going to cry when she finds out Goldy sat on his ass and let her school fry. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Goldy! Yeah!
Republicans talking = republicans lying.
Commentby LeftTurn— 6/22/06@ 6:08 pm
Here here LT. I am not getting quoted on this am I? Courage, courage.
Just a reminder that today, like every day, hero of the right, drug addict Lush Flimbaugh is peeing into a cup for LeftTurd Blossom to drink that yellow nectar!
Hey Rabbit – Didja see today somebody did a survey of CEO salaries and found the average CEO makes 622 times as much as low level loser bureaucrats like you? Does it piss you off that The Producers have more than poor pathetic losers like you?
Didja also see GOP decided NOT to pay people more than they are worth by raising minimum wage?
Just thought I’d let you know…
A lot of slime and no substance form our righties today. They must be concerned.
Explain to me tonight (since no one would last night) why when the Repub administration lied about the reasons for war (no WMD,no link to 9/11), had no plan for after the fall of Saddam (those IED come from the arorries we did not secure) and inadequately supplied our troops (insufficient armor for troops or vehicles)should not be considered treasonous?
Just wondering.
Then explain why we picked Iraq which was no direct threat and left business unfinshed in Afganistan and weakened us so much that North Korea, a real threat, cannot be confronted.
Still wondering.
Lot of unhinged right-wing slime tonight!
Yes the 13 year old boys must all be locked up tonight so the right wingers can’t find any ass to rape so they’re going off here at HA!
Lost in the noise of #35 &36 is the lack of tangible answers to today’s problems!!!
Now watch Cluelesscocksucker accuse me of right-wing propoganda. I’ll answer back: “figure it out dummy”!
Madeline Half-Bright & Jimmie Carter said North Korea was our friends in the 90s. Isn’t that when they were developing nuclear weapons? Yes, vote Democrat, we’ll let the bad guys develop bad weapons under our eyes. We could wipe Kim Il Dong Jong off the map in 30 minutes!
Saddam was supposed to totally destroy his WMDs. 14 resolutions from the “It takes a Village UN”. He didn’t. We found the rest of his cachet. You all claimed what? He didn’t have any? We didn’t secure them. Are you saying Clinton didn’t do the job like getting Osama in 1996? If the weapons were NOT destroyed, what are they then? WMDs?
#37 – Aren’t you a friend of NAMBLA, along with TFF, GT, LT, FTC and others?
39 – perfect example, of the right-wing slime, that is.
38 – Whew! Talk about delusional…
Ummm, Cocksuker, what WMD did we find? Where are the tools for that mushroom cloud? Conventional expolsives, which are killing out troops now, are not WMD. Cut the bullshit.
If ther is a lack of tangible answers, look to the party in power for that lack. WHile North Korea and Iraq were bad actors during the Clinton era, they were contained. The restart of the N. Korean nuclear program is on Bush’s head, as is that in Iran. We have squandered internatioal support and the rogue actors are running free.
In another thread rhp6033— 6/22/06@ 8:17 am said:
“And I don’t accept your premise about Haditha. The difference is, I’m willing to consider the need for an investigation and trial, if warranted, rather than a knee-jerk reaction that “OUR TROOPS would NEVER do THAT!”. The military has already indicated, from their initial investigation, that there may be some substance to the allegations. The Iraqis (and the world) already assume that atrocities were committed, without any help from the Democrats, with the resulting damage to American influence throughout the Muslim world. That’s the real problem created by current U.S. policies (or lack of management) which Abu Grahib, Guantanimo, and CIA flights of suspects to countries who can torture with impunity, etc. – it makes all other charges more believable. The Bush administration – and Cheany & Rumsfield in particular – believe that to win this war, we have to get as dirty as our opponants. They don’t recognize that when that happens, the terrorists have already won.”
Let me ask this: ” These Marines were in the hotbed of the Sunni Triangle. They were being shot at. A sunni comes out and says this and that. The liberal media immediately say wow he MUST be telling the truth. John Murtha condemns them before their trial. Typical democrats guilty before proven innocent. Now anytime the Marines start kicking islamofascist asses they will run to the press and claim atrocities by killing their own people and blaming us. See what this gets us liberals? Dead American soldiers!
BTW liberals, do you know what the Iraqi police do to the bad guys? D E C A P I T A T I O N! IT’S THE ONLY LANGUAGE THEY KNOW!
Those two tradically killed soldiers died because they fell for a trap. Fake attack drew off the majority of the force leaving behing three green troops. THey were surrounded and captured and killed. Their attackers are evil people. Our troops were negilgently putinto that position. WHy no answetr to my questions at 35? Why did we go in there with inadequate planning and inadequate supplies?
Let’s repeat this about LeftTurd:
Just a reminder that today, like every day, hero of the right, drug addict Lush Flimbaugh is peeing into a cup for LeftTurd Blossom to drink that yellow nectar!
Let’s repeat this again about LeftTurd:
Just a reminder that today, like every day, hero of the right, drug addict Lush Flimbaugh is peeing into a cup for the local hero of the left LeftTurd Blossom, to drink that yellow nectar!
@ 44- And is that what we went in there to establish? THen explain to me how it will be better than Saddam? Yes he was evil. Do we expect to leave something better, where the police decapitate? And where Islamic law irules the land. What exactly are we hoping to accomplish?
Poor sh*thead at 47. Lush Flimbaugh was probably his entry drug to a lifelong addiction to wingnuttery.
BTW liberals, do you know what the Iraqi police do to the bad guys? D E C A P I T A T I O N! IT’S THE ONLY LANGUAGE THEY KNOW!
Is that after a trial and verdict by a jury of peers? Something that would happen in a democracy under the rule of law?
Sounds like this sh*thead is envious.
Bad guys Clueless! Al Qaeda types Clueless. The problem with Clueless types, everyone is so good. Clueless navigate to Michaelsavage.com. Watch the Berg beheading. These people need a trial by their peers? WTF Clueless? You are Clueless!!!
51 – Hey sh*thead – take a trip to Iraq and look for the WMD. We know you’ll find it. Just ask Saddam and while you’re at it dig out the 9/11 support and the links to Al Qaeda, but watch that road from the airport – it’s a doozy..
The author at the stranger is a liar. The death tax affects 250 new estates every year, not 250 estates in the state of Washington as the author claims.
250 estates a year and the population of Washington is like 6.2 million or so? That’s a really widespread effect. Will you admit the paid signature gatherers were lying out their asses?
I passed some signature gatherers for I-920 with a table set up in front of the Houghton Thriftway the other day. They were flagging down anyone with grey hair and trying to convince them that the estate tax would take away all their retirement benefits.
Somebody should ask Rubberstamp Reichert whether he sent a donation to Operation Helmet to save the life of an American soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq. I did! I’ll bet he didn’t, and he doesn’t hug rabbits, either. He’s as useless in Congress as he was on the Green River Task Force.
Estate tax opponents have always been egregious liars. The last time Washington had estate tax repeal on the ballot, they put up billboards showing granny in her rocking chair on the curb in front of her little cottage with the white picket fence. What a crock! If this POS gets on the ballot, we should put up billboards depicting millionaires lighting illegally imported Cuban cigars with $100 bills.
Even if a guy is a total jerk, if he builds a fortune in his lifetime (or even if he just adds to something he inherited), he has a right to leave the wealth to whomever he chooses.
Roger Rabbit does! I sent $99 to OPERATION HELMET
I sent money to the Wounded Warrior Project, but I’m glad to see you’re supporting the folks inthe military.
@54 250 estates a year and the population of Washington is like 6.2 million or so?
Yes, if you live paycheck to paycheck, the estate tax probably won’t take anything from you. $2 million is not a unrealistic amount for even a middle class employee. $2 million is the goal I have for how much I want to retire on, and I am by no means rich.
I ran into the signature-gatherers at QFC in Bellevue last weekend. A couple of interesting things I noticed:
(1) I was with my boss, a Japanese national who speaks English with a noticeable accent. The signature gatherer asked if he was a Washington voter. He didn’t understand her question. She told him he should sign the peitition anyway, and register to vote later.
(2) At another entrance to the store (just a few feet away), another signature gatherer was going on to some elderly gentleman about “double taxation”, and how businesses and family farms are going bankrupt because of the “death tax”, and how it requires “every estate to go into probate, costing hundreds of thousands in lawyers’ fees”. I called him on it, pointed out that family farms are exempt from the tax, and asked him why he was lying. He started shouting -very loudly, about I DON”T KNOW THE FACTS, I SHOULD QUIT LISTENING TO THE LYING MEDIA, AND TAKE HIS WORD FOR IT BECAUSE HE HAS INVESTIGATED IT THOROUGHLY AND HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT.
The next ten minutes were kind of fun. I asked him if he had ever read the RCW provisions for the estate tax, as I had. I asked him if he supported the repeal of the federal estate tax also (he did). Then I asked him who was going to pay for the taxes lost, and he used the tired old “there’s enough fraud and waste in government” argument, so I asked him specifically which programs he was going to repeal, or which other taxes he was going to raise, to make up the repeal of the estate tax. He started to wimper again about “double taxation”, and I pointed out that we all pay multiple taxes – on income, on sales, on property, for car rentals & hotels, etc., so why should those taxes be increased so those with large estates pay less? Is it a good ideat to increase taxes on the middle class (income, sales tax, etc.) so the rich heirs can pay less? Just in case the crowd that assembled nearby didn’t get the point, I asked him why the petitions were unfairly labeled – they should be labeled THE PARIS HILTON TAX RELIEF ACT. That got a good chuckle.
I should have stuck around for the rest of the afternoon, and spoiled his day, but I had to go. As I was getting into my car, once again, I heard him shouting to new passers-by…. “NO DOUBLE TAXATION”. I guess getting the bucks for signature on paper is more important than knowing your subject.
Actually, I wouldn’t mind having a careful revision of the estate tax to take into the account the inflation in housing prices. The tax could provide an exemption for the decedent’s principle residence (up to 500K, for example), and an automatic CPI increase each year (or one more specifically tied to housing prices). Even Gregoire has indicated that the estate tax is worth looking at, given the effects of inflation.
But even with such a revision, don’t expect the proponants of estate-tax repeal to change their tune.
In the long run, the estate tax issue will be worked out through compromise. It will not be eliminated (as I would like), but there will be changes for the very reasons you mention above.
I could support a change that would allow anyone to leave some amount of wealth to any single individual without any taxes due. For example, let’s say the amount in question is $1,000,000. A person could leave up to that amount to any single individual without any taxation. Any amount over the $1,000,000 left to an individual would be taxed at one flat rate, say 10% or 20% of the excess. Therefore, a person with a $5,000,000 estate could pass his or her entire estate to five individuals provided he or she left no more than $1,000,000 to each person. This exemption amount would of course have to be indexed for inflation and adjusted over time, just as a lot of things in the tax code are adjusted.
I think this idea is a good compromise between those who wish to repeal estate taxes entirely and thouse who want to have heavy estate taxation. Leaving $1,000,000 to a son or daughter is not enough to establish a family dynasty (like the Rockefellers), yet is allows for many folks whose wealth is tied-up in their homes and family businesses to pass the wealth to their heirs intact.
What do you think?
That’s the ticket!!!
Repeal of the Estate Tax: THE DYNASTY PRESERVATION ACT!!!
For all you old Dynasty fans from the eighties.. Any of you wingnuts ever go to Dynasty parties at the frat or sorority?
For all you old Dynasty fans from the eighties.. Any of you wingnuts ever go to Dynasty parties at the frat or sorority?
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/23/06@ 9:25 am
Yeah, that’s funny, but what do you think of my idea? -
The same misrepresentations of the estate tax also occur on talk radio, trying to say all estates are taxed. So what’s new.
The limit in Washington State is estates over $2 million dollars. Family farms and timber lands are excluded if they represent over 50% of the estate, according to the PI.
Without an estate tax, large accumulations of wealth escape any taxation. Since the estate under $2 million dollars escapes taxation, it means any capital gains on either stocks or property pass tax free to the next generation.
While you are alive you pay capital gains tax on stock sales. But passing that on to heirs escapes taxation under $2 million. In truth probably a fairer way would be to have estate money you receive taxed at the same rates as the rest of your income. And the basis of your stock would be the purchase price, not the price at the time of death.
But we don’t have that, and those 250 estates each year in Washington State that exceed $2 million would pay nothing if I-920 passes. The Committee to Protect Our Children’s Legacy, which opposes I-920 says that repeal would gut the Education Legacy Fund of some $200 million per biennium.
The Education Legacy Fund is where all the collected Washington estate taxes goes. It helps fund State Needs Grants for tuition aid for some 10,000 Washington students It also helps fund reduced classroom size in our public schools and the Learning Assistance Program.
So you have a choice with letting the very wealthy when they die escape any taxation on their gains or helping fund education in our state. Letting the wealthy escape any taxation would result in more concentration of wealth in the hands of the few. It gives them a special tax break that allows them to accumulate more wealth that they have no incentive to reinvest in the economy. Funding education helps more people participate in the economy by getting a good education.
65 – Don’t think too much of it. Gimmicky and gimmicky leaves loopholes. The power to tax is the power to destroy and the estate tax should destroy CONCENTRATED wealth (nothing wrong with a diversity of wealthy people). CONCENTRATED wealth is a threat to both democracy and a healthy economy.
CONCENTRATED wealth is an aristocracy and anyone who has read some history knows how well that worked out.
CONCENTRATED wealth is an aristocracy and anyone who has read some history knows how well that worked out.
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/23/06@ 11:06 am
Yeah, but the current estate tax has done nothing to stop family dynasties. Heck, even the Kennedy’s are a rich family dynasty, and they’re about as liberal as rich white folks can get.
I think a more reasonable approach, which is hardly a gimmick, is to let those with wealth to pass on their wealth without taxation for amounts less than a certain amount PER HEIR. This meets your criteria of avoiding CONCENTRATION of wealth and supposts diversity (buzzword – sop for the liberals). Plus, my idea is about as simple as you can get. What’s not to like? Now we need to get the Dems and Reps to work out the details, but that’s another discussion for another thread.
If your argument in favor of the death tax is that it doesn’t hardly affect anyone, then would it really affect the budget if it were eliminated?
Liberarian, the problem with dividing it up “per heir” is that any good estate & tax lawyer will arrange so that their are enough heirs so that no tax will accrue. If there are not living persons, they will use trusts, corporations, etc. An example is the “generation skipping” tax strategies already used. Why give it to five children, when you can give it to the five children, five spouses of children, and then to their children (i.e., grandchildren) , and then to grandchildren’s spouses, and then into individual trusts for each of their “future great-grandchildren”, and so forth. It would take a bit of work, but I could easily see a 50 million dollar estate divided in ways which would frustrate any tax at all. And then we’d have to have enforcement investigation and litigation to determine who was the “beneficial owner” of the estates, and lots of appeals, regulations, and tax court decisions to determine where the proper line is in the matter.
I think the current method is simpler and better, if for no other reason is that the law is pretty well settled.
The whole point of my idea is for the owner of the wealth to give it to whomever he or she chooses. Of course, that means he or she can essenutially “divide up” his or her estate so as to avoid estate taxation entirely, but in doing so, the wealth is divided among many as compared to a few.
If you think the current system is simpler, do a little investigation into estate planning services. The law profession has made millions creating credit shelter trusrts, by-pass trust, A-trusts, B-trusts, and other complicated plans for estate tax avoidance. Life insurance agents have made lots selling life insurance trusts. The acounting porfession has done very nicely handling estate taxation issues. Heck, all those folks stand to lose out big time if we had a simpler system.
My idea seems to be a good compromise between those who wish to entirely eliminate estate taxation and those who wish to have a rigorous tax in place. With my idea, people avoid estate taxes by passing their wealth on to more individuals, thereby “de-concentrating” wealth, and I believe this wealth re-distribution is one of the progressives’ major goals. Don’t progressives want to see wealth distributed?
Gee, not unlike Gregoire when she talks about lowering taxes.
Technology Credit Union Opens New Financial Center in Cupertino
Technology Credit Union (Tech CU), among thetop consolidation debt equity home percent of the nation’s largest credit unions, is pleased toannounce the opening of its newest full-service financial center inCupertino, Calif., located at consolidation debt equity home South De Anza Boulevard (at StevensCreek Boulevard).
Daily open thread
The Seattle Weekly has joined the blogosphere, and I love the name, “The Daily Weekly.” Now that you’re a blog, does this mean you no longer pay any of your writers?
Hey Wingnuts:
Some “moonbat” company called UPS is rolling out a hybrid delivery vehicle to cut fuel costs. This delivery truck was designed by another “moonbat” company called Eaton.
I think this was all motivated by some “moonbat” who said we were addicted to oil.
See the picture Bush goes abroad and Desecrate the Flag:
Apparently we only need an amendment for when liberals deface the flag.
He FTC, did UPS do a chi square analysis on the data?
DIdn’t think so (who would?)
Moonbat energy quiz:
The process of producing biodiesel consumes more energy than is contained in the output and is therefore a net energy loss.
True or False?
Moonbat quiz #2:
Explain in real simple terms how a hydrostatic drive works.
No googling allowed…
Lobbyist’s Brother Guided House Bill
A family member’s ties to special interests raise questions in the case of Democrat John Murtha.
By Ken Silverstein and Richard Simon
Times Staff WritersJune 13, 2005
WASHINGTON — When Congress passed the $417-billion Pentagon spending bill last year, Rep. John P. Murtha, the top Democrat on the House defense appropriations subcommittee, boasted about the money he secured to create jobs in his Pennsylvania district.
But the bill Murtha helped write also benefited at least 10 companies represented by a lobbying firm where his brother, Robert “Kit” Murtha, is a senior partner, according to disclosure records, interviews and an analysis of the bill by The Times.
Clients of the lobbying firm KSA Consulting — whose top officials also include former congressional aide Carmen V. Scialabba, who worked for Rep. Murtha for 27 years — received a total of $20.8 million from the bill.
One of the clients, a small Arkansas maker of military vehicles, received $1.7 million, triple its total sales for 2004. Several other clients received money that represented more than half of their annual sales from last year.
KSA directly lobbied the congressman’s office on behalf of seven companies that received money from the bill, records and interviews show. Among those clients, a firm based in Maryland received one of the larger individual awards, $4.2 million.
And a defense contractor based in Pennsylvania said he hired KSA on the recommendation of a top aide of the congressman.
Disclosure of Kit Murtha’s ties to the lobbying firm prompted criticism from Keith Ashdown of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan Washington watchdog group that tracks government spending.
“Family members lobbying family members is becoming an all-too-common phenomenon on Capitol Hill,” he said. “What’s even more troubling is that decisions about defense dollars are being made at family reunions rather than the halls of Congress.”
http://mparent7777.livejournal.com/103785.html -
Geez Mike, there sure is a “culture of corruption” with democrats. Have they no shame?
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/21/06@ 5:21 pm
Yes, you are Clueless. Purer words have not come from your tow index fingers before.
Wow, look at this liberals:
“The real Jack Murtha
June 21, 2006Rep. John Murtha is thinking big thoughts. Since coming out for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq last year, he has accused Marines of murder “in cold blood” before a preliminary investigation is even complete; accused the military of a cover up over the same incident; declared his candidacy for the House majority leadership post; and, most recently, refined his cut-and-run strategy in Iraq to mean “redeployment” to Okinawa, Japan.
That’s quite a splash for such a veteran congressman, who a year ago had zero name recognition outside Washington. That he’s made a name for himself now by slandering our troops and their mission deserves a brief recital of some other activities associated with Mr. Murtha.
Last June, the Los Angeles Times (conservative paper? NOT) reported how the ranking member on the defense appropriations subcommittee has a brother, Robert Murtha, whose lobbying firm represents 10 companies that received more than $20 million from last year’s defense spending bill. “Clients of the lobbying firm KSA Consulting — whose top officials also include former congressional aide Carmen V. Scialabba, who worked for Rep. Murtha as a congressional aide for 27 years — received a total of $20.8 million from the bill,” the L.A. Times reported.
In early 2004, according to Roll Call, Mr. Murtha “reportedly leaned on U.S. Navy officials to sign a contract to transfer the Hunters Point Shipyard to the city of San Francisco.” Laurence Pelosi, nephew of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, at the time was an executive of the company which owned the rights to the land. The same article also reported how Mr. Murtha has been behind millions of dollars worth of earmarks in defense appropriations bills that went to companies owned by the children of fellow Pennsylvania Democrat, Rep. Paul Kanjorski. Meanwhile, the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan campaign-finance watchdog group, lists Mr. Murtha as the top recipient of defense industry dollars in the current 2006 election cycle.
As Rep. Joe Wilson, South Carolina Republican, has said, “If there is a potential pattern where Congressman Murtha has helped other Democrats secure appropriations that also benefited relatives of those members, I believe this would be something that merits further review by the ethics committee.”
It’s odd that the media, which has been fairly unbiased in going after corrupt politicians recently, has gone silent on Mr. Murtha’s questionable actions. Or maybe it isn’t. Since December, Mr. Murtha has become the darling of the antiwar crowd, and, as we’ve seen with other such darlings, scrutinizing their behavior is considered disrespectful. But as we’re on the subject, few might recall that after the massive 1980 Abscam scandal, Mr. Murtha was named by the FBI as an “unindicted co-conspirator.”
Maybe the next time the new Jack Murtha thinks up another big idea someone can ask him about the old Jack Murtha. “ -
Liberals: I have a question for you.
What if the two soldiers brutally tortured by your good friends didn’t shoot the insurgents that surrounded their humvee because they were dressed as women and then threw off the burqas?
What if the two soldiers brutally tortured by your good friends didn’t shoot the insurgents that surrounded their humvee because they were dressed as civilians?
What if the two soldiers brutally tortured by your good friends didn’t shoot the insurgents that surrounded their humvee because they had kids run to the humvee first to distract the driver and then the adults killed him.
You see these are all well documented methods your good friends kill our troops. You all have tied their hands such that they hesitate. In war he whom hesitates dies!
Do you comprende?
Liberals: Your friends in action:
MWS – You suck! Wanna know why?
You’re boring. ZZZZZZZzzzzzz…. Same old winger crap..
For the Cluesless:
MWS has written perfection. You can’t refute it so you use the old donko playbook; “Attack the Messenger” MoveOn.Org 2004 web site!
Personally I want to see your answer to #12. This is from the military as how the democratic party of Iraq, oops… the islamofascists masquerade as women or civilians and attack our troops. Waiting Cluesless…
Is the LA Times winger crap Cluesless?
Damn, still a dull knife!
Cluesless: Can’t buy a clue. His karma blocks him from thinking straight!
Lookie here from Daily Kurse:
Rasmussen. 6/13. MoE 4.5% Likely voters. (5/8 restuls)
Cantwell (D) 44 (46)
McGavick (R) 40 (41)This is probably our most endangered Senate seat after the Minnesota open seat, since I don’t buy that New Jersey is in serious trouble.
Why ain’t Goldy printing the truth?
Rep. John Murtha is thinking big thoughts…
LA Times full of crap? At times maybe..
But the Moonie Times sure is..
Now tell me Puddybud. Is the Rev Moon a righteous man of God? The second coming? What is he Puddybud?
Puddy, you went to Kurse?
Don’t you feel soiled now?
Clueless: You are always full of crap.
No comments at the Seattle Weekly blog. Yikes.
I second the motion posted in #21!
MWS: One is never soiled when I use their web sites to point out the hypocrisy of Goldy! In the earlier blog entry McGavick stepped in it. Well let him keep stepping in it as he edges closer to Cantvotetoowell.
Are you a moonie MWS? C’mon fess up!
I will vote AYE on the motion in #21.
Are you an asshole Clueless?
The ayes have it!
About #12 – I thought everything was gonna be sweetness and light after Zarqawi was dead. Or was it after Saddam was caught? Or was it after Ooday and Qsay were killed?
Or have we just turned a corner???? What’s Ken Mehlman telling you guys to say today?
Over 2500 dead. How many thousands of limbs, eyeballs and other body parts lost? You guys feel any safer?
Guys. I’m in the wrong business. Moon’s sunk a billion dollars in that worthless bird cage liner and it was no sweat off his back..
And you all dance to his tune…
Feeling safer? Not while Murtha bad mouths our troops.
Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.) announced Wednesday the finding of over 500 munitions or weapons of mass destruction, specifically “sarin- and mustard-filled projectiles,” in Iraq. Reading from unclassified portions of a document developed by the U.S. intelligence community, Santorum said, “Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. [………………………..Bush lied! Bush lied! Bush lied!! Oh, he didn’t? Never mind!! Rosanne Rosannadana]
Clueless: Just refute it! That’s your challenge!!! Can you step into the batter’s box and face a Johnson slider? A Clemens fastball?
MWS the moonie: Stack up all the earmarks that benefitted Republican politicians and their districts against those for Democrats.
Whose stack is higher? How much higher?
How many earmarks were there? 7 thousand or so?
And what asshole out there bought hookers for what politicians?
Nice try Moonies.
Hey MWS and CluelessTheCocksucker: Notice how his karma will not answer to Murtha’s actions but he enters they all do it mode.
Cluesless: Murtha’s your boy not ours. We already answered Cunningham. Your karma keeps shining through!
Ahhhh Dan Rather is being let go from see B.S. I guess they’re trying to repair their tarnished rep. after the memogate lie. It doesn’t matter though because Dan is not the exception but represents the rule that has been the MSM for the last 20 years. He is just one of the many dying dinosaurs who will drop one by one like the lying gnats they are from the American conscience. Thank god for the alternative media and that truth has prevailed. It truely is great to see some of these lying flakes finally get their long over due “come-up-ins”. Hehe
Take the quiz in the first link to find out who else Coulter has been plagiarizing:
Will @ 22:
I’m not surprised by the lack of comments. Even if they didn’t have some technical problems, it takes time for a “community” to develop.At any rate, the quality of the postings is decidedly unimpressive. I’d rather read the Seattle Times’ Postman — at least he’s a journalistic agenda setter (for good or ill). In addition, if you feel the need to challenge right-wing bullshit, you get a much more visible platform with Postman than pretty much anywhere else among this state’s media outlets (sorry, this includes HA).
Added bonus with Postman: The JCH-type trash is filtered out. Hey, life is short; why bother hassling with that crap?
Clueless is a good little coward…er, subject changer…
Remember Cluesless: I am the ONLY one one record here at ASSes against pork barrel politics. You NEVER took an against stand!
ww.horsesass.org/wp-trackback.php/1020 – There are others but one will do.
ASS: and you’ve always been the hottest little hater.
Why thank you – I didn’t realize the depth of your attraction!
ATJ, I bought Coulter’s book. I know the hard bound color! She has 354 citations in it. It is funny. Her chapter on William Horton is priceless!
Sorry ASS: midgets aren’t my type.
If I wasn’t happily married I’d take #41 out on a date. She thinks circles around the Imbecile Called Cluesless!
#43 But you ARE a MENTAL MIDGET, A DULL KNIFE, stupid is as stupid does!
46 – Nice find. Hey Puddybud – Santorum and Hoekstra! Talk about dull knives – the hookers must have spiked their Kool-Aid.
But we all know you’d vote for ’em in a flat second. Right Puddybud?
Did ya ever notice….it’s alway the penis-envying that mock stature!
Just like you’d vote for Robert 3K Sheets Byrd Cluesess!
Just like you’d vote for Cut-and-Run Kerry; he was in Vietnam!
Just like you’d vote for Ray Wher’s them buses again Nagin!
Just like you’d vote for Teddy No Windmill Farms Kennedy!All those dull knives. But wait there’s more: Kennedy cheated at Harvard and then tried to cover it up. Kerry scored lower than Bush at Yale.
howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS: Libruls have two things, they envy the black man’s package and they hate the fact that Hitler was a Darwinist, just like they are.
lol the feminized girlyboys and their dominant he-women envy all mens package!
howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS: You mean the battery operated dildo in cluesless mouth or the one stuck in his ass?
Cluesless said: “Or was it after Ooday and Qsay were killed?”
It’s Uday and Qusay. You can’t even spell your heroes names correctly!!!! Uday the rapist and Qusay the thief!
Wow, someone finally figured out Clueless. Battery operated too? I am surprised a liberal could afford fancy gadgetry!
52 – LMAO at you! You’re too stupid to know when someone’s having fun with spelling!!
So tell me wingnut! Is the insurgency in its “last throes”? Have we “turned the corner” yet?
When are you going to enlist? Oh like never?
And who’s your hero, wingfly? Is it Dubya who’s about as popular as the turd under the blossom?
Feeling safer? Not while Murtha bad mouths our troops.
Little voice of MWS: Oh I feel so safe when Dear Leader Dubya feeds more bodies into the meat grinder in Iraq! I feel so safe when our soldiers go out on another deployment – as many as it takes to keep me safe at home. I feel so safe when Dear Leader hides the soldier’s coffins from the MSM. I can’t serve because I have a pimple on my ass..
Hillary Clinton /Willie Horton 2008!! The best the “progressive” Democrats have to offer!!!!!
War hero John Murtha supports the troops. Coward, draft-dodger and AWOL cocksucker George Bush, cuts Veteran’s benefits, stops body armor from reaching our troops and sends young men to die for oil. Bush is a coward and a traitor. Period!
Little voice of MWS: Oh I feel so safe when Dear Leader Dubya feeds more bodies into the meat grinder in Iraq!
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/21/06@ 9:11 pm
Hey it could be worse. It could be as bloody as the murder rate of the top three liberal cities. Hopefully it never gets that bad.
Where is the outrage at the terrorists, you guys?
Meantime, we will find these terrorists who gouged out the eyes of our best (gee, I thought these terrorists were good guys who always followed Geneva conventions, unlike that eeeeevil America) and help them to go meet Allah and the 72 virgins.
How can you claim that Murtha supports the troops? He was the first one out there claiming a slaughter at Haditha. This was before any investigation. You’d think a Marine would have at least some respect for the men on the ground. But, no. He is more concerned about getting his name in the paper.
What happens when Haditha turns out to be a fraud, and the guys on the ground acted as they were trained to do? Will Murtha resign in shame for having trashed his fellow Marines? I doubt he has an ounce of honor left in his system. He sold it all so his brother can cash in.
How can you claim that those who sent the troops in under false pretenses (no WMD, no 9/11 nexus), without proper equipment (inadequate body armor, inadequately armored vehicles), and qith poor planning (too many examples to list, but clearly no occupation strategy, inadequate security over weapons depots, which are now killing our troops via IED)are their supporters?
Murtha has spent time with the wounded and has been known as an expert, at least until he turned on Bush and they turned the attack dogs on him.
Janet S-
While George W Bush and Bill Clinton were getting their balls teased and rolling joints, Jack Murtha was already a Veteran of Two Wars.
Go take your swftboat chickenhawk bullshit elsewhere, I’m getting so fucking sick of it.
62 – It’s her job Will. She just trots out the latest right-wing smear or talking point.
I am sorry people, but I sincerely hope that NOT ONE of our troops is reading this website….. This is almost too much. I know that HA has been a place to freely express yourself, but with the horrific slaughter of the two servicemen just these past few days, I would hope that some would refrain from the graphic details displayed here.
If for no one else, keep it (at least) somewhat honorable for the soldiers who are fighting over there…..(you dont have to agree/disagree WHY they are there)
It is always hilarious listening to donks pretend they care about the military. These are the same people who voted in a draft dodger Clinton. Yeah right. Hahaha
62 -That’s what is so disappointing about Murtha, same as Cunningham. Something has happened to both of these men as they got to the national platform.
Murtha is so excited with the attention he is getting that he doesn’t mind trashing the Marines. What is honorable about his behavior? He has accused them of war crimes before any facts are known. He could have called for a full investigation, but no – he had to condemn them in the press.
The only reason the s%^& hasn’t hit the fan about the money he has been shoveling to his brother is ths MSM afraid to attack a dem Marine.
To a liberal, you are guilty until proven innocent.
62 – It’s her job Will. She just trots out the latest right-wing smear or talking point.
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/21/06@ 9:57 pm
Puddy to thief a line from you: Clueless you get your Karma every day from Daily Kos. Sure liked how Puddy showed Kos is worried about Cantvoteatall!
To a liberal, you are guilty until proven innocent.
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 6/21/06@ 10:12 pm
Well unless you are the KCRE. Hehehe
Clueless sucks his karma…
You even lie about their spelling. LIAR!
Hey Left Turn: Young men die for oil. Yes you do suck the Kos Kock!
Puddy to thief a line from you
MWS – I pronounce you guilty of being dumb,unoriginal and boooring…
Then leave Clueless. Your pronouncements are worthless, just like you. It’s amazing you call that a personality.
70 – I have told the truth wingfly but either way you’ve lost – when you attack an opponent’s spelling it signals you have nothing left.
No WMD, no ties to Al-Qaeda, no connection to 9/11, no corner turned, no insurgency in its “last throes” but over a trillion dollars more in debt, over 2500 souls lost, thousands of bodies and minds shattered and all so very much avoidable.
So if doing the same thing expecting a different result is insanity then what is “staying the course” to you wingfly?
Clueless: Be sure to read those liberal web sites as soon as you wake up. Next see what enn bee see has. Then jump to see BS. Finally a dose of eh, bee see will set you on your way, you won’t need coffee!
70 – I have told the truth wingfly but either way you’ve lost – when you attack an opponent’s spelling it signals you have nothing left.
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/21/06@ 10:49 pm
No shit. No wonder rabbit and other lefties harp on spelling to much.
The problem with the left-wing nut such as clueless is when he’s caught in a lie he trips on his knuckles.
“You’re too stupid to know when someone’s having fun with spelling!!” – You are too stupid to spell their names right so you at least
lookintelligent! -
There should be a 45% tax rate on corporations and all laws restraining labor unions should be “deregulated”.
You want deregulation, don’t you?
73 Sorry MWS. I’m here for the long haul. The people are getting sick and tired of the Republican bull. I’ve been barely tolerating it myself since the Death Valley days of Ronzo Reagan.
The pendulum will swing back and I’m going to be there cheer it on.
No wonder rabbit and other lefties harp on spelling to much.
We marvel at your spelling DOOFUS. It demonstrates the excellence of your private education at the wingnut madrassa.
Yeah yeah. Figure out what “is” is and then flap your gums. Geeeesh.
26 years ago… Jack Murtha, cut and run hero to the clueless…unindicted co-conspirator in the Abscam scandal.
In 1980, Murtha was a lieutenant of Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill and was moving to the top in the House when the FBI named him as one of eight members of Congress videotaped being offered bribes by a phony Arab sheik.
Seven congressional targets took cash and were convicted in federal court. The videotape showed Murtha declining to take cash but expressing interest in further negotiations, while bragging about his political influence.
Dont get me started on lefty math. Yikes.
I like Janet S ,
I think you might be wasting your time here with these vulgarians, love. Perfect illustrations of what has become of my former beloved left champions of freedom, haters of dictators no longer; they have succumed to an insane drive for purity and thus share with the jihadists a vision of mankind purged of simple human foibles like shiopping and TV (these are its big bad enemies nowadays); too bad, it would be nice to have them in the fight against world wide terrorism.
my former beloved left champions
So what were you back in the day, das? An authoritarian radical like David Horwitz?
Like Horowitz you were wrong then and you’re wrong now. Do us all a favor and crawl back to LGF.
Put it this way clueless,
All the thoughts that roll around in your head once rolled around in my head. But I pushed ideology aside and took a fresh look at things and reaized how wrong I was. That is why conservatives can understand liberals but liberals cannot understand conservatives; there remains an extra step of intellection that liberals have not yet made…
das @ 86
“All the thoughts that roll around in your head once rolled around in my head. But I pushed ideology aside and took a fresh look at things and reaized how wrong I was. That is why conservatives can understand liberals but liberals cannot understand conservatives; there remains an extra step of intellection that liberals have not yet made…”
…or maybe it is because you were eating lead paint chips….
those who don’t want the details of what happened to our soldiers are the lefties who don’t want America to know the truth. If they soft-peddle the disgrace, then the sleeping giant will not awaken. That’s also why networks don’t show 9-11 footage as much, even on the anniversary. Because they want the terrorists they support to be seen as nicer than they actually are! They want sympathy for the terrorists because “America had it coming” (at least in liberals’ eyes).
Just like a bunch of chickenshit chickenhawks to attack a war hero like Murtha. Look at Janet S – she says she supports the war but won’t send her kids to fight in it;. The right needs a villian for their ploy to work – so they attack Murtha, constantly lying about what he said, what he did, what he didn’t do. All the while repeating the talking points they hear on Lush Flimbaugh, all the while pretending they know something of war while in fact they are all draft dodging cowards. Murtha should keep sticking it to the righties and we should keep listing all the chickenhawks, exposing their cowardice and calling them traitors for they are. They out CIA agents, support a republican regime that cuts veterans benefits and they won’t fight the war they say they support. They are the proof that Osama has already won. Their rise to power shows America has lost.
Three things to note about the minimum wage bill.
1) The GOP derailed it because they know it primarily benefits working poor and African Americans
2) The working man will be reminded who fucked them when election time comes
3) The GOP is always screaming they want an up or down vote – yet they wouldn’t allow one on this issue since they were afraid it would passIs anyone surprised that the GOP is anti-African American, against the working man and hypocrites on the up or down vote issue? Not me.
Das, I’d agree that folks like you and Janet are “wasting your time here.” Please go away.
This is not because I wish to avoid a good, robust debate with those who think very differently. To the contrary, if American democracy is going to survive we MUST create more ways to learn how to talk across differences.
What I object is the dishonest way so many of you engage the discussion, e.g., by viewing HA as a dumping ground for your unoriginal Republican talking points. As a case in point, the global warming discussion was a veritable Mad Hatter’s tea party. What a bunch of crap piled high, and yet even after a few weeks of pretty intense debate virtually all of you wingers haven’t backed off one inch from continuing to spew information that is patently untrue.
Das, I must admit that your writing is a bit more interesting than the crass batherings of Mr. Cynical or — the king of trailer park arrogance — MTR. However, i wouldn’ t be surprised if you’re some paid hack. Your talking points are too smoothly presented, and your alleged former progressivism sounds too . . . synthetic. You throw a lot of rhetoric around but you don’t say a whole lot of substance. I guess in your world it’s enough to bash, bash, bash (and then blame the left for doing exactly what you’re doing).
Nice try, though.
Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) and Rick Santorum (R-PA) assert what the Iraq Survey Group has already dismissed, that the 500 shells containing degraded mustard and sarin gas are proof that Saddam Hussein had WMD.
These weapons are generally regarded as left-overs from the pre-sanction era before the 1991 Gulf War which were not destroyed by the Iraqi regime. These weapons, made over ten years years prior to the Iraq attack, were unusable, having long since passed their stable shelf-life
Sarin has a shelf life of five years. Scott Ritter wrote in 2002 that any Sarin that hadn’t been found would have been “useless, harmless, goo”.
Mustard gas is somewhat more stable than the nerve agents, but the weaponized form in shells provided by the Reagan Administration would have been useless as a weapon in 2003.
The crap that Santorum and Hoekstra are spreading is the same stuff that shows up here in the HA comment threads from time-to-time.
Proof that Kevin Carns lurks here.
Not me, it is part of their “Southern Strategy”.
das boot is a hoot! He knows us but we don’t know his “advanced” outlook. This seems like kind of an evolutionary argument, doesn’t it? The fundies won’t like that.
It’s really easy to become a conservative. Just lose empathy and decide that piling up cash is the end-all of one’s life. The easiest thing to do of all is to say, fuck it and vote against all taxes.
Hey, I don’t have any kids in school, anymore. But I don’t want my grandkids living in our version of Calcutta.
I grew up in a much more liberal environment, and it was a better world. Not at all perfect, but a better society than exists now. And the tipping point was the Reagan administraion.
Anyone who went through that era and says it was a reason to abandon liberalism has a screw loose.
…or maybe it is because you were eating lead paint chips….
Commentby dj— 6/22/06@ 12:10 am
We always wondered what your academic credential were. “Statistical Analysis of Paint Chip Eaters” – Now there’s a Chi^2’d analysis we all need!
I love how Roger Wascally Wabbit Pellet likes to call YO Yahoo. If you are associated with Yahoo you have some good stock!!! Then to claim to be a Rabbit and have people suck his tail is grotesquely disgusting… Wait a minute… Rabbit’s politics are disgusting… Carry on!
A word to the wise: get out of debt, especially credit card debt.
Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.) announced Wednesday the finding of over 500 munitions or weapons of mass destruction, specifically “sarin- and mustard-filled projectiles,” in Iraq. Reading from unclassified portions of a document developed by the U.S. intelligence community, Santorum said, “Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. [………………………..Bush lied! Bush lied! Bush lied!! Oh, he didn’t? Never mind!! Rosanne Rosannadana]
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 6/21/06@ 8:01 pm
If you follow some of the coments it seems to me that some people overlook the facts and continue with the talking points fed to them or just ignore any truths.
That is why conservatives can understand liberals but liberals cannot understand conservatives; there remains an extra step of intellection that liberals have not yet made…
Oh I get it. You were brainwashed then and you’re brainwashed now!
das boot: born again brainwash! Or is it born again brain shred? Never mind…
Mike Webb sucks
What if the two soldiers shot by friendly fire from our buddies the Iraqis were in your family and you were not told THE TRUTH about the circumstances of their deaths for more than a year?
Republicans want more soldiers to die in Iraq so they can acuse the Democrats of being weak. It’s all about political advantage for THEM. Join the MAJORITY, bring ’em home!
Chris @ 64
There are no depths to which a Republican will not sink.
94. Harry
I used to think that too, that all conservatives lacked empathy, etc. But that is not true, in America at least. Maybe in Latin America you are right, the rich there don’t give a rip about their poor;
The fact is, I work with poor kids (young teens) and like all things in life it is a two way street. In your version of things all we need is for rich people to throw money at poor people, let’s say poor kids I work with, and then everything would be hunky dory right? Sorry, not right. The thing we know about human nature is that the direct approach to things always becomes problematic. Human wiring is not direct and all of you here know this; all of you have a passion in life – I bet – that you would not sacrifice for a ball of gold set beside you; the kids I work with are poor and troubled and the state lavishes resources on them to stay in school, for counseling, for outings, for sports, for room and board, for all the things that might make life decent for them. Many take advantage of it but some don’t. They make the choice, they’d rather be out hanging out on a streetcorner – with no allowance or clean clothes with basically nothing…they make choice;
Let’s take a look at those evil corporations leftoids love to rail against. At one mostly black south seattle high school with a graduating class of 200 I counted 40 scholarships given and taken by students. My sense was that no performing student at this high school would have been denied a scholarship had he attained the marks for it; America’s corporations are among the most giving in taxes and charity in the world.
You HA guys must stop reacting to all the agitprop and take a fresh look at things; I’m not saying America has got it all together, not by any stretch, but you need a rich country to solve all the problems that excercise you and make you want to take up bone-head leftoid solutions to things….
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. June 14-19, 2006. N=1,501 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. RV = registered voters
“Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation in Iraq?”
Approve 35%
Disapprove 57%
Unsure 8%CNN Poll conducted by Opinion Research Corporation. June 14-15, 2006. N=1,017 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (for all adults).
“Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation in Iraq?”
Approve 39%
Disapprove 54%
Unsure 8%“Do you favor or oppose the U.S. war with Iraq?” Half sample, MoE ± 4.5
Favor 38%
Oppose 54%
Unsure 8%NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Bill McInturff (R). June 9-12, 2006. N=1,002 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1 (for all adults). RV = registered voters.
Would you bee more likely to vote for a candidate for Congress who avors pulling all American troops out of Iraq within the next twelve months, less likely to vote for this candidate, or would it not make a difference to you either way?
Registered voters 6/9-12/06
More Likely 54%
Less Likely 32%
No Difference 10%
Unsure 4%Doesn’t that make you guys “lossers?”
Dear RightWingNuts,
I guess we won’t have to worry about burning in hell in the afterlife after all. Apparently we are going to burn right here, where we stand.
MSNBC staff and news service reports
June 22, 2006
WASHINGTON – Weighing in on the highest profile debate about global warming, the nation’s premier science policy body on Thursday threw its weight behind controversial data and voiced a “high level of confidence” that Earth is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years, possibly even longer.
A panel convened by the National Research Council reached that conclusion in a broad review of scientific studies, reporting that the evidence indicates “recent warmth is unprecedented for at least the last 400 years.”
The panel of top climate scientists told lawmakers that the Earth is running a fever and that “human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming.” Their 155-page report said average global surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere rose about 1 degree during the 20th century.
Carl Grossman
Liberal and Proud -
“America’s corporations are among the most giving in taxes and charity in the world. ”Maybe if every penny of spending for the Iraq war were NOT borrowed money, and maybe if our annual borrowing were NOT 300-400 billion dollars annually, and maybe if federal spending were NOT growing at 8% anually, our corporations could be less “generous” with their taxes.
Throw ’em out! Balance the budget! Democrats are the party of fiscal discipline and balanaced budgets!
“bone-head leftoid solutions”
Yeah, what could we be thinking when we advocate for universal public education, a universal health care system that is NOT employer-based and employer-paid, energy independence, higher wages, clean water and air, peace, a balanced budget, reducing the middle class tax burden, safeguarding nuclear materials, protecting Amreicans’ privacy…Hoo boy! Are crazy or what? -
Zogby has a new round of polls out for the WSJ. The GOP leads in just 5 of the 17 Senate races tracked. They list Cantwell as ahead by 5.1%. That’s sure as hell not recount territory.
The FACT is the American people want a new direction in Iraq, and the Democrats offer several. The Republicans, on the other hand, offer nothing more than a four-word strategy: more of the same. Had enough?
Republicans have a faith-based Iraq policy. They have faith in Donald Rumsfeld, they have faith in Dick Cheney, they have faith in George W. Bush. We don’t. They are liars and nincompoops – and the lives of tens of thousands of our best are in their hands. Had enough?
Real strength is standing up to your president and your party when American lives are on the line. The Republican Congress has blindly backed a failed strategy that has left 2,500 Americans dead, 20,000 wounded, and put us $2 trillion in the hole. Had enough?
Being part of a party that has three or four different new approaches to Iraq beats the hell out of being part of a party that marches in lockstep off a cliff.
paraphrased in parts and thanks to Paul Begala and TPMCafe
Had enough?
Democratic State Treasurer Robert Casey Jr. a 52 – 34 percent lead over incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, with 12 percent undecided, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Is the Senate within reach? Will it be Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader who sets the agenda? Democratic committee chairmanships? Senate Armed Services committee investigation of Iraq procurement corruption?
No, I merely believe that there should be a floor, below which no citizen should fall. Low wages, structural unemployment and absence of health care are evils in our society that are causing us to fall behind other countries. The “Great Society” approach has been absent in the Democratic Party for over thirty years. The thing I am fighting for is the continuance of the “New Deal” programs that have proven to be beneficial to the United States for over seventy years, though under constant attack from the right — Social Security, minimum wage, regulation of industry. Universal health care was an unaccomplished goal of the Roosevelt administration.
With notable exceptions, like David Packard, Bill Hewlett and Bill Gates, corporations are skinflints. Even my examples are individual wealth bequeathed through foun dation. But HP once was, and Microsoft is a notable exception to the tightness of big business. In terms of charitable donations, Target’s 2.1% of earnings for cash contributions is tops, most “generous” companies come in around 1.2%. Chevron, a major polluter, runs ads focusing on snail darters around one of its plants, while causing major headaches in California.
Corporations want us to believe that they are concerned, moral “corporate citizens” — whatever that means. So businesses pump millions of dollars into charities and nonprofit organizations to deceive us into thinking that they care and are making things better. On top of that, corporate charity can buy the tacit cooperation of organizations that might otherwise be expected to criticize corporate policies. Maybe you, das are from one of them, stranger things have happened here. Some PR firms specialize in helping corporations to defeat activists by co-opting them.
One PR exec outlined his firm’s basic divide-and-conquer strategy for defeating any social-change movement. Activists, he explained, fall into three basic categories: radicals, idealists and realists. The first step in his strategy is to isolate and marginalize the radicals. They’re the ones who see the inherent structural problems that need remedying if indeed a particular change is to occur. To isolate them, PR firms will try to create a perception in the public mind that people advocating fundamental solutions are terrorists, extremists, fear-mongers, outsiders, communists or whatever. After marginalizing the radicals, the PR firm then identifies and “educates” the idealists — concerned and sympathetic members of the public — by convincing them that the changes advocated by the radicals would hurt people. The goal is to sour the idealists on the idea of working with the radicals and instead get them working with the realists.
Realists are people who want reform but don’t really want to upset the status quo; big public-interest organizations that rely on foundation grants and corporate contributions. They can be counted on to cut a deal with industry that can be touted as a “win-win” solution, but that is actually an industry victory.
This crap works because we don’t have a watchdog press that aggressively investigates and exposes PR lies and deceptions, just like they don’t report on the lies and deceptions of Bush. Its success is also a reflection of the sorry state of democracy in our society. All politicians suck up to wealthy contributors. Bringing lobbyists in to write the bills is a fairly recent innovation, so the Republicans have revealed the extent of their deep love of bribes, but the Democrats don’t want to change campaign funding or limits on lobbyists much, either. On a deeper level, we all want to believe these lies. Wouldn’t it be great to wake up and find ourselves living in a functioning democracy? To be truly represented by our so-called Representatives? Not to have to worry about the destruction of the biosphere or the safety of the water we drink and the food we eat? I think we all buy in because we want to believe things aren’t as bad as they really are.Your claim makes you a prime example. You haven’t experienced an epiphany, you just gave up.
Harry it is not in corporations’ interest to go around blowing their horns and engaging in polecmics with uninformed leftoids; therefore the field is all yours to construct fantasies about the great octopus called corporate America; and this you do to a fare ye well. But if you look at the facts you’ll see that American corporations are incredibly giving and generous entities. I’ve been both an artist and a businessman in my life and I can tell you that the business community was far more indulgent of me than the arts community ever was. Whever I hear leftoids railing against corporations I know that that lefty has never worked for one; there is nothing given about business, it is harsh and competitive and not very forgiving.
As to health care, how can you say our government is not addressing it? Have your ever heard of SeaMar (to take one example)?
Wrong,again. Burroughs (now Unisys) 12 years, Hewlett-Packard 15 years.
What God-awful assumptions you righties make.
Your completely self-centered outlook on corporate giving shows you were never a liberal. Life’s all about what you get.
You mean this one?
With approximately $300,000 in funding from the federal government, Sea Mar purchases a clinic in the South Park neighborhood of Seattle [in 1978], from a retiring private-practice physician. The Seattle Medical Clinic offers primary medical care, as well as X-ray, laboratory, WIC, and nutrition services. Sea Mar continues to care for the retiring doctor’s clients, many of whom are elderly, and the need for long-term care becomes evident.
Let’s see, 1978 — who was president then? Speaker-of-the house? Senate majoiry leader?
Of course, even such noble efforts as that don’t stem the rise in uninsured Americans lacking preventative care.
@92 Your information on “degraded” sarin, etc. is dated.
–CIA document
http://www.fas.org/irp/gulf/cia/960715/72569.htmSorry about the caps, but that is the original format.
Republicans blow their noses into the American flag every day, and use the Constitution for toilet paper.
21, 23
Watching wingnuts beat each other off would be enjoyable if it wasn’t voyeurism.
“Where is the outrage at the terrorists, you guys?” Commentby Bunny— 6/21/06@ 9:32 pm
Of course we’re outraged that Ann Coulter said Rep. John Murtha should be murdered.
Over this way, you cute little bunny…
“To a liberal, you are guilty until proven innocent.” Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 6/21/06@ 10:12 pm
In your case, you’re stupid until proven smart, which won’t ever happen.
Ann Coulter is a terrorist.
You don’t really think I’ll fall for that stuffed female rabbit trick again, do you?
I’ve learned to check for movement before I hump them.
If this kid can figure out how to hug a rabbit, why can’t Rubberstamp Reichert figure out how to hug a rabbit? Is he just stupid? http://www.merchantsbay.com/eI.....t_Full.jpg
Information has a shelf life, too. From the link you supplied, what you quote appears to come from a document from 1996.
A $1 Billion study of Iraqi weapons capability has been done since then.
So what was the conclusion?
The woman who claimed Michael Jackson molested her son, leading to the sensational trial a year ago at which the singer was acquitted, was ordered Wednesday to stand trial on a charge of welfare fraud.
The attorney for the 37-year-old woman, whose name by marriage is Janet Jackson, entered a not guilty plea on her behalf. She did not speak during the arraignment.
She is accused of one charge related to accepting $8,000 in fraudulently obtained assistance and four charges of committing perjury on welfare applications.
Prosecutors say she hid the fact that she received a substantial settlement in a lawsuit against J.C. Penney before she filed for welfare […………..Hehe, More black “progressive” Democrats at play. Remember, all “cultures” are equal!!]
Michael the Gullible and Easily Led
Duelfer Report:
“While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible Indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter, a policy ISG attributes to Baghdad’s desire to see sanctions lifted, or rendered ineffectual, or its fear of force against it should WMD be discovered. ”
http://www.globalsecurity.org/.....ndings.htmDear Leader Bush commenting on the Duelfer Report:
“The chief weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, has now issued a comprehensive report that confirms the earlier conclusion of David Kay that Iraq did not have the weapons that our intelligence believed were there.”
http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ge=printer -
and Rick Santorum is a dick who is losing his election. Bye Bye you lying hypocrite.
Ah, JCH, you best us all…
One black woman of undetermined political affiliation is accused of fraud (what happened to the “DeLay” presumption of innocence?) and the conclusion is inescapable: “progressive” Democrats are corrupt. -
Harry your statement here works fine as stand up comedy but not as analysis. PR firms don’t give a rip about adolescent minded radicals; they are not even on the map; a bunch of snot nosed kids who have not raised a blade of grass in their lives are not the people who see the structural problems of the system; they are twerps shooting off their mouths, spoiled, childish, petulant, important-men-wannabees without the drive or stamina to do great things in life.
Next, what’s wrong with the status quo? I’d hesitate to have to turn it over to the purists like you who would purify it unleashing power-mad drives to punish and destroy and deliver favors according to your arbitrary mind loops. I know you’d have me on the nasty end of a firing squad (and I’m poor!)
O Yes, those Bush flavored newspapers The Times and the P-I.
I’m not worried about what we drink or eat or the bio-sphere; we’ve got more than enough to eat and drink and life thrives in the bio-sphere; but O, I forgot, it is a requirement of the left to sit around and louse up America where the good is the enemy of the perfect. You need your resentment the way a child needs his chewing blanky. Cheers…
p.s. Harry
How could you work for a couple of good American companies and walk away with the impression that corporations are corrupt? I was a service provider for HP and their standards were the highest in every area of service. Of course I don’t know the inner politics of the company but everyone I dealt with seemed pleased to be there…so how do you go from working at HP to calling thw whole system corrupt…? just curious…
“das” boot or the sinking boat of right-wing resentment – a case study in Horowitzian guilt-resentment transference paranoia.
Substitutes the “purity” of authoritarian radicalism for “not so pure” authoritarian wingnuttery.
Slathers his resentment with the tar of Marxism, Maoism, Stalinism, Patherism or whatever ism he himself used to subscribe to.
I currently work for Unisys and they are a shithole. Oh well, only until July 10. :)
Yes, I will say that our government is not addressing health are. Why? Let me count the reasons.
1) When Bush took office, 43 million Americans had no health coverage, now 47 million Americans have no health coverage.
2) Our system of employer-provided health care is collapsing, and there is nothing on the horizon to replace it.
3) Arbitrary and outrageous billing charges and consumer gouging by health care providers.
4) Double-digit inflation in the health care industry.
5) Total absence of competition in the industry.
6) Bottom-line: The U.S. has the highest per capita health care costs in the world, yet we’re the only industrialized nation that doesn’t provide health coverage for all of its citizens, and the quality of our health care ranks far down the list of countries and is on a par with the third world.
It’s not working, dude. And the GOP, which has been in power for 5 years now, is doing absolutely NOTHING about it — and never will.
Republicans think it’s more important to keep 2 or 3 people a year from burning the flag, than to provide affordable health care for 300 million Americans.
Down in Florida, Republicans repealed that state’s helmet law (in the name of “freedom”), and motorcycle deaths are up by 1,000%. And guess who pays when some yahoo on a bike hits a pole and has to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair? The taxpayers do.
Sea-Mar can’t begin to address our community’s health care needs.
You miss the point. Corporations are not inherently good or evil; they are what the people who lead them make them into. They are businesses that exist to make a profit for their owners. The American business model is based on pursuit of self-interest, and businesses are no good at self-regulation. They are no good at making public policy, or looking out for the public interest, or protecting the consumer. We need government for those functions. The problem is the extent to which corporations have influenced, taken over, and co-opted government. When corporations run government regulation of corporations, the system doesn’t work. The market isn’t everything. Markets, left unregulated, destroy themselves and their societies.
“Markets, left unregulated, destroy themselves and their societies.” Karl Marx
You know,rr, freedom means free to be stupid too. Why, why, why do you folks want mommy government involved in everything? Mommy government can’t protect your from your own stupidity (see any post by clueless for proof); Mommy government can’t protect your from nature and/or natural disasters; Mommy government can’t/shouldn’t micromanage every aspect of life so that you aren’t offended, can’t make mistakes or learn from your own stupidity.
see any post by clueless for proof
I’d include you in that as well ASS. Anyone who wallows in the right-wing swill that you do certainly has all the freedom in the world to be stupid.
Give a tip of the hat to Goldy who lets you (for the most part) spew that swill in these comment threads.
As opposed to the KOs-koolaid drinkers, eh Mr kettle?
Today’s system of regulatory government evolved in response to the abuses of unregulated capitalism in the 19th century.
One of the first areas where government stepped in to regulate business practices was the enactment of food and drug laws, because unscrupulous businesses were selling tainted food products and dangerous “drug” formularies to an unsuspecting public.
Another early example of government regulation was worker safety laws, because in the absence of government intervention, businesses engaged in dangerous practices and many workers were unnecessarily killed and injured.
We have consumer protection laws because businesses proved they can’t be trusted to not cheat consumers, and individual consumers did not have the knowledge or means to protect themselves from false advertising, deceptive marketing practices, and outright fraud.
The SEC and securities laws grew out of accounting frauds, insider trading, and stock market manipulation that left investors so vulnerable to fraud that the equity markets would have collapsed if government did not create and enforce “rules of the game.”
A rational business does not strive to compete, it tries to eliminate competition. John D. Rockefeller built the Standard Oil Trust in part by going into the territories of competitors and giving product (in those days, mostly heating fuel) to his competitors’ customers for free. This completely destroyed his competitors’ income streams, forcing them out of business, and he then acquired their assets for next to nothing. Then raised prices sky-high.
The unregulated railroads of the late 1800’s were virtually the only way for farmers to get their crops and livestock to markets. The railroads were monopolies that charged arbitrary prices for transportation. In sum, they extorted every penny from the farmers they could go, to the point of provoking near-revolution. Government stepped in to regulate the railroads because there was no “free market” in transportation.
A rational business will maximize its profit by avoiding costs and externalizing costs as much as possible. For example, without government regulation and intervention, a mining company will spend $50 million to extract $75 million worth of ore, leaving it to taxpayers to pay for the environmental cleanup costing $200 million. That is not a profitable operation and should never have occurred in the first place because the real cost of extracting $75 million of ore is $250 million. Laws are necessary to prevent companies from causing public harm (pollution of air, drinking water, and soils) and externalizing their costs to neighboring landowners, taxpayers, or other entities.
The earliest government regulation of all was weights and measures laws, which existed in the American colonies of the 1600s. Without government enforcement of honest weights and measures, you would go to a gas station and pay for 10 gallons of gas but get only 8 gallons. We’re all familiar with the stereotype of the old-time butcher putting his thumb on the scale when weighing meat. In the absence of weights and measures laws, it would be irrational for businesses to not cheat their customers, because they maximize their profits by cheating.
You call it “mommy government,” but human society can’t function without it. Without laws to override self-interest, where self-interest is inimical to society’s interests, people acting in their self-interest would destroy society.
If people can’t trust financial reports or believe the stock market is not a level playing field, they will not take the risk of buying stocks, and companies will not be able to raise capital by selling stock. That would result in a smaller, less efficient, slower growing, capital-starved economy. That’s not good for anyone.
Your mocking deprecation of “mommy government” is truly self-destructive. As an individual, you can’t protect yourself against a giant corporation that pollutes your drinking water, sells you a dangerous product, or cheats you at the gas pump or meat scale. You don’t even know your health is being damaged or you’re being ripped off. Your anti-government attitudes are nonsensical. A modern society and a modern economy can’t exist without government. A free-for-all is not civilization, it is a jungle, and we would all still be living in caves. Without government, there can be no property rights, little or no commerce and trade, and only a very primitive economy.
Cite please? Show me where Marx said that. Provide a link. You can’t, because he didn’t, and you’re a fucking liar.
Of course, there’s nothing new about a wingnut lying. The constant theme of Republican propaganda is that it’s based all based on lies. That approach may fool the voters for a while, but the age-old problem with lying is that truth eventually catches up with you. A liar can say all he wants that science is bunk and gravity isn’t real, but when he steps off a cliff he’s going to splatter no matter what he believes.
Jim McGreevey and his boyfriend are moving in together!
A quick response to Will … the Seattle Weekly’s comments are back up. It was a stupid technical mistake (made by yours truely) and it has been remedied.
I like Roger in his reasonable mode;
You’re a good writer and more than decent polemicist which makes, to me, all the more baffling your descent into vulgarian cloaca maxima; anyway, I tend to agree with this post about the regulatory agency of government; good examples. Interesting that government has evolved into a court of appeals for business/corporations as well; for example when close competitors engage in bad practice the government can be appealed to on a number of levels; I’m not quite sure I buy that free-wheeling business is incapable of regulating itself or that it is always out to pummel the consumer though.
As I concede to you your main points, would you concede to me that the reformist impulse in America did a pretty good job over the 20th century – and do we yet need more and more regulatory statutes over business today in 2006? Over to you…
das “boot”: Happy viewing
Yes, we need regulation lest we get the kind of wingnut hell we see in that frontline piece.
A rational business will maximize its profit by avoiding costs and externalizing costs
The essence of regulation is to prohibit corporations (which are chartered by the state by the way) from externalizing costs. Wingnuts, “the cheap labor conservatives”, are the ultimate products of this philosophy of externalizing costs. Instead of the liberal “we’re all in this together”, degenerate conservatives will stop at nothing to make sure someone else pays – for environmental clean-up, for health care, for veterans health care, for national defense, etc. – it’s all “me, me, me..”
Here is the ultimate big picture for our friend das.
Don’t believe everything you see on Frontline. Documentaries by their nature are manipulative instuments.
And I find charming your faith in government to right all the wrongs of the evil corporations you detest. The fact is that American corporations pay huge sums in taxes – depsite their armies of tax loophole lawyers. And the American rich do re-invest in infrastructure, plants and equipment (while paying hearty taxes). Yes, there are greedy conniving corporations but the majority are not. And doesn’t the consumer have powers of discrimination – brains? Don’t consumers have the power of boycott? Your views of companies are so childish and can only proceed from a life lived completely outside of business cultures. This is not to say that I underestimate the chicanery implicit in competitive business culture; but you impute overwhelming powers to business that it does not possess. Like most things in a free society like ours – there is a two way street in operation here.
But you’ve got all the answers and I find that scary. Ours is not a perfect system but it is better than anything you can come up with on your own. Would you favor white-collar worker re-education camps? Gulags, perhaps, for unreformed capitalists? Evil capitalist America absorbs millions of immigrants every generation while your former model, equality-for-all, Soviet Communism murdered millions of people each generation. Our fat-fingered greedy capitalists are like boy scouts next to your savage refrom-minded socialists.
But there is no getting through to you because you do not want to take the time to research the charitable practices of corporate America. Why do that when Intl A.N.S.W.E.R. & MoveOn can do your thinking for you?
Funny, if you want multi-milionaires and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, you’re a communist.
If companies extracting oil from offshore oil wells in public territory don’t want to pay the royalties (a very large source of federal revenue) that’s just good business on their part.
Ultimately Americans get the kind of government they deserve. Did you look at the chart I linked to? I don’t think you did because the big picture clearly shows that corporations have supported less and less a portion of the federal budget while individuals have shouldered more and more mainly through the highly regressive payroll tax. I highly doubt the charitable giving practices of corporations have made up for this shortfall. I’m sure the McWane Corporation has supported the odd little league team or two or maybe supported the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra – but this is little consolation to the workers who have been maimed and killed in their plants because the company was too miserly to pay for rudimentary safety guards and training.
And yes, corporations pay billions in taxes but I submit it is again more commonly small and medium sized enterprises who cannot yet afford fancy accountants and tax lawyers or manage to offshore their workforce. Like Leona Helmsley famously quipped it is only the little people who pay taxes.
I’m generally in agreement with Roger Rabbit about corporations whose remarks you regarded favorably so why do you harvest resentment by tarring people here with brush of Marxism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc.? I’ve never read any Marx, never donated a dime to Moveon.org or marched in some event organized by ANSWER. I can’t say I can agree with anyone like the ANSWER people who write such turgid prose so why do you hang this on this people who comment here? You don’t know any of us. Who’s acting like a child here?
Yes, I’ve been in business and worked in corporations. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth like Presidente Jorge. And NO I don’t have all the answers but you seem to know all about the people you disagree with here and I find THAT not scary but laughable. All that crap you spew about re-education camps, etc. is just that – crap.
I’m a liberal. I believe in fairness. I believe we’re all in this together. I believe in an even playing field. If the U.S. Navy keeps oil transport lanes safe and sound, I think it’s only fair that oil companies pay some tax to support that along with all the other enterprises and individuals who use that oil. Yet every time we turn around the oil and other industries are getting some breaks throught lobbying Congress ostensibly to keep it flowing and growing and as a result the rest of us have to shoulder the burden. That’s unfair. That has to stop.
Well, Clueless, you’re right to nail me for believing you, wrongly I now see, in the intl ANSWER and MoveOn camp – but in your previous posts you didn’t sound as measured and thoughtful about corporations as you do in the last post. I guess have a quick trigger finger when I hear my leftist brethren talking about corporations. I really think it is a false target to raise some monolithic entity called corporations and heap all the evils of our system upon it (them).
And I can say the same about you as I said about Roger: you can commnicate quite nicely when you want to. This is effectively your field here; why don’t you guys set the tone with good writing and sharp argument? All the vagina, arsehole stuff just deflates your main points…
Why don’t we set aside one “no profanity day” of the week. Nothing but good writing and no personal attacks (they are usually wrong as you point out to me here);
But finally, to address your point, I do think that our corporations are human institutions with all the flaws thereof – and short of angelic perfection they are workable and improveable institutions within our system; I just don’t see that they deserve the flat-out calumny that the left heaps on. Nobody on this blog addressed my real life example of the 40 student grant awards bestowed by local corporations on a graduating class of 200 mostely inner city black students. Is that for nothing? I just wonder if the left doesn’t go for the easy mark sometimes in picking its enemies. How convenient to pile on corporations when they can’t defend themselves – ideologically, that is.
Daily open thread
Oh no, Roger… watch out!
You gotta love a story where the lede is “Feral rabbits continue to run amok…”
Although this probably accounts for all the illegal voter registrations under the surname “Rabbit” at Woodland Park.
And a note to all the rabbits out there.
When Bigwig, Hazel, Fiver, Silver, Blackberry and Dandelion leave your warren… It might be time to find a new address.
Well, it was a good day for you guys wasn’t it?
Two American soldiers butchered by adherents of “The Religion of Peace”.
How many of you are with the “Blame America First” crowd who say they (we) had it coming.
Quoting the Seattle Times article…
“Another problem was warm spring weather. It’s best to capture rabbits in colder months when they mate less. But an early spring heat wave meant many rabbits were pregnant when captured.
The program required sterilizing the captured rabbits, which would have meant terminating the pregnancies.”OK, when has terminating a pregnancy ever been a problem in the City of Seattle?
I’m finished for now. Literally one of the best local stories run for some months. I actually am eagerly waiting to read Roger’s response for once (and only) once.
It WOULD have been a great day Mark The Coward if YOU had been the one butchered but there’s no chance of that because you and all the other lapel-pin patriots are sitting over here on your fat ass in your air conditioned office while someone else does the fighting that YOU CLIAM to support. Seems to me that if you were a real man and thought the war in Iraq was worth it, you’d go fight it. But cowards and chickenhawks like you never fight. They just rattle sabres and shout. Whether it’s Lush Flimbaugh who let a boil on his ass keep him from Nam, Baby Bush who hid out in the NG and went AWOL to boot, Dickless Cheney who had “other priorities” during the Nam war, you and your heros are all cowardly lions. Chickenshit chickenhawks. Too bad the towell-heads can’t get ahold of you and yours. Now THAT would be something worth celebrating!
LT – Just what I thought… you believe that Americans dying is a good thing. Thanks for comfirming. Assfuckinghole….
Who else thinks that it’s a good thing for Americans to die. C’mon… step right up. Show us who you are…
How many of you are with the “Blame America First” crowd who say they (we) had it coming.
Bush and America are not the same thing, in fact, they are antithetical.
The people who are happy that the two soldiers got killed are you
and the rest of the un-American twits who insist that we have to
stay in harms way where 80% of the population and the President and Vice-president want a time-table for our exit. Worse still, you dance on the memories of the dead soldiers in a grab for political advantage.How do you like it, judging by the chortling you’re doing, pretty well. I guess we’ll get to see you crowing more, as the retaliation for Zarqawi continues. How do you think it is that the insurgents can operate so freely there? There are over 250,000 Iraqis in uniform. What’s taking them so long to place their country under control?
You through the boneheads you elect are keeping American troops in harms way on an undefined mission.
What is the mission, how do we know when it is accomplished?
Dang, that makes my brain hurt!
Well, uh, vagina lips, if we had not invaded and continued to ocuppy Iraq after our “victory” then those two lads would still (most likely) be alive.
So explain to us why you hate them so much that you wish more of our fighting men and women (yes, stoopid vagina possessors to you, fuckwad) to follow in their tragic footsteps?
Fucking moron.
Hey, vagina lips! Did I fail to mention that you are a fucking moron? If I did, let me reiterate: You are a fucking moroooooooooon!!
No one that I know is happy that two more humans were butchered in a senseless war.
What amazes me is that you would somehow attribute the cause of these deaths to the folks that say “Enough slaughter! This fight is not worth fighting. Let’s end it and withdraw. The only thing we’re attempting to protect now is the Bush Administration’s political motives for entering the war to begin with.”
Tell us again why this endevour has been worth the scores of thousands of lives and $400 billion plus.
Please, tell us why!
We really want to know!
How many more of you fascist fucks want more of our troops to die needlessly in Iraq? Come’on. Come forward and identify yourselves.
Fucking loons.
Dang, that makes my brain hurt!
Illogical. There is no brain above your stem to hurt.
But, but, but, if vagina lips has no brains, then what good does it do to reply to his lunatic ravings….????? If he has no brains, then what I write does not compute. This is illogical…phzzsst, blitzh, busssszzzz, garwf……….error, error, error…..
This is illogical. This is illogical……awwwk, arf, out.
10 is not mine… somebody using the great name of MTR.
Hey, Bill O’Liely said that if he were president of Iraq he’d simply institute 7:00PM curfews and put 60,000 troops on the streets with orders to shoot to kill any violators.
That’s Bill, he’d run Iraq just like Saddam Hussein ran it.
The Blame America First crowd is alive and well here at HA. Thought so…
Question: Where does peace come from?
There are soldiers in Germany left over from WWII, soldiers in Korea left over from the Korean war, soldiers in the Sinai – been there for decades, soldiers still in Bosnia, soldiers still in Kosovo, soldiers still in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait left over from the first Gulf war………
As a matter of fact, US soldiers are stationed around the globe in well over 100 countries and they have been for years. Do you really believe that they will all come home?
Somalia is getting hot AGAIN, North Korea is acting stupid, Darfur is a disaster, other countries in Africa are butchering innocent people daily. UN soldiers regularly rape young girls as young as 5 years old while the world sleeps.There is butchery and debachery all over this planet. Only in America do we have our heads in the sand and cry for peace and demand that the terrorist prisoners in GITMO get feather beds and many want them freed so that they can go on their murderous ways again.
Have you guys noticed?…. Rakeface, Loocy and Dondon have disappeared. What up with that? Are they too loonie for HA?
Mark The Coward – idiots like you are NOT Americans. You don’t deserve to be called an American. And you pretending to be an American dishonors every real hero who was willing to do what you won’t do-fight for your country.
Looks like the GOP is still fractured over immigration. Man I love a good old GOP train wreck!
20, MTR Kennedy, 3 less commie libs to bark at the moon. And where is GBS? Oh well, time for us Kennedys to drink, rape, and then take a little drive. How about a waitress sandwich with Chris Dodd?
22, Leftturn, LA, Kalafornia: the Democrat “Baja Norte”, the perfect Latin Hillary Village! 10 million new illegal voting Democrats all ready for food stamps, welfare, section 8 housing, and filling the LA emergency rooms having 8 to 10 babies per mother. Enjoy!!!! [Atlas has Shrugged]
Left Turn: YOUR military service includes????? Yeah, I thought so…………….
Well righties are you worried about bending over in the shower when we send you to the big house? All republican corruption – all the time!
1) We got Bush best pal Kenny Lay. He’s gonna do time.
2) We got the Dekester. He’s doing time.
3) We got Jackoff Jack Abramoff. He starts his time next fall after he finishes rolling over on all his asshole GOP pals.
4) We just got Safavian. He’s on his way to the pen.
5) We got Voltz. He’s on his way to jail after he finishes snitching.
6) It looks like we’re about to get a bigger rethug fish. Congressman Ney of Ohio is probably next.
7) And OH MAN I’d love to get this child rapist Ralph Reed. He’s on the list and could go anytime.This one case of corruption has yielded in a few years more arrests, indictments and convictions than in all eight that the righties played politics against President Clinton.
The Bush regime and the rethugs are now officially the most corrupt in history. That can go on their shining list of achievements like the highest budget deficit in history. You righties must be proud!
Once again, NoLeftBrainandMissingHisLEFTNUT, you like to pitch hate, blame and straw dogs but you offer no solutions, no ideas … hell, you don’t even bother to offer unctuous liberal platitudes that your party is so good with.
“ But small issues are small. And in this case don’t even offer a philosophical pattern. ‘We stand for lower college loan costs and better prescription drug benefits.’ That’s something you’d die on the battlefield for, isn’t it?” —Peggy Noonan “
“ Fact is we are the only stabilizing factor in a world gone mad. We are referred to as the ”world’s policeman.” While liberals would love to see America disappear so Utopia can appear, I for one would hate to see the world without America. Think about the world one day without America. Think about America one day without police. Criminals hate the police. I can’t imagine why? Without rules and the enforcement of said rules the place would be a mess.
I want to be the nation that we are. The most giving, kind, decent and hardworking nation the world has ever known. A nation that fight wars with more respect for human life than any other. Last time I checked we don’t strap bombs to 7-year-olds and then have them ask the enemy for candy. I can’t recall any Americans hijacking planes and flying them into the Aramco Building in downtown Riddyah or the Grand Mosque. Do you know of any American suicide bombers killing people in pizza parlors? I don’t. – C. R. Smith “
“Feral rabbits continue to run amok in Woodland and Green Lake parks after a failed attempt to relocate them to a new home.”
I told you Green Lake Park would be repopulated in no time …
Hey fuckwad — want a thrill? For a good time, call 1-800-SUCK-ROG
And you may have noticed NoLeftBrainandMissingHisLEFTNUT, Botox Nancy and her pet dog, Harry have (were forced) to back off their culture of corruption screed… it’s pretty hard to be sactimonious when your own fingers are dirty.
Reddick — Those guys probably would still be alive if you weren’t such a cheap bastard and had made a donation to Operation Helmet.
Tell you what — I’ve got a proposition for you. If you donate $99 to Operation Helmet to buy a helmet upgrade kit for one (1) U.S. soldier serving in Afghanistan or Iraq, I think Goldy should accept that as satisfaction of the $100 gambling debt you owe him.
And if you don’t, I think you deserve to go swimming in Puget Sound wearing cement flippers.
umm RR… isn’t this the SECOND time GreenLake has taken issue with your friends, children and assorted relatives??? YIKES!
Too bad you weren’t there. You have it coming.
No problem. I can make bunnies exponentially faster than they can catch them. It’s like trying to keep atoms from splitting in the core of an exploding nuclear bomb.
Hell, I’m not even asking him to be a man, I’m only asking him to pay his gambling debt. But apparently he isn’t even boy enough to do that.
Apparently you and your tightwad wingfuck pals also think Americans dying is a good thing, because
a) You haven’t brought them home, and
b) You haven’t donated to Operation Helmet. -
“Who else thinks that it’s a good thing for Americans to die. C’mon… step right up. Show us who you are…” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/20/06@ 6:08 pm
The silence of your checkbook speaks louder than the boom of cannons.
C’mon, tightwadfucks! I bought a helmet kit for a soldier! And I’m only an 11-lb. bunny. If Roger Rabbit can do it, what’s your excuse!
Vagina lips not only has no brains, he also has no compassion … and no money. A soldier’s life isn’t worth $99 to him.
“10 is not mine… ” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/20/06@ 6:58 pm
Mark, if I were you, I’d post, “None of my posts are mine.” Trust me on this.
“Question: Where does peace come from?” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/20/06@ 6:59 pm
Not from warmongers.
18 (continued)
“Question: Where does peace come from?”
From bunnies! Nothing in the whole wide world is more peaceful than a quiet park full of cute furry rabbits grazing on lush green grass!!! :D :D :D
“There are soldiers in Germany left over from WWII, soldiers in Korea left over from the Korean war, soldiers in the Sinai – been there for decades …” Commentby sgmmac— 6/20/06@ 7:02 pm
Geez … poor saps! When is Bush gonna quit extending their enlistments? You’d think after 60 years of overseas garrison duty, he’d finally let them DEROS.
Tell me something, Mac. How do you know all the people in Gitmo are terrorists? Did you ask them? Did they get trials? Was this proven by evidence?
Are you so naive that you think our military never makes mistakes, that no innocent people have been pulled out of their homes, taken from their countries, and tortured just because some idiot in a G.I. uniform thought they looked like a “terrorist”?
Too bad you haven’t disappeared. What will it take?
I know! I know how to get rid of Welsher and the rest of the wingfucks! Environmental destruction. All I have to do is wait a couple decades and the Planet of the Apes will turn into the Planet of the Rabbits!
This planet has no problems that Nature can’t fix by getting rid of one species.
23 et seq.
GBS, tell me the story again about how JCH LIED his military service! I NEVER get tired of that story!
Sillyguy thinks we should amend the state constitution to require revotes in close elections. For photo of sillyguy and his latest brainwave, click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.....hopter.JPG
You are too funny! I am sure that the soldiers have deros’d, but they were replaced by new ones. YOU got my point, I’m sure. You are supposed to be off getting drunk and yelling into the microphone of the podcast.
Yes, the military makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, even President Bush and Senator Kerry. They have released quite a few of the prisoners that were in GITMO. So, I believe that they are all hard-core terrorists there now.
As for the trial, arn’t they waiting for the SCOTUS to rule on something????
I don’t find much charm, nor take much pleasure in a once progressive left (I am a former member) now degenerated into a slurry of foam-flecked, raw invective and vulgar bilge as demonstrated by Goldy’s palace guards here on HA. I guess I just feel sorry for the left. Their big bad enemies are the John Carlsons and Tim Eyman’s of the world. Look at the enemies of the left: feather-filled pillows all. And this while jihad fascists murder with all the thoughtlessness of blinking. And O how leftoids love to rant about their curtailed civil liberties – as if their streaming chant of “Fuck Bush” has been brooked by a single micron. Leftoids so want to be legendary figures delivering up corruscating speeches that will turn the hearts of the masses to rise up and slay their capitalist overlords -But –alas, that age has passed, and it prbably will not happen in their lifetimes. Plain old humdrum America is not good enough for them. What the left shares with the Jihad slayers is a wish for purity. The jihad murderers would truncate the excesses of the west with bombs; the left with social management; but the longing for purity is common to both.
Addendum to 49
Let’s recap:
Winner of 2004 governor’s election: http://www.governor.wa.gov/ass.....011205.jpg
Loser of 2004 governor’s election: http://www.thediabetesblog.com.....crying.jpg
Putative winner of 2004 presidential election:
http://z.about.com/d/political....._dunce.jpgActual winner of 2004 presidential election: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.....S_flag.jpg
Das — are you one of those Trotskyites who went over to the right wing because being a fascist pays better than being a commie?
“Das” — what kind of name is that? It’s not an American name. It looks like a Nazi name.
What makes you think I drink? I don’t drink. The filthy conditions in Vietnam fucked up my intestines, and alcohol makes me violently ill.
Roger Rabbit isn’t coming to DL tonight, so all you trollfucks on the stakeout can go home now.
Well, what else do you do at drinking liberally? Just socialize? I don’t drink either and sex can kill you these days………….
You’re a waste of ape sperm.
I don’t know about Vietnam, but I sucked up sand in my lungs for 5 months living in the desert during the first Gulf war, not to mention Saddaam’s damn oil wells buring, the gas sprayed all over the ground every other day, and whatever other chemicals were floating around.
It’s amazing how you can appreciate a “real” shower in a real “bathroom.” Burning latrine waste isn’t a smell I like either……………
Hey! Lookee what I found! Y’o’s family photo album!
Top to Bottom:
Y’o’s brother and sister with his soon-to-be nephew.
(Left) Y’o’s ride. (Right) Y’o’s wardrobe.
Y’o’s backyard.
Y’o’s all-purpose room.
(Left) Y’o’s investment advisor. (Right) Y’o’s girlfriend.
(Left) Y’o’s kids. (Right) Y’o.
Y’o’s RV.
“It’s amazing how you can appreciate a ‘real’ shower in a real ‘bathroom.’ Burning latrine waste isn’t a smell I like either…………… ” Commentby sgmmac— 6/20/06@ 8:52 pm
That’s why they didn’t want to let wimmen into the military. Boys think “camping out” is fun.
Last but not least …
The Y’o family home. http://www.whitetrashwarehouse.....h_pics.htm
I don’t do camping! At all…….. I’ve had years of camping, all I want know are hotels with big bathrooms & feather blankets!
A jury returned guilty verdicts today on 4 of 5 felony counts against ex-White House official David Safavian in the Abramoff scandal. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13436161/
Coulter, serial plagiarist:
too bad Prescott Bush was a Nazi – now all Bush’s are nazis
Laura Bush Killed A Guy!
And let’s not forget the GOP’s top-secret operation to scrub African-American soldiers deployed to Iraq from voter rolls so they couldn’t vote for Democrats. http://www.gregpalast.com/mass.....o-soldiers
Good job, RR.
WHY IS MSM IGNORING charges that Ann Coulter’s new book “Godless” is heavily plagiarized? My theory is because the so-called “liberal media” is actually right-wing media. To wit:
“For the last week, in several posts and articles, the Rude Pundit and Ron Brynaert of Raw Story have detailed the multiple plagiarized and unattributed passages from Ann Coulter in her ‘book’ Godless. In fact, it’s hard to tell what part of the book doesn’t have plagiarism or unattributed (or wrongly attributed) passages. For some reason, the story doesn’t rate discussion (as of this writing) in the mainstream media in the same way that the plagiarism of Ben Domenech (ersatz ex-Washington Post blogger) and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin rated coverage.”
I don’t know what they’re doing at DL — I’m not there. (Memo to trolls: The stakeout is over, you can go home now.) On the very rare occasions when I’ve attended, the attendees discuss politics. (Shock! Awe!)
Oops — another TJ beat me to it.
PR Week, a public relations industry trade magazine, has published an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in which Kennedy said,
“I’ve been meeting with attorneys … to devise a litigation strategy. And I would say that very soon we’ll be announcing lawsuits against some of the individuals and companies involved.”
I will believe it when I see it. The left likes to yell a lot about election fraud but rarlyfollow through. Everyone knows that lefties cheat.
Keep piling it on you brave and fearless fighters of the left; what daring to louse up an elected public servant that millions of your countrymen revere and admire; the once proud ideas of the left that were going to transform the world now reduced to slinging invective across anonymous internet portals; how sad, how sad,,,,
You through the boneheads you elect are keeping American troops in harms way on an undefined mission.
What is the mission, how do we know when it is accomplished?
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 6/20/06@ 6:31 pm
I still thank God every day that we had Bush in the White house instead of that idiot fool Al Gore. If we had him in office half of Manhattan would have been blown up by now and every major city would have been hit in some form or another. Thank you Jesus.
Since Bush let Osama get away and since Bush hasn’t been able to catch Osama in five years. Since Bush has CUT terror funding. We’ll know who to blama next time Osama Bin Bush comes calling.
How many more of you fascist fucks want more of our troops to die needlessly in Germany? Come’on. Come forward and identify yourselves.
Fucking loons.
Commentby Proud To Be An Ass Grand Father (1944)— 6/20/06@ 6:48 pm
These are the same morons back then that we have today. Who said the holocaust could never happen again. Nuff said.
Harry Tuttle,
Don’t think I’ll take the bait; if you haven’t yet grasped the lethality of what we are up against, I sure won’t be the one to convince you of anything. The mission is clear and we’ll know very well what has been accomplished. Cheers Harry (loved you in Brazil)…
You through the boneheads you elect are keeping American troops in harm’s way on an undefined mission.
What is the mission, how do we know when it is accomplished?
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 6/20/06@ 6:31 pm
Shit for brains I never complain or question the purpose of my mission we just did what was expected of us. Hell who cares whether it is undefined or not. Only the Girlie Boys need an explanation or justification for what they are getting paid to do during a war. Any half witted person knows we expect to be in harm’s way and only a Girlie Boy would cry about what is expected of a soldier.
The Bush regime and the rethugs are now officially the most corrupt in history.
Commentby LeftTurn— 6/20/06@ 7:30 pmWant to bet. Dont make me do it. Hehe
Have you guys noticed?…. Rakeface, Loocy and Dondon have disappeared. What up with that? Are they too loonie for HA?
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/20/06@ 7:02 pm
Donna got bitch slapped to many times.
Who else thinks that it’s a good thing for Americans to die. C’mon… step right up. Show us who you are…” Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/20/06@ 6:08 pm
The silence of your checkbook speaks louder than the boom of cannons.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/20/06@ 7:52 pm
We need to cut social spending to give more to the military. Hell the donks never cut their programs and raise taxes all the time. We are in charge now, lets take some of that money back.
Let start with PBS. Bye bye Moyer. heehe
This is actually disappointing.
The one topic where I was hoping to read something humorous and interesting from everyone’s favorite 18-inch tall, profanity spewing white rabbit, and instead I get the same mentally ill conspiracy talk.
I mean for Christ’s sake Roger, come up with a funny parody about how you’ll be leading an insurgency campaign with your fellow rabbits or how you intend to bust your comrades out of jail.
I mean, you’ve got 48 rabbits being illegally held in prison at a drug lab! The activities of the police there are causing them tension. Draw a funny analogy between this and Gitmo. Obviously your bretheren are being detained against their will. Is the City of Seattle using illegal wire taps to spy on the feral rabbits in order to locate their whereabouts.
I’m a freaking conservative and I can see the humor with this.
Sadly, that would require a bit of creativity from all of y’all. And all of you are a bunch of anonymous no-talents who don’t have anything better to do than hijack a thread. No wonder why Goldie is ditching you losers in order to seek work at a radio station and as a newspaper columnist. -
PBS in state funded proganda from the commie left. Commies cant win in the arena of new ideas, they just force them on you.
“Reddick – Those guys probably would still be alive if you weren’t such a cheap bastard and had made a donation to Operation Helmet.”
And then you liberals would block their shipment out of the Port of Olympia- AGAIN! Traitor fucks all of you!
“Hell the donks never cut their programs and raise taxes all the time.”
Republicans cut taxes, increase spending, and bankrupt the country.
Have you guys noticed?…. Rakeface, Loocy and Dondon have disappeared. What up with that? Are they too loonie for HA?
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 6/20/06@ 7:02 pm
Loocy. Wasn’t she a Seattle public school teacher? Yeah I believe so. Well obviously she fell behind on her union dues and is now serving time for child rape. There is a simple explanation for everything. Hehe
89 (continued)
Reagan and Bush41 raised taxes five (5) times after “supply side economics” crashed and burned.
Don Ward! How’s things at KCJ? I heard they’re changing hands.
“I mean for Christ’s sake Roger, come up with a funny parody about how you’ll be leading an insurgency campaign with your fellow rabbits or how you intend to bust your comrades out of jail.”
Too much work. All I have to do is wait for humans to Die Off after they fuck up the environment. Then rabbits will rule the planet, and I’ll be their king.
“Since Bush let Osama get away and since Bush hasn’t been able to catch Osama in five years. Since Bush has CUT terror funding. We’ll know who to blama next time Osama Bin Bush comes calling.”
Why should we get Bin Laden? After all, Howard Dean doesn’t think he is guilty. And everytime we kill a terrorists, all you leftist traitors write sob letters to the Pee-Eye about how immoral we are for killing the bastards. You don’t want Bin Laden killed. You and he have the same agenda. Ship liberals off to Guantanimo now!
increase spending, and bankrupt the country.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/20/06@ 11:07 pm
I agree with you there. We need to cut social spending. Cut the NEA,PBS for starters. That should save us a couple billion at least. Work up from there.
“No wonder why Goldie is ditching you losers in order to seek work at a radio station and as a newspaper columnist.”
I think that has more to do with him needing to eat.
Why fool around with saving a lousy couple billion? why not get rid of Bush and the Republican congress, and save a couple trillion?
Damn I am on a roll tonight. I feel like Howie… Yeaaaaaaaaruuuhhhrrrg
Hey y’all, make sure you check out the hilarious Y’o Photo Album @64!!!
wow! this thread is already over 100 comments! That’s more than the pathetic little competing blog gets in a year.
Why fool around with saving a lousy couple billion? why not get rid of Bush and the Republican congress, and save a couple trillion?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/20/06@ 11:12 pm
Heck if you go that rout just invite the old Kremlin to take over because that is what we would have left.
And I’m only an 11-lb. bunny. If Roger Rabbit can do it, what’s your excuse! -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/20/06@ 7:53 pm
Holy frijole! What the heck diet are you on???? Last month your were only a 6# rabbit!
Oh, I see — it’s okay to spend money like water and run up bills for other people to pay, as long as we’re spending it on what YOU want … namely, stuff to kill people with, instead of helping your own fellow Americans. Dufus, you’re a piece of work.
And what the fuck do the Russians have to do with the hundreds of billions we’ve wasted on losing an unnecessary war in Iraq?
No, you’re merely hallucinating.
“Holy frijole! What the heck diet are you on???? Last month your were only a 6# rabbit!” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/20/06@ 11:25 pm
What rock have you been sleeping under? I haven’t been a 6# bunny since last year. If you had been paying attention, you would know that I, ahem, prospered and became a 15# rabbit — but then the FASCISTS captured me with a dirty trick (setting up a stuffed female rabbit outside my burrow and dropping a net on me when I came out to investigate) and sent me to a CONCENTRATION CAMP where I went on a HUNGER STRIKE after they threw me in THE HOLE for ripping DOCTOR MENGELE’S balls off becuase he PICKED ME UP BY MY EARS. Then I chewed my way out of the ISOLATION PEN and tunneled under the perimeter fence and hopped back to Green Lake Park. By then I was down to 10# but I’m eating good again — Stefan’s garden is just a couple blocks up the hill.
How many trolls supported the troops by sending $99 to Operation Helmet?
[ ] 1. None
[ ] 2. 1
[ ] 3. 2
[ ] 4. 3
[ ] 5. More than 3 -
If you checked any box except “1”, you’re gullible! Republicans don’t support the troops. They only talk about supporting the troops. When you ask them to put their money where their mouths are, all you hear is dead silence.
Oh, I see – it’s okay to spend money like water and run up bills for other people to pay, as long as we’re spending it on what YOU want … namely, stuff to kill people with, instead of helping your own fellow Americans. Dufus, you’re a piece of work.
And what t
Goldy spews:
I’ve blocked out the other faces to protect the innocent, but of course, the picture was taken during the run up to the 2000 presidential election. (In the full picture, Vice President Al Gore is standing a few feet to my left.) So I have an excuse.
That said, while I’m smiling, my then three-year-old daughter seems to be a bit apprehensive about standing so close to “Joementum.” Wise beyond her years.
RonK, Seattle spews:
Only a matter of time before somebody unearths the “kiss” photos!
Anonymous spews:
Kissing pictures?!!? Damn, Goldy, you smooch in high company!
Seriously though… the problem I have with Lieberman is not his stance on the war per se so much.
My problem is his using his adopting Republican rhetoric and memes on the war, privitization of Social Security, bankruptcy bill, restriction of contraception to rape victims, etc….
Furthermore, he then goes onto every news outlet he can find and does maximum political damage to the Democrats by reinforcing Republican lines and giving Bush political cover.
If he really thought he could do this in sapphire blue CN without drawing some opposition he was sadly deluded.
christmasghost spews:
Lieberman is the only democrat that i would vote for if he were running for president. he’s smart, aware and would do a great job.
the fact that he was “saddled” with that turkey gore before is the reason why he wasn’t elected. if they had only turned the ticket around they might have gotten somewhere.
that being said…what are you trying to do? ruin his chances???LOL.
Robert spews:
I see OVAL People!
sgmmac spews:
Dean Logan, is that you?
Harry Tuttle spews:
Liebermann lost me when you was the first Democrat to blast Bill Clinton about Monikagate. What an asshole Joementum is.
Yossarian spews:
Let’s not trot out the “Monikagate Dog & Pony Show.” That was tedious then and ancient history now.
ArtFart spews:
I’m reminded that it seems smiling was a more common practice in those days.
LeftTurn spews:
Another STUNNING defeat for the right and their attempt to bring the KKK-wing of the GOP to the forefront in an attempt to stop people from voting. When the righties complain about wanting all the votes counted ask yourself this…who’s always behind every law, court case and other move to stop people from voting. It’s ALWAYS the GOP!
Harry Tuttle spews:
So, Lieberman blasting a Democratic president for a sexual peccadillo is OK, but turning a blind eye on a Republican president who is lied us into an unnecessary war is A-OK.
That’s why the Democrats are seen as a bunch of wimps.n
Name a Republican in the senate rose and chastised Dick Cheney for outing a CIA agent.
Yossarian spews:
No, Harry, what I meant but did not spell-out clearly is that the Monikagate stuff is meaningless today, about as relevant as the plot of a 1960s soap opera. I was trying to communicate that I wish to hear no more about Bill Clinton and Ms. Lewinski, regardless of who’s doing the telling. Taht story’s fifteen minutes of fame was up years ago.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX] spews:
No comment on this post.
Larry the Cable Guy spews:
Which one a’ dem fellers is Leeberman?
LeftTurn spews:
Again the AIDS-infested cunt gets her hat handed to her. This time by a rightie.
sillyguy spews:
Left Turn is perfect example of the ‘out of control’ poster that Goldy needs to manage if he wants to have an effective Blog. There is no discussion points possible with him and several other posters here. Goldy’s comments “But I work hard on many of my posts, and once in a while I’d like to generate a little substantive discussion” will never be possible with posters like Left Turn.
ArtFart spews:
The rightie trolls keep chanting about the blue dress while we’re all getting sodomized.
Harry Tuttle spews:
Monikagate isn’t the issue, Joe Lieberman jumping in front of the cmeras to denounce Clinton at the drop of a hit is the issue.
Harry Tuttle spews:
you ::= insubstatial.
sillyguy spews:
Harry – Would you like to discuss the issue rather slandering?
Skagit spews:
Monicagate is old news. If righties were at all rationale, Bush would be impeached. Let’s not go over old ground and old stories.
Sillyguy, you are determined to point out every little ad hominem and slight sarcasm but it will be to no avail because absolutely nothing that anyone has said on this liberal thread even comes close to the commentary spewed that was the topic of discussion on the other thread. So, lighten up and join the party or get lost. Nobody needs a wannabe monitor. Okay?
LeftTurn spews:
Republican crook number 8383093736. Exposed.
And no doubt many of the righties want me gone. I cause them too many problems. And as soon as Klake, JCH, Puddbut et. al. are banned or clean up their act I will to. Until then I am giving you right wing traitors and cowards shit 24.7. Deal with it punk.
Darryl spews:
Q: What is the most effective way to build a pile of joementum?
A: (Answer here.)
proud leftist spews:
Keep it up. Bastards need to be called bastards.
ArtFart spews:
25 I disagree. That’s a horrible insult to people whose parents didn’t happen to be married when they were born.
Mark The Redneck Kennedy spews:
26 – there are no illegitmate kids… only illegitmate parents.
Mark The Redneck Kennedy spews:
If dems were serious about putting one of their guys in the white house, they’d nominate Lieberman. He could easily pull the swing vote.
But you moonbats won’t stand for that. You push kooks like algore and JFK and TSWITW. You will keep losing as long as you put out extremists like them.
sillyguy spews:
What a crock – The democrats are upset because this guy likes to gamble?
“A persistent government critic and former state police casino licensing commander Bradley Beecher sent emails early this week raising questions about Schlesinger. The ones that have Republicans talking are that their Senate candidate is, in casino parlance, a card counter and has used a “Wampum Card” (the Foxwood casino loyalty card that gets gamblers points for spending money) under the assumed name of “Alan Gold”
Killatroll/saveaBlog spews:
The MSM in the US proper are nearly supine in relationship to the current administration and the current Republican Leadership. The comment threads get a lot of international ‘hits’ because they are one of the very few signs of any reality based thinking in the American body politic. The rightwing trolls here parrot talking points, falsehoods, and distorted facts/analysis like you can get by picking up any Murdock dominated paper, or listening to any dog-n-pony-snow-job at a Whitehouse ‘Press Conference’. It seems the ‘smackdown’ aspect is an attraction.
That being said, I still advocate some regulation of rightwing trolling. This is a liberal blog not to be available as a handy megaphone for rightwing nonsense, agitprop, or snarky attacks. When you come into someone’s parlor you do not shit on the floor, nor stubb out you cigarettes on the furniture. I will echo what Roger Rabbit has said elsewhere.
Killatroll/saveaBlog spews:
As to “lack of substantive discussion”, I will grant the signal to noise ratio is lousy, but my point is: If you read US Newspapers, or listen to US TV, there is very little critical commentary, or even dissent. Just the fact that there is even a ‘food-fight’ going on here can be reassuring to an ex-pat who watched the debacle of the past two ‘preznidental elections’ through foreign media. Otherwise, the choir of Amens from our media to the most astonishing BS can be rather unnerving.
sillyguy spews:
Your post started off quite nicely in the first sentence but then degenerated into pablum. Amarica needs the discussion of different points views otherwise you should stand in your closet and recite your talking points. Blogs are for discussion of different points of view – to blindly put labels such as “rightwing nonsense, agitprop, or snarky attacks” is a disservice to Goldy’ blog. Likewise, I would say the same of folks posting the same thing on conservative blog.
Killatroll/saveaBlog spews:
Go to your conservative blog and say it. Go now do not pass go, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I know a ‘sock-puppet’ when I see one. Today you pose as a ‘reasonable’ sillyguy. Among the regulations I advocate to reduce or eliminate trolling is registration of a valid e-mail and the elimination of ‘sock-puppetry’.
sillyguy spews:
You do have good idea of having to post with a vaild email address. That could possibly reduce of the trolling and name calling that occurs here. I do disagree about your thoughts on ‘sock puppets’ as you have no idea what all of my points of view are just the same as I don’t know yours. So please feel free to further define ‘sock-puppetry’ and how you would plan to eliminate it from HA.
Skagit spews:
You know, sillyguy, I give the benefit of the doubt and if you are one of the four trashers in disquise, well, we liberals open the door to you as long as you keep yourself disguised! Afterall, that’s what Bush and Rove excel at – disguising motives! I think you will tire trying to keep up that level of civility however.
But, if you wanna leave, up to you.
LeftTurn spews:
Republican train wreck #8494039
I look for Harris to have a “heart attack” soon since she has all the goods on how the AWOL draft dodger stole Florida.
Mike Webb Sucks spews:
Follow an ugly moonbat moby troll home and see if someone ugly opens the door for him/her!
christmasghost spews:
wow! left turn and killatroll…are you serious? left turn you are just absurd in that not funny just vulgar kind of way. and kill a troll…so anyone with a different point of view from you or goldy is a troll that should be silenced? geez…that’s so old soviet union don’t you think?
as long as the “progressives” [and god…that is a funny thing for them to call themselves in the first place] keep wanting to shut up anyone with a different viewpoint you will be the cheeping minority.
have you ever noticed that nothing gets “progressively” better?
yup…it’s a thinker alright………….
LeftTurn spews:
The more the inbred child rapists on the right attack me personally, the more I realize how much my work is needed here. It’s just like fuel in my gas tank. Keep it up you cowardly morons. You deserve every piece of shit I throw your way. And besides, you need something to eat don’t you?
LeftTurn spews:
How is it that the New York Times, running a piece about a government program (that the government acknowledged three years ago) is treason, but outing a CIA agent is not? Death is too good for Karl Rove. We should turn him over to the towell heads and let them have their way with him.
christmasghost spews:
now that’s exactly what i am talking about left turn. boring to the point of silly. you are just crude and unevolved.”inbred child rapists”???? where do you come up with this stuff? and more to the point…every time you say something like that, all we really think is 1. god…you’re so dumb, and 2. ted ‘i really did kill someone and rape isn’t out of the picture either’ kennedy.
if you were even remotely interested in goldy’s “future” career or the democratic party looking less silly than it does now…would you be posting this mental effluent?
hmmmmmm…maybe you are the troll after all?
christmasghost spews:
towell heads????
left turn if you are going to use racial slurs perhaps you should learn how to spell them?
Michael spews:
@33 Yet no doubt you, like Goldy, do not support forcing voters to register at a valid residence for elections. Are you trying to set higher standards for HA than for KCE?
Killatroll/saveaBlog spews:
Give it up Michael. No amount of harping, carping, lying and spinning changes the facts. . .this election you are still snivelling about was adjudicated in a court of law. The Republicans spent two million dollars to prove four fraudulent votes in the state. . .all cast for Rossi. Tell me, were the Republican Lawyers so incompetent, or the Republican Leadership so dumb and inept that they could not produce any credible evidence to support your whining in that court of law? Michael, you are so Lame!
Michael spews:
So, if as the judge decreed, all we have to do is put the felons on the stand and ask them who they voted for, then why do we even have a criminal justice system? Can’t we just ask all accused criminals whether or not they are guilty? Because surely they all tell the truth.
Skagit spews:
28 – “faux redneck” – You’re winning with extremists so why shouldn’t we? Besides, “Iwannabeasenatoragainplease” Leibermann needs to out himself. He’s a dem in name only.
45 – Michael – Are you telling a conservative judge in a republican county that he doesn’t know how to administer jurisprudence? Or are you just whining again . . . ?
Michael spews:
You still haven’t addressed whether there is any method of proving how an illegal voter voted other than asking them. There isn’t. And we all know how trustworthy convicted felons are.
Left Behind by the New Democratic Party spews:
Killatroll/saveaBlog, I am not some right-wing whack job. Rather, I am a former Democrat who has had to become an Independant a couple years ago. You mention that only the Righty-tighties parrot talking points and do not want any actual discussion. I am here to say that is not true.
I come to this site (and Sound Politics) with an open mind and with questions that I would like answered from both sides. I am always polite, I attempt to make my point clear and concise, and try to keep away from a set mindset. And I am here to say that while a few here on this sirte actually try to do the right thing and engage in discussion, the Lefty-looseies do nothing other than insult, slander you with the current talking point Du Jour, and in general treat you like outcast if you do not follow in lockstep with what the DNC is telling you to think. (I will not mention any names.) It is one of the reasons I rarely post anymore. If I wanted to be insulted, I would have kept my old job as a convience store clerk.
Now I try to give Goldy a chance, even on occasion listening to his show on the radio. (A quick aside- Goldy, I think you should have your guests face the callers a LOT more often, it creates good radio. But that is just me.) And while he may be crude at times, and also at times gives the appearance of someone a little TOO comfy with certain party officials, he at least tries at times to do more than ad hominem attacks. This schoolyard mentality of who can insult quicker and more than anyone else is killing all attempts at civility. So you claim the other side started it? Does that mean you have to get even nastier? I would like to think the Democrats are better than that. I know that since you are reletively anonymous online, it makes being insulting easier, but I would like to think we are all people, not a bunch of knuckledraggers who scratch our asses and then smell our fingers.
Anyways, that is my two cents on the political debate issue. As to Leibermann? He doesn’t seem too bad, although I harbor a personal grudge against him for his stand on video games. But I will not try to destroy him for that, he seems to be having enough problems as of late.
Skagit spews:
48 “I am not some right-wing whack job. Rather, I am a former Democrat who has had to become an Independant a couple years ago. You mention that only the Righty-tighties parrot talking points and do not want any actual discussion. I am here to say that is not true. . . the Lefty-looseies do nothing other than insult, slander you with the current talking point Du Jour. . . ”
I don’t know which of the trashers you are . . . but I”m still laughing!
Libertarian spews:
and kill a troll…so anyone with a different point of view from you or goldy is a troll that should be silenced?
Commentby christmasghost— 7/12/06@ 8:38 pm
Nice point. I’ve noticed more virtiol against those who disagree with the main characters on this blog than on other blogs. Opposing points of view are automatically labeled “troll” and attacked vigorously.
Goldy is great about allowing opposition to his point of view, but his “followers” aren’t quite so magnamimous.
Killatroll/saveaBlog spews:
Skagit@49 That’s ProudJackass. SockPuppet extraordinaire
Killatroll/saveaBlog spews:
Libertarian, ChristmasGhost has established her credentials as a troll nbeyond question, and seldom has any substance to contribute. However, I will deconstruct the folowing post in this thread to elucidate that point:
wow! left turn and killatroll…are you serious? left turn you are just absurd in that not funny just vulgar kind of way. and kill a troll…so anyone with a different point of view from you or goldy is a troll that should be silenced? geez…that’s so old soviet union don’t you think?
as long as the “progressives” [and god…that is a funny thing for them to call themselves in the first place] keep wanting to shut up anyone with a different viewpoint you will be the cheeping minority.
have you ever noticed that nothing gets “progressively” better?
yup…it’s a thinker alright………….
Commentby christmasghost— 7/12/06@ 8:38 pm
Now when a homeowner, or his trusted guests ask you not to light the furniture up, is that exercising undue control? To compare the exercise of that control on as similar to the des]potism of the Soviet Union is so Incindiary as to be beyond comment. That is why she will not be missed.
LeftTurn spews:
There’s are reasons you don’t see the vitriol on other blogs Libertarian. You aren’t looking for it. Or if you’re looking for it at Steffy’s USP you won’t find it because just like Russian President Putin, Steffy doesn’t allow dissent. And most righties wouldn’t if they could figure out how. So live with the vitriol or leave. It’s up to you. And by the way, look at the crap that comes out of the mouths of some of your fellow right wing pals here like Klake, JCH, YO, Puddybutt and their ilk. Your cries against the vitriol would be more believable if they weren’t so one-sided.
Killatroll/saveaBlog spews:
‘To continue in deconstructing: as long as the “progressives” [and god…that is a funny thing for them to call themselves in the first place]”
It is precisely this sort of ad hominem which is the hallmark of a troll. What we call ourselves, is miz pocha entrez-nous if you will. such comments from outside are boorish at best, and precisely trollish.
Another TJ spews:
Funny stuff:
Another TJ spews:
A great tribute to Ron Abbott, a ranger at the San Juan County Park:
Libertarian spews:
Actually I see some diagreemnents on Stefan’s blog, but Stefan has his software reject certain posts that contain certian words. You have to disguise cusswords to get the post onto the site.
A few liberals venture over to Stefan’s site, but they seem to stay here, mostly. I see nothing but Libertarians on the local blob, laceylibertarian.com.
Left Behind by the New Democratic Party spews:
Thank you Skagit for proving my point perfectly for me. I posted an even-handed post, and what does the FIRST person after me do? Accuses me of being one of the ‘trashers’ posting under a different name. And Goldy wonders why his site isn’t taken seriously as a site of debate…
Skagit spews:
Your words spoke for themselves. I didn’t need to prove them . . . The trashers on this blog are in plain sight and they are not the “leftie loosies” whatever that is. And you apparently think that discussing issues equals the right’s penchant for talking points. So, it is hard to take your criticism seriously.
Keep looking. Maybe you’ll find that perfect blog for disingenuous exdems.
Larry the Cable Guy spews:
“Lefty-loosie” means turn the nut to the left wit yer wrench to maken’ it come off, and “righty tighty” means turn the nut to the right to tighten ‘er down.
Git ‘er done!
Left Behind by the New Democratic Party spews:
Larry, thank you for explaining it. I adopted the terms from my mechanic days. I didn’t pick one over the other, I mentioned them both. I never said I am a follower of the right’s talking points. You just went off and assumed that in your instant attack on me. Did I say anywhere I prefer the right to the left? Did I say anywhere the Republicans are always right? Did I say anywhere the Democrats are always wrong? No. But you saw someone who doesn’t follow everything you think I should and you lashed out. Fine by me if you want to be that way. I shall go back to lurking, another person wanting to help Goldy make this blog a better site, but shall instead just forget about it. It is not worth any grief I get for daring to ask questions or state my personal views in a discussion. Maybe I should just look elsewhere for answers…
pbj spews:
Four words: hair club for men.
The Socialist spews:
Joe didn’t try to kiss you did he?
iFTh9QkViF spews:
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RoFrN4Q8JU spews:
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